¿Gente de América Latina o España?

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Re: ¿Gente de América Latina o España?

Postby Hispanian1 » Sun Jan 22, 2017 5:05 pm

Lo prometido es deuda:

Dedicated to Nessie:


The Wonder Woman investigated in the black crane a warning of strange apparitions.

The appearance of a monster had already caused several collisions in the road section without the police had given any clue.

Contrary to her custom, she traveled like Diana Prince, in her car, the invisible Jet had suffered too much at the hands of a Justice League battle against Lex Luthor.

However she had received the report while driving carrying documents, so a small deviation would not bring her problems.

Suddenly on the way he saw a woman dressed in overalls showing signs of help, Diana pretended to pass by. But as soon as he got out of sight he hid his car behind some bushes and with his customary turn turned to become the Wonder Woman.

I quickly came running with his characteristic speed next to the woman while I saw as a truck loaded with metal barrels with chemical and biosanitary danger seals that swayed in dangerous balance to the point of falling to a ravine

- The truck contains highly volatile chemicals, if it falls to the cliff, this whole area will fly 100 meters around and the tank will be contaminated.

The Amazon princess did not hesitate for a moment, I used her magic tie to tie the truck defense and prevent the truck from going to the gorge, although it was too heavy even for Wonder Woman.

"That will suffice for the moment, the police will be able to bring a crane and remove the truck without problem.

"Yes, but what concerns me are two barrels that fell to the ravine, they are not volatile, but their content is capable of contaminating several liters of water killing all the species of the creek, you must find them immediately.

- Is its contents toxic?

-Only when mixing with water, in its simple form is harmless, you can touch with your hands, you should only prevent it from touching the water.

The Wonder Woman without hesitation, quickly lowered the slope looking for the containers.

He soon found himself in the black crane. She could see the herons flying in the distance and knew that they would be victims of this ecological disaster if she did not arrive in time.

Soon he saw the two dented barrels and pouring a liquid that looked like floor cleaner and was about to mingle with a stream that passed by.

With great strides he hastened without looking where he was walking, nor the dampness on the floor or the muddy of it warned him of the danger he could not feel because of his high boots.

Then he sank to his knees.

-Gran Hera what happens?

With his muscular legs he took a few steps forward, and sank to his thighs.

But Diana was not thinking about her own safety, she had to reach the casks, with work advancing a few inches, but it was impossible, she was moving for a while trying to free her hips, but for every inch that effortlessly released her body sank two.

He soon realized the predicament he was in.

-For Hera !, Moving Sands !, I have fallen in Arenas Movedizas!

He stretched forward as far as he could, while his huge, muddy butt was trying to get out of the sand. All this was useless and I only managed to sink more.

He straightened as he sank to the waist. He pulled out his communicator but it had been ruined by the sand.

I scream loudly for help.

-Help!, helpme!, I fell in quicksand, I sink quickly!

He had the slight hope that maybe Superman or Supergirl would have returned from their space mission and could hear it.

-Well, I hope to find Wonder Woman and I find a damsel in danger, "said the woman who had the overalls, but now was changed by a dark spandex suit and his face adorned with a devilish smile.

"No doubt you need this," I tease as she twirled her magical bow in her hand.

"Give me the tie, please, I do not want to die like this.

"Of course I'll give it to you, but in return I want your belt."

"What, not impossible.

"If I do not give you your bow, I'll pick up your body belt, pick."

Diana had to admit that she was at the mercy of that woman, and yet she was right, with the bow would have a chance, without him was lost.

With difficulty he took off his belt and immediately felt his strength dwindling. Despite all its natural Amazonian strength, it allowed him to remove the belt from the mud and throw it at the feet of his enemy.

To her surprise, the woman kept her promise and threw her magic tie. The Amazon caught them in an instant.

Immediately threw his bow to the nearest branch, however failed on the first attempt and this submerged it even more.

"Come on, you can do it," she told herself to cheer herself up.
The second attempt resulted, he was able to lay a strong branch directly over it, immediately began to climb with great effort, because of the slippery mud had made his hands, as well as the weight and suction of the mud that seemed to refuse to release His well-formed victim.

However, when it had already been released to the knees of the mud, the woman threw an applicator with liquid into the magic loop.

The slightly viscous liquid slipped through the loop into the hands of Diana, who immediately felt them slipping, losing the advance quickly, in a moment understood what it was.

"Clement Minerva, it is oil!"

The lasso escaped her hands as she slipped back into the deadly mixture.

"No, not again!"

She tried hard to regain the snare, but it slipped from her hands every moment, devoured the tenacious mud her perfect legs, her huge hips, her brief waist and generous soft breasts, her smooth shoulders until she was finally sunk to the Neck and with her beautiful hair floating in the mud.

"I'll take the oil from your bow if you give me your bracelets."


"You have only a few seconds left before you sink completely, that despite your great strength the quicksands devour you mercilessly, and your lungs burn with suffocation and die in the midst of a scream in an endless night.

He already had the sand to his chin and had to obey while bowing his head to gain more time. Soon the bracelets were at the feet of the villain.

She threw another applicator and the liquid dissolved the oil, Diana with her exhausted forces began to leave again, this time her tight suit slipped from her body showing her curves naked as she climbed the rope, but when the woman went by the knees I used her oil applicator and Diana began to slide back to the hungry quicksand.

"Oh no, not again, please!"

Now her nearly naked body slowly and steadily submerged as the Wonder Woman made her way to freedom.

Soon he was up to his neck again, when an electric shock made him loosen his magic loop. The woman had brought an electric baton to the bow and applied the discharge.

"I've got it all now," the woman said as she hooked up with a hook.

-Why are you doing this?

"Because Mr. Luthor paid very well to recover your special metal for use in his new weapons and also to make one of the culprits responsible for his imprisonment suffer."

-Do not

"Now that you're helpless, you just die.

But this woman had forgotten to take her crown to the Wonder Woman, which as soon as she turned her back she took it off and threw it on her head, back to the Amazon's hand and with her last effort before her beautiful face Disappeared in the water, I threw it into a large tree branch.

This fell in the swamp, for a few seconds it seemed as if there was no one, the woman fainted by the blow and Diana disappeared in the quicksand.

However, in mud she moved and anxious hands appeared holding the branches, soon the heroine began to move towards the shore, when crossing a part of the sand, realized that it was the less thick zone, if she had fallen in That area at first would have sunk in a few seconds, but in this case she was firmly attached to the branches and could leave.

He cleaned his face and, as he could, he put on his dress to hide his nakedness, but before he made his turn to transform, he felt a blow of an iron fist.

He rolled across the floor and saw the woman with Hipolita's belt on and a huge force.

The amazon princess saw her come and I waited, he received her with his legs bent and pushed forward, the woman fell just in the softest and deepest part of the quicksand.

But her anger was so great that she tried to break free. Getting sank quickly.

The Wonder Woman took the tie from the floor and tried to offer it to the woman to remove it from the deadly trap, but she rejected it, the feeling of power that gave the belt to think invincible, but the trap was especially prepared to end A mighty Amazon and Diana could only see the woman disappear under the sand.

The truck came empty and had no engine, which made it very easy to remove it from the edge of the ravine, the barrels only brought liquid detergent, police using ropes and hooks retrieved the body of the woman and the belt that was delivered to Women Wonder at last.
The monster turned out to be a hologram that was projected to the unwary making them collide, and it was learned that a bio detector inserted in the skin of the amazonian princess in its last fight with Luthor had allowed to the woman to know when the Marvelous Woman approached, And although he had discovered his identity from the beginning, his secret had died with her, while Lex Luthor had been left without the marvelous metal, without eliminating his great enemy and with some more years of condemnation.


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Re: ¿Gente de América Latina o España?

Postby Hispanian1 » Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:01 am


Debido a que presentaron esta escena de Los Últimos Sobrevivientes, casualmente la encontré en español, aunque es una copia mala, pero se aprecia.


Otra version


Por eso les digo que me den referencias de escenas en las producciones de sus países, a veces soy bueno rastreando.

También de casualidad encontré esta versión mexicana de sobreviven, la escena me parece de mal gusto, y regularmente no coloco escenas de hombres, pero ya que la encontré:


minuto 12:30

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Re: ¿Gente de América Latina o España?

Postby Nessie » Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:26 am

Hispanian1 wrote:Lo prometido es deuda:

Dedicated to Nessie:

¡Gracias! Es un honor.

Han sido muchas cosas entre yo y ese foro en las semanas recientes. Tengo mi trabajo y otros proyectos.

¿Lo leí, pero quiere usted que lo edito o no?


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Re: ¿Gente de América Latina o España?

Postby Hispanian1 » Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:30 am

Nessie wrote:
Hispanian1 wrote:Lo prometido es deuda:

Dedicated to Nessie:

¡Gracias! Es un honor.

Han sido muchas cosas entre yo y ese foro en las semanas recientes. Tengo mi trabajo y otros proyectos.

¿Lo leí, pero quiere usted que lo edito o no?


Seria un honor para mi que lo editara.

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Re: ¿Gente de América Latina o España?

Postby Nessie » Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:36 pm

Hispanian1 wrote:Seria un honor para mi que lo editara.

Lo siento que tanto mucho tiempo ha pasado.

Buenas cosas llegará al hombre que puede esperar.


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Re: ¿Gente de América Latina o España?

Postby Nessie » Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:20 am

Hispanian1 wrote:Seria un honor para mi que lo editara.

El cuento no fue tan difícil para tomar todo ese tiempo pero el dibujo fue un poco complejo.



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Re: ¿Gente de América Latina o España?

Postby Hispanian1 » Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:57 am

Nessie wrote:
Hispanian1 wrote:Seria un honor para mi que lo editara.

El cuento no fue tan difícil para tomar todo ese tiempo pero el dibujo fue un poco complejo.



Muchas gracias.

Es la primera vez que una Mujer Maravilla es dibujada por una Maravilla de Mujer.


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Re: ¿Gente de América Latina o España?

Postby Nessie » Sat Feb 25, 2017 1:45 pm

Hispanian1 wrote:
Es la primera vez que una Mujer Maravilla es dibujada por una Maravilla de Mujer.


(sonrisa muy fuerte)

Gracias -- y lo entendí inmediatamente!


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Re: ¿Gente de América Latina o España?

Postby Hispanian1 » Sat Feb 25, 2017 3:31 pm

Nessie wrote:
Hispanian1 wrote:
Es la primera vez que una Mujer Maravilla es dibujada por una Maravilla de Mujer.


(sonrisa muy fuerte)

Gracias -- y lo entendí inmediatamente!


Gracias, prefiero expresarme en español para los agradecimientos, porque estoy seguro de lo que estoy diciendo, y sobre todo por la facilidad de la connotación de los juegos de palabras.

Por otra parte en estos momentos me solicitan por cuestiones laborales aprender mas del idioma de Shakespiare, aunque por cierto, la expresión: "Nadie ha leído a Shakespiare si no lo lee en Inglés" (mas o menos es la frase), Yo digo: "Nadie entiende las historias de Hispanian si no las lee en español, a menos que las traduzca Nessie".

Si me tome la agradable labor de reeler la historia en Inglés palabra por palabra y me sorprendió la perfección de las ideas plasmadas, de las expresiones, la situación y los tiempos.


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Re: ¿Gente de América Latina o España?

Postby Nessie » Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:41 pm

Hispanian1 wrote:Gracias, prefiero expresarme en español para los agradecimientos, porque estoy seguro de lo que estoy diciendo, y sobre todo por la facilidad de la connotación de los juegos de palabras.

Observé que si no dejo de estudiar, en vez en cuando los juegos de palabras me sorpresan. Si oigo undo de esos (me gusta YouTube para escuchar), en vez en cuando me doy cuenta si sé de que significa, aunque no había lo escuchado antes.

"Nadie ha leído a Shakespiare si no lo lee en Inglés" (mas o menos es la frase), Yo digo: "Nadie entiende las historias de Hispanian si no las lee en español, a menos que las traduzca Nessie".

Espero que me versión del cuento es fácil de entender...y es verdad que no importa que está en cualquier cuento, siempre hay cosas que no traducen exactamente.

Leí algo de Shakespeare. Usted tiene razon. Perderá mucho si yo traduzco Shakespeare a español. Sin embargo, conozco personas en norteamerica que no pueden leer inglés tan viejo, y ellos probablemente quiere que alguien lo traduce desde inglés a inglés.


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