Quicksand Pleasure Machine of DEATH!!!!

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Quicksand Pleasure Machine of DEATH!!!!

Postby TBoneTony » Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:30 pm

An old story I made in 2006, but a really good one. I finally found an old word.doc of it just tonight for you guys

Quicksand Pleasure Machine of Death.
Inspired by the Barbarella movie clip.
This is only a story, please don’t take it too seriously.
By TBone Tony

You are sleeping in your bed one night. You love the feel of all the blankets around your body keeping you warm during the cold nights.
Sometimes your imagination drifts into a more perilous fantasy. With the bed sheets and blankets tight around your body, sometimes you dream of sinking into quicksand, sometimes you like to imagine your bed slowly eating you, the blankets drawing your body under and smothering you to death.
But tonight, you will realise you should be careful about what you wish for.

Outside there is a flying saucer, an alien ship looking to chose a volunteer to assist them in their ambition for galactic domination, all they need is information on who your leader is, after they have achieved that then they can start their plan for world domination.

You see a bright light from outside, you don’t know what it is but as you try to step out of bed, you realise that you can’t move.
“Ugh, what is happening? I can’t move.” You gasp as you feel your body feel like stone.
Suddenly shock tunes to fear as you feel yourself getting lighter and lighter.
You turn your head to your side and you realise that your body is floating in mid air.
“Ugh, what is happening to me? Why am I hovering a metre off my bed?”
All these questions come to your mind but you have no logical explanation about them. All you understand is that you are now under the forces that you can’t control. What is even more terrifying is that you can’t see them.
Suddenly you feel movements on your body. You mouth hangs open in horror as you see the blankets around you start to get tighter around your body.
You feel the blankets at your sides come under you and wrap themselves all over your levitating body.
“No…this is not happening…I must be…dreaming.”
You close your eyes and prey that when you open them everything will be back to normal. But as you open your eyes again you see layers and layers of blankets on your bed wrapping tightly around your body hovering in mid air inside your bedroom.
You stare up, your eyes wide in fear, this is staring to become too much for you to take in, but the worst is yet to come.
Suddenly the sheets that are tightly wrapped against you from all the blankets start to move themselves up towards your face.
“Oh no, what now?” You ask yourself.
You get the answer quickly as the sheets start to wrap around your neck.
“Ugh…Help…Somebody….ugh…” You scream but the sheets circle your neck to cut off the air to your lungs.
You can hardly scream as the sheets wrap themselves higher around your youthful face. Your hair is neatly wrapped so the strands of your hair would not tickle your face.
Now you body is wrapped up like a mummy.
You feel your body being gently laid back down onto your bed and the sheets take off the pressure on your neck so you are not choking anymore.
You breathe a sigh in relief as you think this is all over.
But it is not.
You gasp as you feel yourself sink into the middle of your mattress.
You try to move your arms but you cant as they are tied tightly to your body from the heavy layers of sheets and blankets all around cocooning your body.
The mattress folds in half around you and you scream in terror as you feel the walls of the mattress close in on both sides of you, clamping on top of you.
You breathe harder as you try to wiggle out of your cocoon but it is too late to act now, the springs inside the walls of the mattress close around you holding your body in place amongst all the layers of blankets around you.
The air becomes heavier and it gets harder to breathe inside the sheets with your mattress covering your body.
Your eyes slowly close as you pass out from the lack of air.

As you are sleeping in your cocoon, you feel yourself become light again as your body is being taken outside and into the alien spaceship that has stopped over your house.

You open your eyes expecting to see your bedroom and everything to be normal, but to your surprise all you can see is white.
You try to take a step but your foot stops as your toes hit a glass wall.
You look down and realise that you are standing up and naked.
“No…how did I get here?” You ask yourself.
You try to move back but you hit another glass wall and you lean left and right and glass walls is all you meat.
You find yourself trapped inside a glass tube that is tight around your body.
You look in front of yourself and scream into the empty white space.
“Help…somebody please tell me what is going on here?”
Your screams are answered by a voice of an invisible being.
“Welcome, you have been randomly chosen to answer us a few questions we would like to ask you about your planet.” The voice says calmly.
You are not in the mood to answer questions and you don’t see in anyway how it could be funny if you had just been kidnapped and stripped naked only to answer a few questions by someone who is more likely to do something disgusting to you.
“I will never commit to you, I will rather die than allow you to violate my body.” You shout to the voices.
“My dear female human, it is not like you have a choice here. On our planet we do things more differently. Now stay still, this won’t take too long.” The voice calmly says to you.
You struggle as you push your body against the glass tube, your breasts squish against the glass but with all your strength you can’t break free.
A large glass ball comes down in front of the tube you are trapped in and it starts to swing left to right.
Your eyes see the glass ball swinging and you don’t know why but curiosity gets the better of you as your eyes stare at the glass ball.
“Now me sweet, look into the glass ball.” The voice tells you.
Your eyes are wide open almost unblinkingly watching as the ball goes left to right.
You feel strong hypnotic waves coming from the glass ball, the waves grow stronger as they enter the glass tube you are stuck in.
“What…is…happening…to…me?” You ask as you fell yourself sway left to right inside the tube.
“You are getting sleepy, my young woman.” The voice soothes to you. “Yes…very sleepy.”
Your eyes start to get heavy as you feel yourself losing control of your body.
You feel your heart slowly beet to the swinging momentum of the metronome.
You start to say something but you can only yawn as your mouth opens wide.
You try to fight it but you are having great difficulty staying awake.
“Ugh…” you gasp, as your eyes shut and you black out.

The voices ask you questions to your hypnotised body and you respond without hesitation, complying with their wishes in order to know everything you know about your planet.
These are very intelligent aliens as they can tell that you are a female human, they know your name and they have been watching you for a while long before tonight’s events.
They also know that you are a beautiful young woman of 21+ years. Perfect since you are old enough to vote, they would not have kidnapped you if you weren’t old enough to vote for the leader of your own country.
But they have failed to notice that you take no interest in politics, when they asked you questions about world politics, you are unable to give them an answer as you have no idea which country has the most influential power on the planet Earth.
They release your body from the tube and you lay naked on the white floor, the aliens have questioned you enough to know that you no longer serve a purpose to them.
A large figure enters the white room, the alien has a figure of a large round head made out of 2 lobes. One on it’s left and another on it’s right.
The rest of the alien’s body is made up of slimy tentacles.
The tentacles of the alien gently pick up your delicate sleeping body. It then takes you to another room where you will meet your fate.

Your eyes open as you feel yourself regain consciousness, but you realise that you can’t move your arms, or even your legs.
Your eyes are wide open and you gasp as you find your body in what looks like a large spa bath. Your body is placed between two clam like walls of the bath in a vertical sliding position. The rest of the tub is a round open area, this reminds you of a giant quicksand pit as you could also see that you are chest deep in what looks to be solid mud and sand.
“Nice to see you are awake, did you enjoy your nap sweetie?” The voice asks you.
“Well I had a…” you start, but you began to get scared from what you think they had done to you while you are asleep. “What on earth did you do to me? This is not the sort of thing you should do to someone if you plan on calling them sweetie.”
Your anger is starting to show on your face, you want to get out of here.
“Not to worry, you were not violated in your sleep I can assure you. We respect other species and would not try to probe anybody without their permission.”
“Well, what did you do to me?” You ask.
“We only hypnotised you so you can give us all we want to know about your planet.”

You start to feel water hit your skin under the solid mud you find yourself trapped in.
“What is happening here and what am I trapped in?” you ask getting curious.
“You are trapped in our quicksand pleasure machine, this is where we will dispose of you. You have outlived your purpose and now you will die in what you humans call the most satisfying way to go.”
The voice disappeared as the noise of the machine began to get louder, it sounds like a spa bath machine but this is different. You can feel something strange stimulating your toes under the mud slowly building up.
“Well this is great.” You say to yourself. “At least I won’t be…UGH!!!!!!”
Your mouth opens in shock as you feel unexplained sensations emerge onto your naked body.
The surface is rippling in waves and bubbles emerge from the mud as the surface became wet in seconds.
You feel something strange stirring the mud around you. It seams the mud is alive.
You did not know the mud would become so alive so quickly.
Now the mud is making it’s way inside you, pressing into your body and barging its way deep inside your womanhood.
“Oh…My…GOD.” You breathe.
You can’t explain the feeling of being touched in every part of your body as what the mud is doing right now. You feel your nipples becoming hard as they are sucked into the surface of the mud now becoming wetter and wetter. You feel another sort of wetness coming from within you.

You become lost in your own emotions as the mud twists and turns you on. You never thought that mud could do this.
“So, are you enjoying your demise?” The voice comes back on.
“Oh…yes.” You cry out with pleasure. “This is quite wonderful.”
“I am so glad you are enjoying this, not many humans could say they enjoy dying.”
Your heart skips a beat as you hear those haunting words.
“You mean this is going to pleasure me to death?” you ask.
“Yes, we have this mud and sand on our home planet called excessive sand. Nobody escapes from it.
In its natural habitat, the excessive sand is able to make it hard for any creature to break free from its grasp.
But since we have taken this substance of excessive sand and took it into space, we had lost its natural behaviour and it turned into normal mud and sand.
But since we had developed this machine here, the excessive sand is now more powerful and no human has ever escaped from it alive. And it even sucks humans down to drown them under its surface so if you can survive the long battle to stay above the surface, I doubt you will ever survive the powers of the excessive sand.
It acts like another sort of substance you humans call quicksand. But believe me, this is more dangerous then quicksand. You can call it the quicksand pleasure machine of death. Because in the end, you will be pleasured to death.”

The voice cuts off and you stare at the surface of the quicksand, the waves are hitting your body flowing over your shoulders. Under the surface the quicksand is touching you and stroking your sensitive breasts. It is making love to you and you can’t stop it touching you.
Your pants become louder as you are on a verge of the first orgasm of your life.
“Oh…how…can…this…be…HAPPENING TO ME!!!!!” you scream as your climax hits you like a train.
You close your eyes as you feel yourself sinking deeper up to your neck.
But before you have time to relax, you feel the quicksand continue to touch you deeper inside your most sacred parts of your body.
to…me.” you whisper.
“Did I not tell you that it pleasures you to death?” the voice comes back and asks you.
You move your head from left to right above the surface of the quicksand as to say no. You are unable to speak clearly from the sensations continuing to hit your body.
“Well the quicksand pleasure machine of death is a machine that dose not stop touching you, you will continue to feel pleasure even if it takes 10 what you humans say orgasms. But most humans last for up to 2, you will be lucky to still be alive after 3. It will never stop.” The voice goes away again.
Your mouth opens wide and your eyes bulge in terror as you realise that this will never stop, you had never been loved this way before, not even by quicksand. Now you realise that you will die if you don’t get out.
“No…got…to…get…ugh.” You pant.
You try to move your arms but they are stuck to your sides, but with all the mud now becoming wetter, you slowly move your arms towards the surface.
The surface of the quicksand hits your chin and you realise you don’t have much time left. The quicksand is making you tired as it still moves all around you, making your mouth dry and your face becoming hotter with lust.
You feel your arms move over your breasts, touching your hard nipples.
“Ugh…no…ugh.” You gasp.
You realise that your hands are rubbing your breasts, massaging your sensitive nipples, you get pleasurable sensations throughout your body but you also know you will never get out if you can’t control yourself.
You try to move your hands away but you can’t stop massaging them.
Sweat drips from your forehead as you try to stay calm, but the pressure from the quicksand is hard to ignore.
The quicksand sucks you down over your chin and gets closer to your mouth.
“No…must…oh…I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!”
You scream as you follow your desires and continue to rub your breasts, you lose control of your battle for survival and you sink yourself deeper to get more.
“UGH…UGH…mmmggghhhh!!!!” you cry out as the quicksand takes your face.
Only your hair remains on the surface but is soon joins your doomed body.
You rub harder to bet it over with, once your head goes under you are overtaken by your second orgasm and it is twice as powerful as the first.
You scream and quicksand enters your mouth. You gag but your hands involuntary throw themselves up and break the surface of the quicksand.
You blindly try to find something to hang onto but you cant see and the quicksand is flowing down your lungs and you don’t have long before you drown.
But just as you are about to black out, your hands finally find something and you urgently pull yourself out.
Your head breaks the surface and you gasp for air, with mud covering your face and matting your hair.
“Ugh…finally…out…ugh.” You breathe in precious air filling your lungs with life.

“So you made it out, but it is not over yet!!!” the voice taunts you.
You try to prove that voice wrong but just as your second climax had ended, the next one is coming.
“Oh…no…not…again.” You sigh to yourself and prepare for another battle for life.
Your arms are tired but you know you have to hold it.
The quicksand starts touching your body slipping deeper and deeper inside you to pleasure you once more.
But you are not ready to give up just yet. Even as the quicksand wraps it’s muddy being around your body, squeezing your belly more and more, you pay attention on just hanging on to the clam like sides that you slide down from.
“Ugh…must…hang…on…ugh.” You moan.
The quicksand mercifully attacks your body, any other woman would have just given up and let go to sink under. But your heart was strong, your will was stronger. With the quicksand almost taking your face once again, your hands holding strong onto the clam like sides above you, the turning point of this marathon battle is near.
“Ugh…oh…no…can’t…hang…on…UGH!!!” you scream as your third orgasm hits your body.
Your hands slip and your head slips under. Bubbles come up as you struggle to regain your hold.
But the quicksand holds your body under with great force, it will not let you go. Only your hands stay above knowing that if they slip under, you will die within seconds as you will never break your head above the surface again if you can’t get your hands hold on anything solid enough to pull you up.
As your lungs are about to burst you give everything you have got in order to grab hold of something, suddenly as your arms were going under, you throw your hands up again and grab the clam like sides above you with only your fingers hanging on.
The air is about to burst inside your body so you fight again and your strength pays off as you once again break you head above the surface to scream your third climax that was twice as stronger as your second.
“Ugh…ugh…not…over…yet.” You breathe.

“Well, you are a determined one.” The voice compliments your efforts for surviving this long. “But now it must come to an end here.”
Your mind preparing for another assault from the quicksand, you quickly lift your arms with everything you have got and you push yourself to your limit.
Soon your head breaks free, then your neck is released from the choking hold of the quicksand.
The quicksand waves try to claim back your head as they push a mighty wave over your head to bring you down again.
“No…must…not…give…in.” You say to yourself.
As the large quicksand wave subsides, your arms are still up, your hands still hold the clam like sides above you and your head and neck survive the onslaught as you push your shoulders free from the surface.
“No, this can’t be happening.” A voice shouted from the white space.
It was the alien voice’s turn to be surprised as you prove him wrong and you continue to pull yourself out of the quicksand pleasure machine of death.
Your breasts rise, they are both free from being stimulated.
You lift your legs up to bring your feet above the surface. You lock them to the sides so you won’t be easily pulled down again.
Just as you pull your heaving belly from the quicksand, you realise you are only moments away from completing the impossible. You are almost there of freeing yourself from the quicksand pleasure machine of death.
“Ugh…got…to…keep…going…ugh.” You gasp.
Your struggle continues as your hips and your thighs are still being held on by the strong grip by the quicksand.
Now the quicksand is getting desperate, it rises and grabs hold of your hips, digs itself deeper inside you than before.
And with your knees out before your hips, you have left yourself exposed so just as when you think you are free, the quicksand slips in behind you, into your bum cheeks.
“Ugh...NO…Not…there…ugh.” You scream as the quicksand attacks you from behind, pleasuring the other inside of your body.
“Ugh…No…Ugh…oh NO.” you scream as you feel your feet slip, now the quicksand drags your legs down and you knew you never will have a better chance to escape.
The quicksand then assaults your insides at your front now the quicksand has taken hold of your feet and legs.
“Ugh…NO…GOT…TO…KEEP…UP!!!!” you struggle to hang on as you feel the quicksand taking you back in again.
Your back is now against the cold wall of the tub as your hands struggle to hang on as the quicksand regains your belly.
Your belly button inhales and exhales air as it struggles to stay above the surface, you are so close to freedom now.
But in a moment of exhaustion your hands start to slip and you feel the quicksand bring on another powerful orgasm onto your body slowly getting weaker and weaker.
“No…must…not…lose…it.” You tell yourself.
But the quicksand proves just why no one has escaped from it’s clutches alive by thumping itself into your body in a furiously barrage of waves.
“Ugh…no…ugh…Ugh…UGH…UGH…NO…UGH.” You scream out in pain as the quicksand unleashed another powerful orgasm inside you. The forth is twice as powerful as the third, around eight times as powerful as the first.
Your screams echo as you loose your strength and your arms fell down to your sides.
Your eyes widen in horror as the quicksand now takes them in and you try desperately to brake your arms free but the quicksand grabs hold on your hands by your side. Never to allowing them to grab the sides of the tub and break yourself out of there.
Your reaction said it all as now your energy is drained once when your fourth climax passes.

“Wow, I got to say, you have put up quite a fight there.” The voice says. “But now it is time for the quicksand to take it’s prize and you are now look to be all exhausted. You will now die.”
“No…not…now…I…was…so…close.” You cry.
You look to the side of your face to see the clam like sides next to either side of you, only meters away but with your arms trapped by your sides, you have no chance for escape now.
You watch your hyperventilating belly disappear forever under the quicksand. Now it is filling your bellybutton and deep inside your womanhood now.
“Oh…please…stop.” You plead as you feel the quicksand start humping into you again.
This time with no strength left in your body, you can’t fight back.
The quicksand slowly rises and you slide off the side deeper into the muddy body to face your final destiny.
The quicksand sucks in your breasts and it stimulates them making your nipples unbelievably hard that you scream in pain and unbelievable pleasure.
“Ugh…no…not…my…breasts…Ugh…Please…stop…ugh…UGH!!!” you cry and tears flow out of your eyes.
The moments of almost being free are now painfully so far away.
The quicksand continues its torture on your frail weak body as it sucks you in deeper circling your neck.
You feel the squeezing pressure as the quicksand wraps itself around your head and it continues up your chin.
“Ugh…no…ugh…UGH.” You moan painfully as the fifth and final orgasm slowly emerges from inside you.
The quicksand mutes your moans as it takes your mouth under.
You close your eyes as your vision becomes blurry. You realise this is the end.
Your eyes are now coved as there is a hole that is made as the rest of your head sinks under.
You use your last bit of strength to turn your head up and open your eyes, the circle of quicksand above you is the last thing you see before it all collapses inwards on top of you.
“UGH…UGH…mph.” You scream through the mud as the quicksand moves on top of you, shutting yourself out from the world.
The fifth orgasm hits your body and you scream out in pain and pleasure, the quicksand enters your mouth and fills you up.
You have no strength to fight anymore, now with no air you can’t breathe.
Your body shakes violently as the quicksand crushes your body. Your body suddenly shuts itself down in darkness and the last thoughts you have are…
“At least I gave it my best.”

You gasp as you throw the layers of sheets and blankets off your body. You take in vital gasps of air and you realise that what you thought what was your death, was only just a dream.
“Wow, what a dream” you say to yourself.
You lay yourself on your back in your bed trying to take in the bizarre dream you had. You had never had a dream as more intense as what you just had. Not even your worst nightmares when you were a little girl could have been as intense as this.
The blankets and sheets once again cover your body, leaving your head above to breathe air in and out.
Your hands then move lower to touch your breasts and one travels lower to touch inside yourself, reliving your newest fantasy with the confidence that it was all just a crazy dream.
Or was it…

Outside as you snuggle with yourself within your bed. A flying space ship takes off leaving to another place where the alien will find information about the major world leaders.
As it leaves, it remembers your strength and determination to fight against the quicksand pleasure machine of death. Your courage has made the Alien spare your life, but it would comeback to claim your body and use your heart in its goals for galactic domination after their species takes over the planet Earth.

The End.

zhukov 93
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Re: Quicksand Pleasure Machine of DEATH!!!!

Postby zhukov 93 » Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:40 pm

Great story!!! Thanks for posting! :D

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Re: Quicksand Pleasure Machine of DEATH!!!!

Postby PM2K » Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:13 pm

Ah! I love this! :D A true classic! Thanks for bringing it out of your archives, TBone!
Last edited by PM2K on Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Quicksand Pleasure Machine of DEATH!!!!

Postby kelikar » Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:24 pm

Whoa... If there were a way to give kudos, I would give them all to you! :o

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Re: Quicksand Pleasure Machine of DEATH!!!!

Postby Quicksand_Hex » Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:19 am

Ahh, I've seen this before! It was a great story then, and continues to be one now. Thanks!

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Re: Quicksand Pleasure Machine of DEATH!!!!

Postby KTG_42 » Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:01 am

Definitely classic. It was good then, and is good now. Thank you.

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