Velma and Daphne: A Foggy Reunion

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Velma and Daphne: A Foggy Reunion

Postby Viridian » Sat Jun 05, 2021 11:26 am

Velma stood at the lonely tree. The night air gave her an inhuman chill, something which should have been familiar to the former Mystery Inc. member. She jumped when she heard a voice call her name. "Velma? Is that you?" Velma felt a surge of delight to see her old red-headed friend emerge from the mist. "Daphne!" she yelled out, embracing. They giggled as their bodies squished together. "Oh my," Daphne said, blushing. It had been many years since their younger adventurous days, and Velma had gone through a huge glow-up phase, leaving Daphne a bit envious, if not a little curious.

"So who made the call?" Velma asked, referring to the unexpected Mystery Inc. reunion. "Was it Fred? Shaggy? And why here? Seems like a weird place to meet up."

"Actually, it's kind of appropriate," said Velma. "Dark, mysterious, the sort of place we'd run around and get into trouble in." Having come out as a lesbian, she had thought about how things might have turned out with Daphne had she been more open about it sooner. Before she could breach the topic, there was a sudden roar, and something crashed through the bushes.

"Jinkies!" Velma yelled out. She tripped over her own feet, but this luckily caused her to slip under the ferocious black beast that leapt towards her. Missing its mark, the beast turn, lashing a sharp claw at Daphne. She shrieked, turning just in time to avoid having her head torn off. She stumbled back, hearing the tearing of fabric as her dress was partially ripped off. She gazed into the monster's bright red eyes, feeling its primal violence. This was not like the haunted mansions they used to explore with strange old men in costumes scaring kids off their property. This was real. She shivered as the monster approached, standing over her exposed body. Its advance was halted by a thunk as Velma struck it with a stone.

"Hey you creep!" she yelled. "Leave her alone!"

"Velma!" Daphne cried out. "No, you'll make it angry!"

"I'll distract it," Velma shouted, finding a confidence she didn't know she had. "You make a run for it!"

Velma didn't leave time to argue. The beast lunged towards Velma, tearing her skirt off. Velma yelped, rolled onto her back and kicked at the monster. She then got back on her feet and dashed into the forest. Trusting that her friend would use her brains to outsmart the creature, Daphne turned and fled in the other direction.

Unfortunately, the damsel found herself in distress yet again. Unable to see where she was going in the fog, she stumbled into a bit of cold, sucking quicksand! She tried to dig herself free, but she was rapidly descending into the thick bog. "Help!" she yelled out. "Velma? Anyone?"

On cue, Velma appeared, a little worse for wear after escaping the monster. "Daphne? Where are yo- OH JINKIES!"

Too late. She also stumbled into the quicksand alongside Daphne. They looked at each other, then at the quicksand consuming their bodies. The mist began to close around them. "Daphne," Velma said in a nervous voice. "I...I have to tell you something..."


"Damn, Fred, did you see Daphne's tits?" Shaggy laughed, removing the mask.

"Yeah, but did you see Velma's?" Fred replied. "I can't believe our plan worked. Imagine when they find out that the monster is just us wearing a suit!"

"Speaking of which, where are they?" Shaggy asked. "They can't have gotten far. Can't see a thing in this mist though. Maybe Scooby will sniff them out. Scooby? Scoob? Where are you? Damn that mutt, and I left the Scooby snacks in the truck. Maybe that's where he's lazing around. Let's go back and check."

Fred paused. He thought he heard something crying out in the mist, perhaps even the sound of moaning. He shrugged and followed Shaggy back to the Mystery Machine.
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Re: Velma and Daphne: A Foggy Reunion

Postby SPACEMARINE394 » Sun Jun 06, 2021 3:12 am

I hope this continues. Great work!

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Re: Velma and Daphne: A Foggy Reunion

Postby Theo » Sun Jun 06, 2021 5:42 am

I wonder if they’ll go back and look for them before it’s too late? Naw... they’ll probably just get stoned and forget why they were there in the first place. Another great one Viridian!
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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Re: Velma and Daphne: A Foggy Reunion

Postby sixgunzloaded » Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:15 pm

I always did wish something like this would happen in the cartoons or the movies. Thanks for making it happen! :D
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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