When Michael Met Rita (A Maiden of the Mire story)

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When Michael Met Rita (A Maiden of the Mire story)

Postby DJlurker » Sat Jul 01, 2017 4:06 am

It's time for another Maiden of the Mire tale! This one ties together what I believed to be a hanging plot thread or two...

When Michael Met Rita
A Maiden of the Mire story
by DJlurker

Michael Duvars made his way through the woods of Anderson Swamp under the light of the full moon, looking forward to his next meeting with his girlfriend, known to many as the Maiden of the Mire... It was still hard for him to believe sometimes, that he'd managed to become lovers with a spirit known for drowning men in quicksand...

(Then again, she loves to 'drown' along with me sometimes), Michael thought to himself, a smirk spreading over his face. Soon, he arrived at the large tree where he and the ghost usually met up... but to his surprise, he saw a folded piece of paper sitting at the base of said tree. Bending down, he picked up and the paper, unfolded it, and began to read:

Hello, my love,

I have a little surprise in store for you this time. I'll see you at our usual sinking spot...

Your girlfriend, Ravonna <3

The black-haired man blinked in confusion. This wasn't her usual style... just what kind of 'surprise' did she have in store?

(Guess I'll find out when I get there,) he thinks to himself as he folds the note up and puts it in his pants pocket, before heading off to his lover's favorite quicksand pit...

As he walked down the familiar trail, illuminated by the light of the full moon, his nostrils began to pick up a whiff of a familiar scent... (Ugh, don't tell me she's smoking already,) he groaned inwardly. But then, his ears perked up as he heard an unfamiliar voice down the trail... unintelligible at first, but as he got closer, it slowly became clearer...

"...surprised you haven't had your way with me yet," spoke an unknown female voice.

(Wait, what?!) Michael shook his head- he must have misheard...

"I'm not in the mood for that right now," his girlfriend's voice answered.

"Oh really?" the other female voice answered with a hint of sarcasm. "Usually seems like you can't wait to get me screaming in ecstasy..." Michael's eyes went wide at hearing that.

"You're usually halfway there already by the time I step in," the Maiden's voice retorted.

(OK, I've heard enough,) Michael thought as he briskly walked the final steps before emerging into the clearing... Sure enough, there was his ghostly girlfriend, already sunk to her slight bosom in the dark mud, a smoldering cigarette in one hand, while her other arm was already sunk below the surface... Across from her was another woman, who Michael could only see the back of at the moment... She had dark brown hair done up in a bun, while the rest flowed loose... or rather, floated on the mud's surface. He could make out that she was wearing a dark-grey glove on her left arm, her right arm apparently sunk in, a cigarette also being held between her index and middle fingers... As the man approached, though, he realized it was actually an e-cigarette.

"Still, I wonder how your *ahem* boyfriend would react if he knew about this little tryst you're having with me..." the woman spoke again, before taking a pull from her e-cig...

"Well, I'd hope he would be in the mood to understand..." As the Maiden of the Mire took a drag from her own cigarette, her eyes locked with Michael's... They said that the eyes were the window to the soul, and she was no different... at that moment, looking deep into his beloved's ruby red orbs, all the man's fears and doubts were immediately swept away- there was still an intense desire for him in those eyes, one that had not diminished one bit since the last time they had met... The albino ghost then withdrew her cigarette, blowing out smoke that billowed around her form, which Michael had to admit enhanced her sexiness... Still looking him in the eye, the Maiden smiled knowingly as a certain part of her boyfriend's anatomy began to stiffen...

"Yeah, well, if he's like most men I've met, he'd probably be more inclined to join us..." the other woman sighed. Michael then started to slowly walk around the edge of the pit, to get a better look at his love's new friend... Slowly her facial features came into view- a slightly pointed nose, smooth dark skin, crystal blue eyes and average lips... he realized she wasn't wearing make-up of any sort- she was beautiful enough that she didn't need to. Her bosom, which floated on the surface of the quicksand, was slightly larger than the Maiden's, covered with shiny dark-grey fabric that had been cut to show some slight cleavage- an evening gown, most likely. As Michael looked back and forth between the two women, he couldn't help but note that they were practically on opposite ends of the color scale...

Amusingly, the other woman still hadn't noticed his presence, her gaze still focused on the corporeal ghost in front of her. Said ghost gave a knowing glance at her lover, before stating, "I think you may just be right, Rita... but maybe you should ask him yourself..."

"What do you mean, 'ask him myse...'" The woman, Rita, trailed off as she followed the Maiden's gaze, before finally seeing the black-haired man standing at the quicksand's edge, her eyes going wide as she recoiled in shock, sending thick ripples across the mire. "SHIT! He's here?!"

"Um, hi," Michael offered lamely. "I, uh, come in peace..." He then became aware of his girlfriend's laughter, turning his gaze back to her with a miffed expression on his face.

"Oh, Rita, you are just too easy sometimes..." The Maiden gasped out between laughs.

"...son of a bitch. You set me up." Rita took a pull from her e-cig, blowing out a cloud of vapor. "I should've known you were up to something..."

"I'm just as surprised as you are, honestly," Michael sighed. "Ravonna, stop laughing already, willya?"

"Ravonna...?" the dark-skinned woman blinked in confusion. "Wait a minute, you actually have a name?!"

"Well, of course I do," the ghost girl snarked.

"So how come you never told me?!"

"You never asked."

"I never- nnnngh. Damn, you're right," Rita conceded.

"Well, let me introduce myself, then." The young man walked over to the edge close to Rita, kneeling down and holding out his left hand. "Hi, I'm Michael. Nice to meet you."

The other woman hesitated briefly... "Rita," she said, putting her e-cigarette between her lips so she could shake his hand properly. That done, she took a quick drag before withdrawing the e-cig from her mouth.

"Well, that we all know each other," Ravonna spoke up, "How about you join us, Michael?"

"Of course, my love," Michael said as he removed his shoes, before taking the fateful steps into the quicksand pit... Surprisingly, he doesn't sink right away, though the much wetly squishes under his feet as he makes his way to his girlfriend... when he had positioned himself in front of her, he swiftly plunged to his knees in the mire, before slowly sinking down deeper...

"Mmm..." The Maiden moaned in approval as she took a pull from her cigarette, blowing out a small cloud of smoke. "I just love watching you sink for me, my love..."

"...I'm guessing Rita's been getting you cigarettes, since I stopped buying them for you?" Michael guessed.

"Yeah, I gave all mine to her," Rita confessed. "I'm kinda trying to kick the habit... She just loves to drag me all the way under and then have her way with me, so I figured, it's time to start taking better care of my lungs..."

"Of course, *I* don't have to worry about that, since I'm technically already dead," Ravonna chuckled.

"So how did you two meet, anyway?" the young man inquired, as he watched the quick-mud rise over his waist.

"Well it all began when a friend of hers... Christine, I think her name was... ran into the swamp crying her eyes out, because she'd gotten her dress stained and ruined. I felt sorry for the poor girl, so I showed myself to her and engaged her in small talk..."

"And then sank her in the mud?" Michael guessed as he settled to his ribs.

"I offered, and she accepted," Ravonna insisted. "Nothing wrong with that... Anyway, while we're wallowing, Rita here comes looking for her friend... and then has the audacity to call me an old fairy tale to my face! So I assumed my mist form and forced her into the mud along with us..."

"To be fair," Rita cut in, "The worst thing she did to me that time was massage my shoulders and give me a kiss... I thought it was just a joke at the time..."

"It was," Ravonna agreed, flicking some ash off her cigarette. "But after that, you kept coming back to sink, again and again, always during daylight, so you wouldn't have to deal with me... or so you thought. I got tired of just watching after a while..." She paused to take a pull from her cigarette.

"At which point her mist form starts massaging me, along with the mud caressing my body to the point where I hit orgasm..." Rita was forced to pause as a wave of pleasure coursed through her body from the intense memory. "...and then she pulls me all the way under, and has her way with me again..."

"In other words, you raped her," Michael said to the Maiden in an accusatory tone of voice, now sunk to his chest, though he kept his arms on the surface.

Ravonna just shrugged in response as she blew out a cloud of smoke. "Well, riddle me this, Michael," she stated as flicked off the last of the ash, "even if I *did* rape her," she threw the stub away, "why does she keep returning here, even now, knowing full well what will befall her if she does? After all, it's not like I can leave this swamp to stalk her, all she would have to do is stay away."

The young man blinked at this, slowly turning himself around to face Rita, who he realized was blushing slightly. "OK, fine..." the brunette admitted, "so I enjoy myself when she pleasures me... but at least she makes sure I enjoy it as much as she does, unlike most of the men I've dated and gotten intimate with..." She paused to take a pull from her e-cig. "Honestly, all those jerks seemed to care about was getting their own selves off... they didn't care about my desires."

"And you wonder why I used to drown every man I came across in this swamp during the full moon," Ravonna snarked. "At least Michael here is a real man among men, in more ways than one..." The man blushed in spite of himself, as he turned back to his love, suddenly realizing she was slowly moving towards him. "And on that note..." She smirked as she wrapped her free arm around Michael's neck, pulling him in for a kiss...

Michael grunted in revulsion at first, tasting the tobacco on Ravonna's tongue... But soon, he started to taste that hidden subtle sweetness beneath, relaxing and setting into the lip-lock, moaning into his girlfriend's mouth as he pushed his arms into the quicksand and wrapped them around her waist, eliciting a moan of contentment in response...

Rita couldn't help but feel a little jealous as she watched the two lovers snog. (How the hell does a ghost get luckier than me when it comes to love?) She took a drag from her e-cigarette in mild exasperation...

As Michael and Ravonna continued to smooch, the former suddenly felt something fiddling with his jeans, before the button suddenly came undone... breaking off the kiss, Michael asked, "What do you think you're doing, Ravonna?"

The white-haired maiden simply smiled at him, even a she pulled her boyfriend's jeans zipper down. "Well, what do *you* think I'm doing...?" She then pulled down his underwear, exposing his erection to the mud's cool texture, before gently gripping it with her gloved hand, causing Michael to inhale deeply.

"Dear god... y-you can't be serious..." he gasped. "You want to do it here... in the quicksand?!"

"What's the matter? Scared, my love?" Ravonna teased. "Don't worry, I've had plenty of practice with Rita... I'm sure I can make you cum before you smother... Isn't that right, Rita?" she shouted over to the brunette.

"Oh yeah..." Rita sighed as she quaked with pleasure again. "Plenty of practice..." She puffed on her e-cig to try and calm herself...

Michael shuddered with indecision... only to realize that the choice had been taken out of his hands, as he felt the head of his erection pressing against his lover's folds, causing him to involuntarily thrust into her... Ravonna shivered and moaned, thrusting back, managing to take him in to the hilt... "Oh yes... this is... even better... than I... imagined..." Michael could only moan in reply, overwhelmed with the senastion of the maiden's folds gently squeezing and massaging his penis... not to mention, feeling the quicksand flowing in to fill up any empty space, its gritty texture only serving to enhance both his pleasure and hers...

Ravonna's submerged left hand then found it's way to her boyfriend's buttocks, gently pinching, causing him to thrust again, making the albino throw her head back in delight... She pinched again, he thrust again, then she thrust back, until they eventually settled into their usual rhythm of lovemaking...

Watching the two bucking against each other, sending thick ripples through the bog, Rita realized that her e-cig would no longer able to stave off the pleasure she was feeling... Thus, she tossed the faux cancer stick behind her, hopefully onto the solid ground not too far away, before scooping up a handful of mud and slowly massaging it into her left breast, causing her to moan loudly...

"I think... Rita's... enjoying... the show..." Ravonna gasped out.

"Ya think?" Michael managed to respond. He was enjoying a show of his own, looking down, watching his lover's bosom bounce up and down on the surface of the mire with every thrust he made... Soon, however, the mud started to lap higher and higher, until it began to crest the hem of Ravonna's evening gown, slipping into her slight cleavage...

"Oh, yes! Ohhh, YES!" the maiden cried in near-ecstasy, at the feeling of slipping deeper and deeper into the quicksand, feeling the muck close over her shoulders and rise up her neck... throwing her head back to keep her mouth clear, feeling the moist muck start soaking into her white hair, Michael following her lead as he tilted his own head back...

Meanwhile, Rita wasn't far behind them now, sunk to the tops of her own shoulders as her left hand continued to massage her breast, while her right hand had found its way between her legs, rubbing vigorously... she then screamed as she hit her climax, sooner than she was expecting, throwing her head back from the intense waves of ecstasy that wracked her young body, gasping for air as the muck pressed in on her despite her thrashing...

As for Ravonna, she heard Rita's screaming just before her ears were clogged by the quicksand which now framed her face, which sent her over the edge into ecstasy as well... her eyes tightly shut as she hugged her lover tightly, her vagina squeezing Michael's erection just as hard, if not harder...

The young man groaned loudly, as he felt his lover clamp down on him, along with the quicksand sucking at his body, causing him to shoot thick ropes of hot semen deep into Ravonna's uterus... Gasping desperately for breath as stars flashed under his closed eyelids, until the mud began to flow into his open mouth, nearly causing him to choke... (oh god, this is it... we're going down, under...) He managed to suck in a last breath through his nose, before that too was blocked off, the quicksand taking him and Ravonna completely into its hidden depths...

Rita, on the other hand, had managed to avert that fate- but only just barely, as she was now sunk nose-deep in the thick mire, nostrils flaring as they drew in oxygen, her mouth filled with mud as she continued to shiver as 'aftershocks' of pleasure coursed through her body... The brunette moaned, causing bubbles on the surface, her eyes half-closed as she watched the spot where the two lovers had gone under...

Michael felt Ravonna's hand pushing his head forward under the mud, until his lips met with hers once more, the Maiden of the Mire pushing her tongue between his lips, moaning as she continued to quake with pleasure... (Is she still having her orgasm?!) the man couldn't help but wonder, even as he pushed back with own tongue, frenching both his lover and the mud which held them in its grip... He had to admit, this felt different from the other times he had submerged with his ghostly lover... mostly because he was usually hard as a rock down below, instead of already being spent inside of her... It felt cold... a little too cold, as he shifted uncomfortably against his girlfriend, who had little warmth to offer herself, being dead and all... Fortunately, Ravonna seemed to pick up on this, pulling away from Michael, letting his flaccid penis withdraw from her opening, before pulling his underwear and pants back up, fastening the button... then pushing him up through the quicksand with all her human strength...

Michael coughed and sputtered as his head slowly emerged from the depths of the quicksand, gasping in much-needed oxygen... Once he had caught his breath, he wiggled himself upward a bit, his shoulders emerging as he managed to extract his hands, wiping off his face... That done, he looked around, seeing Rita, who had tilted her head back to pull her mouth clear of the quicksand... "Enjoy the show?" he managed to cough out.

"More than... I probably should have," Rita gasped. "Ravonna is so... fucking lucky... to have a man... like you..."

"Thanks, I guess..." Michael then heard a noise, turning his head to watch the mud bulge up, before resolving into the shape of his girlfriend's head, mud streaming from where her mouth should been before she started coughing violently... He did his best to help, by wiping the muck from her face so she could see again...

"Ugh..." Ravonna swallowed before finally speaking, "I may be a ghost... but I still hate... having my lungs... *cough* filled with mud..." She wiggled herself back up to chest-depth, as she gasped for air...

"Remind you too much... of when you first drowned?" Rita ventured.

The ghost girl nodded in reply. "Something like that, yeah..." She then turned to her lover. "Are you OK, Michael?"

"I'm fine," he nodded. "Gotta admit, that was incredible, climaxing at the point of being sucked under... talk about intense... phew..." He leaned back slightly. "Dunno if I've got the strength to swim out..."

"Me neither," Rita groaned, even as she slowly extracted her bosom from the mire. "Though I usually have to rest for a few minutes anyway, after she's through with me..."

"You're welcome," Ravonna chuckled. "I hope you're not mad at me for having fun with her, my love..."

"...'mad' isn't the word I'd use," Michael sighed. "'Surprised', maybe... also maybe 'slightly upset'..." He tilted his head forward to look her in the eye again. "I mean, you promised you wouldn't sink anyone else in the mire once we started our relationship in earnest."

"I promised I wouldn't drown anyone," The Maiden clarified. "And I like I said before, if she *didn't* want me to sink her, she wouldn't keep coming back here..." Rita couldn't help but blush at that.

"...Well, how about next time she comes to sink, you just let her be?" Michael suggested. "Maybe she'd like to have a little fun in the mud by herself, without you butting in and having your way with her."

"I wouldn't mind that," Rita agreed.

Ravonna bit her lip as she considered... "Well... I guess you have a point. I suppose I could restrain myself to just watching next time..."

Her lover nodded, before something else occured to him. "...just so we're clear, Rita is the *only* person you do this sort of thing with? Not with that Christine girl?"

"No," Ravonna said firmly.

"Hell no," Rita affirmed. "I'd never let her do that anyway... I mean, yes, Christine tags along with me on occasion, but she doesn't enjoy the mud in a sexual manner, like I do..."

"That's debatable," the corporeal spirit muttered. "It's more along the likes of 'she doesn't enjoy it to the point of orgasm'... That being said, I've never touched her inappropriately or anything like that..."

"Alright, good," Michael nodded. "Just making sure... anyway, would you mind helping me out of the quicksand, dear?"

Ravonna couldn't help but blush at being called 'dear'... "Of course, my love..."

"And what about me?" Rita interjected.

"You'll just have to wait your turn, Rita," the Maiden said with a wink as she began to push her boyfriend out...

Some time later, the three had managed to extract themselves and wash off in the nearby river, and were now laying on the bank, relaxing, Ravonna and Michael's hands intertwined...

"The stars are beautiful tonight," the albino sighed in contentment.

"They certainly are," Michael nodded in agreement.

"...I can never make out the constellations, though," Rita sighed. "Except for the Big Dipper, anyway..."

"It's okay, neither can I," Ravonna giggled.

"I know where Orion is... well, his belt anyway,'" Michael grunted.

"Astrologists we aren't," Ravonna chuckled, before taking notice of something. "Oh dear... it seems the sky's beginning to light up..."

"Over so soon..." her lover sighed in disappointment, squeezing her hand. "It was fun while it lasted, though..."

"Mm-hmm," Rita nodded. "Good thing I live by myself now, or else my parents'd kill me for being out so late..."

"At least you still have your parents," Michael muttered. "My mom died in childbirth, and I lost my father to cancer recently... Actually, that's how Ravonna and I ended up meeting..."

"Yeah, Christine told me about your suicide attempt being foiled by the Maiden here," Rita nodded.

"You told her about that?!" the black-haired man turned to look at his girlfriend.

Ravonna just shrugged. "It came up when I was trying to comfort the poor girl, when we first met..." She then stood up. "Anyway, it's about time for me to leave..."

"So I guess we'll do this again next month?" Michael asked. "Preferably, just the two of us... no offense, Rita."

"None taken," the brunette replied as she sat up. "I'm not a fan of threesomes, anyway..."

"Deal," Ravonna giggled. "See you again, my love..." With that, she dissolved into mist as the sun peeked over the tree-line, fading into the woods.

Rita couldn't help but shudder at that. "I swear, I am never going to get used to seeing her do that..." She slowly stood to her feet, only to stumble and fall against Michael, looking up at him in embarrassment. "Uh, sorry..."

"It's OK," the young man smirked as he picked himself and Rita up. "Honest accident, no harm, no foul." He pondered for a moment. "If you want, I can help you out of the swamp, if you're too tired to walk on your own..."

"I'd appreciate that, thanks." Rita shifted to a more balanced position. "But let's try to keep a low profile when we get back out into civilization... not just because of my dirty dress, but also, I don't want people getting the wrong idea about you and me..."

"Fair enough," Michael nodded as they began to walk. "I do hope you find a good man for yourself someday, though..."

"So you can have Ravonna all to yourself?" Rita smirked knowingly.

"Damn straight," Michael retorted with a grin.

And for a brief moment the two could have sworn they heard Ravonna's laughter...


I hope you enjoyed it! ;)
Last edited by DJlurker on Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: When Michael Met Rita (A Maiden of the Mire story)

Postby PM2K » Sat Jul 01, 2017 4:08 pm

Cool. :)

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Re: When Michael Met Rita (A Maiden of the Mire story)

Postby stevensh12 » Sat Jul 01, 2017 4:19 pm

PM2K wrote:Cool. :)

What he said
Glad to see another story in the series
i'm just an idiot with a box and a screwdriver

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Re: When Michael Met Rita (A Maiden of the Mire story)

Postby DJlurker » Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:39 pm

Thanks. This'll probably be the last Maiden of the Mire story for a while, though...

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Re: When Michael Met Rita (A Maiden of the Mire story)

Postby Kingsmythe » Sun Jul 09, 2017 7:22 pm

Very nicely done. Great story.

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Re: When Michael Met Rita (A Maiden of the Mire story)

Postby DJlurker » Wed Jul 19, 2017 3:02 am

Kingsmythe wrote:Very nicely done. Great story.

This means a lot coming from a veteran like you. Thank you so much. :ugeek:

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