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Some personal news.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:51 pm
by redjak6t4
Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great Xmas.

I rarely post anything in General Discussion, but now there's something happening in my life which I believe will be of interest to many of you.

As far as I'm aware most quicksand fetishists keep their kink a closely-guarded secret. Whatever aspect of QS you are into, whether you are a sinker or if you like to see others sinking, the chances are that you keep your activities and interests hidden from family, friends and others. That has certainly be the case for me, with not a single person in my life knowing about my quicksand fetish. Not my ex, not my current partner... no one.

To those of you lucky enough to have a spouse/partner who either understands or participates, you are EXCEPTIONALLY fortunate. Lucky you!

Anyway, once before I came into internet contact with a woman who shared my interests and I've already written about that online relationship here.


That was over a quarter of a century ago. But last month I 'met' another woman online who seems to be the perfect match for my particular QS tastes. I will refer to her as T. Since then we have exchanged many messages and tentatively and respectfully explored each others interests, inclinations, likes and desires. It looks as if we are well-suited to each other.

T is very submissive and is aroused by fantasies of sinking into deadly quicksand while helplessly bound and gagged. She likes the idea of being unable to stop herself from sinking, unable to scream for help and eventually, being unable to breathe once she goes under. It seems that the act of losing control and submitting, first to a dominant man who binds her and then to the mud itself, unlocks something dark, dangerous and arousing within her.

When I told her that I enjoy these kind of dark desires too she was very pleased. Even more so when I confided that I use Photoshop and similar programs to create images showing bound, gagged and terrified women sinking into quicksand, going under and then drowning. And so our burgeoning cyber relationship has reached a watershed.

After carefully checking with her about the content of the imagery I e-mailed her a small selection of my quicksand + bondage manips yesterday.

She lives in France and so there is a minimal amount of time zone difference between us. Since she and I are already in long-term vanilla relationships there is no possibility that we will ever meet in person. But, if everything pans out as I fervently hope, perhaps we can embark upon a mutually satisfying cyber relationship, where we can explore our fascination with quicksand together, hand in electronic hand, so to speak.

Whichever way things go, for better or for worse, I'll report back here for the interest and enjoyment of my fellow QS lovers.

Thank you,


Re: Some personal news.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 9:16 pm
by dlodoski
This does indeed sound promising for you. I hope it pans out in a positive way.

If my level of discretion over the years could be measured as 256 shades of grey, I have run the gamut. But mostly it has been on the bight (open) side. As it happens, some of the more secretive moments have been recent, having moved to a small town. But even that was temporary. As someone pointed out, you give folks a chance to know you generically, and it doesn't matter so much what they hear about you - or what you may end up telling abut yourself.

But I do empathize with folks that have to keep a lifetime lid on things. There's no small amount of irony in the fact that the kind of repression that keeps things secret is often part of what formed the interest in the first place.

Anyways, good for you redjak. May you and others find some personal validation in your walks of life.

Re: Some personal news.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 11:31 pm
by redjak6t4
Thank you for the kind words and for sharing that information about your life, Dave.

It's good news, btw. :D

Apparently she opened my e-mail at work (huh?) and was extremely excited by the images that I sent. I suppose she must have an office or workspace of her own, where she can do this privately. To quote the lady, "Omg, I absolutely love your work! I love the one of the mummified girl and would definitely love to be her."

I'll be typing out my reply to her (T) when I log off from here. Something along the lines of how pleased I am and how much I'm looking forward to pleasing and exciting her by translating her innermost fantasies into visual form. I have a large body of work to draw upon and can easily repurpose and personalise them by adding in dialogue and commentary using her name. E.g., "T struggled desperately, but it was no good. The ropes were tied too tight for her to get free and she was now waist deep in the quicksand and sinking fast! "

Assuming that our cyber relationship continues and blossoms I can tailor my imagery and wording to meet her specific needs and desires as she reveals more about them and tells me exactly what turns her on. That, in of itself, will be a pleasant road to take.

Hmmm... this change might mean that I post fewer items here and less often. I hope Mad Max and StephyMink won't be too disappointed.

Anyway, I must dash. There's an e-mail that needs writing... so please excuse me.

On top of the world,


Re: Some personal news.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:56 pm
by MadMax359
this sounds very promising for you... there's a lot to be done in the virtual realm, even if you never met up in Real Life :twisted: