What started your fetish?

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Re: What started your fetish?

Postby Thearbiter2 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:37 pm

I remember walking through the living room as a child and my dad was watching older movies (like he always did on the weekends but that was dads way of unwinding) and he was watching this movie "When DInosaurs ruled the earth" at least I think that's what it's called lol. But this cave woman was running to the boats and then just as quickly as she arrived the sand swallowed her. This was relatively new to me so I wasn't understanding the sudden emotions whirling through me and I sure as shit wasn't going to ask my dad about it.

Fast forward to Jr high the quicksand incident was far away from my memories until we got internet. I come from a small farming town in Illinois so getting the internet was the hypest shit for us at that time. I was cruising an early Youtube when I typed in "Quicksand" the first thing to appear was Krystal in that sinking scene I'm sure a large majority of us have seen many a time. Then it took off from there I've even been open with a few of my girlfriends I've had about it and only one has been disturbed by it so I'd say things have turned out quite alright ^_^
Staying positive doesn't mean you don't feel sad or angry sometimes, it just means you keep going anyway. -Andrew WK

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Re: What started your fetish?

Postby lonesinker » Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:40 pm

Very good question,I cant seem to pin point it but always became very excited being around mud in general and that could be just walking thru it,it definitely has been with me since childhood but have had a lot of triggers with it. I remember our family going to visit our grandparents at the farm and our car getting stuck on the muddy road in the spring or me playing in the nearby swamp looking for frogs...just being around it seemed to excite me as odd as that sounds. The movies that come to mind in regards to quicksand scenes was one from *Fantasy Island* the series,a local native woman falls into the thickest clay pit struggling almost threw me off the chair and the other was a scene from *The Dukes of Hazzard *Coy meets Girls* an orphan walking along with her dog and stumbles into the pit omg,still sticks with me. So many others I cant think of,they don't make scenes like they used to.

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