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Breaking In.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 12:59 am
by Deeper_N_Thicker
To all the quicksand community, hello!

To start properly, my name is Elise.

I’ve always had a fascination for quicksand. Just the idea of how loose earth can reel a person in is very intriguing. It really came to me viewing previews of Mud Puddle Visuals works years back on YouTube. It’s almost indescribable on how mud and such draws me to it.

On top of that, the more important notice. I am transgender, yep. I doubt I’m the first person on here to admit it but I want to clear the air BUT state that if anyone feels uncomfortable with my shared stories, it’s fine. There is other content on here, we all have a free will and we are all adults.

It was in May of 2016, I don’t remember the specific date but I do remember things being invigorating. I had scouted a location to dabble about in its mud. It was around a small field, filled with weeds and trees, all the vegetation there was dead except for random cattail plants growing. The ground was nothing but saturated dirt, a few small puddles gathered in crevices but it was a mire to be trekked. It sat off from a railyard and large junkyard on the opposite side of the railyard, located in an industrial, factory area. I wore a heather gray sleeveless t-shirt which was fashioned into a tank top with the Rolling Stones logo at the center, tight black PVC jeans as I love fetish like materials, from leather to vinyl/PVC and latex, and flat sandals displaying my lovely purple pedicure.

I parked my car not far from the location, sitting back on a side road cutting beside a large fence of a steel warehouse. The fence had material between the notches, keeping anyone from seeing through it and making it difficult to climb if a person tried, especially with a barbed wire top. I passed back through the trees, crossing through a small wooded area. I took about ten minutes to get to the spot but was worth it that warm day as I finally came to the sight of the glistening earth. I walked into it, the mud squishing beneath my soles and was smooth. Further into things, it started to soften even more and the depth descended as I soon found myself ankle deep.

I eventually lost my flat sandals, picking them out the mud and throwing them back. I started to become erect from the sensation, as the mud and the feeling of vinyl mixed perfectly hand in hand. I moved out to the center of the field and soon sank shin deep! I started to twist, pump and thrust my legs in the holes they sat in, pushing further down in the mud. I sank a bit more, but had to move about in different spots to see where could I wind up the deepest at. Nice and cool, smooth as well but thick, the mushy black earth had me on edge! Rubbing it about my legs as it toned down the squeakiness of the vinyl, I soon found myself rolling about, getting messy before I then found the sweet spot.

I came down, ass deep in the mud as my bulge needed to be let loose. Unzipping, I let myself be exposed and get lubricated in the ooze. I went pantieless, getting some of the mud inside my slick vinyl pants, wigging deeper into the mud as soon as was past my waist! I couldn’t help myself, moaning as I rubbed it about my body! I managed to submerge a bit, freeing my penis from the mire and started to stroke, enlightening myself even more! I didn’t take long as I reached my breaking point, climaxing as I skeeted in shots!

I rolled over, suddenly exhausted and pulled myself out slowly. I took a breather, letting myself distribute my blood flow evenly as my erection died down a bit. I crawled towards the end of the field, which took me about three minutes between rest stops and sinking at certain points, I stood, coming down to my knees as I reached the end. There was a trench like ditch set from the side of the railyard, leading up to the cars about. The same for the opposite side as both had drainage leading from them. I crossed the first, the water covered the mud as I stepped in, sinking almost instantly as I tried to scale the messy incline up to the rocks and tracks!

I got my footing, taking my time as I was a good distance away from the main road. Cars drove pass very often and I doubt I would be noticed, multiple train cars sat about as well. Once I made it to the top, I took careful steps on the rocks and tracks, crossing over without a peep to the other ditch. I played about there for a few minutes, the most I got was nearly waist deep. My erection started to started to return as I struggled to get free, had to put up more of a fight to free my legs from the drainage as I came back up top. My timing could not have been better or worse, as the one fear of delving in mud in public, but private areas, is getting caught.


I looked and froze! A muddy sight to see as a worker had caught me, he shouted what was I doing and wasn’t too pleased. I couldn’t speak nor react as quickly as I should have! The rush just added to the pleasing sensation by mixing in embarrassment and fear. Yet part of that fear was jail or worse! He started to approach me and I quickly just made way on foot, watching my step but also trying to get the hell away from there!

I crossed between cars, heading back further down the yard as I zigzagged between them. When I ran, he reached for something, I thought it was a weapon but it was a radio and I could clearly hear him state there was a trespasser on the premises! I forgot about the trenches as I ran and came toppling down into the one prior from the field! I was fine, but what came next startled me in fright! I came a few feet away from a deer carcass, dead and rotting away! The smell hit me as buzzard were about it like a hot deal. I began to cough and dry heaved, nearly puking I laid sideways!

Truly disgusting, I stood only to sink suddenly! I didn’t want to, I just wanted to get away from that thing. The sight, the smell, it toyed with me bad as I did lose it a bit. But, I was thrilled and looking back, while it’s one hell of an experience, the deer was unexpected. I could hear a voice, distant as the guy was still on the radio and I think the police were contacted. I needed to go, get going as quickly as possible but with every move to escape, I just wound up stuck!

I was in a real pickle, digging the mud from around me as I fought the horrible stench of death. I managed to plop one leg free, when I came close to the other getting free I was busted again! “Hey, you! The cops are coming so stay put to explain this shit!” Free, I quickly squired back into the field, slipping, stumbling and falling as the mud squelched and took me in at moments. One point I sank running, only to get free and slip right back into the same spot! I didn’t have time to worry about cleaning myself off, I quickly headed back to my car, jumped in and quickly got the fuck out of there, heading to a nearby creek off from a local forest preserve and cleaned myself up there!

I had a spare change of clothes in the car and a hot shower awaiting me at home…