Tried Sinking once today - gave up

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Re: Tried Sinking once today - gave up

Postby stevensenechal » Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:47 pm

reisen55 wrote:Apologies on the insinuation that we are an im-mature group. I meant that rather in line with that it was something I used to do some years back and that it has lost it's flavor for me. Pure and simple.

I understand. Sinking in itself (even the shared experiences online) are not enough for some. Given that this forum has the expressed purpose of catering to those who enjoy women in peril and interest in women in quicksand in general, the sinker will need to widen their interests if they are to feel a sense of community here. As a sinker for most of my life I have managed to get into the good stuff perhaps several hundered times and it must be said that at this stage I agree with NJ. It becomes more of an adrenal rush rather than a sexual thing. It has been my love of stories, drawing, women and community in general that keeps me coming back to Quicksand Fans. I have met some of my fellow sinkers online from time to time and, unless there are other interests, the relationship goes nowhere. Sinking in itself is perhaps a selfish indulgence and I would venture that injecting women into the mix is much healthier for all involved whether it be simple voyeurism or having a mate who completes us. It has been my contact with the community of homosexual sinkers which has given evidence to the assertion that sinking does not a friendship make. Though not one myself and having had many homosexual room-mates over the years (yes they are very clean and do pay the rent on time), I will say that unless you share the same table as them you will find little in the way of community there. The complicated relationship between creatures as diverse as men and women will always supercede the base desire for self gratification just as sinking by yourself is eclipsed by shared experience.
I would present the case of the quicksand artist as evidence. If you are depicting women in peril you immediately have fulfilled two of the major criteria for community here; a desire to see quicksand as erotic mechanism and women as even a passing interest (if not more). You need not even be an accomplished artist to find acceptance, just the act of creation is enough to find fellow feeling. It may even be said that most are willing to overlook even works which are probably done by non-adults in a spirit of acceptance (though I find this to be a slippery slope). It is clearly a case of live and let live and this is one of the cornerstones of community.
To arbitrarily announce the end of your sinking career to a community of sinkers seems strange and perhaps has it's roots in mildly psychotic social behavior. To announce a transition to a new understanding is laudable and shows a desire to share with a community.
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Re: Tried Sinking once today - gave up

Postby Nessie » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:15 am

reisen55 wrote:You may remember me from the other board - I was the male whose ex-wife introduced the quicksand fantasy in our court documentation! As a result, I probably suffered one helluva traumatic loss of enthusiasm for public voice on the subject.

I did in fact think of that when I read this. It would qualify as a highly negative emotional association with the subject of quicksand and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if something about it stops you from enjoying a sink. Yes, you are a regular here on the forum but pictures, clips and stories leave one with a lot more distance between one and one's quicksand interest than direct contact with the bog does.

Besides, if you read my tale in the nuggets section, I have discovered an equally satisfactory replacement. More romantic tale than this venue.

I do agree that if if this works out for you, another person should be more important than a bog. You may not even be interested in a bog after it does.

And I still hate the cleanup.

I'm a careless cleaner-upper, myself, because I have no need for secrecy...I knock the big clods off and I deal with the rest later. It can be a chore, though...depending on what you sank in and how bad it sticks!

Clay's the worst. My own little peat bogs, though, are fairly easy.


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