Mud Volcanoes of Pelos II (R)

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Black Clay Lord
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Mud Volcanoes of Pelos II (R)

Postby Black Clay Lord » Thu May 09, 2024 7:38 pm

Last reupload.

A sequel to my previous story concerning Sabbie's great planet of Pelos II.

Skinny dipping is present, and so this has an R rating, meaning it's a tad spicier than the first one.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this, as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Word reached some of the family about the great clay planet of Pelos II. It had only been several days, and already the Golden Skydragon was making another trip to the planet itself. This time, Sedona & Wilfreda were the ones to take her out for a trip through space. They themselves have heard about Pelos II from Eathelin & Sebaysha from their visit to it. So they packed some snacks for the ride, charged up their weapons, and set off for the planet.

Although Wilfreda would've had no trouble piloting the ship herself, she left the job to her older sister Sedona, who had better piloting experience. Sedona took the time to file a report. "Sedona's report." She says. "My sister Wilfreda & I are enroute to the planet Pelos II. We will be conducting a research mission to see what there is to see, and see if it lives up the hype Eathelin & Sebaysha experienced will there. I hope it's as good as they said. End report."

Wilfreda polishes her high-tech swordstaff as she listened to Sedona make her report. "You really think this planet is majorly clay?" She asks Sedona. "It sure better be." Sedona answers. "I don't want to travel to this planet for nothing." She then says. "I just hope that stuff to sink in isn't strictly underwater," Wilfreda says. "Unlike with Maridia's quicksand on Zebes..." "Ugh. Don't even go there." Sedona quipped. "That stuff was just too dry for my liking..."

"The fact it was underwater didn't help either." Wilfreda chimes. "We might be half mermaid, but... It could've been better." She then adds. "Yeah, how about I stop you right there, sister?" Sedona scornfully says. "Sorry..." Wilfreda sheepishly responds. Sedona returns to piloting the gunship. Last time the ship had close encounters with asteroids. This time however, the ride to Pelos II was asteroid free. This is due to Sedona taking a different path.

Before long, the planet came into view, and the ship's computer made an announcement. "We'll soon be entering Pelos II's atmosphere." It said. And thanks to Sedona's choice of flight path, the ETA was set for 8 minutes, and this allowed both knightess & technosage to get a look at their oncoming destination. "It's a shame we weren't able to bring mom's gynoid Anima with us." Wilfreda said. "I wanted to bring her, too..." Sedona says.

"I think mom said her metal plating wasn't strong enough to handle the pressure of quicksand." Sedona then adds. "Sounds about right..." Wilfreda says. "But man, I'd like to have brought dad along, too." Sedona then says. "He'd absolutely love this planet." "He's certainly the biggest claylark there is." Wilfreda admits, before giggling. "More so than Malila & Puakai." Sedona reclines in the pilot seat, still comandeering the ship to its destination carefully.

"I wouldn't go that far," Sedona says. "Malila & Puakai do come close..." She then adds. Wilfreda barely says anything else, and returns to what she was doing, even though it was highly plausible that fighting on the planet won't be necessary. Sedona meanwhile, continues to navigate. 8 minutes later, and the ship is close to entering the atmosphere. "Strap up, Wilfreda!" Sedona exclaimed. Wilfreda promptly takes her seat as the ship nears the planet.

The ships computer announced the entry. "Entering the atmosphere in t-minus 10... 9... 8... 7...6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1." And in no time, the Golden Skydragon once more entered Pelos II's atmosphere, providing a rather bumpy entrance for Sedona & Wilfreda as they shook while flying through the atmosphere. The trip lasted for a few minutes before finally, they are safely in the skyline, where flying is once again as smooth as possible. "Jumping jellyfish..." Wilfreda says.

"I felt almost I was about to lose my lunch..." She then queasily said. "I barely felt a thing..." Sedona said. "But, that doesn't mean I wasn't shaken up, too..." She adds. But girls recover quickly & take the moment to look down on the planet's surface. "I don't see any signs of life." Sedona says. "Maybe it's all sunk below the surface." Speculated Wilfreda. "Or maybe there's no way to permanently settle on here." Sedona says, also in a speculative manner.

Sedona pulls up a scanner, and it reveals the answer. "Huh. One of the lifeforms here are algae-like organisms." Said Sedona. "They either live in the clay deposits, or even in the upper atmosphere." "Doesn't seem like much." Wilfreda says. "But that's not why we're here, is it?" She then asks. "Nope." Sedona answered. "Anyway, it's time to land. Where should we do so?" Sedona then asks. "I see a mining settlement." Wilfreda says. Sedona finds this perfect.

"Beginning landing sequence." Sedona goes onto say, flying to the settlement. Finding a suitable spot, Sedona sets up the landing posture of the Skydragon, and it touches down onto the intended landing spot. Sedona & Wilfreda proceed to exit the ship through its floor, but upon touching the surface of the planet itself, Wilfreda noticed that their ship had sunk a little bit. "Did you land the ship gently?" She asks Sedona. "I'm 110% certain I did." Answered Sedona.

Luckily the spot where the ship rested was not bottomless. It sank at least 1/4 the way downward before stopping. Even more fortunate was that its thrusters would not be gummed up by the clay. They were higher up, and the clay was below it. "Well, let's see who lives here." Wilfreda says. "I sincerely doubt there will be anyone here but us two." Sedona replies. "But, never hurts to look." She then says. So the two sisters, weapons in hand, searched the area.

Wilfreda came upon one house in the area, opening it & searched the place top to bottom. But there was no one inside the house at all. Sedona searched another spot, which appears like a kitchen. She expected to at least find a chef here. But no one was home here either. Wilfreda & Sedona searched one house after another, but with the exact same result: Not a single soul in sight. Not even a family. "No luck at all." Sedona said.

"It really is just us two..." Wilfreda says. "It's possible that the miners who use this settlement are just visitors." Sedona speculated. "I wouldn't be surprised." Wilfreda quips. But then, she sensed heat from somewhere. Somewhere west of her & Sedona's position. "Hey, do you feel that?" Wilfreda asks Sedona. "Yeah, it feels like volcanic heat." Sedona answers. The two decide to investigate, but as Wilfreda & Sedona leave the settlement, the clay awaited.

By following the heat signature, Sedona & Wilfreda were on the right track as Sedona's Thermal Visor inside her helmet enabled her to track the heat signature much more easily. Though Wilfreda didn't watch her step, and she dropped to her butt in a really thick, but small, clay sinkhole. "Ack! I'm stuck!" She cried out. Sedona noticed & went back to help her sister out of the sinkhole with assistance from the former's Power Lance, and she made it look easy.

"Watch out for those sinkholes." Sedona said. "Me? I'd be more worried about you falling into one." Wilfreda shot back as the two resume forward, trudging through the clay itself. "That armor you wear looks like it weighs a ton." Wilfreda quips. "That's an exaggeration." Sedona shoots back. 5 minutes of trudging & slogging through the clay, they came upon the source of the detected heat: An active mud volcano brimming with even thicker clay.

"A mud volcano!!" The sisters exclaim excitedly. Yet this appeared to be one of many others as there were lots more mud volcanoes further up. But, Sedona & Wilfreda decide to sink into the closest one & experiment with that, as trying out all the other mud volcanoes would take too long. Nonetheless, Sedona & Wilfreda got closer to the volcano that was nice & active & looked ready to erupt at a moment's notice, Wilfreda used her swordstaff to test it.

She finds the clay inside the volcano was immensely thick, and could easily hold one down fast once past the knees. Plus, it was deep enough to swallow the two all the way. "This one's perfect." Wilfreda giggles with delight. At that point, Sedona deactivated her armor, but made the rest of her clothes disappear, too. leaving her naked as a jay bird. "Any reason you took all your clothes off?" Wilfreda asks. "Clay like this, deserves naked bodies." Sedona says.

Following Sedona's words, Wilfreda also deactivated her robes, and what she wore underneath also disappeared. Of course, they would be able to make them reappear when necessary. But regardless, Wilfreda climbs up the side of the volcano, stepping into its mouth, and begins moving forward in the clay. Sedona climbed in after Wilfreda, slogging through the clay herself. Before long, the two were snagged by the clay's thick grip in a near instant.

In fact, they were already up to their knees, feeling the clay solidify around their legs. Even so, the clay inside the volcano bubbled non-stop. Yet it had no effect on the thickness of the clay at all. It still held Sedona & Wilfreda fast as their naked selves sank slowly into the clay. "It's like a nice warm spa bath..." Wilfreda admits, keeping still as she sank deeper still. "Only this one's swallowing us..." Sedona responds, making an attempt to pump her legs.

"And boy does it feel so good..." Wilfreda moans out, feeling the clay suck on her thighs, and Sedona's thighs were similarly sucked on. Needless to say that the clay didn't produce only small bubbles. It made large ones, too. And those bubbles came up with great ferocity. Wilfreda & Sedona got themselves splattered heavily, their thighs & butts being hit the hardest from the onslaught. Yet the big bubbles also meant an eruption could happen soon.

Yet for the time being, the two naked beauties sank deeper slow. Yet Wilfreda slightly pouted at Sedona. "Your butt's bigger than mine..." She said. "I can hardly stand it..." "Like you're one to talk..." Sedona shoots back. "You have bigger tits than me." She then says. Wilfreda shamelessly cups her breasts in front of Sedona, smirking in a teasing manner. "Jealous~?" She asks playfully. Sedona merely shook her head in response.

Before long, the two were soon butt deep in the ever bubbling clay. At that point, the clay pushed against their bodies more. Even upon their most feminine area, and with Wilfreda & Sedona naked, the process was more pleasuring than normal. In fact, Sedona & Wilfreda's bodies began quivering from the good feels of the clay already, even as the clay bubbled against them still. And even still, the sisters would be heavily splashed every time the bubbles got large.

Wilfreda couldn't help but lean forward, as if to sink on all 4s, and allow the bubbles to paint her breasts early. "Someone's certainly eager..." Sedona says as she sees that Wilfreda's hands are now essentially claimed by the clay. "Sometimes being on all 4s is best..." Wilfreda moans out. While Sedona did not argue with Wilfreda, she didn't go this route, content with sinking while straightened up. Even so, while Wilfreda's butt went under, Sedona was delayed.

Even so, it was clear that Sedona wouldn't be able to stay afloat at butt deep for very long even though she had a slightly more packed booty than Wilfreda did. Nevertheless, Sedona shared the same notion as Wilfreda: To sink as slowly as possible, letting the clay take its time with them as they go deeper & deeper still regardless. But then bubbles rise & pop in between Wilfreda's legs. "H-Hey!" Wilfreda exclaimed, but clearly aroused by it.

She felt the urge to make the bubbles pop elsewhere, but what would be the point? They would just find a point to start up there again anyway. So she just put up with it. Needless to say that it was hard to argue that it felt pleasing. By then, Sedona's own butt was fully under, and the sisters were level with each other once again. "It's still hard to believe..." Said Sedona. "You at 18-years-old, a year younger than me, and you're bustier than I am..." She then says.

"Hah, hah..." Moaned Wilfreda. "But... You being 19 with a bigger butt... That's not bad either..." She manages to say. Before Sedona could say anything on that, she felt bubbles erupt beneath her as well, and it struck in between her legs, too, even though that sweetspot was below the clay already. But, nevertheless, Sedona felt it, and, wracked with pleasure already, she threw her head back, moaning & groaning heavily as her sweetspot was assailed.

"Good grief...!" Sedona exclaimed in pleasure, panting heavily. "I think it's trying to enter my body..." She moaned. "You're... Not alone..." Wilfreda responds. "It's as if it's trying to enter... Me as well..." She moans out. And this only served to increase further the deeper the sisters sank. And by the time they were breast deep, their minds were overtaken. They were only able to focus on the feelings of the clay as it bubbled more & more around them.

"Oh, holy crap...!" Sedona moaned out, her voice almost drunk with arousal, and sweating profusely. "Why does this feel so good on naked boobs...~?!" She then asks. Wilfreda would've answered, but having the bigger breasts, she herself was affected by the waves of pleasuring assailing her body the most. "It's groping my boobs...~!" She moaned out. Sedona & Wilfreda mentally fought to get their minds under control, but it was absolutely of no use at all.

The clay was just too good to resist. And they couldn't even move their hands under the surface as much either. Although this appeared to be a blessing in disguise for them as it meant there was no way for them to drive themselves deeper into their pleasured frenzy any further. Needless to say that Sedona & Wilfreda were so deeply lost in their pleasured minds, all they could think about was getting under the clay they were in, regardless of what it was doing.

Sedona was already on track of this as her E-Cup breasts were eventually sucked under by the clay, putting her at shoulder deep. Wilfreda's own J-Cup breasts kept her afloat for a while longer, but even then, inevitably, the clay was able to claim them as well, sinking her to her shoulders as well, and both ladies were sunk to their chins, skipping neck deep. "Good friggin gods...~!" Sedona moaned out, tilting her head back right away without care.

"It's just so good...~!" Moaned Wilfreda, before being pulled to her nose in the clay, whereas Sedona remained as she was, letting the clay take her ears. The clay emitted yet another string of bubbles on Sedona & Wilfreda, managing to coat their heads entirely, just before they would go under the surface. And once the clay had done that, the sisters do indeed, ultimately slip under the clay, sinking into the volcano's bottomless depths ever so slowly.

With no light, no sound, just the clay squeezing their pleasure wracked bodies, Wilfreda & Sedona were too paralyzed to do anything, but continue to slide deeper & deeper into the clay's depths. However, after getting 10 meters down, their descent stopped. They started to go back up, and quickly. The volcano has finally started to erupt in full. And what an eruption it puts on. The clay inside poured out the mouth like a fierce lava flow from an actual volcano.

And with the flow, Wilfreda & Sedona were carried along with it, being treated to a lazy river sort of ride in the flow of clay they were trapped in. Neither had any sort of time to react to even shift into mermaid form in order to escape. Nevertheless, the two were safely out of the volcano. They manage to see the eruption for themselves even as waves of clay still washed over them non-stop for at least 10 minutes. Yet a new problem arose for the sisters.

Once the eruption stopped, they were so heavily coated that they could no longer get on their feet & slog back to their ship. Doing so would waste crucial energy. Fortunately, Wilfreda & Sedona retained their communicators for the Golden Skydragon. The latter being the one to summon it. "Two to beam up..." She manages to say. The Golden Skydragon managed to lift off, and fly over to where Sedona & Wilfreda were, hovering over the two.

A small moment later, the ship emits a beam that brings Sedona & Wilfreda into itself, bringing them both to safety. From there, they use the shower stalls on the ship to wash off. And once cleaned, they suit back up, their respective suits having been transported to the Skydragon earlier when they disrobed earlier. "I don't think I've had that much fun in a mud volcano in like... Ever." Wilfreda admits. "Me either," Sedona says. "But it was so, so good..."

Sedona heads back to the cockpit to take her seat in the pilot seat, but she first looks to Wilfreda. "Do you want to pilot us back home, or me?" Sedona asks. "You're the better pilot," Wilfreda says. "So you do the honors." Sedona nods & sits down, taking control of the ship as she sets a course back to the Olympian Mega Mansion she & Wilfreda call home, where they are sure to tell of their experience on Pelos II. Sedona takes the moment to file a report even.

"Sedona's report." She says. "My sister Wilfreda & I have gained much knowledge about Pelos II. Its mining site is only occupied when necessary, and we have discovered it is volcanically active with plenty of mud volcanoes on the planet. How many are there? We don't know for certain, but... They are fun, and worth experiencing. Even if it feels like the clay is trying to get inside your body at certain points. Nevertheless, it's worth the trip. End of Report."

With that, the ship leaves Pelos II, with Wilfreda & Sedona happy to have come here, and even more so that they've made a new love in the clay of Pelos II. Will there be a return trip? Most definitely, and you can bet they will bring friends with them the next time they plan a visit to this great planet.

Wilfreda & Sedona: Me
There is but one certainty - every end marks a new beginning. "—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"

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