Sorority Sunset

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Sorority Sunset

Postby Skyrook92 » Thu May 09, 2013 11:48 am

5F, grim

Nicole wiped the sweat off her forehead as she pushed aside a branch. She stepped out into a clearing and stopped for a moment. She was a bombshell. 5'9, long blond hair in a ponytail, 36Ds underneath her tight pink tanktop, a round, firm butt in her tight pink booty shorts, and long, toned legs that plunged into black leather high-heeled boots. She pulled her iphone out of her shorts with her left hand while her right hand forcefully tugged on a bungee cord that disappeared into the brush.

Out of the bushes came the first sorority inductee, Brianna. Her hands were bound in front of her by fuzzy pink handcuffs that were tied to Nicole's bungee cord. She was shorter than Nicole but similarly proportioned, with her jet black hair draped down over her dark mocha shoulders. Her muscular, fit body was well-revealed through her sparkly silver bikini, tied off around her neck and waist by vibrant violet string.

Behind her emerged another set of pink fuzzy handcuffs, this set attached to Kate. A buxom Nebraska farmgirl in a pristine white bikini. Once she made it into the clearing she shook her head to get the twigs and leaves out of her bouncy blond hair.

Another tug on the bungee produced Olivia. Feisty and clearly not having any fun, this Amerasian girl sported a healthy tan and long flowing dark hair accented by her vibrant green bikini.

And last, but not least, Kelly's slender arms were pulled through the leafy veil. Her absolutely gorgeous face was framed in her voluminous dark brown hair, with a single strand streaking down in front of one of her electric blue eyes. Her eyes contrasted with her rich, red, robust bikini top that displayed her beautiful bouncing breasts. Her smooth, flat stomach sported a dangling ruby belly button ring that reached about halfway down to her matching bikini bottoms.

Kelly stepped up next to the other three girls, their four sets of bare feet forming a line behind Nicole's boots while she looked at the map on her phone.

"I'm pretty sure we've been here before," Brianna complained.

Nicole turned around and tugged on the cord hard, making Brianna stumble forward. "Get back in the line!" She snapped. Brianna looked down and stepped back into the line with the other girls. "Sigma Gamma Pi doesn't accept whiny little bitches! Are you a whiny little bitch?"

"No." Brianna replied sheepishly.

Nicole turned back to her iphone and cracked a little smirk. She enjoyed putting these little freshman in their place. "Let's keep moving girls! The other sisters are just a little further."

The sun was about to set, and they needed to hurry if they were going to find the campsite. Nicole stepped forward and pulled on the bungee cord, bringing the girls into line behind her. She made sure to walk faster than the girls wanted to, so that they were being pulled forward by their handcuffed wrists. She just wished she'd tied them onto the bungee a little closer together. They were all about 5 feet apart right now. She'd have to fix it on the way back from the campsite so that they would stumble on each other more.

One of Nicole's boots snagged a root, and in an effort to balance herself, she started to tip over to her left. She twisted and slipped off of the small rise they were walking along and plopped into a small pool of mud, landing on her butt with a loud splat. "What the hell!?" She shouted in disbelief. "UGH! This is so gross!"

The other girls stood on the rise, speechless as they saw their leader stuck in slimy, greenish-brown mud.

"Well! Get me out of here!" Shouted Nicole. She took the slack from the bungee cord and looped it around her waist. "Start pulling!"

The four girls lined up in a row and began pulling on the rope. They were all so tired from walking that it didn't do much good. Nicole grabbed the rope and pulled up on it, lifting her waist out of the slime a few inches, but pushing her boots deeper into it. So deep, that they went all the way under the surface of the mud, causing the greenish goo to pour over the tops of her boots and down her silky smooth legs, slowly filling them up.

"UGH! I can't believe how gross this is!" She whined in disgust

Just when it seemed like Nicole was about to lift her waist completely out, Brianna's feet slipped off the ridge, causing her to slide slowly down the slope towards the pit, and plopping Nicole right back into it. Nicole put her hands out behind her instinctively, and they too landed in the mud with a wet splat. Her hips sank a little deeper than before, pushing her iphone that was tucked into the side of her shorts all the way under the mud. Now she was in a really sticky spot. Her butt, feet, and arms were all firmly planted in this sticky goo. AND her phone was ruined.

As Nicole wiggled her shoulders to try to pull her arms out, she noticed something strange about the mud. It started to make a very deep, although quiet, grumbling sound, while all the little grooves and lines on the surface started slowly drifting towards her, as if she were lifting the center of a tablecloth. Except, not quite like lifting. It was more like... sinking.

On the slope at the edge of the pit, Brianna finally stopped sliding down, just breaking the surface of the mud at the bottom with her right foot. She put her left foot up on the slope, and leaned back, pulling on the cord. "Come on girls! Pull!"

The girls all struggled to get a good grip on the cord, but with the handcuffs Nicole had put them in, it was very difficult.

Nicole's attempts to wiggle her arms up only caused her elbows to ease into the mud. She still couldn't feel a solid surface below her. Suddenly, the mud crept up over the sides of her hips and poured in over her flat pelvis, swallowing up her hot pink shorts completely in one gulp. "What the hell!?" She gasped in surprise.

The grooves in the mud were moving towards her faster now, almost forming ripples around her. Her knees, most of her torso, and her head and shoulders were still above the muck, her body forming the shape of a capital M.

"How much do you weigh!?" Grunted Olivia as she pulled on the rope.

"Puh-lease, I bet I weigh less than you," Nicole retorted. "It's this stupid mud! I think it's pulling me down."

Brianna couldn't help but stumble forward as the taut chord pulled her towards Nicole, like a game of tug-of-war. Her left foot landed in the mud, a foot or so ahead of her right foot, sliding into it up to her calf.

The mud swallowed up Nicole's thighs and tummy simultaneously, pulling her down to her boobs above and the tips of her knees below. She leaned her head back in frustration and, to her surprise, firmly pushed her ponytail into the surface of the mud.

"UGH! Get me out of this!" She shouted in desperation.

The girls struggled to pull her out, but made no progress. They were all being slowly drawn in by the chord that led straight into a muddy whirlpool forming where Nicole's belly used to be.

As her head started to settle into the gooey brown mass, Nicole's shoulders slipped under with a slimy gurgling sound. Then, the same happened to her knees. The sloppy mud poured over her neck, leaving only her face and her heaving breasts above the surface.

"Oh my god! I know what this is! It's QUICKSAAA-bubbufdlmmfh!" The quicksand poured over her soft pink lips into her mouth, as if trying to keep her from revealing what it truly was. She wiggled her head helplessly, eyes wide open, as the rest of her face submerged into the thick, gloppy mire, leaving only the tops of her breasts still above the muck.

"Nicole NO!" Shouted Kate. "We've got to pull her back up!"

Brianna stood frozen in the pit, up to her knees in the brownish-green muck. "Was she trying to say 'quicksand?'" Her lips trembled as the word slipped through them.

"Brianna, come on!" Kate said with urgency. "We've got to pull her back out! No matter how bitchy she is. We can't just let her die!"

Nicole's nipples, clearly visible through what remained of her pink tanktop, were swallowed up by the hungry quicksand with a soft "Blup!"

"Good riddance!" Olivia chimed in. She enjoyed watching the girl who had tormented them all week meet her demise. "I say we leave her. No one ever has to know what happened here."

They all stared into the pit as a few bubbles popped up above where Nicole's head went under. The next person to speak was Kelly, who had been silent this whole time.


The other three girls' eyes widened in unison. Nicole had the keys to their handcuffs when she went under.

The bungee cord tightened again and pulled Brianna forward, towards the center of the quicksand, where Nicole had just gone under.

"NOOO!" Brianna screamed as the quicksand's ripples began circling her. Her knees softly slipped under, and the quicksand gurgled a little as it anticipated her muscular thighs. "This can't be happening! You guys have to pull me out!"

Kate was happy to oblige. Regardless of how the other girls felt about Nicole, she was not ok with letting her die in this awful quicksand. She fiddled around her handcuffs to get a firm grip on the rope, and pulled back with all her might. "Come girls! We ALL have to pull!"

The angle of the rope in front of Brianna's handcuffs was angling down, which meant that Nicole's body must still be sinking. It was starting to pull her cuffed hands down into her lap. As the quicksand started climbing up her thighs, her fists grazed across the top of its slimy surface. "Girls HURRY!" She pulled her hands up against the cuffs, lifting them a couple of inches. "My hands are gonna go under and there's nothing I can do about it!"

Kate, Olivia, and Kelly all heaved against the rope, leaning back as far as they could. This slowed Brianna's descent slightly. The chain from Olivia's cuffs was pressing hard against the bones in her wrists. She adjusted her grip, and her part of the rope slipped. It caught Kate and Kelly off-guard and lurched them forward about a foot. Kate slipped and fell, just on the rise at the edge of the pit. The rope was on the ground now, and slowly sliding towards the pit.

Brianna looked down in horror as the hungry sand gobbled up her tightly bound hands. She bit her bottom lip and wiggled her body in disgust, but this only forced her round, tight butt into the soft mud. In only a few seconds, she sank from butt to belly button, and was still sinking fast.

Kate got back up and resumed pulling, but she was next on the line, and she was dangerously close to falling into the pit herself.

The pit's rolling grumbles were gradually getting louder as the top of Brianna's abs disappeared for good under the greenish-brown goo. She began to sob while wiggling helplessly in the bottomless muck, inadvertently forcing the bottom of her bouncy bikini-bound breasts onto its slimy surface.

Kate's left foot slipped off the ridge. "Oh no! Come on girls, we're losing her!" The quicksand was winning this tug of war. It was gradually pulling Kate by the handcuffs towards the pit, inch by inch. Finally, she could no longer maintain her balance. The cord lightly weaned her over the edge, reeling her into the pit hands-first, and pulling Olivia and Kelly forward several feet.

Kate spread out her fingers as she fell and landed square on her hands and knees in the quicksand. Her mouth hung wide open in disbelief as she stared down at the gooey mud swallowing up her forearms. She looked up just in time to see Brianna sobbing as her breasts completely submerged.

Although her knees were stuck in the mud, Kate's calves and feet were still above the surface, very close to the edge of the pit. She figured she would try to stand back up and get out of this dangerous position. She looked over her shoulder and pushed back on her legs, hoping to find a shallow spot in the mud near the edge that she could stand up in, but there wasn't one, and her feet just plunged down into quicksand, never to come up again.

A slimy bubbling sound turned Kate's attention back to Brianna, whose shoulders had just been devoured by the hungry pit. She was up to her neck now, glancing around frantically at the muddy ripples all around her. "Why is this happening!?" She moaned helplessly.

Olivia and Kelly struggled against the cord as it slowly dragged them closer to the pit. They had no chance of stopping it now.

Kate was still sinking, but also drifting towards the center of the pit, where Brianna had just sunk to her chin. As she settled to her elbows up front and her thighs in the back, she drifted so close that Brianna's head was now below her own.

"Mmmphblbl..." Brianna sputtered, as the quicksand forced itself over her lips. She tilted her eyes up to Kate, who was directly above her, watching in horror as her friend's nose, eyes, and then forehead were swallowed up by the thick, gurgling quicksand. All that was left was her dark, smooth hair. It swirled around the spot in a shimmering whirlpool before closing up like flower petals and going straight down.

Kate gasped in surprise as the hungry pit began sucking on her hanging breasts. She tried to look back at the girls on the bank, but she was facing in the opposite direction and couldn't turn her head far enough to see them. "Girls please! Do something! I can't move at all!" She squirmed as the quicksand climbed up her thighs and coolly kissed her belly.

Olivia was terrified. She knew she was next. She got down on her knees and faced away from the mud, looping the rope over the top of her right shoulder and holding her bound wrists firmly on her right breast. She leaned forward and pulled her wrists down as hard as she could. Kelly also faced away from the pit and leaned forward, trying to make herself believe that this would work.

Kate had only sunk deeper during this time. Her arms, breasts, belly, and legs were now completely submerged. She groaned and wiggled in frustration as this nasty quicksand claimed her body inch by inch. It crept up over her sides and slowly oozed in over the small of her back, climbing up to her shoulder blades and leaving her butt an isolated island in the mud behind her.

As Kate's handcuffed wrists kept sinking deeper, they pulled the cord down with them, making Olivia's battle on the edge of the pit even more difficult. The cord was steadily going towards the pit, giving her a sharp rope burn on her shoulder. When she instinctively lifted her wrists up to relieve her shoulder, her fate was sealed. The cord pulled her hands up so fast she couldn't keep her balance, and she was pulled onto her back, sliding down the slope on the edge of the pit upside-down.

After Kelly toppled over from the jolt, she turned around the see what happened. She could only see Olivia's flailing legs slowly going over the rise and down towards the quicksand. She got up, grabbed Olivia's legs and looked down over Olivia's body. The rope had already pulled her cuffed arms into the mud and was gobbling up her elbows.

The quicksand closed in over the top curve of Kate's butt, bubbling as it enjoyed her delicious derriere. She shivered in disgust and looked down at her slimy captor, now quickly approaching her smooth, freckled shoulders. She looked back up and closed her eyes tightly as her head trembled back and forth in fear, spreading her bouncy blonde hair out behind her. With a slimy slurp, her shoulders were gone. When the quicksand touched her chin, she knew it was over. "NOOO!" She cried in horror. "I'm going und-blpmmph!!" She moaned in protest as the quicksand kissed her rosy red lips. Unable to tilt her head back because of her awkward position, her nose went under soon after. Her eyes glanced around helplessly until they too were swallowed up. After her eyebrows and forehead submerged, all that was left of Kate was a bouncy body of blonde hair in the middle of the dark, swirling mudpit.

After seeing this, Kelly stood paralyzed on the ridge at the edge of the pit, holding Olivia's ankles in her hands, unsure of what to do next.

As the mud sucked down Kate's bouncy hair like a mouthful of spaghetti, it also consumed Olivia's biceps, dragging her deeper into the pit upside-down. "Kelly!" She shouted, as her head settled into the soft goo, "Keep me up! Don't let my head go under!"

Kelly snapped out of it and looked back down at Olivia. She lifted Olivia's ankles and held them tightly between her arms and her sides, folding her elbows over them like bird wings. Olivia tightened her ankles around Kelly as her eyes went under the mud.

"NOOOOO!" Olivia's mouth screamed, only inches above the mud. She pulled on Kelly with her legs to try to lift her eyes back above the mud, but Kelly couldn't stay up. She fell to her knees on the ridge, dropping Olivia's legs in the process. Olivia screamed as her body plunged downward into the muck, which happily swallowed up her nose, mouth, chin, and neck in one sloppy blup.

Kelly gasped and covered her mouth with her hands as Olivia's flailing body continued sinking into the suffocating mudpit. After her bikini-bound breasts were consumed, the quicksand slowly rose around the curves of her stomach like lips around a smooth popsicle. Olivia's legs lost energy and stopped kicking as the mud encircled her waist. Her knees and feet leaned forward and softly plopped into the gooey muck at the center of the pit. They were quickly devoured, her smooth calves and thighs gliding smoothly through the gooey mud at the center. All that remained of Olivia was her bikini-bottomed butt pointing straight up.

Kelly stood up and turned her head away from the hopeless scene in front of her. She looked around for anything that she might be able to use to cut through the rope that her handcuffs were bound to. There were some rocks that might have been sharp enough several feet back, but there was no way she'd be able to reach them. If only she'd grabbed them when Nicole first fell in.

The sound of bubbles breaking the surface turned her attention back to the pit. She looked back down into the mud to see Olivia's butt finally submerge into the thick, gooey swirl at the center of the pit.

The rope became taut again, tugging forward on Kelly's handcuffs, as if urging her to come join her friends in the quicksand.

"Oh no..." She whimpered softly. She wiggled her shoulders as she tried to pull back on her handcuffs, which were now forcefully dragging her into the pit. She was losing ground with each step, and finally, both of her feet landed on the slope leading down to the pit. She immediately started to slide down the muddy bank, trying to backpedal away from it. She fell backwards, landing on her butt in a sort of frog-jump position, with her arms pulled straight out between her legs in front of her.

"Oh no... Please no... Ahhh!" Kelly shrieked as her hands, feet, knees and butt all met the end of the slope and oozed into the quicksand in one slimy, sloppy gulp. She wiggled her upper body helplessly and closed her half-submerged thighs around her bound arms, still pulling her down and gliding her across the soft mud towards the center of the pit.

The mud poured over her tanned thighs and into her lap as she settled into the very center of the pit. She was up to her forearms and hips in the muck and still sinking. She moaned and grunted hopelessly as the muck rose around her red bikini bottoms, sucking and savoring every inch of her soft mound and firm buttocks. As it continued its climb up her body, it came upon the dangling ruby of her belly button ring. The ruby briefly sat on the surface and floated on the mud in front of her as her belly button continued to descend. The quicksand slipped into her belly button just as it was climbing the small of her back and filling the groove of her spine.

She looked down over her breasts as the nasty ooze reached her elbows. The ruby that was sitting on the mud now reached the end of its own chain, and it gave off one last sparkling glimmer before diving down to follow her belly button into the bottomless ooze.

Kelly looked up and around the pit to take in her surroundings one last time. She watched the sun set, silhouetting the trees in a beautiful display, as she continued to descend into the hungry quicksand.

She gasped as the bottoms of her breasts were softly cupped by the wet, cool mud. She looked back down at them, lips parted with her front teeth barely touching, as the quicksand began oozing up and around her round, glistening breasts, tightly squeezed in front of her by her bound arms. She closed her eyes as the muck kissed her nipples, resigning to her fate. She held still as her breasts submerged into the gurgling goo, followed by her smooth, slender shoulders. Her long brown hair was fanning out onto the surface when the mud coolly kissed her chin. She opened her eyes again, and tilted her head up instinctively, giving her a few more moments of air.

As she stared up into the purple sky, the quicksand poured into her ears, silencing everything except her breathing and the low, rumbling gurgles of the pit. She looked up, lips open and teeth touching, as her electric blue eyes stared back up into the sky. It was a look of desperation, but also a look of relief. Once she went under, this ordeal would finally be over.

The quicksand slowly oozed in around her gorgeous face before swallowing it up with a loud, slimy splatter. As she sank deeper into the belly of the gooey pit, her starburst of smooth, brown hair on the surface began closing in on itself, slowly sliding into the dimple in the mud directly above Kelly's nose. The glimmering surface of the gooey mud began to quiver as Kelly made one final struggle under the mud.

A few moments later, several large bubbles popped on the surface. The pit then grew quiet again, its smooth surface calming as the low gurgling came to an end. The only thing indicating the girls had been here was a dropped set of handcuff keys hanging on a root at the edge of the pit.

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Re: Sorority Sunset

Postby PM2K » Thu May 09, 2013 6:00 pm

Now that's something! Great story! :D

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Re: Sorority Sunset

Postby cnelson566 » Sat May 11, 2013 5:00 am

A chain quicksand story,very original and amazing!

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Re: Sorority Sunset

Postby Musekal » Sat May 11, 2013 11:06 pm

That was a fantastic story! One of the best I've read in a long time. Excellent imagery.

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Re: Sorority Sunset

Postby Skyrook92 » Mon May 13, 2013 6:54 am

I'm glad you guys liked it! It's been a fantasy of mine for a while, so I figured I would share it.

It's very loosely based off of the quicksand scene from "The Brave Little Toaster."

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Re: Sorority Sunset

Postby silverfish84 » Mon May 13, 2013 3:29 pm

you have to do more stories bro the way you describe their hair being sucked in is awesome very well scripted


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Re: Sorority Sunset

Postby Ace » Mon May 15, 2017 9:22 pm

As much as I hate "necro-bumping" such an old post (I couldn't believe this was on page 15 of the stories subforum), I feel compelled to, after years of re-re-re-re-re-reading this story countless times, give it a proper compliment. This is definitely top three QS stories of all time for me, and the author deserves all the kudos. So, fantastic work, Skyrook.

Also hopefully this will allow newer members who might've otherwise missed this gem to give it a read.

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Re: Sorority Sunset

Postby PM2K » Mon May 15, 2017 10:24 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't someone request this a while ago? He wasa having trouble describing it, but it sure sounds like this one...

Great to see it again anyway.


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Re: Sorority Sunset

Postby klib21 » Fri May 19, 2017 8:52 pm

Ace wrote:As much as I hate "necro-bumping" such an old post (I couldn't believe this was on page 15 of the stories subforum), I feel compelled to, after years of re-re-re-re-re-reading this story countless times, give it a proper compliment. This is definitely top three QS stories of all time for me, and the author deserves all the kudos. So, fantastic work, Skyrook.

Also hopefully this will allow newer members who might've otherwise missed this gem to give it a read.


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Re: Sorority Sunset

Postby Skyrook92 » Sun May 21, 2017 11:26 pm

Glad people are enjoying this so much! This was always my favorite of the stories I wrote.

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