My old stories - Mountain Quicksand

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My old stories - Mountain Quicksand

Postby Chimerix » Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:01 pm

I'm reposting some things that I wrote way back in the 90s. I remember doing this before, but when I search the forum, see no sign of them. Anyway, enjoy!

Mountain Quicksand

Warning! This story contains an erotic depiction of death in
quicksand. If this doesn't appeal to you, please move on.

Remorse? Hell, I ain't even sure I know what that means.
Like sorry? No, can't say as I am. She had no business being up
there, and she sure had no business talking like that to me. See,
I came up on her out in the woods, not far from where my cabin is.
I live there, see.

Lisa had chosen an isolated clearing in a little nestled
valley for hew retreat. The earth was soft, loamy, covered in
short grasses deliciously sweet against her bare skin. A mountain
creek babbled its gentle way past her camp, source of water,
recreation, and contemplation. She planned on following it down to
the coast sometime before she went home. In the meantime, there
was sunning to be done. Reaching over to stir the pot of beans
slowly simmering by the campfire, she pulled off her loose flannel
top and reached for the oil.

I was runnin my traps, see, and I smelt beans. Twas strange,
you see. Ain't no one ever comes up there. I was just gonna look,
figured maybe I could trade some pelts or meat for some bullets.
That way, I wouldn't have to go back to town for maybe another 6

At the sound of movement nearby, Lisa slowly lifted her head.
Expecting to see maybe a squirrel or a raccoon looking for an easy
dinner. When her eyes met with the shaggy figure of Zachariah, she
froze. Fear and anger pulsed through her veins. Anger willing,
she leapt to her feet, opened her mouth...

She was Nekked!! All blond and tan, covered with oil. Damn,
but I wanted her! Then she jumps up, starts hollerin' at me,
callin' me names. Course, I didn't pay her no mind, I just
started to pull off my clothes.

Her eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped as the figure
approaching her began pulling off a dirt encrusted belt. A second
of stunned silence, and then she was gone, running like mad through
the piney woods, unconsciously following the creek down the side of
the rolling hills.

'Course I followed her. I was gonna get me some, and like it
or not, she was gonna give it to me.

Fleeing through the brush, she nearly rushed headlong over a
small escarpment. TO her left, the creek tumbled down a modest
five feet to crash upon a sandy cove beneath. Hearing her pursuit
close behind her, Lisa leapt over, aiming at the middle of the sand
bank beneath her.

Damn if she didn't jump right into it! I hollered, tried to
warn her, but she just jumped right on in. What else could I do
but watch?

The spine-jarring impact she expected never came. Instead,
she felt her feet plunging into a soft bed of loose sand, her body
coming to rest around mid-thigh. She twisted her neck up and
around, expecting to see the mountain man jumping down behind her.
Instead she saw him standing on the edge of the rock above, looking
down at her. She looked down herself, and realized that her legs,
buried to mid-thigh from her landing, were slowly sliding down
further into the sandy mass. She was sinking! This was quicksand!!
Frantic, she looked around for something to grab onto, but there
was nothing within her reach but more loose, moist sand. Looking
back over her shoulder to plead for help, she was aghast to realize
that the mountain man had dropped his pants and was slowly stroking
his penis... he was masturbating!! She was sinking in quicksand,
and he was masturbating! Disgusted and panicked, she looked down
again to watch the curve of her golden hips sliding smoothly
beneath the surface. She was distracted for a moment, mesmerized
by watching the gentle cusp in the sand where it met her skin. The
grains adhered themselves to her, and were sucked under as more
sand rolled forward to fill the borderline depression. Watching
the quicksand fill her sinking navel, fear broke through her
trance, and she began to struggle violently. Somewhere in the back
of her mind, she was aware of the old man laughing.

She just kept struggling, see, and kept right on sinking.
Wasn't anything I could do, she wouldn't listen to me and I
couldn't reach her.

As her breasts felt the tickling of the sand on their
underside, Lisa stopped squirming to draw a deep, shaky breath.
Again, looking down, she became entranced with watching her golden
skin being sucked down. Far below the surface, she wriggled her
toes and slowly scissored her legs, savoring the sensations of
pushing her limbs through the thick, warm graininess of the sand.
Looking around from her lowered perspective, Lisa glanced again at
the man. He was watching her intently, eyes sparkling, hand
stroking fiercely. Her shudder of disgust sent ripples spreading
across the top of the quicksand.
As her breasts disappeared, the sand patiently engulfing them,
Lisa realized that she was having some difficulty breathing as the
thick weight of the quicksand squeezed in on her chest from all
sides. Concentrating on drawing deep, even breaths, lisa slowly
squirmed and twisted, focusing on enjoying her last sensations.
The sand, as it closed over her shoulders, felt soft and inviting,
a lover's caress. Closing her eyes, she reached one hand under the
sand to her pubis, gently holding and massaging her clitoris as the
thick collar of quicksand climbed up slowly up her neck. Feeling
the sand reach her chin, Lisa opened her eyes. She was now staring
at the bog almost eye-level. She kept her lips slightly parted as
her chin settled into the mire, allowing a little of the quicksand
to gently ooze into her mouth, savoring the tastes and sensations.
She delighted in the warm feel of her breath, blown from her
nostrils, bouncing off the bog and warming her cheeks. As her
nostrils reached sand level, Lisa tried blowing an airway through
the sand, then quickly sucking in precious air. Only moderately
successful, a noseful of quicksand forced her to tilt her head
back. Now all she could see was the sky and the mountain man, in
the throes of near-orgasm. As the sand crept into her peripheral
vision, Lisa felt the hot, moist impact of semen on her face, then
the warm gentle embrace of the sand flowing over her.

I tell you, watching that girl sink, seeing that pretty blond
hair, and them slender arms and soft hands get sucked under last,
and that one air bubble pop through, I never wanted anything so bad
as to jump in there with her. I talked myself out of it, though.
I figure I got plenty of time to go yet. That quicksand's not
going anywhere. It just sits there and waits, knowing that sooner
or later, someone'll come along.
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Re: My old stories - Mountain Quicksand

Postby JSample » Sat Apr 15, 2023 3:43 am

I seem to remember reading this story long ago, either here or elsewhere. An intriguing approach, switching perspectives and "persons" to tell the story.
Jason Sample

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Re: My old stories - Mountain Quicksand

Postby ghostofmyeyes » Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:04 am

I remember this one from Kaol's site. Even the run-plop-sink stories in those days had some world-building to them. Unfortunate that the poor lady didn't even make it to orgasm after her mood shift. Lisa deserves a sink-over!

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Re: My old stories - Mountain Quicksand

Postby Chimerix » Sun Apr 16, 2023 8:44 pm

JSample wrote:I seem to remember reading this story long ago, either here or elsewhere. An intriguing approach, switching perspectives and "persons" to tell the story.

I toyed with the idea of using text attributes to help differentiate the voices in this reprint, but the original was published without such capabilities, so I decided not to George Lucas it. :lol:
The difference between theory and reality is that, in theory, there is no difference between theory and reality.

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