Sexy Sand Siren Sisters

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Sexy Sand Siren Sisters

Postby TBoneTony » Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:34 pm

This is an experimental story series. But I am sure that you will all like it anyway. I guess this chapter will be great for this group, but the rest of it is not really quicksand theme. So here is a quicksand chapter of the series for you all

Sexy Sand Siren Sisters

The adventures of The Captain and Lady Crystal

After crashing my ship into an deserted island, I started to think that this island is not like any island that I have encountered.

For one, I had no trace of it on any of my maps that were in my ship, the TBone.
This could be good because if we were stuck on a continent in the sky that was not discovered yet, then there could be a chance we would be able to make it off this island and supply ourselves with some moonstones.
As I remembered from yesterday before you, Lady Crystal, carelessly crashed my ship while trying to run away from a ladybird, the moon crystals were running low. Therefore it would have been a positive stroke of luck that we would land on an uncharted continent where we would replenish our supplies so we could take off again for another area in the skies. And hopefully away from the reachers of the Angel of Death, that I feel is waiting to find me and hunt me down.
That bounty huntress of the skies is deadly and I don’t want her to find you or me. It is me who the Angel of Death will want, I don’t want to drag you into this mess too Crystal.

But the fear of the Angel of Death finding me is the less of my worries, first we got my ship to fix.

“Hey Captain…how about some breakfast?”
I open my eyes in surprise that you are standing in front of me with a wooden bowl of fruit.
“Wow…Crystal, where did you get all that fruit?” I asked.
“Well I found it just around this area. I thought that I should share some fruit with you my brave Captain.” You say with a blush on your face.
You words in turn make me blush as well, Crystal, it was the first time I heard you say that I was your ‘brave Captain’.
As I ate the fruit with you, you then ask me what is on today’s agenda, since we were stuck in the middle of nowhere you were looking towards me for inspiration and guidance.

After eating, I asked you to do an errand for me. Kind of like an order from your Captain.
“Crystal…can you try to find some other food on this island? I was doing some fixing of our Air Pirate Ship and the crash did not make a lot of damage, but we do need some supplies before we head off. Food would be nice.” I say to you.
Your face glows with happiness realising that your carelessness from yesterday had not ruined our ship.
“Oh…I will be happy to help you captain…when will we be able to take off again by the way?” you ask.
“Well I just need to test the moon stone engines, they will be a bit off touch at first starting on the soft sands but after a while they should be ready to take off once again. But I am also thinking we should explore this island. It might be that we had crashed onto a large continent that is covered by this jungle. If so then we can take this opportunity to gather more Moonstones. The Sky is huge and who knows what is out there if we prepare ourselves for a long voyage, who knows, we may see new civilisations that our race of people never had seen yet. But if we are to make it that far, we need to have a massive unlimited supply of moonstones before be embark on our mission of discovery.”
My words of optimism make you smile. You, Crystal, have never been out of Valua since when your were a little girl but now you are so excited to take a world journey across the skies and beyond.

As I check the various parts on the ship, including the mast, you, Lady Crystal, walk into the jungle to find some more fruit where you had found some during this morning.

You search the ground and you come across this strange muffin that had been laying on the ground.
“Oh Meeples, a muffin.” You gasp.
It is strange for a muffin to be found on the ground, but you then pick it up and eat the muffin.
“Hmmmmm…tastes great.” You say to yourself.
Suddenly you hear noises coming from the muddy pond that is just off in the distance.
The sounds coming from the mud pond seem to arouse you Crystal, as you have never heard sounds like that except when we were making love. But it was the feminine sound of two women. And they seemed very turned on.
As you arrive at the pond, you look on as you see two girls around our age rubbing each other in the deep mud.
The first girl has got long brown hair and the other has short dark red hair.
“Well, look what we have here.” Says the brown haired one. “A nice blonde coming to have some fun, huh?”
You gasp as you realise that they are talking to you Crystal.
“Oh…me?” you innocently reply.
“Yeah…come and join us…we are both having so much fun in this deep quicksand.” The brown haired one says to you.
The thought of sinking into yet another quicksand turns you on a bit Crystal, you somehow wish that I was here too, but since I was fixing our ship, you decided to have a little fun with these girls.
“Hi…my name’s Crystal.” You introduce yourself to the girls in deep muddy quicksand.
“Well my name is Munga, and here is my sister Pitta. We are the Sexy Sand Siren Sisters.” Munga the sexy brown haired one says.
“Nice to meet you both but…” you respond.
“Please…come and join us Crystal.” Pitta the darker short red haired one replies.
You can’t ignore the two girls having so much fun…but then you think about me, how I would be angry if you had not told me of a lovely quicksand pit.
But then you think, ‘what the hey? I could bring the Captain here once when I tested how deep this quicksand is’.
You slip your straps off your dark red dress as it falls to the ground and then to take off your leather bra and panties to make sure you are naked before you slip into the deep muddy quicksand pit with the girls.

As you step into the quicksand Crystal, you can feel the grains of the sandy mud swirl around your knees as your legs slip deeper into the mud.
“Oh…its so soft but also feels so hard to move…” you gasp.
“That is the idea of the quicksand around us.” Munga says.
“Neither you, or Munga or I could get out without some extra help, of course.” Pitta adds onto her sister’s words.
The mud makes sucking squelching sounds as you use your hands to get deeper into the middle with both of the Sexy Sand Siren Sisters.
“Yes Crystal, come into the middle with us…we are going to have so much fun together.” Munga says as she starts to moan deep in the quicksand.

As you get into the middle, you can feel the muddy surface of the quicksand begin to rub you thighs.
“Oh…what is the quicksand doing?” You ask feeling the quicksand’s sensations around your inner thighs.
“It’s the grins of the quicksand rubbing you, making you feel so hot and wet.” Says Pitta who is walking behind you.
You feel Pitta’s hands start to rub your back and instantly you feel your arms become heavy and you loose all control of movement as you slump your arms by the side of your body as you sink deeper into the middle of the muddy pit.
“Now just relax Crystal as Pitta soothes your back for you so you will feel all sexy.” Munga says as she moves towards the front of you.
As you feel Pitta’s hands rub your muscles on your back and shoulders, you can’t help but moan as you also feel the quicksand rise up to your hips and start to seep inside your womanly folds.
“Ugh…oh…ugh…it’s feels so nice…” you begin to moan.
“Oh Crystal…you feel so tense in your muscles, I might need to apply pressure at both sides of your body both front and back.” Pitta tells you.
You feel Pitta’s hands slide from behind your back and weave their way around your arms to your chest and you feel her hands begin to touch your breasts.
“UGH!!!” You gasp as you feel Pitta begin to rub your breasts.
Soon you feel two soft cushions squish into your back and you feel them rub against your spine making you feel so relaxed and sexy.
“Crystal, just relax and Pitta will do all the work on you, she is a master of mud massages.” Munga explains to you.
You groan and move your lower body up and down sinking your hips further into the quicksand as more mud slips its way deep into your womanhood.
“Ugh…oh…ugh…oh my gigas.”
You can’t help but moan as Pitta moves her hands across your breasts and rubs her breasts squish and rub against your back.
Your head rolls and your eyes close and your mouth opens into an o shape as you feel so sexy in this quicksand that is starting to suck down your hips and move up towards your belly.
“Oh Crystal girl, you look so hot…allow me to give you a helping hand so Pitta does not have to do all the work for you.” Munga says.
Suddenly you feel Munga’s fingers begin to rub over your thighs that have just sunk under the muddy quicksand surface, you also groan as you feel the sand siren spreading your legs apart deep under the quicksand.

“Now…just stay still Crystal and soon you will feel so sexy that you will be on sex heaven,” Munga says to you.
You moan louder as you feel Munga’s fingers slide past your labia and deep inside touching everything, letting the muddy grains of the quicksand slide deeper into your womb.
Your belly heaves up and down franticly as your body is becoming so aroused from the two sand sirens touching every part of your naked body.
You feel Pitta begin to pull you back so you are in a sliding position as the quicksand is sucking you down past your navel letting you feel the grains of sand pass over your belly button.
“Ugh…oh…ugh…this is great!!!” You moan out lustfully in pleasure.
“You are enjoying this Crystal, soon you will become one of us…” Munga whispers.
Your eyes open wide and you gasp.
“Wait…what did you just say Munga?” You ask.
“You will be one of us Crystal, a sexy sand siren sister. You will be great for us to lure more victims to us.” Pitta explains as she also whispers, this time into your ears.

Meanwhile, I was mending the mast of my ship.
“Yes…the moonstones are lifting the TBone ship up.” I said to myself.
I was surprised that there was enough moonstones to lift this thing. I tested the mast and the parts of the ship that were previously damaged and they were working ok.
It seemed that this old ship had some more into it, but because of the lack of moonstones, I realised that I may need to hunt though the jungle to find some more.
“I can’t wait until Crystal gets back.” I talk to myself feeling proud of my effort to still keep flying this old worn down ship.
As I think about you, Crystal, my mind then thinks of how long you have been searching for food.
Perhaps I need to go out and have a walk to look for you. So I then left my TBone Ship on the sandy beach and I walked into the jungle to find you.

Your mouth opens in horror as you realise that the Sexy Sand Siren Sister want you to become one of them, it is not until you try to push Munga away from you that you realise the truth.
Your arms go into Munga’s stomach and then you quickly pull them out.
“No…you and her???” Your voice shivers and your heart starts to pump faster in your chest as you realise the horror that these are not ordinary girls, but they are mud girls.
“We are sand sirens, as in we are girls made out of quicksand, and if you accept your fate, your body will soon become merged into the quicksand and we can have so much fun.” Munga and Pitta both said in unison.
“NO!!!! I don’t WANT to become a sand siren like you two.” You shout out in protest.
“You may not want to become like us, your body can’t resist our sexy powers.” Pitta explained as her arms then slide against yours to trap your arms against her muddy hold.
“NO!!!...LET GO OF ME!!!!” You scream out loud.
“Crystal…there is no resisting us, you have become so sexy that your body desires to be deep in the quicksand to join me and my sister.” Munga whispered as she leaned herself up so you could see Munga’s thighs grinding up and down in front of your terrified body.
Munga then places her hands onto your shoulders to push you on your back and onto Pitta who is laying herself on her back to slip her whole body deep into the quicksand pulling you down also in the bed of mud.
Your eyes can only watch as you see Munga’s womanhood slide up and down your stomach above the surface of the quicksand, you can’t help but feel more aroused and sexier.
“There Crystal…you are starting be become sexier and soon you will become one of us.” Munga seductively tells you as she grinds her thighs against you belly.
“Yesss…one of us Crystal…” Pitta whispers into your ears as she grabs your breasts with her muddy hands and begins to squeeze your nipples making your teats harder than ever.
“Ugh…ugh…oh no…ugh…help…someone help me…” you try to cry out but the touch of the sexy sand sires makes you extremely sexy and unable to resist their attractive pull into the quicksand.
The quicksand is now all around your body as Pitta pulls the back of your head under the surface so your long blonde hair start to sink all around your head and she also pulls your shoulders under the quicksand so all that is left it your face, your breasts and your heaving stomach that is pumping in and out franticly as you are breathing franticly in fear and pleasure.
“Ugh…ugh…ugh…ugh…” You breathe as you try to hold your fear of what is happening to you.
You can’t scream as the quicksand around your neck is becoming tight, almost constricting you as if Munga is placing her hands under the surface to choke you with her muddy hands cutting off your ability to scream.
Your eyes watch in horror as Munga then lifts up herself with her thighs and you see something coming out of her womanly folds.
“Now Crystal…prepare to feel the mud go deeper and further inside you than ever before.” Munga whispers to your terrified face that is almost being submerged in the quicksand’s surface.
You stare at the thing that is coming out of her womanhood and your eyes widen in horror as you see Munga’s womanhood transform into a large long and hard manhood.
You realise that this is how Munga can seduce both males and females as she has the ability to turn her groin from womanhood into manhood at her will.
Munga lowers her long and hard member directly into the quicksand and soon enough, you feel her penetrating deep inside your womanly folds of your womanhood and even more deeper into your womb.
“Ugh…UUUGGGHHHH!!!!!!” You scream as Munga’s muddy hardness is hurting you more painfully as it is so huge, even more huge than my manhood.
You shut your eyes tightly and try to scream but only gasp out silently as Munga places herself deeper inside you and then she pulls herself out then back in again grinding herself on your deeply mudded body.
“Oh Crystal…you are so sexy…come and join us, you will become sexy like us.” Munga moans as she then places her large breasts onto your mud covered breasts.
You feel yourself becoming squished against both Munga and Pitta as they squeeze you tightly and you feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper into the quicksand that will devour your soul.
“UUUGGGHHH!!!! NO UGH!!! UUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!” You scream as the Sexy Sand Siren Sisters pull you under the quicksand never to return again.

That is until I come looking for you Crystal.
I walked into the jungle shouting out your name.
“Crystal…Crystal…where are you girl?” I shouted.
It in then I hear you sounds coming from the large muddy pit.
“Oh Captain…I’m hight here.”
I turn my head in the direction where I heard your voice.
“Oh Crystal…I have been looking all over the jungle for…Crystal???””
I gasped as I saw your sexy naked body all covered in mud, sand and I also notice that there was a change in the way you looked…your breasts had grown bigger.
“Oh my Captain…please take off your clothes and we can be sexy in this sexy quicksand.” You whisper lustfully to me.
You voice triggers my arousal and also my hardness in my pants, never before have I seen you like this…all muddy and sexy in this deep pile of quicksand up to your thighs.
Something was trying to tell me that there was something strange about you, but because of my love for you, I could not resist your alluring sexy and muddy body.
“Oh Crystal…everything in the TBone ship is fine now…we can take off once when we are done here in this deep quicksand.” I say to you as I begin to take off my belt and strip myself.
I had not thought that I was walking into a deadly trap.

As I stood naked, I walked slowly towards you Crystal. From my feet hitting the mud and they sank immediately to my knees, my path to you was long and straining to reach you in the middle.
But eventually I reached to you Crystal with my arms wide open and I grabbed your muddy hands.
Your hands were slippery but I was able to hold them to keep my balance easily.
“Oh Crystal, you are so sexy, I want to hold you and squeeze you tightly in my arms.” I say as I wrap my arms around your muddy back and I give you a tight and squishy hug.
The mud from your body squishes against my skin and it makes strong sucking sounds as I move my hard flat chest against your large muddy breasts.
I was thinking that the mud was making your breasts bigger than they were, but I was to find out the truth later on.
“Oh Captain…I don’t ever want to let you go…I want you to be with me, be with me always in this quicksand.” You say passionate words to me, drawing me deeper into a muddy embrace as the quicksand rises up to our hips.
I hear you gasp loudly as my long and hard manhood slides deep into your womanhood.
“Oh sexy Crystal…you are so sexy that I want to be sexy with you in this sexy mud.” I moan my sexy words into your muddy ears as I lean my head onto your shoulders to kiss your neck.
“Ugh…oh Captain…please…your words are so sexy that you are making me feel even more sexier.” You gasp as I start to move my hardness deep within your muddy wetness.
As the quicksand sucks us both down into the quicksand up to our stomachs, I hear the soft squelching sounds of the mud as I grind myself against your muddy naked body.
“Oh…ugh…oh…ugh…” I hear you moan into my ears.
Your sounds of love make me feel even sexier as I start to feel myself becoming hypnotised by your vocal sexy music.
“Oh Crystal…your so sexy…so sexy…I want to rub you…I was to squeeze you…I’m sinking…sinking deeper in love with you…” My own moans of love was also making you feel even more sexier than I was, you rub your muddy hands all over my back and wrap your legs around my hips that are deep in the quicksand locking yourself in a tight position on my hardening manhood.
“Ugh…oh…Captain…please join me…become one with me…I want to feel you deep inside me…ugh Captain…I’m sinking fast…hold me tighter…uuuggghhhh!!!!”
Your words drive my sexy thoughts crazy as I lean myself back and pull you down on top of me in the deep mud.
You arch you back up and I see your large muddy breasts in front of me.
You start to sway as you grind your hips on top of me and I reach my arms out to you.
“Crystal…I want you…I want you boobs…I want to hear you scream as I squeeze you endlessly.” I say and I look at you with hot sexy lust in my eyes steaming with this hot and steamy quicksand that we are sinking into.
I plunge my hands into your large muddy breasts and I begin to squeeze your large boobs tight.
You screams echo throughout the jungle as I feel your muddy womb start to squeeze around my hardening manhood so tight that I felt so much pain and pleasure rush though my body that is almost buried up to my chest in the quicksand.
I shut my eyes in pain and scream out your name endlessly.
Our muddy orgasmic music starts to peak and lasts for what seems like ages.
Your body rocks and grinds and I just keep trying to thrust myself deeper inside you to feel your muddy wetness clamp around me.
Your arms rub hard on my chest as you push me deeper on my back into the quicksand up to my head.
“CRYSTAL…UUUGGGHHHH…I’m….I’m…sinking…ugh…sinking for you…love for you so deep…I…mmppphhh!!!!”
As my energy fades from my orgasm, you then push my head under the quicksand muting my words.
“UGH!!!! CAPTAIN!!!! Captain…oh my captain…Join me and we will be one forever…”
You moan as you plunge yourself into the quicksand with me.
As I feel the muddy quicksand start to squeeze all my air out of my body, I then feel you lips against mine deep under the surface.
I part my lips and your tongue slips into my mouth.
I feel my mind then fading into nothingness as I feel your body taking me deeper into the quicksand where we would soon disappear forever.

I open my eyes and all I could see was mud everywhere.
We were in a dark room all covered in mud, mud on the walls, mud on the ceiling, mud on the floor and I found myself sleeping on a soft mud bed.
My body was all covered in mud and sand from the quicksand that we were sinking in earlier and a thought came to my mind that we had sank into a mud cave.
I turned my head to face you Crystal as you were lying next to me with your arms all around my muddy body.
Although I had awareness of where we were, I could not move and was still under an erotic spell that you put on me Crystal.
“Hey Captain…here we are, at our new home.” You say as you roll your muddy naked body over me in the soft bed of mud.
“Oh Crystal…So dark…can’t see…mud everywhere…” I murmured words not knowing what was going on and why we were in this mud cave.
“So…you have finally brought him here Sexy Crystal.” Munga’s voice echoed as she spoke to you.
“We have been waiting for you to bring him to us.” Pitta added.
You let my body go from your embrace and then you stand up from the muddy bed you were lying on before with me.
“Sisters…now that the captain is here, we can have fun forever.” You say to both Munga and Pitta.
Munga and Pitta laughed as if you did not know what was going on.
“Hey…what’s going on here…I thought I was a Sexy Sand Siren Sister too?” you ask.
“Well you are…but now you have brought a man…there is no longer any use for you Sexy Crystal.” Munga said.
Your mind starts to have confusing thoughts.
“What can I do then?” you ask.
“Well you can go towards that large muddy pit and you can play with yourself while Pitta and I have fun with the captain here.” Munga explains.
“Cool, a quicksand pit.” You chirp happily.
You happily walk over to where there is a deep dark ring of hot bubbling sexy quicksand and you step into the warm pit as you start to sink to your mud covered knees.
“Cool, this is so warm and so bubbly, I can already feel myself becoming so sexy one again.” You say to yourself.

Meanwhile, I lay motionless on the muddy bed while Pitta crawls from behind me and she shifts herself under me on the deep muddy bed.
Her arms wrap themselves around my muddy chest and one of her hands travels down my stomach and Pitta then starts to rub her hands against my soft manhood.
“Ugh…oh…ugh…oh Crystal…” I moan, thinking it was you touching me again.
“Hey…the captain thinks I am you sexy Crystal.” Pitta shouts over to you.
“Oh yeah…the captain loves it when I play sexy with him like that.” You respond as you sink deeper into the hot bubbling quicksand.

As you see Pitta touch me, you can’t help but feel even sexier with the sexy siren’s hypnosis on you affecting your mind.
The bubbles in the hot quicksand make a slurping sound as they pop just below your thighs on the steaming quicksand surface.
The steam rises and starts to make you even sexier as you continue to sink into the hot bubbly quicksand.
“Oh…ugh…this quicksand is so hot and sexy…what type of quicksand is this?” you moan as you ask Munga.
“You are sinking deep into the Sexy Death-sand. This hot and steamy quicksand will slowly kill every sand siren as soon as they sink below the surface. But don’t feel too bad sexy Crystal, we will throw the captain in with you once Pitta and I have done with him so you will not die alone. Won’t that be so sexy?” Munga asks.
“Oh yes…it would be so sexy…thankyou for letting me become a sexy sand siren sister.” You reply.
Your eyes are half open and the heat of the Death-sand affects your mind that you don’t understand that this was slowly killing you. But it also makes you even sexier that you don’t care what is happening to you.
“UGH!!!!” You gasp as the hot Death-sand reaches your hips and your feel the hot steamy Sexy Death-sand start to seep into your womanhood and the hot grains of Death-sand start to burn the desire of lust deep within your womb.
“Ugh…oh…ugh…oh…ugh…I’m so hot…so sexy…ugh…” You pant and moan as you then start to dig your hands deep between your thighs and you then rub yourself making you feel extra sexier.
“Oh Captain…I will wait for you to join me…” you whisper.

I moan as Pitta rubbed me harder and Munga then mounted herself on top of me grinding her muddy thighs against my stomach.
“Oh sexy Crystal…your captain is just as sexier than you…you do have a very sexy captain with you.” Munga says.
I roll my head around in deep pleasure. All I could hear were just your moans coming from the hot Sexy Death-sand.
The words of Munga and Pitta were unrecognisable for me as they were speaking in sand siren talk, something that only females like you Crystal were able to understand.
But I could still feel every muddy touch that the sexy sand sirens were doing to me even if it was too dark for me to realise what was going on. All I could see was mud everywhere.
I started to become harder as Munga shifted her muddy groin between my thighs and she had changed her groin back into a feminine womanhood just so she could be able to suck my manhood deep inside her thighs.
“So sexy captain…let’s see what you are made of.” Munga whispered to me as she started to grind her womanhood deeper and harder onto my hardness.
As Munga leaned her body down into my muddy chest, I felt her large muddy boobs starting to squish against me and Pitta’s legs than wrapped themselves around my hips and Munga’s thighs to thrust me up and deeper and harder into Munga’s thick muddy womanhood.
“Ugh…ugh…oh Crystal…ugh…ugh…” I gasped.
Every momentum of my long hard manhood being thrust deeper into Munga felt like I was being squashed against two thick walls of mud grinding into me.
I could feel Munga’s thick muddy body on top of me and Pitta’s body below was a squashing sensation on my spine that I felt like her large breasts were massaging my spine as she rubber herself all over my back and bottom.
“Ugh…ugh…ugh…oh help…Crystal…Help…UUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!”
I screamed as I was being squished by the sand sirens at both sides, the pressure against me was so intense that all I would do was scream out for your name as I climaxed in my orgasm.

You were up to your breasts in the hot Sexy Death-sand and you were slowly loosing your mind to the heat and the steam of the Death-sand around you.
Your screams are full of pain and pleasure as you lose yourself deeper into the Sexy Death-sand that is consuming your muddy body alive.
The sand squishes itself around your breasts and begins to suck them down…you have no movement in your arms as they are both stuck between your thighs rubbing yourself faster and erratically intensive.
Waves of orgasms crush your body harder and faster making this the most unbelievable sexy masturbation in quicksand you have ever experienced in your life.
“UUGGGHHH!!!!! UUUGGGGHHHH!!!!! Uuuggghhhh!!!!...ugh…oh…ugh…”
Then as the Sexy Death-sand begins to sick your muddy shoulders under it’s dark muddy surface, you feel your energy slowly drain away and you are slowly dying in the Sexy Death-sand.
“Oh…ugh…captain…ugh…” you moan out painfully as each effort is taking away more of your vital energy.
As you open your eyes, you see a muffin on top of the surface of the Sexy Death-sand.
As the Sexy Death-sand then sucks your head down starting with your neck and your chin, you then use all of your efforts to move your hands from deep within your thighs and you reach out of the muffin.
Your body strains at every energy as you begin to realise that you are slowly dying and you have to reach that muffin before it is too late.

My body becomes limp after the orgasm exploded within my body. I had not energy left as the sexy sand siren sisters had taken by breath, and all the air in my lungs away with their tight squishing muddy hug all around my body.
“So…it seems that the captain is worn out, isn’t he Munga?” Pitta asked.
“Yeah…but he was good while he lasted…I think it is time he is to join his sexy Crystal in the Sexy Death-sand.” Munga says. “She should be gone by now.”
As Munga turns her face into your direction, she sees your long blond muddy hair begin to disappear under the Sexy Death-sand as you have sunk to your doom.
“There…sexy Crystal is now no more…it is time for you Captain to join your sexy partner, you two have both been unbelievably sexy.”
As the sexy sand siren sisters pick up my limp muddy body ready to throw me into the Sexy Death-sand to join you, a light comes from deep within the Death-sand.
“What is that?” Pitta asks.
Suddenly, you Sexy Crystal, rise above the Sexy Death-sand as you point a long muffin type of machine gun towards the sexy sand sirens.
“You tried to kill me and the captain…now it is time for you two to EAT MUFFINS.” You shout as you point your muffin gun towards the sexy sand sirens.
“WHAT??? How is this possible? You are supposed to be under my sexy hypnotic spell!” Munga gasps. “You should have died when your head sunk under the Sexy Death-sand.”
You don’t reply as you begin to fire muffins out of your muffin gun and those muffins then start to disintegrate the sexy sand siren sisters into the muffins leaving my body just lying at the edge of the Sexy Death-sand.

You Crystal, then blast a hole at the top of the muddy ceiling and you pick up my limp muddy naked body and then you fly out of here with your muffin wings.
I have no awareness of what is going on except for the soft touch of your muddy body against mine as you carry me to my TBone ship that I had just repaired today.

I wake up in my bed and I see you, Lady Crystal, next to me lying on my naked body within the bed sheets.
I see your eyes open towards me and I feel your heart beet heavily against mine and you start to breathe harder against my chest.
“Crystal? What happened to us?” I asked.
You then move your face closer towards mine and begin to grind your naked body against me pushing your breasts against my chest.
“It does not matter any more Captain, as long as you are safe…that is all that I care about.” You say as I start to feel your kisses against my lips.
I then wrap my arms around your naked body within the sheets and I roll you over in the bed, unaware of the danger that you had saved me from just moments ago.
“I love you Crystal…” I moaned as I felt my manhood rub inside your womb.
“Ugh…I love you too, my sexy Captain.” You reply.

The End

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