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New to sinking

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:04 pm
by user1217
Hi, I have been a semi-lurker of this forum and has been into this fetish for years, and I have decided to try sinking recently. The site contains a surprisingly large amount of stones inside the mud so I gave up on sinking further after going up to my hips since I wear shorts at that time.

I have a few questions that I'd like to ask (but never really found any on this forum):

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1. For a beginner, what would you recommend for one to wear to go have a sink?
  - For the lower part I'm thinking of a pair of wetsocks (which have protection against dead corals and stones) and a swimming jeans (that's what you call it, right?) but I'm open to any suggestion. I do prefer to go sleeveless (with smaller armholes) though.
  - Keep in note that the site's mud can make my entire body itchy for a whole day so I'd prefer to have as little skin interaction as possible with the mud for my lower part.

2. Is there any good technique to get myself sink even further inside a really thick mud? If possible I'd like to get to underarm-deep faster.

3. If I ever did manage to sink that deep what's the faster way to get out of the mud?

4. I'm considering getting a sturdy and long rope to get myself out since I'm going to sink alone and as question 2 stated, attempting to sink quite low. Is that a right choice?

Thanks for reading.

Re: New to sinking

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:47 pm
by joedeep130535
We were all new to sinking once!! The way to learn is by experience but a few hints on the way should help
Wear whatever you like (except boots which can get you stuck) If the site you are using makes you itch I wonder whether it is polluted in some way? Try another site to make sure you are not allergic to mud but I would give up your original site
Sinking deeper,quickly,is easy!! Just work to get out by pumping your legs up & down so each leg is pushed down as you lift the other one up Getting armpit deep in thick mud will involve pushing your legs down & then bending your knees to "pull" yourself down & using your arms to pull down as well
Getting out is slow!!! Sit down to spread your weight, Pull your legs up, repeat When you stop moving upwards lie on your back & "swim " with your arms to pull yourself out while wriggling your legs as well to free them It sounds as if you are using a tidal site (bits of coral!!) so do be aware of the tide You do NOT want to get into a race with the tide
Using a rope would make good sense-Do remember to tie it securely

Enjoy your sinking