Tirah and Abigail: A Story of Waders in a Bog (Improved)

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Tirah and Abigail: A Story of Waders in a Bog (Improved)

Postby 101927700 » Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:59 am

This is part 3 of the series of stories whose protagonist is Tirah.
It is August 2nd. One day after the previous story. This part features Tirah and her friend, Abigail (not the one from another story) going to the same bog as the last part, but in waders. So, without any further procrastination, here's the 3rd and final part.
Tirah's friend, Abigail, had suggested that they both wear chest waders to the bog. Of course, at this, Tirah was incredibly excited to explore. "We can go anywhere in the bog!" she exclaimed when Abigail had presented the idea.

10 minutes later, Abigail and Tirah were ready to explore the bog.

"Let's do this! I've never explored a bog before!" said Abigail as they both took the first step into the bog. It was knee deep, squelchy, thick, sticky, and fun. "

This feels nice! Why haven't I done this before?" asked Abigail after a few minutes. Squelch. Squelch Ssscckk. Squelch. It required a bit of effort with each step, grappling with the muddy peat.

Eventually, after a few more minutes of squelching through knee-deep bog, Abigail and Tirah were met with a pleasant surprise as they both sank up to their waists in the peat.

"Tirah, don't you think this is a little... worrisome? I mean, neither of us have been this deep in our lifetimes," said Abigail when she had processed that they were waist-deep in the mud.

"And what is that smell?"

"That's the peat. I know that it smells horrible, which I especially hated when I fell in the mud yesterday," replied Tirah.

"You're lucky you didn't fall all of the way into the mud. The mud could have forced your head under, and that could've been the end of it," said Abigail.

A few more minutes went by. Abigail and Tirah struggled through the waist-deep mud.

"Are you getting tired? I'm not," said Tirah.

"Nope, I'm still energized," replied Abigail. Suddenly, Sllllurp! Abigail and Tirah sank deeper, up to the tops of their waders.

"Uh... Abigail? Are you a bit worried about... you know... the mud getting too deep? I am," worried Tirah. "

"Yeah. Well, it's late summer, so the mud shouldn't be too cold," replied Abigail. The bog gas continued to bubble as the two girls struggled. All of a sudden, Abigail sank over the tops of her waders.

"What the... AAAAAH! My waders are filling! It feels... strangely nice!" Abigail exclaimed. "At least it's not cold." Bubble. Bubble. With more bubbling, Tirah sank over her waders as well. "You're right. It's not cold. This also feels really nice," said Tirah.

The two girls stood in their sunken and dirty state, contemplating their options. Eventually, Abigail thought of a plan.

"I know! Why don't we slip out of the waders and walk out of the bog barefoot?" she asked.

"What, are you crazy? This peat is really thick! We could never slip out of them! Though, I guess it's worth a try," said Tirah in response.

"Ok, I'll detach my wader straps," they both said simultaneously. And so the two girls detached their wader straps. However, Abigail found herself struggling to get out of the waders. Although, Tirah was able to get herself out of her waders after liquefying the mud in her waders.

"Wow, this smells worse than before. Probably due to the peat, and all of the trapped gases," said Tirah as the mud filled the space in her waders that she had occupied. It took a few more minutes, but eventually Tirah was able to force her way through the mud and help Abigail out of her waders.

"Don't you think this is polluting?" asked Abigail after Tirah had helped her out of her waders.

"Because it's actually not. I ordered these waders from a special company that makes all of their products out of 100% bio-degradable material. So it's not polluting," continued Abigail.

"I wanted biodegradable ones, just in case something like this happened."

"Great news. Now let's get out of here," replied Tirah.

"But first, we need to plan. Do you have a waterproof GPS?" asked Abigail.

"Yep! And from what this says, we're 250 feet from where we parked. That's pretty close," replied Tirah. "Good. So, let's just run. The scientists around here have said that there are no hidden sharp objects in the mud. Also, the mud only even gets breast-deep. So it's impossible to go under," responded Abigail.

So, Abigail and Tirah ran out of the bog. Their shorts and shirts were covered in peat, as well as the lower parts of their hair.

When they got to their car, Abigail said, "Miraculously, no mud got into our shorts or shirts. Probably due to them being elastic. But, they're in no condition to be in the car. Which means..."

"Yeah. I know. Good thing our house is on the edge of town. That way, we won't be seen without clothes on driving. We should also put the clothes on the outside of the car so they can dry," replied Tirah. Then, they drove home. There, they discovered that the peat had gone into their clothes, so they were absolutely covered in mud. That's the end.

I hope you enjoyed this story. It took me a while to type this. Most plot ideas I thought of as I went along.
I prefer to make wader/rubber boot stories, because I feel like that's the only appropriate footwear for sinking, but that's just an opinion.
Thanks for reading.

Why did I reupload this? Because I ended up regretting having any part where the two girls had to use the mud as a toilet. I realize that that stuff is not really liked by anyone here, even me. But in some stories I might add that as a part of the story, but not focus so much on like this story used to.
I’m not the person I was in 2016.
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Re: Tirah and Abigail: A Story of Waders in a Bog (Improved)

Postby Viridian » Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:14 am

It can feel disappointing, but too many fetishes can ruin a good story. I'd say you did the right thing by keeping it clean.
Viridian @ deviantART: http://viridianqs.deviantart.com/

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Re: Tirah and Abigail: A Story of Waders in a Bog (Improved)

Postby Conspiracy101 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:32 am

I gotta ask, why the inclusion of using the quicksand as a toilet? You claim that you don't like it and that the inclusion is simply a coincidence, but I'm just not buying that story. Mind you if that is your thing, then that's fine. I'm not really here to judge that. What I am judging is your intentions because that ended up in several of your stories. That's not a coincidence my friend. You didn't coincidentally type that into your story, proofread it (I assume), and then post it unless you were just randomly slamming your hands against the keyboard. It had to be intentional or else it wouldn't have been there in the first place. You even stated at the bottom of your post that you may include it in future stories, so I seriously have to ask, do you like that or not? If you do then just own it. If not, leave it out of your stories that way you don't have to keep deleting entire posts that you clearly thought at one point were a good idea. I don't know what your angle is here but you should really evaluate your intentions when writing your stories more thoroughly before posting them that way you don't have to regret almost every story.
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Re: Tirah and Abigail: A Story of Waders in a Bog (Improved)

Postby Cuthbert » Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:11 am

Just post whatever you like. It takes practice to develop your own style. This is important when trying this out. Remember to be your own critic before accepting any advice. I've learned this on my own.

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