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serious question

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:04 am
by dasandmann
is it possible in, in anyway, to he sinking and if you put your hands in to push your self up, will your hands get stuck? i was just wondering, because although it turns me when girls get stuck like that, i havent had a situation and hopefully wont have a situation when i get stuck like that, and was wondering if it ever happened to anyone

Re: serious question

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:13 am
by dasandmann
dasandmann wrote: it possible in, in anyway, to he sinking and if you put your hands in to push your self up, will your hands get stuck?

ok let me rephrase that, i typed a little too fast
is it possible, in any way, if your sinking in quicksand, and you push your hands in to push yourself out, will your hands get stuck. anyway possible.

Re: serious question

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:22 am
by Qsvgitguy
I think its highly unlikely, but possible, yes. If the substance has conditions that when its distributed, it goes through liquefaction as you put your arms down and through it, but then settles again, it could become almost a solid. If your arms and body are down deep enough, I'd say halfway up between the elbow and shoulder or deeper, then the material could solidify and hold your arms in place to a point that you don't have the leverage to pull them out.

Re: serious question

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:09 pm
by Nessie
I agree...possible, in some kinds of real quicksand, but not likely.

I only experienced the "cementing around you" effect once and this happened when me and my mud partner did not move around enough. If you were struggling, your arms would be moving and it wouldn't get time to set like that.

However, in pits of quicksand without sufficient diameter, sometimes you just have to say, "Oh, God, my arms are STUCK!" to explain why you aren't reaching for the "shore" when it's plainly in reach!
