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Twixt Sand and Lip

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:22 pm
by PM2K
Twixt Sand and Lip - by PM2K (2015)

"This way... move your butt, Zoe!"
The setting sun casts a warm light on the sea coast as three young women weave their way through the maze of grassy sand dunes. Sandaled feet splash through shallow puddles scattered about atop the firm sand, as the trio make their way across the landscape.
Candice is in front, beckoning to Mikayla and Zoe. Her dirty blonde hair is tied back in a loose ponytail which hangs down between her shoulder blades. A bright white t-shirt covers her torso, accenting her curves and barely containing her ample chest. Her cleavage is exposed by the shirt's low neckline. A pair of tight blue denim shorts, hems snug below the tight curves of her ass, completes her outfit. Her long, well tanned legs are bare to her sandaled feet.
Mikayla follows close behind, a cooler bag on her left shoulder. Her straight black hair is cropped close, exposing her ears and leaving the back of her neck bare. She wears a faded black t-shirt, featuring the mascot of some metal band emblazoned on the front, and a list of tour dates on the back, from two years previous.
This young lady is blessed with generous breasts, which strain and jiggle unrestrained against the dark fabric. She also wears denim shorts, but unlike Candice's, these ones are well worn cut offs which expose the sides of her hips, whose pale skin flashes in the light. Never one to tan well, she tended to stay in the shade as much as she could.
Zoe rushes to catch up. The air remains warm and humid, and her dark brown skin beads with sweat. Like her companions, she is a striking beauty. Her mound of kinky dark brown hair, which in daylight showed red highlights, is tied back from her face. Instead of a t-shirt, she wears a halter, which is electric blue with a garish red flower pattern upon it. The bright colors contrast well with her large round breasts. Around her hips is a matching wrap, covering her swimsuit bottom. Unlike the others, she felt no need to change out of it, enjoying the damp feeling against her groin.
"So... are you sure this is the way, Candice?" Zoe asks.
"Yep... just a little further..." the blonde says, threading her way among the tussocks scattered across the beach. This area is wilder than the resort area, and unfamiliar to most.

The wrap up party for the state cheerleading competition, itself a qualifier for the nationals, is being held on a nearby islet, just offshore. To get to it, most folks took the ferry or hitched a ride on one of the many boats, but Candice insisted they try this route, while the tide was low.
"We'll beat the crowds this way..." she said. "The line ups on the dock will be insane..."
Mikayla had nodded then, but said nothing. Zoe had gone along with it because, well, she was new to the area, having transferred to the school a year and a half ago.
So now the trio stroll along the coastline, the water warm whenever it splashed on their legs. In the distance, they can hear the thudding sounds of dance music, which encouraged them to pick up their pace.
"Hey... thanks for inviting me along, guys..." Zoe says, her smile sparkling.
Mikayla smiles in response, while Candice, her back to the others, remains silent, her mouth compressed into a thin line.
"Oh, no probs, Zoe..." Mikayla says. "I mean, how can they have the wrap up without the star?"
Zoe feels her face redden. She had stunned the competition and her new school by coming out of nowhere to defeat the favorite... who happened to be Candice. She had won the event throughout high school, and was considered a shoo-in to cap her senior year before Zoe defeated her handily with a stunning routine.
What few knew was this wasn't unfamiliar territory for Zoe... At her previous school in the Carolinas, she was a champion gymnast and excellent all round athlete, so cheerleading was a snap for her.
Candice and her entourage, though, didn't see it that way, and there was some bitterness evident in how Candice wouldn't offer her a hand in congratulations, as was tradition.
But, by the end of the formal competition, the ice seemed to have thawed between the women, so when Candice invited Zoe along to the party, she jumped at the chance to mend fences.

Zoe starts as she watches Mikayla stumble over a clump of grass, landing on her knees. The red cooler bag on her shoulder comes loose, and lands with a splat on a wet patch of sand and water nearby, framed between tussocks.
"Oh, crap..." Candice says. "Mikayla! You clumsy bitch!"
"Sorry... sorry..." she replies. "I'll get it..."
"No, wait!" Zoe says. "I'm closer... I'll get it..."
Candice smiles warmly in response.
"Thanks, Zoe..." she says.
"Oh, it's no problem..." Zoe grins back, then just as the sun slips below the horizon, she kicks off her leather sandals and strolls out towards the plastic coated bag.
The water is warm against her bare feet and ankles, the sand firm, at first. Zoe begins to notice how the grainy ground is softer here, as her feet push through the surface regularly with each step forward, sinking to the ankles. Extracting her feet takes a bit of effort, but not enough to alarm her...
So focused on the bag, she fails to notice how intently Candice and Mikayla are watching her, both holding their breaths...

Zoe cries out in shock as the sand suddenly melts beneath her, plunging her crotch deep into its churning mass. Her eyes widen as she looks around at the surface, seeing the water which once covered it vanish into what has become a thick slurry sucking hard on her submerged body.
Reaching out, she grasps the cooler bag, and discovers it is lighter than she had thought. Unzipping it, she finds it empty, save for a couple of blue gel packs.
A peal of laughter chills her to the bone, and she twists around to see Candice and Mikayla standing on solid ground, both grinning at her plight. Her movement causes the sand to shudder, swallowing her hips with a soft gurgling sound.
"Guys?" Zoe says, and reaches out to them. "I need a little help, here..."
The pair burst out laughing.
"I'll say!" Mikayla says, grinning. She squats down so her eyes are level with Zoe's. "I'd say you were in deep shit right now..."
"Come on.... this isn't funny..." Zoe says, her voice trembling slightly. "I mean, a joke's a joke, but..."
Candice smiles, but there is no warmth in it.
"Around here, quicksand is no joke..." she says coldly.
Zoe stares in disbelief. Did... did she say... did she really say...
"Quicksand?" she stammers. "You're kidding, right? Right? I mean... big laugh on the newbie, right?"
Candice and Mikayla keep smiling. Each passing moment, Zoe feels herself sinking deeper, the quivering surface oozing its way upwards, surrounding her tight waist with a thick ridge of slimy sand. She can feel it sluggishly flowing around her trapped limbs, her feet finding nothing resembling a solid bottom beneath them.
Mikayla laughs again.
"Oh, yeah... the joke is on you, all right..."

Zoe tries to choke down the panic which is rising within her. The sand quickly consumes her belly, which writhes at its cool touch. She splays her arms out, digging her hands into the quicksand's surface, in an effort to slow her descent.
"Wow..." Mikayla exclaims. "The bitch is going down fast, isn't she?"
Candice nods, her eyes glowing with excitement.
"Oh, yeah... I've heard the pits around here are bottomless... I never really believed it until now..."
"Oh God! Help me! Please... get me out of here..." Zoe says, her breasts now barely a hand width away from the surface of the sandy mire. She can't believe this is happening... They couldn't be planning to let her die here... could they?
Candice shakes her head slowly, while Mikayla giggles. The sun had set completely now, and the red sky is fading to purple.
"Oh, no... not a chance!" she said. "You just had to step out of line and screw me up, didn't you? Ruined my perfect run through high school.... I mean, you just had to learn!"
Zoe stares at Candice in astonishment. She feels the sand press underneath her breasts and ooze between them. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.
"You... you led me into quicksand because of a stupid cheerleading competition? Are you nuts?" she says, her fear momentarily replaced by anger.
"You just don't get it, do you?" Candice said. "You upstaged me in my house! That championship is mine! Mine! And with you gone, I'll go to the nationals as I was meant to!"
Zoe settles deeper, her breasts now half submerged, sand lapping at her armpits. I'm going to die... I'm going to die because of a jealous cheerleader...
"Uh... Candice?" Mikayla says, indicating with her head it was time to head out.
"Right.... the tide..." the blonde replies. She turns to Zoe, grinning. "Well... see ya! Enjoy your mud bath!"
This provokes a snort of laughter from Mikayla as she rises to join her.
The two turn to leave, as Zoe struggles to stay afloat in the deadly sand. Shoulder deep now, she manages to shout at the pair as they started to disappear behind the dunes.
"You won't get away with this! It's murder!"
She hears Candice and Mikayla laugh again.
"It ain't murder, honey... it's nature!" Candice says over her shoulder. "Not our fault you wandered off to fall into quicksand... Too bad we weren't here to help you out..."
Another peal of laughter. Then they are gone.

Mikayla keeps snickering as she follows Candice. The daylight has faded away now to an orange and yellow ribbon on the horizon.
"Oh, man... that was hilarious!" she said. "You see the look on her face? Her eyes were like ping pong balls!"
Candice nods to herself. The rising tide will erase all traces of Zoe, and as long as they can work their way back to the docks and join the line to the ferry, no one will ever know.
"Nationals, here I come!" she says, happily. Mikayla smiles for her friend. For years, the pair have been inseparable, one always cheering the other on. When Candice eclipsed Mikayla, she happily went into the role of dedicated fan, often doing the dirty work in case someone threatened her position in competition.
Candice stops walking, and looks around, frowning. In the encroaching darkness, nothing looked familiar anymore. Reaching into her fanny pack, which is tucked under her shirt, she extracts a small penlight, but even this didn't help.
"What's wrong?" Mikayla asks. "You know where we're going, right?"
"Of course..." she replies quickly. "Just need to let my eyes adjust... get my bearings, you know?"

I'm NOT going to die here! I'm NOT!
Zoe's face sets into a grimace of grim determination. Up to her chin in a slurry of quicksand, she reaches out to the cooler bag which still floats nearby, and drags it to her, quickly zipping it up to trap air within it. Grabbing hold, she forces it beneath her as best she can, and manages to push her head and shoulders free of the sucking sand, using it as a floatation device.
Trembling from the effort, she senses she is no longer sinking, but is still far from being out of danger. Yet, Zoe knows she has bought herself valuable time to think through this....
I still can't believe this is happening... she thinks...
Willing herself to calm down, Zoe tries to remember what she may have read about being trapped in quicksand and how to escape. Not to struggle. Move slow. Try to relax...
Yeah, right... Zoe manages a weak smile. Wonder if those writers were ever up past their chests in sloppy sand before...

Where the hell are we?
Candice looks around, water lapping over her feet. Since night fell, she has been frustrated at every turn. The moon rose, which helped some, but now a chilly mist has risen, cloaking the landscape with a gray filter making it impossible to see far.
What they can see underfoot is wet sand, covered with a skin of water which is gradually deepening each passing minute.
"Crap..." Mikayla looks around nervously. She has a morbid fear of drowning, and the rising tide is starting to freak her out. Squinting into the gloom, she cannot make out any signs of the shoreline. Even the tufts of grass and small dunes have faded away.
How did we get out so far?
"Oh, God... what do we do? What do we do?" she says, grabbing onto Candice's arm. "I can't swim! I can't!"
"Calm down! Just.... calm down..." she tells Mikayla, her voice betraying her own inner tension. The fog has dampened distant sound, and smeared light so she couldn't get a clear bearing on potential landmarks.
Think, girl... think...
A light briefly stabs through the fog, and the pair whirl towards it. Moments pass. A second and third light flicker briefly. These are followed by others.
"There!" Candice says. "I bet that's traffic!"
"The coast road?" Mikayla replies quietly.
"None other!" she nods, then gestures to the black shirted woman. "Let's go!"
The two splash through the murk, making a beeline for the lights.

Zoe shivers as the water laps just below her nose. She tries to keep her breathing slow and easy, but it is far from easy. If she panics now, though, she will die.
When the tide started to creep in, she had briefly struggled, but the grip of the quicksand on her body kept her from moving. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise, but when the water kept rising, she knew she was mere inches away from drowning.
Now, only a nostril away from death, Zoe feels the sand shift around her. At first, she isn't certain she felt it. Then she notices her breathing has become a bit easier. The weight pressing around her chest has lessened, much like it seems to be around her legs.
No... not lessened. Loosened.
Zoe feels a surge of hope within her. The incoming tidal waters are saturating the quicksand, making it lose its grip. Maybe... maybe in time...
Beneath her, she feels the cooler bag being pushed upwards by the slowly rising water, and she clings to it. Gradually, Zoe begins to rise. The water ebbs away from her nose, moves down past her mouth and gently slaps at her chin.
She finds she can wiggle her legs now, and leans forward, continuing to rest atop the cooler bag. Slowly, she rocks back and forth, splashing sand and water as she does so. As she hopes, the sand liquifies around her, but instead of sucking her down, she feels herself beginning to float.
Straining, Zoe keeps moving, leaning and stretching. She flexes her legs, trying to ease them upwards through the sand and towards the surface, while using her arms to claw her way forward. Slowly, painfully slowly, her lower body begins to rise towards the surface.
The moon, filtered through the grayish blanket of mist, provides her enough light to get a fix on the nearest clump of solid ground... a mass of beach grass growing on top. This is her goal... and she is inching her way towards it.

Candice and Mikayla struggle through cool mist and sloppy wet sand. The lights which had burned so brightly have faded, leaving the pair feeling more lost that they had been. All they can do is keep heading along the bearing they have started out on, and hope for the best.
The tidal waters creeping in haven't gotten any deeper than their ankles, but it was making the ground slushy underfoot. It reminds Mikayla of walking across hot asphalt, the way it sucks hard on her feet. The constant struggle to make headway is exhausting.
"Oh, god... there's no end to this!" she moans, feelings of hopelessness washing over her yet again. She is tired and cold, and it seems their hardship will never cease.
Candice snarls something unintelligible. All of her squinting and scanning of the horizon in front of them hasn't helped at all. She feels no closer to the shoreline than they were before.
"We're going in circles... we gotta be..." Mikayla says.
"Shut up... just shut up..." Candice sighs. "I need time to think... to think this out..."
More time passes. Only the sound of feet slapping on sodden ground can be heard.
Then, Mikayla spots something, and shouts out.
"Hey! See that?" she says, pointing into the distance.
Candice stops in her tracks, irritated. Before she can respond, she sees it too. A shadow in the fog. Peering more intently, she notices it has a familiar shape.
"Is that a dune, or what?" Mikayla says, her voice bright.
"It is!" Candice says, nodding in relief. "It is..."
They make their way forward, and soon can see the beginnings of a familiar maze of grass covered dunes.
Without hesitation, the two quicken their pace towards the dunes, elated to finally have found something resembling the path they had drifted off of in the mist, perhaps even afraid of losing the landmarks once more.
Neither notices the span of wet sand lying in front of them, which seems to have slumped downwards to form a slight depression...

Zoe shudders as the curves of her ass emerge from the slimy grip of the sand. Creeping slowly forward while wiggling had worked, bringing her towards the surface in a prone position, but it was exhausting, painstaking work. Thanks to the cooler bag, whenever her strength threatened to fail her, she was able to rest with her head out of the water and sand.
Finally, she had moved far enough forward so her legs started to rise through the loosened sand, buoyed by the water saturating it. Now lying atop the quicksand's surface, Zoe half swims, half crawls towards what she hopes is solid ground...
She ignores the chill which has seeped into the sand, concentrating on her goal. The quicksand has claimed her sandals and her top, a fact driven home by how it rubs coarsely over her bare breasts, teasing her nipples into becoming painfully hard. It encases her body in a dense coating of sloppy sand, which weighs her down, making every movement a struggle. Yet she persists, concentrating on moving forward... always forward... one hand span at a time.
Then, her fingers hook into stiffer ground, and she nearly cries out with relief. Lunging forward, the cooler bag still lodged under her upper chest, she digs in her hands, expanding her anchorage. She caresses the grass which grows upon it, hauling herself upon the low lying land, blotting out how her muscles and joints cry out in pain from the strain to drag herself out of the sandy deathtrap.
Finally, gasping, using the rest of her strength, Zoe claws her way on top of the tussock, liquid sand dripping thickly off of her person. She rolls over, and stares into the dark foggy sky for what seems like a small eternity.
I'm half naked, barefoot, cold and I don't know exactly where I am, she thinks, but as long as I stick with the dunes and grassy clumps, I should be okay...
A shrill scream cuts through the foggy night like a cold rapier, jolting Zoe upright. She shudders, the sounds of terror so intense, they could shatter glass....
Dear God... that voice... As distorted as it is, she recognizes the voice...

"Oh God! Help us! Somebody, help us!"
Mikayla is hysterical, the semisolid sand quaking violently around her waist as she thrashes about, trying in vain to free herself. Her pale breasts, freed of her black t-shirt, jiggle and bob in time with her movements.
"Stop moving around, you idiot! You're making it worse!" Candice is chest deep, the shivering sand pressing under her breasts through her white t-shirt, soaking it almost transparent, clearly revealing the dark rings of her nipples.
The pair had been making their way towards the shoreline when Candice felt the sand loosen beneath her. Too late, she noticed how the slight depression in the beach jiggles and shivers to their motions, and before she can react, it caved in, and she plunged up to her knees into a dense slurry.
"Ah, crap!" she cursed, as Mikayla froze in place, her eyes like saucers.
"Oh God... is that quicksand?" she gasped.
"I don't know..." Candice replies. She tried to extract her legs, but was unable to, as the sand greedily sucks hard on her legs. To her growing alarm, she feels herself sinking deeper, and rapidly. Within a few passing moments, she is up to her thighs, the hems of her shorts beginning to dip into the gray slop.
"Oh, Jesus... it is quicksand!" she says, twisting backwards to reach out to Mikayla. The action screws her further into the morass, grinding her groin deep, forcing gooey sand inside her thong panties.
"Help me!" Candice gasps, fear bright in her eyes. "This shit is sucking me down!"
Mikayla steps forward, then jumps back as her feet begin to glide into the quivering mass, landing backwards on the more solid sand with a wet slap. Before her, Candice is slipping downwards at a rapid rate, the curves of her denim painted ass vanish as she stares.

"Mikki! What the hell? Do something!"
Mikayla snaps out of her trance. The hungry sand laps at Candice's waist, oozing under her shirt and licking her slightly rounded belly.
Standing on the firm sand, Mikayla stretches her right arm out as far as she can, but cannot reach her friend. She kicks off her sandals, feeling the sand with her bare feet, seeking solidity as she creeps closer. But to no avail. All around Candice, the sand is liquifying, and the effect is spreading as she struggled.
"Oh, God.... I can't feel any bottom!" Candice says. "Hurry! Get me out of here!
"Hang on!" Mikayla said, and takes off her shirt, exposing her breasts without hesitation. She twists the t-shirt into a makeshift rope, then tosses one end to Candice, who quickly grabs hold.
Grunting, leaning hard, she pulls, while Candice hangs on. The blonde's hips twist and shake below the quicksand's surface, making it shift and wobble, as she fights the suction on her legs and body.
Mikayla digs her feet into the cool sand as she strains to free Candice, who remains stubbornly in place. The sandy slime quakes eagerly as it gulps her down, and despite Mikayla's best efforts, she continues to be swallowed by the sand.
Disaster strikes quickly. Candice feels her breasts press into the jelly-like grit, and she grips the shirt with both hands, her face screwed up to reflect her efforts. Her breathing is becoming ragged, as she battles the rising panic.
"I... I can't budge you..." Mikayla says, panting. She is pulling on the shirt with all of her weight, and yet...
"Keep trying!" Candice says sharply. Out of desperation, she starts to pull, too...
"No! Stop! Don't pull me in..." Mikayla shouts her warning too late. The sand beneath the soles of her feet dissolves into slime, and before she thinks to let go of her shirt, she has slid into the yielding mass, sinking past her knees.
"Oh, shit!" she utters, as the quicksand eagerly sucks in its new prey. Mikayla finds herself descending faster than Candice did, the victim of a sand bog which has been loosened up by the latter's struggles.
"You idiot!" Candice says, settling deeper now that the tension on her shirt lifeline has been released. She can feel the quicksand around her churning as Mikayla struggles, driving first her knees, then her thighs under. Her groin is next, the soft sand flowing inside her high cut shorts, reminding her of how she wasn't wearing panties...
"Stop moving... you're making it worse!" Candice says sharply, as she feels herself being drawn down deeper into the sodden sands...

Hearing their screams, Zoe bites her lower lip.
The mist is thick, swirling eddies of grayish white vapor among the grasses, tussocks and sand patches, including the churned up pool of quicksand she had barely escaped from, which is slowly filling with brackish water.
I gotta help them... she thinks. Despite everything, I gotta help them...
But how? The fog makes it hard to see further than a few feet, and the voices sound like they are coming from all directions at once. She also has no real indication how far away Candice and Mikayla are from her.
But... I have to try...
Zoe slowly stands up, and peers intently at the ground around her. She can see where the edge of the quicksand pit which had trapped her lies, but has no way of knowing how firm the rest of the ground is...
Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Zoe works her way off of her secure perch and onto the wet ground nearby... which immediately sucks her legs down, driving her to her hips in bubbling sand.
Arching her back, arms planted on former ground behind her, she quickly works her way backwards, managing to plant her butt on the grassy clump before the quicksand could secure a grip on her. With some effort, Zoe extracts her legs from the thick sand swirling around them, then falls back, still exhausted from her earlier struggles.
The tide... it must have loosened everything close to the coast... she thinks. Fortunately, the small islet she is sitting on remains firm.
Another series of shrieks cuts through the fog. Zoe draws her legs close to her bare chest and hugs them tight, her eyes watering.

"Candice! Candice! Don't leave me!"
Mikayla, her bare breasts slapping wetly on the quicksand's surface, reaches out to the blonde haired woman, who is chin deep in churning sand. Her hair has come undone as a result of her struggles to stay afloat, and has formed a wide, gently bobbing carpet around her.
Candice's arms had vanished beneath the gritty slime, and only her right hand remains above, fingers splayed wide as she strains to reach Mikayla's outstretched hand. But they are a foot apart.
"Oh, God... Mikki... don't let me die... help me..." she pants. The quicksand presses heavy around her, making it hard to take deep breaths. She can feel it ooze into her ears, and work its way towards her trembling bottom lip.
"I... I can't... I can't reach you..." Mikayla cries. She feels the cool sand work its way between her breasts as she settles nipple deep. Below her feet, she feels nothing resembling anything solid, just slowly flowing sand.
Candice's eyes widen as the sand slops at her mouth. She coughs, sputters, and tries to tilt her head, but the muck is too dense. Thick ripples form around her head and outstretched hand.
"Mikki! I'm... I'm being sucked under... help me... please! Hel... mmmpfff.... mmnghhhh..."
"Oh, no! Candice! Candice!"
Mikayla can only watch in horror as the quicksand flows into her friend's mouth, forcing her breath out to bubble on the turgid surface. Her nostrils flare briefly before they are consumed by the liquid sand, leaving only her bulging eyes to stare in terror. Candice's right hand claws frantically at the heaving morass, and Mikayla feels through the sand she is trapped in the waves generated by the thrashings of the blonde's body, as it tries in vain to reach the night air once more.
Then, with a final gurgle, Candice vanishes, her eyes closing as the quicksand flows over them, her forehead melting smoothly into the churning surface. The mat of writhing blonde hair floats for a brief time, before it is drawn under in a thick bubbling swirl of sand and dirty water.
Mikayla feels hot tears flooding down her face as she stares at the quaking sand where Candice once was. Her hand, its wrist surrounded by a heavy cuff of grainy mire, ceases clawing. Its fingers grow slack as they slip out of sight, just as a final burst of bubbles explodes from Candice's muddy grave.

Mikayla, now shoulder deep in quicksand, can no longer feel her friend's struggles, and knows she is next.
It's karma... karma.... she thinks, feeling herself settling deeper into the sandy mire. Her arms now rest at her sides - watching Candice vanish has taken away her will to struggle on - and feeling the muddy surface roll over her bare shoulders to surround her neck, she feels regret at leaving Zoe to die in such a horrible way.
"Zoe! I'm sorry!" she shouts out into the mist as the sand kisses the underside of her chin. "So sorry..."
When it reaches her mouth, Mikayla shuts it closed, and shudders as the quicksand's edge eases over her lips and creeps up to her nose. All sound save her frantic heartbeat and raspy breathing is shut out as sand stops up her ears, and her dark eyes are wide and staring as she braces herself for the inevitable.
Oh... God... I'm coming, Candice... I'm...
The wet sand fills her nose, forcing Mikayla's mouth open out of reflex. She gurgles painfully as the sand rushes in, pouring down her throat. Her body thrashes and spasms in place, swiftly driving the rest of her under... past her eyes and the top of her head, which is briefly visible at the bottom of a shallow indent in the quicksand before it collapses inwards, flowing over her scalp and finishing the job of burying her...
The sand's surface churns and bubbles for a time, then calms. It starts to smooth out, and within an hour or so no trace of Candice or Mikayla remain...

Zoe cries quietly to herself. The screams from the mist had finally stopped, both sets of voices trailing off to soft bubbling sounds, and then silence. She waits for a long time, then looks behind her to the nearest tussock. If she is lucky, there will be enough of these stepping stones to lead her back to the safety of the firm beach.
Slowly she gets to her feet. Looking up, she sees a full moon beginning to poke through the fog, and finds the light reflected from the clouds swirling close to the ground offers good visibility.
Taking another deep breath to focus herself, Zoe takes the first of many leaps, leading back home.

Re: Twixt Sand and Lip

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:02 am
by DJlurker
Nice job!

Re: Twixt Sand and Lip

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:58 am
by Chimerix
Very nice indeed!

Re: Twixt Sand and Lip

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:00 pm
by sinkwithme
Well done, man! Wonderful descriptions throughout, particularly of the two girls final moments. Thanks for writing & sharing!

Re: Twixt Sand and Lip

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:57 am
by water_bug_62208
Outstanding story! Your attention to details in the description of your characters and their situations, as well as the background and surroundings they find themselves in, help provide an image of the action... we can imagine the what's happening with every word we read.

The detailed description of how Zoe was able to save herself was beautifully written. You could see her rescue efforts every step of the way through your writing.

I also like how you add flashback in your stories, whether you back up to the day before or just a few minutes earlier... a wonderful and brilliant touch!

Thanks for sharing!