Taking Samples

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Taking Samples

Postby Kingsmythe » Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:19 pm

Some of you may remember, last summer I posted a story or two with my friend and fellow writer, Claudia.

Well, this year I was doing the summer version of Camp NaNoWriMo, and she decided to offer encouragement in her unique way. ;)

What follows is a collection of short scenes making up a story. She sent each piece to me as I hit milestones along the way to keep me writing. With her permission, I am sharing it here.

The afternoon sun at the Shumard Oak Creek site beat down relentlessly as Claudia climbed the river smoothed rocks down into the creek bottom. Her skin felt like bacon frying in a skillet and she hoped that the new spray on sun screen (no rubbing required, spritz and go) was working. She was fair skinned and only lightly tanned from her summer work for the US Geological Survey. To keep cool she wore a black tank top with spaghetti straps, khaki cargo shorts and water shoes that let her easily climb the rocks or walk in the creek bed. Her skin glistened with perspiration and her cheeks were pink with effort and sun. At the bottom of the creek she sat down on a large flat limestone littered with fossils and took a long drink from the bottle shaped canteen she kept on her belt with a carabineer.

Now that she was in the creek bed, all that was left to do was to find the lowest point and take some sediment samples for the lab. Her feet were hot and sandy in her shoes and she ached to put them in a cool puddle. No time for relaxing, she replaced the bottle and hiked down the middle of the mostly dry creek bed. Seemingly out of nowhere Claudia hear the roll of distant thunder. Concerned about flash flooding, she worked her way quickly to the widest part of the creek and set about gathering her samples in little plastic vials. By the time she finished, there were already dense clouds building overhead and the first drops splashed harmlessly on her shoulders. A cool blast of wind came with the down draft and she smiled, shoving her hat down the back of her head so it hung from her neck on the little lanyard. The rain fell softly around her and she worked her way up to a pile of rocks under an oak and watched the rain for an hour.
When the drops finally slowed, Claudia left her shoes on the rock pile and waded into recently filled creek bed. The water was blessedly cold and it gave her goose bumps as she wiggled her toes against a rock. Grinning and kicking around in the water she couldn’t remember a time when she was so thankful for a recent rain storm and bare feet.


The rock felt somewhat slippery under her bare feet and Claudia worried briefly about slipping. Not up for feeling overly pragmatic she stepped to her left off the rock and onto a sand bar. She wiggled her toes in the wet sand which had just a few inches of water above it…barely enough to cover her ankles. She squeezed the clean river sand between her painted pink toes and dipped down to cup water in her hand and splash it on her upper arms. She thought about wading out further but she’d get her clothes wet and then she’d have to drive home that way. Watching her feet sink into the sand, she remembered the red bikini she threw on underneath her clothes and decided swimming was definitely in order.

Balancing carefully, she pulled her foot out of the sand and noted how it sucked gently at her soles. Pulling the shorts off one leg at a time, she wrapped her phone in them and tossed the bundle up on the rocks. The after storm breeze cooled her legs and she splashed more water on them, feeling her hands slide over the sunscreen she’d applied this morning. “No worries” she thought to herself about the sun. These clouds would probably still be here for another couple of hours.


Claudia scanned the horizon looking for a deep place in the creek to bathe. Spotting a swirling pool she decided to head northwest about 15 yards but when she tried to step forward she stumbled finding her feet stuck in the sand up well past her ankles. Laughing at her folly…being eaten slowly by riversand….she wiggled her toes some more and turned her right foot slowly, pulling gently to see if she could free it. The sticky mess covered her foot but she was able to free it eventually, but with all her weight on one leg, the remaining foot and leg were now shin deep. Drat she thought laughing at herself again.

Claudia had a thing for finding pockets of quicksand when she went on riverbed excursions. It was like they called to her almost. That idea immediately seemed silly to her since she was a scientist. Soil never called to people, it was just there, doing its part in the ecosystem. She put her other foot down in the depression she pulled it from and starting trying to think of a way out. Unfortunately, being an expert at finding quicksand didn’t make her an expert at getting out of it though and just last summer she’d been rescued from this very creek from a concerned rancher named Doc. Remembering him gave her the shivers as she recalled how he’d tossed her a rope from a huge work horse and pulled her up on the rocks to safety. They’d quickly formed an intense relationship and even though her work kept her out in the field and his kept him on the ranch, they still found time to meet in person.

Her cheeks flushed at the memory of their last encounter and Claudia suddenly wished she hadn’t thought about him because now she was getting warm again despite the cool breeze.


Flustered now with vivid recollections of the wonderful things her cowboy rescuer could do with his mouth against her bare thighs Claudia wondered what people would think of her now if they saw her. Sinking further and further each passing minute into a well of pale quicksand, standing in her bikini bottoms, tank top and hat thinking about her lover…what a delightful scene she cut! A salamander slithered past her calf, not weighing anywhere near enough to trigger the trap she found herself in. She could have sworn she saw him smirk at her. Thunder peeled again in the distance and the breeze brought a brief splash of rain drops against her arms before subsiding again.

Thinking about his kisses along her neck her hand went absently to stroke the skin there and it found the lanyard to her hat. It was a brand new hat and she didn’t want to lose it in the river so she pulled it off and tossed it at the pile of rocks with her shorts. The pony tail at the nape of her neck had become wet and messy so she shook it out too before piling the hair in a messy bun on top of her head. Looking down she realized the sand was quickly licking up her calves to the back of her knees.

“Ooh that’s wicked,” she thought as the sand inched upward along the sensitive skin Doc love to tease with kisses and nibbles. If she moved her legs just right the cool watery sand felt just like his cool tongue when he would steal ice cubes from her tea glass before kissing her. The slow arousal between her legs turned to a throb she found difficult to ignore.


Knees devoured, Claudia found it more difficult to focus on how she was going to get out of this mess…and it was definitely a mess. The silky time worn river sand was kissing it’s way up her legs caressing her bare thighs. The sensation was agonizing standing there in the river and she thought about now no one was even here to hear her scream….or moan.

She and Doc had been fulfilling each other’s fantasies for over a year and she often thought about ways she could turn him on. She was pretty sure he’d be turned on now if he could see her here again, sinking in quicksand a few miles from his property. The way he’d kissed her after dragging her out of the sand last summer gave her shivers that had nothing to do with the weather. Sand up to her mid thighs now and her attention was solidly on the moist sensation between her legs. She wished she had her phone to call Doc, but there wasn’t any reception out here anyway. Still the connection to her technology always made her feel better.

Then again…..there was something else that did too….

Legs and Bottoms

Listening carefully one last time be certain some wandering cowpoke looking for a spooked heifer didn’t stumble into her creek, she slid her right hand down the creases in her tank top till her fingertips passed the hem and brushed the top of her candy apple red bikini bottoms. Being a scientist she preferred to wear non assuming colors most of the time…tan, khaki, black, white…but her best friend talked her into the bright swimwear and Claudia had to admit that it looked pretty good on her.

Eyes closed, she only meant to tug on the front enough to ease her fingers under the stretchy material but something happened at her hip and the string gave way letting the little triangle of fabric fall forward. Still committed, she let her fingertips roam over the top of her mound following the neat shaved curve down between her upper thighs. The inch or so of water above the sand lapped at her mid-thigh as she fantasized about Doc and his long soft locks of hair. She was hot and moist as her fingertips traced the shape of her lips. Pausing for a moment, she flicked her fingertips in the cold rain water and brought them back up to her mound, this time, pressing her longest finger upward till she could feel her tense little nub aching. With her eyes still half shut, she moaned softly as the other flimsy string gave way. She let the fabric fall to the water and ran the fingers of her left hand through her hair lost in a day dream about a cowboy whose cool wet lips were now brushing the tight curves of her ass….

Sweet Navel

Completely lost in a summer afternoon day dream while sinking at what some would consider an alarming rate, Claudia could have cared less about her predicament. She’d been a geologist for all of her adult life and she couldn’t remember when playing with rocks or in the dirt wasn’t a favorite past time. Rubbing her swollen sensitive nub in tight circles she brought her left hand down from her head and plunged her fingers into the sandy water at her hip. She loved the texture of different sands and this one was fine and smooth between her fingertips. She gasped as the water, as cold as the sweat on a jar of ice tea, slipped over the back of her hand and cupped her ass. The water was licking impatiently at her lips where her fingers were buried and working purposefully. This felt better than pulling on a favorite pair of jeans and Claudia felt her whole body spasm in anticipation. The breeze sighed behind her and she wanted to feel it on her skin more.

Not willing to give up touching, Claudia used her left hand to expertly pull off her tank and she flung it forward at the rocks only hoping and not confirming that the shirt survived. She did after all have a bikini top on. The wind sighed again and she could feel it against her shoulder blades as it smoothed over her bare shoulders. It was fun to imagine the breeze moving over the little TARDIS tattoo on her shoulder…a geek’s salute to Dr. Who.

Aching for release Claudia brought her hand to her breast and pressed her palm against the firm orb…feeling the nipple harden instantly….

Bikini Top

The quicksand slicked up around Claudia’s curved hips hugging her waist like Doc’s hands. The water kissed her navel each time a wave passed until she felt the sand fill the little dimple in her stomach. Distant alarms were going off somewhere in the foggy back of her brain but trivia like that didn’t matter right now. Her fingers moved deftly as she slid them between her moist folds, her arm buried in the shifting sand.

The water level was growing higher and she wanted to feel the cool slurry on her breasts. Reaching up behind her neck she tugged at the strings until they gave up the knot but the tie between her shoulders was firm and simply wouldn’t budge. She pulled hard one more time and was stunned to feel the string give way. She tossed the top aside just as the water moved suddenly up her torso wetting the underside of her full breasts before supporting them with sand for a moment.

She was so close to release now as she pinched a nipple hard and kept the fingers inside her moving to a steady cadence…..

Devouring Claudia

Her heart raced as her fingers moved quickly, thrusting and reaching upward for that tender spot inside. As she turned her nipple between her fingers the sand came up above both lightly tanned mounds of flesh and the alarm bells sounded louder and louder. Her head was pounding with the rush of her arousal and she felt herself tip over that dangerous edge, orgasming with abandon there in the slip, crying out with mad passion as the water licked along the top of her breasts.

Riding wave after wave until they smoothed and evened into the pounding of her heart she opened her eyes to find the world flooded with quicksand and no branch in sight. Steadying herself mentally, she carefully drew her arms up her body, slowly, to keep them from being sucked harder by the sand until both arms were above her.

“Well now what?” she said out loud to no one in particular, “help?”

As if in response, the water splashed behind her and Claudia closed her eyes and groaned. Of course the gods would send a turtle or a salamander. Claudia sighed with her arms above her head.

Doc was so glad he’d called her office looking for her today instead of her cell phone. The intern at the extension service where she worked told him that she was out in the field and it wasn’t any work at all for the cowboy to flirt a little information out of the girl. He’d make it up to Claudia later. In a messy way.

He’d called from his truck after riding fences for a neighbor and realized that she was deep in a canyon just a few miles away. Fifteen minutes later he was at the rim of the creek bed on his horse when he realized he couldn’t ride the mare down that far. He climbed down carefully in his boots, a coil of rope around his shoulders. You never knew WHAT kind of trouble that woman could get herself into marching blindly into the Texas wilderness in the name of science.

At the bottom of the creek bed he stopped and pulled his boots and socks off, rolling up his jeans. It would be a coin toss as to whether or not to go left or right. Jeans rolled up he looked left and figured that was as good a place as any.

When he saw her she was positioned oddly in the creek bed. Was she sitting down? Probably taking samples, he thought to himself. The rushing water masked his steps as he approached her from behind.

“Well I’l be damned,” he thought standing wide eyed at the scene before him, “that lightning vixen found herself some quicksand AGAIN.” He crept on her quietly, testing his steps to not become trapped like she was. He finally crouched on a rock just behind her, stunned she hadn’t heard him. Then again, she was kind of distracted...

On further inspection Doc sighed with all the romance his cowboy heart could hold as he watched her move her small hand down between her legs, the back of her bikini bottoms pulling tightly against her skin. He’d have bet a colt that she had her eyes closed too and daring himself, he reached forward and pulled the string to her bottoms.

Claudia always did look good in quicksand…or at least the two times he’d personally seen her in it. She’d gotten herself stuck a few months later in South Texas and she didn’t even send him pictures. That sexually frustrated him for the entire week that she was gone.

Doc drove his fingers through his hair and watched safely on top of a rock while the sand seduced his girl. Holy hell she was trying to get her top off now. Daring himself again and hoping it didn’t alert her to his presence he tugged at the string as she tugged from the top and watched as the side of her left breast was exposed to him. Gods have mercy she was hot. Even for a lady geek she was smoking.

The situation was getting desperate for her. And him. He was so aroused he could barely bend over at the waist in his fitted jeans and the sand was up to her nipples. She’d need help soon, but he was too stunned to move. When she shivered violently Doc realized she had just orgasmed in there in the riverbed sand and for a moment his vision went totally blank as he tried to control himself. “Get her out first, then you can have her,” he repeated over and over.

Rope still over his shoulder he leaned down on his hands and knees and whispered in her ear, “Anything I can do for you, ma’am?”

Startled, Claudia turned to face him, smiled and pulled his head to hers for a kiss.

“How long have you….how did you find...:”

“I’ll tell you later,” he said fashioning a small loop in the end of his rope, then tossing it over an oak branch for leverage. It took some work and they were both panting with effort when he finally pulled her free from the sandy slip and held her murky curves in his arms. He kissed her firmly, holding her chin in his hand and letting his other roam her bare back, brushing the sand from the place where he knew her TARDIS tattoo was. As hot as finding her in quicksand was he slapped her ass hard and looked at her fiercely.

“You are now expressly forbidden from creek bed science without an escort present. And if it isn’t me, you’d better keep your sweet little ass out of quicksand…understood?”

“You got it Doc,” she said winking at him with a little smudge of sand on her chin where he’d held her.

“What a hot mess you are.”

“I am. I think you better take me to the house and drive home the point until I scream uncle.”

“Get in the truck woman,” he said with a laugh.

Congratulations on finishing your NaNo quest babe.

Posts: 485
Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:55 pm

Re: Taking Samples

Postby cnelson566 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:18 pm

Love it! Quicksand and romance lives!

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