Bog worlds?(open concept)

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Bog worlds?(open concept)

Postby Cuthbert » Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:09 am

I've been thinking since our universe is so vast,what about whole worlds where solidity of ground is rare and not common? And since worlds can also include other dimensions, other mystic realms in which sinking is common? I want to open this to everyone inclined. Describe your fantasy sinking world(s)! And yes if you can think of more then one (like me) go ahead and describe them separately. They don't have to be fancy.

I've thought of a,world jungle. Where everything is alive including the quaking muddy ground. It's a world that reclaimed itself from a destructive,polluting society. Hence the many empty rotting sky scrapers. And leftover remnants of the machinery that once polluted it. Those who attempted to rape this planet are still quite alive. Their life forces are slowly being drained away deep in the mud pits. Those who live above ground are quite happy! They are kind of like a Tarzan and Warrior princess society. They love to mate while playing in deep mud. And each clan has their own pit. In this world I'm a small explorer dude that keeps falling into quicksand! And of course one of the guys rescue me. But not too fast. The mud is very deep. And it takes quite a while for his hot tight muscles to get me out. :twisted:

I've thought if another that is like a gothic paradise. Where are a powerful undead lord is king. And his land is constantly under assault by stupid well armoured knights. I'm of course a devious engineer that comes up with ingenious ways to trap and destroy those pesky knights who want to kill my beloved master! How about quicksand mines? They step on them and they are slowly sucked into a slow muddy death. Bog bombs? Basically small concentrated mud contraptions. Throw them and they explode. The would be torturers are instantly swamped in a tidal wave of thick mud. Or I alter my DNA to become a mud fiend and enjoy the twisting,and warping of their metal chain mail as I slowly suck them in. Twisted? Yeah but so am I a little!.

But my personal fave for a sinking world is a world of total concentrated sticky dark matter. Kind of like tar but with a more solid texture. Looking a lot like black latex,or thick black leather. This world is beyond any continuum and thus they who are within can stay forever. Being forgotten by time the inhabitants are not slain. But can endlessly enjoy the instant of being stuck and slowly enveloped,and intimately filled by the ocean of dark matter. Basically an endless sink fantasy. The residents live in small cocoons within. And are quite euphoric. They are enjoying also the loud bubbling pop of the stuff. And the feeling of being enmeshed in inescapable thick muck. This would be a perfect state to me.

Now it's everybody else's turn! Be as specific as you want!


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Re: Bog worlds?(open concept)

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:03 am

Billie Bonce has created a world with lots of dangerous swamps, populated by elves. Check out these links to their misadventures on the "Damned Planet":

I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


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Re: Bog worlds?(open concept)

Postby Chimerix » Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:18 am

I would like a reality where a person would, slowly, actually sink completely under when caught in quicksand. But, oddly enough, the quicksand is supersaturated with oxygen, so one can breathe while under the surface. It would be most unpleasant, your lungs filled with muck, but not fatal. And, of course, this stuff is all over the place! You couldn't walk from the mall to your car without getting caught.
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Re: Bog worlds?(open concept)

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:57 am

Chimerix wrote:I would like a reality where a person would, slowly, actually sink completely under when caught in quicksand. But, oddly enough, the quicksand is supersaturated with oxygen, so one can breathe while under the surface. It would be most unpleasant, your lungs filled with muck, but not fatal. And, of course, this stuff is all over the place! You couldn't walk from the mall to your car without getting caught.

What if, instead of the oxygen being dissolved in the quicksand forcing you to breathe in the mud, you have actually steady streams of bubbles of oxygen percolating through the quicksand. All the rising bubbles lowers the overall density of the thick quicksand, resulting in one sinking beneath the surface easily. While under the surface, enough bubbles of oxygen fart past the victim's face for him/her to breathe in constantly. Perhaps the oxygen originates from some form of silicon based micro-organism that lives deep under the mire, feeding off the quicksand itself (silicon dioxide), using the silicon for itself, while releasing the oxygen. It might also process the water and use the hydrogen, releasing the oxygen from that as well (it also metabolizes other elements that are in the quicksand as well).
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Re: Bog worlds?(open concept)

Postby Cuthbert » Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:11 am

Very happy to see these responses! And Billie bonce's material is terrific. He is able to create his sinker world with word and picture.

These other discussions make me think of the mudskipper. A creature any one of us might love to be even for just a day. Chances are there are intelligent life forms that live in a mud saturated place. I remember that there is a legend of a lizard man living in the swampy areas near where I live! :o

Chimeric's idea would be great for a horror story. Perhaps a purgatory like prison. I've also had fantasies about being forced into quicksand while wearing a breathing helmet. And with a built in light I'd be able to view the muddy underground. And the drowned victims floating by me.

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