Basophobic Bogs

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Basophobic Bogs

Postby Solrex » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:42 pm

Author's note: I was daydreaming the other day, and I thought of a new kind of quicksand. So I wrote this story in the same style as my other story, The Shadowmire. Using the pronoun one, or one's self, really makes it possible for anyone to self insert themself into the story. It's also a bit less immersion breaking than using their, and the story leaves huge places for imagination to freely fill in details with one's self, or a character that you know of, canon or original. My only wish is that PM2K could read this, hopefully in whatever afterlife he is in (not going into religious details), he can still observe this world and view my story. That would make me happy...

Anyways, if anyone wants to use a basophobic bog in their story, feel free to. I just ask that you consider crediting me (Solrex), or giving me a link to the story. However, I do not require this as I hope to allow this material to spread throughout the community, and if plaguerism has to occur in order for it to spread, so be it. If someone draws art of this, please please please link me to it, as I would love to see someone's art on it.

Anyways, enjoy the story!

In the lands of Arcana, there were several types of mages and wizards. One in particular created an enchantment of earth, air, and pure arcane origin.

The spell enchanted a bog or any kind of quicksand-like material with a very unique effect; when sinking in it, one would feel like they were falling, skydiving even.

The author of the spell called it basophobic bog, after the fear of falling.

Simply stepping into a basophobic bog in shoes wouldn't do much, since the muddy substance wouldn't soak well through the material. If barefoot, an intangible breeze would be felt breezing upwards, almost as if one had jumped off a cliff with a slow fall spell.

Sinking up to one's knees, the bog would soak through clothing, and mesmerize the victim more, one's psychological descent becoming faster. One with a head for heights would still feel the effects, but be unencumbered by the effect, perhaps even enjoying it.

Sinking up to the waist would both strengthen the effect and become more sensual in the sink, if the one sinking had a fetish for the mire. Sinking at this depth feels like an accelerating speed of jumping off a cliff or diving board into unreachable waters below as they get deeper.

If one looked below, it would strengthen the effect, one's mind believing it's seeing an abyss, smelling the clouds, and feeling the rushing of air, while one's eyes still only see the mud, one's nose smells the mire, and one's skin feels the soft embrace of the comforting sludge. At this point, if one was a basophobic, of which many people are naturally, one would start panicking and flailing their arms quite wildly, both due to the mental speed of their aerial descent and the fact that they are sinking into quicksand.

At this point, if one was a mage, they may try to use magic to escape, but before them usually lies in combination with this spell a complex anti-magic field that requires it to be carefully unwoven, which is nearly impossible in a panic of descent into the abyss of the bottomless sky. No bottom can be felt as one descends into the hallucination, often giving the illusion of a bottomless mire, despite the finite depth of all these pits.

Sinking up the ribs, as one approaches buoyancy, one will approach terminal velocity in their minds. Outstretched arms to attempt the cause of drag is not uncommon in the slightest. If one was accustomed to the enchantment, maybe even using the spell for meditation, training, enjoyment, or the like, it would be more common for them to thrust their arms into the swamp, strengthening the effect further.

As one sinks to about chest deep, the point of buoyancy, one's palms would become soaked in sweat, one's heart would be pounding, head swirling with vertigo, mind completely entranced by the enchantment. One has achieved maximum velocity in their illusion, feeling exhilarating thrills, involuntary or not.

As the mire settles around one's self, the spell does not end, albeit, the bog will start to settle, and make escape more difficult, yet not impossible. Death by exposure in this way is either theorized to be complete torment or an enjoyable thrill, depending on one's self.

Being pushed or pulled deeper, either by someone above or by one's pack below, will cause one to feel like they are wearing a rocket thrusting them downwards faster than maximum velocity, causing unmeasurable shaking and excitement, either from fear or thrills. Submersion would cause an insane mental descent speed to occur for the one trapped. Usually natural adrenaline overdose will kill rather than exposure in this case, albeit drowning is still an option with a weight pulling one under. A heart beating faster and faster until one experiences tachycardia, the symptom of having a fast beating heart.

As one's heart gets to this point, they will feel shortness of breath, more dizziness than before, a feeling of weakness and helplessness, their chest fluttering like a hummingbird, lightheadedness and vision blacking out while still conscious, and even passing out, which is lethal to one's self while under the basophobic bog.

If, however, one is at the point of buoyancy, and manages to start their escape, their mental descent will start to decelerate, as they are either pulled out of the sludge, climb out, or any other form of extraction from the trap.

However, this experience, if one isn't obsessively basophobic, can be rather addicting, and the lure of a basophobic bog can cause someone to feel like they are on a cliff when looking over the edge of an identified mire, providing they have sunk in it before. Thus, without proper discipline, this spell can cause one to kill themselves due to the addicting endorphins of falling, which can lead to heart attacks from the speed of one's heart beating.

All in all, if one wanted to make a dangerous trap, a basophobic bog is a perfect trap, for both the fearful and the addicts. If used as a tool for either training or enjoyment, extreme caution and self discipline is required, as using the spell on one's self too many times can be rather dangerous for one's heart.

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Re: Basophobic Bogs

Postby Fred588 » Sat Apr 28, 2018 1:51 pm

Use of the idea of something basophobic would not be plagiarism. This is a certainty as you have given permission, but the term itself is simply the converse of basophilic, which is a common term in cell biology. Plagiarism would be if someone wrote a story using your exact words as if they had written them. Copyright is also not an issue either as a simple word cannot be copyrighted. A word can, sometimes, be protected as a trademark but this does not apply here.
Studio 588 currently offers more than 2200 different HD and QD quicksand videos and has supported production of well over 2400 video scenes and other projects by 13 different producers. Info may be found at:

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Re: Basophobic Bogs

Postby Solrex » Sat Apr 28, 2018 11:43 pm

Fred588 wrote:Use of the idea of something basophobic would not be plagiarism. This is a certainty as you have given permission, but the term itself is simply the converse of basophilic, which is a common term in cell biology. Plagiarism would be if someone wrote a story using your exact words as if they had written them. Copyright is also not an issue either as a simple word cannot be copyrighted. A word can, sometimes, be protected as a trademark but this does not apply here.

Regardless, did you enjoy my writing? That's what I'm more concerned about.

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Re: Basophobic Bogs

Postby quagmire_uk » Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:04 pm

It's a pretty intersting and unusual concept!

Doesn't particularly appeal to me, though, as I'm more into the idea of someone slowly sinking into a sticky mess, the victim being stuck and then realising they are gradually getting deeper and deeper, perhaps with their own struggles to free themselves being what drives them deeper. Doesn't really work with the idea of the victim feeling like / behaving like they have stepped off a ledge and are plunging into a chasm at terminal velocity.

But of course for anyone who has a kink for falling/skydiving etc, it's a cool idea to combine fetishes.

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