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Has Anyone Heard From NotNormal?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:23 am
by Nessie
This has just been posted on Deep Sinking. Since so many of us moved here from there, and may not be checking that regularly any more, I think this needs to be posted here as well.

and the text of the post:

"NotNormal has been missing since the first week of October, 2008. If anyone has any info, gotten email from him, seen him, talked via cell fone to him, please contact the Richmond, VA police dept or email me his girlfriend who tried to always indulge him in whatever he wanted to do.
For further info, please see
He participated alot on this forum up until last year. I am trying to let everyone know what happened to him whether people knew him from being online or in person. Someone must have seen him or heard from him. His realworld friends are heart broken as is his family.
What is weird is that we were supposed to meet at the train station in his hometown on Sept 30 for a week or two of good quality time together and some sinking also. I am his long distance girlfriend, Lisa from NJ. I am knew to this forum but have read it because he liked it and wrote on it. I would like to hear from anyone who knew him and was his friend. Some how I do not think he is coming back. His car was found and towed 2 days after he never showed up to meet me. Of course, a girlfriend cannot report someone missing, only a relative. Well, his daughter, brother, and mother had to push the police to take a missing person's report.
I have been too ill to go back to VA to search for him myself at the one spot I knew him to like to go sinking at. All I want to know is that he is Okay even if he ran away from his life. Both he and I had a long distance relationship for over 3 1/2 years, and we both had problems with our individual lives just like all people do, but we loved each other very much.

I used to chat on Messenger with NotNormal. The picture looks like the guy in the pictures I've seen and the clips he sent me and everything in that online news article, the location, the name, everything...matches up.

With great sadness, I have to say that this post looks very much not-fake to me.

Anybody know anything?


Re: Has Anyone Heard From NotNormal?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:21 am
by spunkee311
that really sucks. I clicked on the link and saw his picture and reconginzed him. I've seen a few of his youtube videos before. My heart definitely goes out to the family and loved ones. And hopefully some answers and closure come soon.
Hopefully, as a precaution, they are checking some of the spots that he goes to? I know sometimes things can happen and it looked like he did do some dangerous sinking from those vids.
Hopefully everything works out for them. That really did saddened me reading that.