Just wonderin?

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Poll ended at Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:43 am

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Just wonderin?

Postby av77 » Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:43 am

Hey, this is my first time posting anything here so i dont know if its any good or not. All im asking is for some pointers or tips on writing because this is the only thing i have ever really written and dont know if its even worth persuing further.
(thats why its unfinished)

Sarah’s heart was pounding faster than ever before, she was about to try something new that had always aroused her scenes in a way that she had never known. As a little girl she was always intrigued by deep thick mud and quicksand but never knew why. After searching the internet for a while she stumbled upon a few sites and found out that her fascination was actually fetish and that she wasn’t the only one who had it.

After weeks of thinking about trying this new experience she finally built up the courage and planned out how she was going to explore her childhood fascination. She knew of a small dirt field surrounded by trees and brush where no one ventured. After waiting three long weeks for it to rain and soften the dirt she was ready. With her she had a rope, water to clean herself off with and an extra pair of clothes. She didn’t know what to try and sink into the muddy field with so she quickly grabbed an old black two piece swimming suit and set off.

It was a warm summer night with the fresh smell of rain in the air, few clouds hung in the brightly lit sky after the night’s rain. First things first she though to her self, as she quickly tied to rope to a near by tree making a few wraps around it just in case then throwing the rope over her shoulder. The field was shimmering with wetness, and she could smell the wet dirt making her mind race in anticipation. She quickly took off her shoes and felt the damp ground below her. Slowly but steadily she started to walk forwards feeling the wet dirt turn into a warm slippery surface. She stopped and wiggled her toes letting the warm mud ooze between them. She took another step but then froze quickly as the surface of the mud broke enveloping her left foot in a soft creamy texture. Her heart started to race as adrenalin pumped through her vanes sending shivers up though her body. Applying pressure slowly to her left leg she watched as the mud sucked her leg down halfway to her knee. She slowly slid her right leg into the mud just a step in front of her left and she could feel the suction of the thick mud pulling her slowly deeper. Her right leg finally stopped sinking just a few inches under her knee.

She was amazed how much she was getting turned on by the mud. The bottom of her bikini was now sopping wet with her juices, and her perky breast were erect with arousal. She wanted more, but her legs were now stuck. She tried quickly yanking her legs up but this came to no relief as both her legs slowly slid deeper under the warm surface. She was now knee deep in the thick mud but wanted to explore deeper mud. She scooped at the thick wet ground below her trying to free her legs to get deeper only covering her hands in the warm mud.

She quickly realized the only way to move was to lean forward and wiggle her leg until the mud released her. After struggling with this for a few brief moments her left leg now lay on the top of the muddy surface, caked in the thick dark brown ooze. She slowly rubbed the brown ooze all over her leg just a few inches from her crotch; this made her shiver and moan as she could feel the warm mud coating her left leg. After she had covered her entire leg she then stretched it out as far into the deep mud as she could and put all her weight forward.

Her left leg quickly sank down into the thick warm field as the mud gurgled and bubbled around it. She had now sunk halfway to her thighs, pulling her right leg out of the dark thick muck the same way as her left. Her breath now fastening and heart pounding faster and faster. She slid her right leg under the dark surface watching the thick mud envelope every inch of her untouched skin.

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Re: Just wonderin?

Postby stevensenechal » Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:09 am

It's always worth doing if you enjoy it so finish the darn thing, I want to know how it ends! :lol: BTW, this should really be a Halloween story for the Contest.... :roll: ( kidding )
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Re: Just wonderin?

Postby quagmire_uk » Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:17 pm

Pretty good! Especially for your first story posted here, if you hadn't said that I wouldn't have known.

It's an interesting touch has she gets stuck, and this is problem because she wants to get deeper! She has to struggle to get deeper, putting herself into more and more danger. And I like your descriptions of her arousal... ;)

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Re: Just wonderin?

Postby jack c » Sat Oct 24, 2009 1:15 am

As a story poster, - keep going to a conclusion. Take the story to whatever end you feel as you are writing it. Wait a day, and then re-read and edit it - then post it for us to read. Welcome to the stories page, and nice first post.

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Re: Just wonderin?

Postby av77 » Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:33 am

thanks for the replys :) it might take me a while to get around to everything right now but soon i hope to be posting something on the forums and more often too.

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Re: Just wonderin?

Postby klib21 » Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:20 am

Finish this. It's too well written not to be...

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