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Postby velocity88 » Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:19 am

Warning: Furries Ahead ( :o Shock! Outrage! Treason! Blasphemy! :evil: Sacrilege! Image Macro! Exterminate! :shock: ) :lol:

This is part of an unconventional story trade with an author who may make him/herself known entirely at his/her own discretion. As such, it will be a little different from my usual works, but will have an ending which I believe is now considered my signature (and to some, that's all that matters, right?). I truly, truly hope that this meets my partner's expectations, and I will even accept criticism for a Version 2 if it comes to that. So, without further ado:


The foliage crunched under her heavy hiking boots. Droplets tapped her waterproof boonie hat from the leaves above, and dripped down on her skin. She rubbed sweat out of her eyes, ignoring the moist heat that pervaded the entire jungle. It could have been worse; she had dressed for the occasion.

There was no trail, but the foliage cleared before her without ceremony. There, as expected, was the empty expanse. It was exactly as she remembered, those few years ago, when things had been different. When she had been someone else.

How did things come to be the way they were now?

“Come on, Robyn, you have to stay close.”

“Aw, mom. Can’t you let me have just a tiny bit of fun while we’re out here?
“That’s enough, young lady.” Her father’s friendly but stern voice reined in the argument. “This is not the big city, and it’s not even the Rockies. Things are different out here. More dangerous. We all need to be careful and that means staying close as a group. Feel me?”

Robyn gave that typical adolescent slouch and shrug in response. “Yeah, Dad. Okay.” The two parents smiled despite their obvious annoyance at a routine tantrum.

Having just turned eighteen two days ago, Robyn retained all the jaded rebelliousness of the teenage years: hard to impress, always online, living for trouble. She was approaching her senior year of high school, and with it came the time to prepare for a new start. Her college applications would soon receive approval or dismissal, and she was anxious to make it on her own the moment the time came. A steady job, the first year of a four-year degree, her very own place to live, and perhaps a handsome boyfriend. As much as she loved her parents, they seemed to be nothing more than a drag. Either pushing her harder than she wanted, or holding her back from having all the fun that she ought to. Where was the love?

They were surrounded by other people: another family like themselves, a young newlywed couple, and who appeared to be an elder father and son, plus a pair of guides. The safari was supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime treat celebrating her eighteenth birthday, and her straight A’s in all classes. It seemed exciting—especially having an armed guide—but after a while, it all became routine. See a few animals here, an exotic wild plant there. What she really wanted to do was just run off without having to think about it, and see the jungle like it ought to be seen. Where was the fun when you always had someone to clear out the danger before you even arrived? What good was exploring when a trail was already cut and someone else was holding the machete? In fact, the whole place was crisscrossed with trails worn out from the barges of tourists the region was accustomed to.

She sighed. A glimpse at her smartphone. No signal, figured. Nothing to do but stare out at all the green and listen to these dumb people exchange life stories in the middle of vacation.

“Hey mom?” Her mother turned from talking to the young newlyweds. “I think I’m gonna’ go and wait in the jeep.”

“Oh, come now, sweetie. Don’t you want to take the tour and see what we can see?”

“Pleeeeease, mom? I am bored out of my skull and we haven’t seen anything that every other group hasn’t already seen because they never do anything different. He said everything was clear. If I need you, I’ll just shout.” Her mother looked nervously out to the endless greenery. “Pretty please?”

After much hesitation: “Alright, darling. But stay in the guide’s sight. I’m warning you.” She said it like she was talking to a child.

“I will mom,” Robyn whined. With that, she sauntered off to the jeep without a care in the world.

She waited a while, kicking back as though relaxing, putting her olive drab boonie over her face as if asleep, but she could hardly sleep out in the stifling jungle. After a while, bored to tears, she looked around. No one was there. The guide was watching the convoy, but he seemed to have lost interest in the sleeping brat by that time. No doubt they were all treating the trip like they were having the time of their lives and snapping pictures all over the place.

She scoffed. Losers.

Waiting until the guide snuck out of sight, probably due to draining half of his canteen within a quarter hour, she took the opportunity hop out of the jeep and walked off in the opposite direction of the gang of yuppies she came with. She knew to stay on the trail; she wasn’t an idiot. Nonchalantly, she all but skipped her way into the foliage, devil may care, hands clasped daintily behind her back. She was dressed as she believed was appropriate for a jungle expedition: olive drab, thigh-high shorts revealing her toned legs, and a matching shirt tied up around her plump breasts, revealing the heft of her ample cleavage and the slight pudge of her tummy; she retained a bit of youthful chubbiness that she always complained of never losing despite starvation diets and exercise.

There were things to see, sure, but the real reward was getting away from the crowd. Who knew you could be choking in people way out in the jungle? It made every bright flower she found, every dragonfly she heard buzzing, every trickle of running water all the more special, because only she saw it and so it was all hers. She saw a dazzling blue butterfly and chased it like a schoolgirl, giggling like she was no more than five, pretending that she was alone and nothing mattered. She was free, far freer than she ever was, or ever would be.

It was such an liberating and addicting experience that it was not until she got tangled in a group of hanging vines that she realized that there was noting but foliage under her feet, and that the well-worn trail she was walking on was nowhere in sight.

“That’s alright, I’ll just turn around and it’ll be right there, where I left.” Of course, despite going in the exact opposite direction, she couldn’t find it after several minutes of searching. It only occurred to her later that she could have retraced her exact steps by looking for her bootprints, but that was after she started doubting that she was actually going the same way she came.

“Hello?” The constant noise of the jungle seemed to react to her voice. “Mom? Dad? Anyone there? I’m a little lost, can you come get me?”

Nothing. Just the sounds of birds, insects, and animals in every direction. They sounded more ominous now that she had no haven to go back to. After a few more shouts, she decided that it couldn’t hurt to keep moving. She never did listen to those documentaries that told you how to survive in the wilderness; if she had, she might have avoided going around in a massive circle.

It was midday, hours since she left the tour, and Robyn was getting anxious. None of her surroundings were familiar. She kicked a tree in frustration, only succeeding in hurting her foot, hopping on one leg like a cartoon character. Her phone still held no signal. I’ll bet they’re waiting for me to get back so they can say ‘I told you so.’ Well I wont give them that satisfaction. I’m going to find them and tell them I made it all by myself. She gave a “humph” of resolve before moving on.

Then the ground gave way under her.

She let out a pathetic scream, sliding down the moist tropical soil. She held her legs up, only accelerating her, flinging her out into space like a sled through snow. Robyn’s scream reverberated through the forest, sending birds scattering before she landed feet first on the forest floor with a *splut*.

Robyn flailed her arms to keep her balance and caught her breath. That really came out of nowhere! After about a minute of overcoming the shock, she tried to trudge forward, only to almost go face-first into the soft ground.

“What the hell?!” For the first time that day, she actually paused to assess her situation. She had been driven to her knees in what appeared to be a goopy mud. For all of her effort, they would not budge; not an inch. The mud was soft, but the grip felt like she was encased in titanium. After a few more tries, she succeeded only in almost losing her balance a dozen times. “Well this is just great. I can start my new life as a fencepost in the middle of this stupid jungle!” But that career was going to be considerably short.

Before she started shouting again, she noticed that churning slop was bubbling slightly, releasing the tepid smell of decay and wet soil. The mess was rising over her knees and now up her well-developed thighs. More struggling only sent waves over the treacherous surface, and if anything, only helped to pull her downwards.

Robyn got the message and held completely still. She sank at a slower pace, but the mire was relentless. A few specks of mud splashed her from the copious bubbles, heralding her descent.

“Hello?! Is anyone there?! Mom, Dad, someone, anyone, HELP ME!!!” She screamed and cried and thrashed again as the mud engulfed her legs and started working on her crotch. She gasped as the wet surface pressed against her shorts, seeping around her privates. “Oh god, help! Somebody! Is anyone listening?! I’m sinking, someone come and get me!!”

Somewhere in her mind, she expected someone to run through the foliage and prove to her that she was saved. It was an expectation constantly disappointed. In no time, her shorts were gone, followed shortly by her belly button. She twisted around, eyes darting everywhere. There was nothing to grab on to. No cliché vines or overlying branches. The closest thing was a gigantic tree with its roots surrounded by mire. To her left was just a rocky wall of slick soil. She was just a torso sticking out of an endless expanse of mud, like a lone statue in an empty courtyard. Her boots touched no bottom, only more and more mud. Was the shore nearby? Was it anywhere?

The mud climbed her belly. Tears filled her eyes. “Mommy! Daddy! I’m so sorry I snuck off. I don’t want to die! I’m right here, someone help me! Please help, help, heeeeeelp!!!!!”

Nothing. No voices, no crunching through the ferns, no whistles or motors. She held her arms up, keeping her hands free as the mud engulfed her as carelessly as she had run from her family. Were they out there looking for her? Could they have actually not noticed that she wasn’t in the jeep and took off before they saw that she was gone? The though flashed through Robyn’s brain of her sinking all the way to the bottom of thick, icky mud without a trace, no one ever learning what happened to her, even if they searched for years. The thought was terrifying and made her feel like…like…

…like a great wave of arousal rushing up her spine and through her heart, then shooting down through her virgin opening. The realization shocked her more than her impending demise.

“Well, well, well, what have we here?”

The female voice spun her from her spellbound state. She looked around, fear battling with dwindling hope. “Hello? Who’s there?”

“I am, little cub. You seem to be in a most unenviable position, aren’t you?”
The first thing she noticed about the voice was that while it sounded friendly, it also had an unworldly quality about it; a slight rasp, as if it wasn’t entirely human. Still, the voice carried a youthful quality about it, perhaps from someone less than a decade older than Robyn.

The second thing she noticed: cub?

“Um, can you help me? I’m stuck and I’m sinking into this mud. I don’t know what it is or how to get out.”

The voice let out an amused, dainty laugh. “ Oh, you poor, naïve thing. What exactly do you think you’re stuck and sinking in?”

Robyn pinpointed the source behind her. There was another, large tree, that may or may not have implied dry land. She seemed to be standing high up in its branches, masked by the dense leaves. The question made her pause and think. The realization came to her, and her breath came in gasps of fear. “Qu-quicksand?”

The stranger chuckled again. “If only! If it were, then you would have at least some hope of getting out of there. No, the mires of this jungle are far more dangerous, and far more determined than anywhere else.”

She gulped, looking down at her gradually vanishing bosom. The thick, black mud splashed her blouse as air bubbles popped with obnoxious *blub* *shlup* and *plup* noises. “Um, why exactly?”

“Hm? Oh, because this is not a dead land like the paved kingdoms of the outside. Oh, no. This is the domain of the Earth Goddess Herself, and when She is given a gift of life, then She has no reason at all to release it back where it came. You understand, don’t you?” Another chuckle emerged from the tree, a combination of playful and predatory that made Robyn’s heart race.

“But, I’m not a gift for some Earth goddess! I don’t want to die in this mess!”

“Then what are you doing in there?”

Robyn’s eyes bulged as her mind blew a fuse. “I’m in here because I fell in!”

“Then you should have watched where you were going. How in the world do you intend to not be a gift for the Goddess if you go about stumbling into bottomless mires like a blind rabbit?”

Robyn’s mind was racing now. The mud was climbing her breasts, ruining her blouse. “Please, won’t you help me?” she whimpered. “I’m begging you. I don’t want to die. Please.”

There was a pause from the tree. “Well, alright. I’ll see if She will let you go. She’ll be very disappointed, little cub.” Elation raced through Robyn’s mind as one particularly thick branch started to bend towards her. “Take off that thing around your chest and throw it to me. Maybe I can reach you then.”

Robyn wasted no time on modesty. Struggling a few inches lower, she tore her messy blouse off, buttons flying, as the thick branch lowered directly over her. Her hefty breasts jiggled in the thick mire as she shrugged it off, losing precious inches. “Toss it to me, little cub.”

She did, but paid no attention to the strange hand that caught it and pulled. She strained against it, but no luck. Then her hands slid off the slick mud coating it. “Wait, I’m slipping!”

Off it came, vanishing up the branch above her. The mud reached her neck, forcing her to tilt her head to avoid her rising doom. “It slipped. Oh, god. Help me, please.”

“Hang on, little cub. There is nothing to worry about.”

Robyn desperately extended her hand, the mud climbing her ears, framing her face. Tears blurred her vision, but she could see the branch being pushed lower. No hand came down for her, but her would-be rescuer was shifting around the leaves. She clung to a last vestige of hope beyond hope as her rescuer finally peaked around the branch.

Her breath caught. Right above her was a fur-covered, feline face, complete with slitted eyes, and short snout. A wild mane of human-like hair cascaded down from the cat-woman, whose inhuman image gave a gaze that reminded Robyn of a housecat when it has a helpless mouse right in its paws.

Before she would react, the mud poured into her eyes and mouth. She sputtered, one free hand plugging her nose, cheeks puffing, lips puckered in desperation, before submerging below the treacherous mire, leaving only one free hand grasping in vain. Even though the mud filled her ears, she thought she could hear a muffled voice saying “Oh, little cub, as if that would give you even a minute more of life.”

The world was a cool, mucky blackness. Her lungs started burning. She realized that she was never going to see home again and that none of this would have happened if she had just stayed in the jeep.

As she felt the mud at her wrist, an iron grip wrapped around her palm and began pulling up. With less effort than she imagined, she was pulled upward from the mud’s grip. It was a struggle, the mud pulling back constantly, before her face came free and she gasped precious air, choking all the while, spitting out earthy muck. Hours must have passed as she struggled against the mire, held up by a grip of immense strength. She pulled her other arms free, flinging mud in every direction as she grasped the branch. She felt her shorts come of along with her boots, lost to the mud’s grip as a stronger force fought it. Exhausted, she went limp, ready to let the mud have her, before her rescuer took over and deposited her to safety.

“There you go, little cub,” a predatorily sweet voice purred. “You thought I would let the Earth have you, didn’t you? I have plans first.” Robyn was lifted over a softly-furred, muscular shoulder and carried effortlessly down the branch, then the side of the tree, and finally deposited on the damp forest floor. She breathed deeply, valuing oxygen more than she ever had. With less trepidation that she expected, she looked up and took stock of her rescuer.

Before her stood a naked humanoid with the features of a jaguar. She was tall and slender, but by no means thin. Muscles rippled under every part of her body, from legs that could crumble rocks, to rope-veined arms and shoulders, to a chiseled belly that had lifted tree trunks. Her breasts, smaller than Robyn’s, carried just the heft that proportioned them perfectly to the felinoid’s statuesque frame, and she saw tight, dark nipples surrounded by downy fur. A slender tail waved behind her like a metronome. She looked at Robyn with a gaze devoid of compassion or pity. There was only…Robyn shrank at that gleam in her eye.

“Well, you are far away from home aren’t you?” There was now a distinct feline quality about her voice, and stiletto teeth showed with her smile.

Robyn sniffed in both fear and arousal. “Thank you. For saving my life.”

“Oh, do not thank me, little cub. For the jungle runs on certain rules. Only the strong must survive, and those who cannot must submit themselves to the judgment of the Goddess and serenely accept their place. This is the natural order of all things.” She slunk over on human-like feet. “I have violated the laws of the jungle by retrieving you from a much-deserved fate. In your weakness, you should have accepted your place in the mud, and been eager to become nourishment for these beautiful trees which sustain us, for you offer nothing else to warrant the mercy of Her.”

Robyn curled up pathetically, hugging her breasts. “What do you want from me?”

The cat-woman licked her lips. “By the laws of the jungle, I have saved you from your place in the natural order. And thus, you belong to me, in body, mind, and soul.”

Then she pounced.

Before Robyn could understand what was happening, soft lips pressed themselves against hers, a rough tongue forcing them apart and violating her, fighting against her own. The woman’s body was pressed against hers, lean, hard muscle against smooth, rounded softness. Robyn’s eyes went wide, and she struggled against the rude violation. The cat-woman did not let go, shamelessly pressing a felt-padded hand against her involuntarily moistening pussy, feeling her like a new rug. Robyn beat her hands on the cat-woman’s sides, but she only grasped both wrists and held them, while her legs tangled Robyn’s kicking feet. The taste of mud mixed with their own mixed saliva.

Finally, Robyn nipped her assailant’s tongue. She gasped in fear as the cat-woman pulled away, but the cat-woman seemed only energized by the resistance, smiling evilly at her helpless prey. Robyn found herself pressed against the forest floor, legs held apart, and the cat-woman lined her cunt against Robyn’s own red-furred pussy. She moaned as she found herself scissored by the cat-woman in the open jungle, her pleas in vain. Before long, she felt the first signs of orgasm approaching, and braced herself as the cat-woman, moaning in pleasure, sprayed her climax against Robyn’s own. Their cries reverberated amongst the foliage as they spasmed uncontrollably, and finally collapsed against one another.

The cat-woman idly stroked Robyn’s body as they lay there. Robyn accepted the soft fur on her skin, their breasts pressed together, sweat dripping off their bodies. A part of Robyn’s mind turned to her new situation. The force, the strength, the pitiless ravishment she just experienced was all so new, so alien, so…intoxicating.

“Oh, yes,” a predatory voice commented. “All mine, to do with as I please.”

In her last moments of consciousness, Robyn smiled.

There she stood, over five years later, staring at that same empty expanse of wet earth. She breathed in the scent of decomposition and renewal, a scent which she has become addicted to over the years. This place had burned itself into her memory, and it was always there to remind her of where she was due. A college degree, her own house in the suburbs, a high-paying job, all of that was taken in stride—mere adornments to her truest and purest purpose.

Her eyes on her destiny, she patiently removed her hiking boots and socks, then her top, revealing her feminine feet and plump, rounded breasts. She had not bothered with underwear that day, as there would be no point to it. She began unzipping her risqué shorts.

“My, my, quite the view from up here.” Robyn smiled at the familiar voice.

A thump behind her belayed her friend’s presence. Robyn closed her eyes in bliss as soft-furred hands ran over her smooth skin, over her gently-rounded belly, her wide, pink nipples, and her toned shoulders. Hot breath flowed over her neck, accompanied by a wet tongue and the prick of pointed teeth. The familiar scent of predator gave the cat-woman away as Robyn’s bare back pressed against soft breasts and mighty muscles.

The cat-woman kissed her with surprising tenderness while her jaguar hands gently pulled down her shorts, revealing her lover in all her natural glory. Robyn turned to face her cat-love. “I was afraid you wouldn’t come.”

“Now why would I miss out on this?” The cat-woman gave her usual sly laugh. “Nothing could keep me away. Not from seeing you one last time.” She emphasized with a lewd grope to Robyn’s pudenda, making her jump. “You’re such a good pet, to keep yourself so pleasing to me after all these years. Did you ever expect your life to end like this?”

Somehow, mentioning it so casually bought a shiver of arousal up Robyn’s body. “No. But I did promise you.”

“And I promised you. Were you afraid all those years, or did you look forward to it?”

Robyn hesitated for a second, and then the answer appeared so obvious. “I couldn’t wait.”

“Neither could I.” The cat-woman brushed Robyn’s hair, adoringly. “What we have done is so wrong, so naughty and deviant.” She smirked arrogantly “Let us have just one more time, shall we.”

Robyn blushed. “Yes, let’s.”

The cat-woman brought Robyn’s lips to her own, and they kissed delicately, tongues dancing as their privates moistened. Robyn was guided on top of her, savoring the firm-soft weight of her pet. Soon, rolling and laughing on the dirt like schoolgirls, the cat-woman explored her chest, belly, and soon her pussy, while Robyn reciprocated. Her cat-love was on top of her, snout pressed firmly against Robyn’s mound while she shamelessly sat on Robyn’s face, her furry cunt dripping love onto the girl’s lips. The human girl moaned lustfully as she delved deep into that pink slit, while a long cat tongue explored her own depths. After about twenty minutes of deep exploration, they began to climb their peaks; the cat-woman pinching her engorged clit while her tongue ravaged her pussy, forcing Robyn to adore her lover’s own pussy, lips sucking the entire thing in her mouth. Robyn came first, keeping her face against jaguar pussy as she convulsed in pleasure, her cat-love quick to follow. Not bothering to rearrange themselves, they lay, sweating and spent, with moist pussy in their faces.

After an afterglow spent saying sweet nothings to each other, it was time.

“You know what we have to do?”


The cat-woman stood, gathering Robyn’s discarded clothes. She took a heavy rock, wrapped her clothes around it, and tossed them into the muck, the girl’s only clothes, map, and compass vanishing with a *ploop*.

“We both swore to be here, after all this time…Are you ready?”

Robyn sniffed, the smiled. “Yes, I am.”

Several weeks went by, and while she had no means of surviving in a jungle, Robyn’s feline companion took care of just about everything. When asked her name, the cat-woman just laughed and shrugged, claiming that only humans give things names, and that there was no need for such things where the purest vestiges of nature were concerned. She had grabbed Robyn’s clothes and playfully kept them from her; she settled into being naked after only a day, as the humidity was too stifling to wear even a belt.

The days settled into a easy, free-going routine of eating fruit straight off the tree, bathing under waterfalls, swimming in the river, long sessions of rough jungle sex that left them both spent and dripping, and lazy sleep late into the day. Robyn’s pale skin developed a healthy tan, and her muscles grew to accentuate her semi-plump form. The cat-woman was a demanding and uncompromising lover, taking her where and when she would, without so much as a silent request. For all that it objectified her, Robyn found it irresistibly attractive. Despite her predatory nature, the cat-woman did not treat her like an inferior plaything to be beaten and tossed for entertainment, but rather as a precious treasure to be protected, kept, and enjoyed at will. She was quick to apply wilderness medicine to Robyn if she cut herself, but otherwise, she kept her promise to Robyn that she was entirely hers to do with as she pleased at her whim.

The cat-woman was still a predator, and sustained herself on fresh meat, much to Robyn’s apprehension. One time, the cat-woman returned from a hunt, smiling viciously and covered in blood. A terrified Robyn tried to run, only to be tackled down, and have furry fingers plying her bottom for that sensitive pucker. “Oh god, please no! Not there! I’m begging you.”

The cat-woman just gave her customary, predatory laugh. “Hush now, little cub. You need not concern yourself with such things as your own desires. I will decide what can be done with your body, you merely tell me how much you enjoy it.”

It was about three weeks into her captivity that something changed. She came out of the river after a refreshing dip, only to find her lover watching from above, with a strange look in her eye. Wariness? Concern? Sorrow? A combination of all three?


“There’s something I have to tell you.” Her tone concerned Robyn more than ever. “Follow me.” She continued as they walked through the untrimmed foliage. “I adore you, you know. I don’t want you to ever leave, to ever see your people again. I want to be the only other person in your entire life, and for you to live for nothing and no one else but me. You were my possession since you owed me your life, and I want you to feel it and know it deep down in your soul.”

Robyn gave a slight, submissive nod. “I know. But I miss my parents, and I have a life back there. Yes, it’s nothing like here, but I never intended to get lost. They are out there looking for me right now. They must be falling apart with worry. Won’t you please at least let me say goodbye?”

The cat-woman seemed about to answer before they heard sounds that shocked Robyn to her core. Voices! Other than theirs! She took Robyn’s hand and led her, keeping her quiet. She obviously didn’t want them to be seen.

They came upon a clearing, where another sight awaited them. Animal people of all shapes and sized surrounded what appeared to be another quicksand pit. All of them were naked, showing powerful muscles and feminine chubbiness. Playful caresses and gropes were exchanged, and it seemed that they all knew each other very well.

“What is this?”

The cat-woman ignored her. “The Earth Goddess provides for us all. She is the manifestation of the entire world we live in. The natural order of things is how things have always been, and how they always must be, without exception. She lives in places such as this, where humans have not ventured, where our kind are safe and free to do as we will. Everything you have enjoyed while here has been a gift from Her. Nothing is beyond Her purview.”

A powerfully-built panther male with bulky muscles and a massive back and chest pulled two random females, a sleek clouded leopard and a short, rotund bear, from the crowd, and without any ceremony at all, they plunged themselves into the waiting quicksand. The crowd cheered, applauding, some immediately going to their privates and abusing themselves.

“Oh, oh god. Are they…?

“My brother.” Robyn turned to her cat-love. “He never did learn how to control his urges. I suppose that he decided to test the Goddess’s mercy today. Such a shame; I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”

Robyn listened and watched with morbid fascination as the trio sank to their thighs, eagerly kissing and caressing without a care in the world. The girls giggled stupidly, as if airheaded; perhaps he was the type to choose that. They stroked his colossal, veiny member before its mushroom head was engulfed by thick mire like a sinking mast. It only seemed to excite them more.

“Our love has been forbidden, little cub. Humankind is not welcome in the domain of the Goddess. For this, the natural order faces destruction that we can never comprehend, but which will carry through if she is not paid Her due.” The mire engulfed the young trio’s flesh bit by bit, their sexual frenzy working them faster. They seemed to have no desire to prolong their existence, but only giggled some more when watching their bodies settle to their waists.

Robyn tried to divide her attention. “What do you mean?”

The cat-woman grabbed her from behind, one hand holding her mouth to keep her quiet, the other teasing her pussy. “She requires a sacrifice; the only one worthy to atone for such an affront to Her name. We cannot live, little cub. You became mine when I fished you out of the quicksand, and now we must return to Her womb and submit completely to Her eternal mercy. Nothing short of this will suffice. See there,” she gestured to the trio, who were up to their breasts, having fun watching their bosoms float on the mud, the male’s thick pectorals engulfed steadily “they have chosen to test their own worthiness. If they are accepted, then they are remembered with honor, and will be celebrated like so many others for giving their lives for Her at a whim. What did you think they were doing?”

The trio were now kissing furiously to make their last moments count. The clearing had descended into an orgy as the others watched their brethren become one with the jungle. The panther-man gave his lovers one last, fond smile before they were all tugged below the mud, the thickness enveloping their heads, ears, and hair.

Robyn was torn between shock and uncontrollable arousal. “Are they…are they really going to…”

“Oh, yes, little cub.” The cat-woman rubbed furiously, bringing her closer and closer to a squelching, wet climax. “The Goddess is ever-kind. We live by Her love and good-pleasure, and by the whim of Her judgment and scrutiny…”

The clearing erupted with bubbles as the three sacrifices happily drowned, the surface churning with their final pleasures.

…we die!” Robyn erupted, the felt-padded hand between her legs sending her to heaven, moaning into the other keeping her mouth shut.

After an applause, the crown dissipated, as though no one had just died right before them. Robyn recovered and looked at her lover with wary, saddened eyes.

“You knew this? And you had sex with me anyway?”

“I did. Seeing you there, like that…well, it was worth the consequences.”

“But what about me? Didn’t you think that maybe I wanted to live a full, happy life. That…that I don’t want to die.” She tried to keep the contempt in her voice, but it wavered. Somehow, knowing she was doomed, and thinking about that sucking, deadly quicksand pit…well, it was making her wet all over again. More than she thought was possible.

“You have no choices of your own, remember? I chose what your fate will be. But now, you must make your own choice.” She made Robyn face her and look her in the eyes. “Your people are nearby, and they are seeking you. I will let you go to them if, and only if, you promise to return. Five years at most in your world, and then you come back to give the Earth what She is due. When you come back, I’ll be waiting; you know where. Then, no more troubles, no more worldly concerns. Just the two of us, for the very last time, understand?”

After a few moments of contemplation, Robyn nodded. She looked so cute and innocent. “Alright, I promise. Five years, and then…” She stared out into the open quicksand.

The cat-woman smiled slyly. “I can’t wait.”

They embraced one last time, looking out into the flat, featureless surface of the mud. Robyn’s pussy clenched in anticipation. Wordlessly, for they knew exactly how things would go, the cat-woman bent down and lifted Robyn right off the ground, right over her powerful shoulders; the last time her feet would ever touch solid earth. With the swiftness of her jaguar nature, she climbed effortlessly up that same tree from years ago, Robyn rocking on top of her. She smiled at the sight of her cat-love’s snaky tail and the ripple of the muscular bottom it was attached to. Taking her time, her feline lover stepped over the branch that had saved her life, lowering them gradually towards the flat, deadly, adoring surface of the Earth Goddess Herself. The branch creaked with strain, but held.

Robyn felt herself being gently shifted off the furry back; she gasped in anticipation. She was stood upright, and felt the familiar feeling of her feet engulfed by the clinging, yielding mire. A downward look saw the thick, black mud climbing her shins, and a few experimental pulls proved that she was stuck good without any help.

She turned to her lover, who regarded her with that predatory look that made her pussy weep for her cat-pussy. Sensually, with a grace that would be the envy of any ballerina or runway model, the cat-woman slunk sexily right off the branch that was their salvation, her furry, felt-padded feet vanishing for the last time in the same quicksand. Unburdened, the branch retreated to its former position, as if never moved, leaving them as two close, helpless, vanishing islands in an endless sea of bubbling, churning, undulating quicksand. The sent of decay rose from the cascade of bubbles now surrounding them, heralding their descent to their new home.

The two women embraced, staring into each others eyes as the mud began consuming their knees, demanding nothing short of their total submission. Robyn felt hardening nipples press into her bouncier breasts, making her own stiffen. “Well, I guess this is it lover. The Goddess wanted us, and now She has us.”

Robyn felt her lover’s paws run all over her back and shoulders, and reciprocated with her own running through the spotted, downy fur. “Oh yes. I won’t complain. If she wanted a ‘sacrifice’, then She’s going to be very disappointed.” She giggled coquettishly, accompanied by her lover’s confident, predatory chuckle. “I love you, you know. I can’t live without you.”

“And you won’t, little cub.” She dominantly groped Robyn’s soft, furless bubble-bottom, kneading adoringly, playfully enjoying the luxury of her human love. “Wish I had enjoyed this sooner. Guess you really don’t appreciate anything until it’s gone. Only one thing to do: if this,” she groped her bottom, “and this,” her breasts, “and this,” her pinkish pussy, “are all going to be jungle soil, then I guess I’m going to be too.” They laughed together again.

They went silent when the quicksand reached their thighs, and used their last chance to get a better position. The cat-woman led, pushing her furry cunt against Robyn’s hairless one. She grabbed Robyn’s bottom for control while Robyn held her back, one hand traveling behind her bottom to open her jaguar pussy to the mud. The quicksand had them in a vice-like grip, keeping them together as they started to move. Robyn cooed with the sensation of their womanhoods dancing together in the quicksand. Surely the Earth was the greatest lover, and She added to their fun when the mud flowed over their rubbing clits. They both gasped with the new sensation as warm, comfortable mud made them slicker, held them tighter, and began seeping into their unprotected canals. The more experienced cat-woman held off her own climax until they came together the first time. Their movements were costing them time as their descent quickened; that only meant they needed to start making the most of it before they would be gasping bubbles with their orgasms.

The quicksand churned inside their pussies and bottoms as they came down from the first orgasm. The cat-woman found herself shocked as her naturally submissive pet gave her the same smirk she gave her prey before pulling her in for a rough, deep kiss, holding her and moaning lewdly into her mouth as her cat-love tried to pull away. Robyn took the lead as the mud climbed their belly-buttons and then had its way with the curves of their waists pressed together, supple skin against downy fur.

Her cat-love got even by wiggling two soft fingers down through Robyn’s lower cheeks and probing into her tight rectum. Robyn gasped at the familiar sensations, and looked at her love’s predatory eyes; a stare she had learned to love and obey. They moved their fingers in tandem, playing with the mud forcing itself deep inside. After their second peak, the two worked together with the third, churning the quicksand up to their breasts, the cat-woman’s muscles straining while Robyn’s soft flesh rippled with every thrust. It was unbelievable! Their pussies wrung the very last of their juices into the quicksand, giant ripples going in every direction, clear to the unseen areas of the pit. They kept at it, milking orgasm after orgasm, nipples hard as diamonds and pressing into each other’s ample flesh, howling their pleasure to the mighty jungle around them. Birds, insects, and four-legged prey took flight, until the jungle was quiet around them and they settled, absolutely spent, into the mire.

Robyn almost lost consciousness from cumming the last time. The first thing she noticed was the mud bubbling through their cleavages, surrounding their globes and leaving only their shoulders and heads. Their arms were stuck for good, Robyn’s finger inside her lover, while two of her lover’s were trapped firmly in her butt. The cat-woman wiggled them to get a rise from her lover, as dominant as always. Robyn’s eyes closed from the sweat in her eyes; her cat-love tenderly licked them clean with a charming giggle. The mud made its way over their shoulders and steadily climbed their necks. Every movement, every giggle, every breath drew them down faster than if they held completely still.

They didn’t care.

“This is it, love. We are about to sink out of sight into the quicksand and we are never coming back out.”

Robyn held her gaze. “I know, love.”

“Do you regret it?”

She smiled. “Not for a instant. Even if we could have had forever together, it would be nothing like right now. Knowing we have so little time left before it’s all over…that just makes it so much more special. I could never have asked for anything else. Nothing could possibly be better than to end my privileged young life right here with you, right now.”

The cat-woman gave an uncharacteristically tender smile as they were chin-deep. Steadily the mud rose, love in their eyes.

“Just a few seconds more. Goodbye Robyn. I’ll see you soon, when Earth has shown us Her mercy.”

“Goodbye my love. Hold on. Never let go. I—glugglug—blugplulpshulggleplup.”

“Mmmmmmm, blup plup.”

The mud took their mouths silencing them forever. They held each other’s eyes adoringly as their nostrils flared, stoking their lungs for the last breath they would ever take. Then, before they knew it, the surface went over Robyn’s nose and the cat-woman’s snout. Their smiling eyes said their final goodbyes before the quicksand rose over them, then their foreheads, taking the cat-woman’s twitching ears. All that was left were two tangled, sweaty mats of hair, swirling with the bubbling, undulating quicksand, before bunching up into two frothy vortices and finally vanishing in a thick *blub*.

Beneath the quicksand, the lovers still held each other adoringly, unable to caress in the thick mud, but content to feel one another until their last. Every part of them was pressed against the other. Robyn tenderly putting her head on her lover’s comforting shoulder, and she received a tender nuzzle in exchange. They held each other that way as the mud reignited their senses and they began to climax again, holding still against each other, crushing each other in their embrace. Their touching bodies, the snug softness of the mud all around them, and violating quicksand inside of them were their last sensations before their senses began to shut down and the Earth showed them the true quality of Her mercy.

The churning of the mud lessened as its captives made their final plunge. They held their breaths together for a good long while before a massive cascade of bubbles breached the surface. The quicksand churned and spasmed with their final passion and pleasure, bubbles popping like a cauldron. They gradually slowed, lessening from a cascade to a few clusters, then to couples fewer and fewer in frequency. A few more, and the last ripples in the quicksand ceased, the surface evening out once again. No evidence was to be found anywhere of the quicksand’s eager sacrifices, or of the final, forbidden dalliance between the innocent human girl and her lascivious jungle companion.

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Re: Two

Postby PM2K » Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:09 pm

WOW! I'm speechless! This was incredible! Thanks so much for posting it! :D

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