Nun of the Mud Volcano (M)

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Black Clay Lord
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Nun of the Mud Volcano (M)

Postby Black Clay Lord » Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:20 am

This is something I rarely do: Feature a nun in quicksand & mud. So here's a little addition to the idea of nuns caught in quicksand.

No actual nuns were sunk against their will in the writing of this tale. Just so you know.
Known as Olympus's Great Paladin, 19-year-old Malila works effortlessly to bless not only her homeland, but also the mystical lands of Hyrule itself. Often, her job of cleansing will involve having her get into fights with monsters. In some instances though, she will make herself a sacrifice to the earth itself, which more often than not involves submerging into deep pools of mud, and/or quicksand. Today, Malila is set to perform a cleansing here in her Olympian home.

Garbed in nun's clothing, Malila eyes her destination: The semi-mountainous region that is the Mud Volcano Plains. They are so named because there are many, many mud volcanoes in the area. It is also cram packed with mud pots of similar stature. Although the mud volcanoes & mud pots here are constantly erupting, they do not produce the gases a number of other volcanoes & pots would spew out, so they are safe to relax & sink in.

Malila packs up a set of clean clothes for when her sink is done, and then heads off to the plains themselves. Stepping outside, she looked around, eyeing how clear the sky is. "A fantastical sunny day," She says, smiling widely. "I could not have asked for better." Malila proceeds onward, taking a northwest turn from the house. This is also the direction to Thebes City, which is said to be built on a mud volcano itself. But this isn't entirely true.

It is northeast of the plains, so it would make sense that some of the roads would get coated in its mud flows when the volcanoes erupt & wash downward into the city. Nevertheless, once thick mud erupts on the city outskirts, it is often best to tread carefully, and avoid driving in it since cars can get stuck in it. Unless it's hover cars of course. Malila came to a pathway on the city outskirt shortly after. One path leads into the city itself.

The other route leads to the plains, and Malila obviously chose the way to the plains. That was where she is needed at the moment, and her desire to sink was very strong to say the least. "Maybe I'll bring a present back from the city shop on my way back." Malila says to herself as she passes a store that specialized in goods that promote the mud volcano plains. They even sell clay that mimics the mud found within the pots & volcanoes in the area.

Malila was already on the right path since sidewalk gave way to a dusty dirt path, soaked with the mud from the consistently erupting volcanoes of the plains. Plus, there was also a decent amount of heat in the area, so Malila knew that she was getting close. In the Summer time, this would not be ideal for a sink since the heat around the plateau can reach anywhere around 100 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Almost as hot as a typical desert.

But in Winter, the mud volcano plains are a welcoming hotspring for travelers who want to wait until blizzards blow past, or just want to get some warm mud on their bodies as opposed to taking a normal hot bath. Yet today, conditions were perfect for Malila. Eventually, she set foot onto the plains themselves, greeted by the sight of endless mud volcanoes & mud pots, constantly erupting & bubbling up viscous thick mud as a way of welcoming the young maiden.

"Still as active as ever," Malila says. "I see why my father liked playing here before I was born." She then adds. She proceeds to explore the plains, looking for a good enough mud volcano to swallow her entirely. That is... If it would be able to ingest her huge breasts when that moment arrived. She was the bustiest member in our family after all, having breasts much larger than her mother Palutena, too, by at least 3 inches, and her breasts being at KK-Cup.

Some question these sizes as being proper for someone who uses holy magic, but it's possible to have large breasts, and still be a virtuous user of the holy arts. Nonetheless, Malila inspects the volcanoes she comes across, with her first one inspected right away. But, the first one seemed more fitting for slimmer people. It wouldn't fit her curvaceous body in the slightest. "Too narrow..." Malila says before moving onto another nearby mud volcano.

This next one was wider, but Malila dipped her spear into it, but only half of it disappeared into its depths, meaning it doesn't swallow people whole. "Too shallow." Malila states before resuming her inspection. Malila came upon a 3rd mud volcano, but this one had its issues, too. To her dismay, as she tries to enter the volcano, the mud flowing from it proved to be utterly slippery, preventing her from climbing to its mouth so that she might be able to test it.

"Way too slippery!" Malila exclaimed. "Ugh! This is hopeless!" Malila shouted in a fit of rage. But just as she was about to give up, her attention turned to a mud volcano that was next to a flowing mud pot. She was quick to make for this duo. It was exactly what she was looking for. The mud wasn't overflowing for one thing, and when she dipped her spear into the volcano itself, her weapon disappeared completely, and her arms went to the elbows.

And finally, the mud was nice & oh-so bubbly while being extremely viscous & thick. Malila's mood immediately shifted from anger to joy. The additional fact that it was big enough for her to sink in alone was joyous as well. "Ah, the perfect mud volcano for my sacrifice." Malila says, smiling. And with no predatory animals in the area at this time, Malila was safe to sink, and she practically had the area all to herself right now. It was down right perfect.

Setting her spear up by the pot close by, Malila stood on the edge of her chosen mud volcano, and enter a posture of prayer, and pray, she did. "O heavenly spirits of thine Earth..." She says. "I now give thee to thine Earth, if not only for a brief moment. I ask thee: Be witness to my devotion as I sink into the mud before me..." She then adds before finishing her prayer with a nod of her head, then she exits her prayer stance & once more looks upon the mud.

It still bubbles ceaselessly, awaiting Malila's entry. The mud pot nearby was oozing mud into the volcano itself, as if prepping it for an eruption later on. Without hesitation, Malila climbed into the mud volcano's mouth, and slowly worked her way to the center of the volcano where the flowing mud from the nearby mud pot was going. This way, in a sense, she can get the best of both volcano, and pot. Despite the thickness, Malila managed to get to the center.

There, standing perfectly in place, Malila looks at the mud pot nearby, noticing how she could climb into it if she so chooses. But there was one thing she also took note of: The mud pot acted as another exit from beneath the mud volcano. She was not sure how it worked, but she does know that the volcanoes & pots are often linked with tunnels underground, so one could go under a volcano, then emerge inside of the mud pot a moment later after the initial sink.

But she opted to worry of that later. For now, her main focus was going down. And as she starts to sink into the mud, watching as her feet & ankles were the first parts of her to go, Malila offers another prayer. "O heavenly spirits of thine Earth..." She says. "I go now into the mud. May my sacrifice appease & cleanse the land... Grant upon me your blessing, so which I may be steadfast in my descent into the depths of the gooey earth..." She finalized.

Prayer finished, Malila now focused solely on sinking into the mud volcano as it continued to bubble like there was no tomorrow in sight. The consistent bubbling seemed to churn the mud to a degree as the mud in some areas softened up a little bit, making Malila's sink speed up a little bit, but even then, she sank no faster than a turtle's pace. This worked for Malila as she wanted to disappear under the mud nice & slowly, not immediately.

The mud nonetheless didn't take long to reach her knees, and Malila looks at her nun leggins as they are already halfway under. "This is going to need several baths to get all the mud out..." She says to herself. "Oh well..." She then shrugged as she simply allowed her sink to continue on. Malila looked on as the mud continued to slowly pull her into its depths, feeling its tight thick grip on her thighs. The sensation of it being quite hard to resist, too.

Even so, Malila kept herself composed through the ordeal. There was an instinct to just rip her nun robes off & sink naked, but despite being alone for that, Malila did no such thing. Her aim was to sink while dressed as the nun she currently is, and by golly she's going to stick with it. Yet, the pleasurable feeling the mud placed on her body could not be resisted entirely. "Feels really good on my legs..." Malila moans out as her thighs continue to be slurped down.

In time, Malila's shapely legs were consumed, and the mud now meets her butt. "Holy crap! It's at my butt already?!" She asks herself in shock. Nevertheless, her sink was continuing on as slow as it can be, even as the bubbles of the mud volcano continue to pop ceaselessly, and sometimes ferociously.Some of them rise & pop around Malila herself, splattering her robes in a good number of areas. Already, most of her black outfit was coated a deep muddy gray.

Yet Malila simply regained her composure, and offered up another prayer as she floats for a moment. "Heavenly spirits of thine Earth..." She says. "Halfway I am sunk... Halfway have I been sacrificed... May you continue to bless me, as I continue to sink down..." She finishes before noticing her skirt beginning to fan out as her descent showed no signs of stopping at all. Malila nonetheless continued to be impressed with how gripping the mud was on the surface.

"It's just sucking me in..." Malila says, wiggling against the mud holding her as it does its thing in steadily pulling Malila downward still. Even so, she doesn't feel a bottom in where she is sinking into the mud, but she does feel a suction that's slightly stronger than normal; which means that Malila must be above a tunnel that will no doubt see her going into the mud pot to rise up in once all was said & done. And Malila just continued her descent into the mud, and loving it.

Although her bellybutton was obscured, Malila was able to feel it submerge under the mud as her descent kept on. The deeper Malila went, the louder the mud bubbles got in her ears. But the popping was a mild noise compared to the shriek of a red-tailed hawk, or the sonic boom emitted from a fighter craft when conditions were right. Nonetheless, Malila relaxed to the sound of the bubbles of the mud, even as the mud inched ever closer to her large breasts.

And yet, the mud bubbled under her breasts some, making them jiggle a little bit, and alerting Malila to the fact that she was nearing breast deep in the mud's depths. "Merciful Hylia..." Malila muttered. "It's already closing in on my breasts...?" She then says with a gasp of realization. Nonetheless, Malila sucked in a breath, hoping that if she were to hold her breath, she'd avert the increased pleasuring effects of the mud on her big breasts.

Malila held steadfast and kept her breath in for as long as she could, even as the mud finally brings her to her large breasts. As the mud caressed her breasts for the time she floated on the surface due to her big breasts, Malila flushed a deep red, trying to resist the feeling the mud had on her lusciously large bosom, going so far as to pray in her head the spirits would bless her with the resistance she seemed to want for the time being as she stayed aloft.

Unfortunately, for this brief moment, and having held her breath for at least 5 minutes, the spirits had forsaken Malila, and she exhaled loudly, unable to hold it in for much longer. "So much for that..." Malila says, panting, before closing her eyes. "O Heavenly spirits of thine Earth..." She says. "Please forgive... my foolish resistance..." So she hath said, so they answer. Malila's body had its pleasure level toned down some as a result, but it still remained strong.

It was impossible to erase all good feelings of the mud once it had reached certain parts of the body, but Malila didn't seem to care anymore. She just wanted to go deeper in the mud, and so she continues to attain her wish. "It just feels too good anyway..." Malila says, watching as the mud slowly consumed her breasts. With how big they were, it was clear that she was feeling the effects of how the mud squeezed on them as they were swallowed more & more.

Malila could only watch as the mud continued to take her breasts down, eyeing the golden ankh she wears on her neck. Typically she should be wearing a cross on her neck, but Malila is one who likes to mix things up on occasion. Nonetheless, it kept with her attire as a nun perfectly. Malila watched as the mud oozed over to the edge of her cleavage window, and could only continue to do so as the mud even flowed down into her cleavage, too.

Malila's face flushed even redder as a result. Her breasts were getting coated on the inside, and Malila did nothing to try & stop it. She just welcomed it warmly, even going as far as to squeeze her breasts to make some of the mud squirt upward. Yet, this didn't last long as the mud finally swallowed Malila's breasts whole, pulling her to her shoulders for a moment before she sank past her neck, and ultimately stopping at her chin; the bubbles being extra audible now.

"Almost under..." Malila says. "Time for one last prayer..." She then said, before closing her eyes, and tilting her head back. "O Heavenly spirits of thine Earth..." Malila prays. "I go now, into the Earth... Grant me your blessing, that I may continue to serve... That my love & compassion cleanses the land around me..." She went onto say. "All as I go... To be one... With the Earth..." She then finalizes. And just in time, too, as the mud begins to pull her head down.

The headdress she wore fanned out nicely, and even more so as Malila kept her head tilted backward. Nonetheless, the mud rolled over her mouth first, and Malila used the moment to blow her own bubbles in the mud volcano. But as she did, the mud in the volcano soon rolled over the remainder of her face, swallowing what remained of her headdress, and her long flowing hair as well. Yet Malila's descent did not stop there; not by a longshot.

As Malila continued to descend into the depths of the mud volcano, she still felt no bottom, but still felt the suction beneath her feet. Once she reached the floor of the mud volcano, she probed its floor with her feet, finding some solid ground around an area that continues on into more mud. It was a tunnel to the connecting mud pot, as was expected. Without missing a beat, Malila positioned herself so that she would go into the tunnel.

And go into the tunnel she did, her curvaceous body fitting perfectly, and allowing her to swim through it in her mermaid form as well. Although her lower half in mermaid form is that of a cuttlefish, so this gave her more maneuverability. She reached the end of the mud pot tunnel just in time as well. Both volcano, and pot were fixing to erupt, and Malila emerges from beneath the mud inside the pot just as the volcano & pot gave off a great eruption.

Yet Malila didn't escape the mud pot in time to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Caught in a wave of mud from the volcano, and buried in avalanche of mud from the pot itself, Malila wound up caked with even more mud than she originally started with upon resurfacing. Even so, after returning to human form, Malila carefully managed to exit the mud pot she was in, stepping onto solid earth once more. Although it was caked with mud as well.

Yet Malila just didn't seem to care. She was satisfied with her sinky adventure, and her work was done as her sacrifice had paid off in full. Picking her spear up, Malila proceeds into town, locating a city bath house to wash up in. "I think that went really well," She says to herself. "But that won't be the last time I sink in nun's clothing." She then adds as she washes off the mud on her body, eventually coming clean as a whistle after a relaxing soak in the waters.

After drying off, Malila put her clean clothes on, and stashed her heavily mucked ones in a laundry bag. They needed some serious washing, but it was worth the experience. As she heads home, she made sure to stay true to her previous word about buying something from the mud volcano general store as a keepsake; namely by choosing some medicinal salts & clay that are sometimes found around the mountainous plains.

As Malila then heads for home, she reflected on her experience; what it was like to sink while garbed as a nun, how the mud felt against her body, and how it felt to have mud erupt all around her person. Putting her hands in prayer as she walks home, she prayed that next time... She would perform this type of ritual with a partner. But who would be brave enough to take the task on? Well, that's another story.

Malila: Me
There is but one certainty - every end marks a new beginning. "—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"

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