British Columbia Sinking Spots

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British Columbia Sinking Spots

Postby smslater244 » Tue Feb 14, 2017 11:53 pm

Hi there, this is my first post on here, but I have been a member for quite a long time. I live on the coast of British Columbia and am planning on doing a road trip around the province this summer and if I can I'd really like find some good sinking spots. Always interested in the deep bottomless stuff! I've done a bit of exploring and there isn't much for good spots around where I live so I'm turning to you guys for advice. Hopefully there are some BC folks on here who can put me in the right direction. Cheers!

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Re: British Columbia Sinking Spots

Postby Diremire1234 » Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:35 am

Hello Smslater244!! Welcome! We are a laid-back bunch here. Have you read thru the threads yet? I'm just south of you in Oregon and looking forward to the summer for only one reason as I am a Winter person myself. I would think that BC with its long coastline would be ripe with spots. Oregon? Haven't found the first thing. Usually head down to Utah, myself. Hope you can locate some spots and don't hesitate to use the Google-Maps finder located at this thread's beginning. It is predicted to be more shall we say...dotted in the weeks to come. Nice to meet ya!!!
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Boggy Man
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Re: British Columbia Sinking Spots

Postby Boggy Man » Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:57 am

Hi, smslater244! There are a number of great spots, but they tend to be mostly submerged in spring and early summer (into the beginning of July), but start to become exposed in early to mid summer (early to mid July), and become thicker and more extensive in late summer to early autumn (mid July to August to early October), if there aren't any wet spells (last summer was a washout, while the previous several summers weren't). For starters, I have threads with photos of some of my sinking spots, and videos of sinks:
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


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Re: British Columbia Sinking Spots

Postby Chilcotin » Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:45 pm

Hello there,
New to the forum, new to BC, but definitely not new to the fetish. ;)
Just moved to the Chilcotin from Northern Alberta, where I lived close to the Whitemud River (name says it all....had some wonderful sessions there (best spot where it flows into the Peace River....bottomless quicksand) - alone and with intimate partners)
Now I am here in BC and am looking for a few things:
1) Where are some good sinking spots? - Boggyman - love your vids, just where are the spots???
2) Looking to meet some likeminded friends to chat and share experiences, meet up for some innocent sinking
3) Looking for intimate playmates, who like to combine the sinking with 'other' pleasures ;) please PM me for more info

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