Facials/Submersions in Spas

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the fabolous sob
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Facials/Submersions in Spas

Postby the fabolous sob » Fri May 29, 2009 8:30 am

Hello! I'm very pleased to be a part of this forum. 1st of all, lemme just say that while I like seeing some of the mud or quicksand videos on YouTube, I'm sorely disappointed that I don't see the women (my preference) fully sink & emerge. & that's the best part! Damn.

I think that kinda leads to the subject matter @ hand. I have very much aroused when I see a woman's face covered in stuff, from mud to slime to chocolate. U'no, when a woman rises up from the mud, she is completely unrecognizable, & the mud or gunk drips down her face, revealing her facial contours before she wipes the stuff off w/ her hands. So I wish to ask some of y'all if you are also into facials & seeing the girl get her hair dirty as well or you're only into her just dirty from the neck down. O yes, muddy hair works for me as well; I think it's sexier if the substance happens to be quite smooth & not too thick, such as chocolate or some not-so-watery mud.

& I was lookin' @ the section called "Mud's Benefits." Yep, I can see that any foreign objects in the mudholes, such as broken glass as someone mentioned, can spoil a good day in the mud. So do you think it's better to get dirty in a mudbath at a spa or resort? Let's assume that some spas permit private suites or rooms w/ mud. While doing it in a spa can be a bit pricey, I think it'd be really awesome to watch a girl to submerge, emerge & fool around in the warm mud rather than have her just lay there & exfoli8. In fact, to me it's also hotter to watch mud or slime poured on her face or watch it drip down instead of have somebody working for the spa apply it w/ a brush or something.

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Duncan Edwards
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Re: Facials/Submersions in Spas

Postby Duncan Edwards » Fri May 29, 2009 2:26 pm

the fabolous sob wrote:Hello! I'm very pleased to be a part of this forum. 1st of all, lemme just say that while I like seeing some of the mud or quicksand videos on YouTube, I'm sorely disappointed that I don't see the women (my preference) fully sink & emerge. & that's the best part! Damn.

What you are looking for is available on DVD's from Mudpuddle Visuals and as individual segments at www.clubmpv.com . 8-)
It's a dirty job but I got to do it for over 20 years. Thank you.

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Re: Facials/Submersions in Spas

Postby Nessie » Fri May 29, 2009 3:13 pm

If you are not there already, rustle yerself on over to


because coverage and mess, especially facial, is really, really popular there. And if you're willing to forgo the natural mudpit for the spa to achieve better facial coverage, plus you're describing seeing the girl dirty as opposed to seeing her sinking in quicksand...that's definitely a UMD kind of thing.

Coverage happens as a matter of course if one sinks all the way under any substance at all, and any quicksand videographer could easily turn an extra buck or two by releasing their outtakes. Some of them also have covered the wetlook angle covered by filming the cleanup.

So, although the point of such projects tends to be the sinking scene itself, there is stuff for you around here. Poke around.


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