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What turns you on about quicksand?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 4:13 am
by Solrex
Simply put, why do you like quicksand? Is it sinking into it yourself? Is it watching someone else sink? Does it have to do with certain clothes? Do you wish to sink with a partner? I'm simply asking so I can write a story to the biggest audience here, rather than just what I enjoy.

Re: What turns you on about quicksand?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 9:15 pm
by joedeep130535
Definitely sinking myself Wearing clothes of some sort The feeling of being helpless (stuck) in a yielding substance The struggle to escape from the sucking mire All these experiences add up to a massive turn on

Re: What turns you on about quicksand?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 3:14 pm
by Duncan Edwards
I've been looking at this heading since it was posted and tried to answer this question in my head before I even looked at the thread. I think you're looking for a simpler answer than I was preparing to give which is good. Based on past experience I'd say 60% or more of the people here, and that is not necessarily the most vocal crowd, would go for erotic sinking in some fashion. It might be as simple as the heavy breathing cheesecake damsel in Tarzan's Hidden Jungle or all the way to a naked cheerleader sex orgy as they sink under but that's the general direction.

The best advice I can offer if you are writing something is to go with what you like. It's a challenge to get outside your own zone of preference and do it well. :mrgreen:

Re: What turns you on about quicksand?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 9:04 pm
by Bird320
Definitely the being "stuck" part. I love seeing someone struggle to get out, work themselves in deeper and just try and try to get free. The noises of the mud/quicksand, all of it. Smells, etc. I just love it.

Re: What turns you on about quicksand?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 2:58 pm
by Viridian
My advice is not to write a story that panders to the tastes of your reader. The specific turn-ons are so random, specific and bizarre that you won't get anywhere trying to include what we like. A while ago some of us ran a few polls and began to characterise certain trends, such as preferred depth. You get the spectrum from "foot fetishist" (where anything past the ankles was an immediate turn-off) to the fatalist (anything before the submersion was uninteresting). Then you have other interests such as straight/gay/lesbian, furry, etc.

Trust me. You're better off writing what you would like to see. Even if others don't necessarily share the same specific interests, you write something that you like.

Re: What turns you on about quicksand?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 3:05 pm
by DJlurker
What Viridian says. No one wrote what I really wanted to see in a quicksand story, so I decided to do it myself.

Re: What turns you on about quicksand?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 3:29 pm
by Fred588
The advice to write what you like is good advice. Even better, as a general rule, is to write what you know. I think this is true and pretty much means the same thing when applied here, as what you know is what you like. By way of example, I used to be a pretty active explorer of wild caves. Some time around 2000 or so I write a story called The Quicksand Pipe that took place in a cave. What got the most attention then was, I believe, my description of the oppressive (one might say deafening) silence that can occur in a tight cave passage. That is something only a person who has explored caves would know about.

Re: What turns you on about quicksand?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 1:01 am
by Rusty Shackleford
I agree with both Viridian and Fred. Don't write just for a larger audience expecting to get comments or praise. There's very little of that here, particularly for stories. That's not to say people aren't reading them, they're just not commenting. So I agree the most important thing is to write something you will enjoy. That way you get satisfaction out of your work. Then if you would like to share, I'm sure we'd all appreciate it (even if there aren't many comments about that).

Re: What turns you on about quicksand?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 9:03 am
by steve70
Traditionally it has always been watching somebody else sink. But recently it has been the idea of sinking myself, The fantasy would be sinking partly-clother, feelignthe mud/quicksand oozing p round bre skin, etc.

Re: What turns you on about quicksand?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 3:58 am
by somebodyelse
For me, at the moment, it is watching other people, and mentally putting myself in their place, hoping that one day, that will be me.