A Very Dangerous Game

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A Very Dangerous Game

Postby Conspiracy101 » Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:28 pm

(Very loosely based off the popular and much better written story)

I've toyed with this idea in my head several times, and I'm sure it's been used before me too, but I finally was able to formulate my own story out of this idea. Lemme know how it is!

Jana wished she hadn't gotten in that man's car. She wished she hadn't drank so much the night before. There was a lot of things she wished she hadn't done, but it's always easy to see the fault in your choices after you make them. She wondered if her friends were looking for her, or if they even remembered that she'd left them for the handsome guy at the bar. None of that mattered right now. The only thing that mattered was staying alive. Jana didn't know the man's name when she woke up, but she'll never forget his face.

The night she came home with him she ended up blacking out on the ride back. The next morning she woke up in a daze, hung over from one too many Long Island iced teas. It took her a second to realize her hands and legs were bound to the bedposts. Then she realized she was stripped down to her blue satin push up bra and black satin thong.

"Hey! What the hell is going on here!" Jana yelled as she thrashed in the bed.

The man walked in. The charm she remembered him having had since faded. He came in with a devilish grin across his face that gave him a menacing look. Jana's heart was beating out of control.

"What...what are you going to do to me?" She asked, fearing for her life.

"Probably not what you're thinking my dear."

He walked up slowly to her and pulled up a chair. He looked up and down her body, admiring her some what curvy figure, her ample breasts, and soft tan skin.

"So, what then?" She asked, giving her bondage another tug.

"We're going to play a little game. I'm going to set you free. You'll have 48 hours to escape, after which you're either free to find your own way home or I'll drive you back into town. But, within those 48 hours, I will be hunting you."

Jana's heart nearly stopped, "You're...gonna kill me?"

"If I find you, yes."


"The thrill of the hunt. I'm an avid hunter. Years and years spent honing my skills, perfecting the art, and now, I've grown a bit bored. Animals don't think like humans do. Sure they have natural survival instincts, but most aren't really aware they're being hunted, making the whole process a little to...easy. I'm looking for the thrill of the chase. Something that can outwit me. The only logical conclusion was to hunt...well...people."

"So why me?"

He smiled, "Well, you came to me."

"Yeah, but not for this."

"Of course not, do you think anyone would sign up for this?"

Jana became quiet for a second, she looked around, for what she wasn't sure of. She looked down at her half naked body. "So do I get my clothes back?"

"If you survive, sure."

"You had to be a perv too did you?"

The man laughed. "I guess I did. You have a beautiful figure, Jana. Why hide it?"

"Yeah, I get the feeling you're just going to watch me run around in my underwear for two days."

"I'm sure you're hoping that, but trust me, this is very real. I will be searching for you, and if I find you, the game will be over."

Jana felt cold, the reality of the situation truly began to sink in. "Isn't there anything else you want from me?"

"If you're offering to sleep with me, you wouldn't be the first woman to try that. Don't feel bad, it's nothin against you, or women at all. I've hunted men and women both. You'd be surprised, so far two women have managed to escape. No man has managed to out smart me yet, but maybe some day."

"If other women have escaped before then how are you still here? The cops never come for you?"

The man laughed again, "the threat of death typically keeps people quiet. See I happened to go through your stuff and looked up your address on your drivers license. Plus we're 3 hours out of town. Paints a very large search area that the local PD probably couldn't handle if they could even begin to narrow down where I'm located, and that's only if one of those women were foolish enough to talk."

Jana became quiet again. She contemplated what few options she had. "So, when do we start?"

"After breakfast. I hope you like eggs and bacon." She nodded. "Good, and one last thing before I untie you, I have a gun in my jacket," he said opening the right side of his jacket exposing a 9mm, "so please don't try anything stupid. I'd like to give you a fighting chance, but if you fight me here it won't go well."

Jana simply nodded. She allowed him to untie her without a fight. To her surprise he didn't try to grope her or touch her inappropriately at all. Not that it made her hate him any less.

Several hours later Jana was sprinting through the woods, aimlessly trying to put distance between her and the psychotic hunter that had kidnapped her. Every twig snap and rustling in the bushes made her jump for fear that he was right behind her. The sun had come up. Giving her a clear view of the uneven terrain she was forced to traverse. She slowed to a walk to catch her breath.

"Maybe it was a all a lie. Maybe he's never done this before." She thought to herself, trying to encourage herself that she could get away. Her feet ached. It had been hours since she had sat down. She picked a soft patch of dirt next to a large moss covered tree. The dirt felt uncomfortable on her bare ass, but it was better than standing. Birds chirped nearby as they flew in and out of the tree branches above. This would've been a peaceful moment, were it not ruined by the threat of death looming around the corner. After a few minutes Jana stood back up and began walking around.

"There has to be some place for me to hide." She thought. "If I can hide from him for long enough then this will all be over."

As Jana began to walk around an ominous feeling came over her. She couldn't place what was troubling her, but the feeling that she was being closely followed began to over take her. She looked behind her. The forest was still. The sound of birds chirping had left and the air grew still. She didn't wait another second before she took off in a sprint again, not more than a second after she took off a shot cut through the air, hitting a tree next to her. Her time had ran out. With him hot on her trail she knew it was only a matter of time before she would be caught by him. She spotted a log up ahead. She leapt over it with ease. When she landed she was caught off guard by the soft mud that was hiding behind the log. With an audible plop Jana's legs quickly sank down to her upper thigh.

"Oh my god, what is this?" Jana cried out as she tried to move her legs. The mud was to heavy to simply lift her legs free. She tried to rock her body from side to side, but she only sank herself down a few more inches. "Oh god, is this quicksand?" Jana screamed as she watched her black thong ease into the quicksand. "No no no! Oh my god, please help me! I'm sinking in quicksand!"

The man slowly walked up to Jana. His hunting rifle rested on his shoulder. "Tsk tsk tsk. I really wish there was something I could do about all the quicksand around here."

Jana turned around to see her kidnapper staring at her. "Please, get me out of here! I'll do anything!" Jana felt the quicksand creeping up her hips as she pleaded with the man.

"It's too late, Jana. There's no point in pulling you out. The hunt is over, you've lost."

"Oh come on, I was supposed to get away from you. You didn't mention there was quicksand out here."

"I wasn't aware I had to disclose every little detail."

Jana didn't know what to say. Clearly he couldn't be bargained with. "So what, you're just going to leave me here?" She asked as the quicksand finished swallowing her hips.

"Basically. There's no sport in shooting someone that can't get away."

"How sportsman like of you."

He laughed, "Well, take care my dear. I'm sorry it had to end this way." He turned to leave without hesitation.

"You're sick you know that!" Jana yelled back.

He didn't respond. Jana looked around. The dark mud surrounding her waist was too extensive to reach out for anything. Still, she wasn't ready to throw in the towel. She leaned forward, placing her breasts in the mud. With all the strength she had she clawed at the mud, but all she grabbed was more quicksand. She stood back up, looking at her tarnished bra. She pushed mud away from her stomach, but it only settled back around her naval. With her options dwindling fast she tried to lean back. Reaching as far back as she could she grabbed ahold of mostly solid ground and pulled as hard as she could. Excitement over took her as she felt herself slowly escaping the quicksand. Several times she had to stop to catch her breath, but after a few minutes Jana was free of the quicksand.

As she rested on the soft ground she thought to herself how lucky she was to have escaped, but after a few minutes a sinister idea came over her. Jana began plotting her revenge. She quietly made her way back in the opposite direction, hoping to catch up to her captor. She hopped to lure him back to the quicksand that nearly claimed her. Luckily she was able eventually catch up to him. Determined to remain unnoticed she stayed a ways behind him, careful not to make any noise. Unfortunately she wasn't the skilled hunter that he was. A loud crack rang out as she snapped several twigs. She froze, as did he. She kept her eyes on him to see what he did. As he began to turn around she started to walk back. Regret immediately over came her. "This is so stupid. Why the hell did I think this would work!" She shouted in her head. She hid behind a tree, peering out the side at him. The man swung his rifle off his shoulders and into both hands. "Oh shit." Jana thought, "Now he's going to be looking for me again." She held still, hoping that if she didn't make a sound she could hide from him and let him pass. She waited in silence as he walked back in the other direction.

"Oh Jana?" He called out. "I'm very impressed. You're the first person to make your way out of the quicksand. I'm a little disappointed though, you really thought you could sneak up on me?" Suddenly he turned toward her. She shot back behind the tree, hoping he didn't see her. His foot steps grew louder. Jana panicked and bolted from the tree once again. Another shot range out. Followed by two more. The man's bolt action rifle pierced the air as his target grew smaller.

Jana didn't know where to run anymore, but she refused to stop. Her careless sprinting proved fatal once again when her legs were caught in the familiar grip of another patch of quicksand. "Shit not again!" Jana cried as she quickly bent over to grab her legs. The soft muck easily held her down as she made her futile escape attempt. Her curvy thighs slowly sank deeper as Jana desperately fought to escape the quicksand's sticky grasp. In seconds her kidnapper was behind her once again. He admired her body as she thrashed around. Her round butt jiggled as she tugged her legs repeated at the quicksand. He left out a soft sigh. "Oh Jana. You had your freedom. All you had to do was leave." Jana stopped struggling. The quicksand rested just below her pussy. The man slowly and carefully walked around to face her. "I honestly didn't expect you to escape. Every other person that's fallen in quicksand around here hasn't made it out. I've made sure of it. Apparently it was a mistake on my part to assume you wouldn't either, but as fate would have it, you just couldn't leave things well enough alone."

Jana's fists were clenched. Every fiber in her being wanted to reach out and pull him in, but she could see the relative size of the pit and he was well out reach. Standing still bought her precious time. She had nearly stopped sinking now that she wasn't struggling, but her fate appeared the same for now as long as her kidnapper stood and watched. He continued to look her up and down. Jana almost wished she was deeper so he wouldn't have the satisfaction of being able to stare at her.

"What's wrong Jana? Mad you couldn't get the jump on me?"

"More or less."

"Don't feel too bad, you're not the first to try it and I'm sure you won't be the last."

Jana scoffed. "You know you think you're hot shit, but I'll bet things might play out differently if the playing field was a little more even."

The man stood erect. A stern look went across his face. She's managed to tick him off, something she was hoping for. "What, you think if I handed you a gun you could've taken me on?"

"Maybe not me, but still, what chance does a half naked yoga instructor have against a skilled hunter?"

The man didn't respond. He started looking around, almost as if he was embarrassed. He's never had much of a dialogue with his victims before, and Jana was beginning to break him, mentally at least. Before Jana could continue she suddenly jumped and gasped when she felt the quicksand grace her womanhood. Her slow sink compared to earlier allowed her to really feel what was happening as she sank deeper. The soft grains of sand mixed in the mud slowly invaded her as the quicksand easily seeped through her thong. The sensation she felt from the quicksand touching her wet lips stirred up raw sexual emotions she wasn't expecting at all. Still, she knew now wasn't the time to explore her sexuality. After the sudden jolt had caused her to sink another inch she recomposed herself and held still, allowing her arousal to die down.

"You okay there sweet heart? That looks a little uncomfortable."

"Why don't you hop in and find out for yourself?"

"I'm sure you'd like that, but I'll stay out here and just keep an eye on you instead."

"Thanks I feel so much safer."

The man didn't respond. He simply kept his eyes glued on her body. She knew he was getting a rise out of watching her, hopefully because she was half naked and not because she was sinking in quicksand. Despite her impulse to keep fighting him, Jana knew her only hope of getting out was to find a way to seduce him. She casually raised her hands up to her breasts, trying to strike an innocent damsel in distress pose.

"So, do I at least get to learn your name?"

"You don't remember it from last night?"

"I was a little drunk, so no, sorry."

"Normally I wouldn't give my prey my actual name, but since you're not getting out this time, it's Chad."

Jana prepared herself to seduce him, "You know, Chad, the offer is still on the table if you pull me out."

Carl looked a little confused, "What offer?"

"I said I'd do anything earlier if you pulled me out."

Chad stayed quiet. Jana figured she'd have to step things up to really convince him. "Come on, you can't tell me you're not even a little curious what I look like without this bra on?" She asked as she began massaging her breasts.

"I might be." Chad opened up.

"Then pull me out, and you'll find that out and a whole lot more."

"What exactly does 'more' pertain to?"

Jana gave her best devious smile, she didn't expect this too be easy, but she was still surprised how difficult he was being. "Whatever you want it to mean. I assume you'll want to find out what it feels like to be inside me."

"That's a possibility." He said, still being short with her.

"Well what are you waiting for? I'm not going to be able to rescue myself here." Jana said, looking down at her hips. The quicksand was still slowly swallowing her pussy as she tried to convince Chad to free her, but luckily her thong was still partially visible. Chad smiled deviously after her last response. She worried as to what he was thinking.

"Something tells me you can get yourself out."

Jana was speechless, "But I..." She couldn't finish her thought. Suddenly she was wishing she hadn't mentioned getting herself out.

"Tell you what sweet heart. You've got more spunk than any woman I've come across so if you get yourself out of there, and I'll let you do whatever you want to me. Sound good?"

"Come on, I'm up to my hips already? Can't you just pull me out?"

"Too risky, I wouldn't want to give you the opportunity to pull me in. Besides, you rescued yourself earlier, I'm sure you can do it again."

Jana was screwed, her plan backfired in the worst possible way. Not only was she afraid she was going to have to sleep with him so he'd let her live, but she was going to have to pull herself out of the quicksand to do it. She looked down at her hips, the quicksand was finishing off her thong and working its way up to her smooth stomach.

"Please, I promise I won't try anything stupid, just pull me out and I'll do whatever you want."

Chad sighed, "you're wasting precious time Jana. The longer you plead the deeper you'll sink."

Jana didn't waste anymore time. She leaned back like she had earlier. With a strong push she dug her hands hard into the quicksand, slowly bringing her hips back out. She tried it again, now her shapely butt reemerged. It wasn't easy, but she felt slow and steady progress giving her hope.

"Look at that. You're practically a pro."

Jana didn't respond. She focused solely on getting her legs free. After a few more minutes she was free, only to become Chad's victim once again. "Looks like you earned this Jana." He said as he began undoing his belt.

"What did I earn?" She asked, sitting upright.

He finished pulling down his jeans and looked down at his dick. "For starters, you have the privilege of blowing me."

"Fair trade." Jana lied. She had no intentions of giving him what he wanted, but none the less he had played right back into her hands. He stood several feet away from the quicksand, waiting as she approached him. She got down on her knees and looked up at him with a smile, "Hope you're ready." She said seductively. Without hesitation she bit down hard on his shaft. He screamed in agony as he collapsed to the ground. She quickly reached out to grab his rifle, and with a pull of the trigger, she blew his brains all over the ground. She dropped back down to her knees. Partly in shock, and partially in exhaustion. It was over. It was all over. She was free and he would never kill anyone ever again.

After a minute Jana stood back up and started walking. She contemplated searching for a road to flag down a passerby, but instead she went back to his cabin to get her clothes and hopefully wash up.

A few hours had passed and the sun was getting low. Still no cabin in sight. With how much she ran earlier to get away from Chad she figured it was still probably a good walk back. Jana was growing tired. She wanted to rest, but she knew she couldn't sleep outside. At this point she welcomed the idea of spending another night in his cabin. But before she could make it back, fate reared its ugly head once more. Without any warning Jana's legs were sucked into another patch of quicksand. She quickly settled down to her knees and was stuck fast.

"Shit again? Come on! How many times do I have to pull myself out of quicksand is one day?" She yelled as she bent over to grab her thigh. Just as before the quicksand was too heavy for her to simply lift her legs free. Her thighs slowly continued to sink as she stood and looked at the surface. Hoping she could use the same method she had earlier she sat down in the quicksand, letting it slowly begin pulling her ass down. She tried to mimic the way she escaped earlier, but something was different this time. The quicksand was far too thick for her to push herself free. "Oh shit, this isn't good!" She pushed several more times at the quicksand but couldn't move herself an inch. She did her best to stand back up, but in doing so she quickly drove her thighs the rest of the way down. She shrieked from the sudden plunge. She noticed a familiar sensation as the quicksand enveloped her pussy once again. However she had no interest in fulfilling any sexual urges. She prodded the quicksand repeatedly hoping to find something to push off of, but the soft muck that surrounded her only continued to pull her in deeper. "Oh my god I can't believe this is happening!" Jana stopped struggling. What little hope she had left relied on someone happening to come by. Once she stopped struggling her sinking slowed down. Now all she could do was wait and hope.

...to be continued?
"Some times fear has the appropriate response"

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Re: A Very Dangerous Game

Postby PM2K » Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:03 pm

Nicely done! I eagerly await any follow up. :D

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Re: A Very Dangerous Game

Postby DJlurker » Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:36 am

A well written story. I hope the next part contains sexiness and maybe survival. 8-)

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Re: A Very Dangerous Game

Postby Conspiracy101 » Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:04 pm

DJlurker wrote:A well written story. I hope the next part contains sexiness and maybe survival. 8-)
PM2K wrote:Nicely done! I eagerly await any follow up. :D

Working on it, glad you guys liked it.
"Some times fear has the appropriate response"

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Re: A Very Dangerous Game

Postby Stephymink » Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:47 am

Looking forward to reading the next bit!

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Re: A Very Dangerous Game

Postby sinkwithme » Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:40 pm

Very good!! I REALLY like this premise and look forward to more! Thanks for your efforts!

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