Cave Girl

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Cave Girl

Postby TBoneTony » Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:28 pm

This is one of my PG rated stories that I had made for QSLO for the forum's story writing competition. Sadly the cometition never made it past the first week because of the forum dying but I had so many good stories that I had been writing for it. Anyway this is one of them. Hope you all enjoy reading - TBoneTony

Cave Girl (PG)
TBone Tony
Theme: Tar

Back when there was an age of Dinosaurs and cave humans (I know that the dinosaurs died out long before the first cave man, but this is a story) there was a young sweet 18 year old cave girl.
The Cave Girl was brought up to be hunter and provide food for her clan, but she also was a girl who was interested in all the animals in her prehistoric world. Her interest in animals gave her the knowledge of survival when it came to the hungry dinosaurs that wanted to eat her and it became helpful in hunting other animals that were on her food list.

One day as the Cave Girl was picking fruit from the top of tall prehistoric trees, she heard a loud booming moan coming from not so far below her.
“What was that?” the Cave Girl asked herself.
Suddenly the ground started to shake violently.
As the ground began to crumble, the Cave Girl swang herself off the tree she was in before it fell to the ground.
The Cave Girl continued to swing herself from branch to branch through the Jurassic jungle and she steadily swings herself to steady ground.
As the Cave Girl looked back, she saw all the trees behind her were instantly fallen to the ground.
Just off in the distance, there was a Brontosaurus. The long necked and long tailed plant-eating dinosaur was stamping its front legs very aggressively and looked quite in distress.
The Cave Girl did not eat such a large dinosaur, but she did have a warm side for the large plant-eating lizards that she decided to try and see what the problem was.

As the Cave Girl got closer to the distressed Brontosaurus, she saw a pack of hungry Raptors. These small but deadly meat eating dinosaurs were known to hunt in packs and were deadly because they have sharp claws on the end of their toes.
The raptors were nothing but a pack of mice to the Brontosaurus but then the Cave Girl looked near the legs of the large dinosaur and realised that there was a baby Brontosaurus hiding between the large feet of the large Brontosaurus.
“So that’s why the Brontosaurus was so scared. It was trying to protect her child.”
The Cave Girl realised as she rushed down the stony hill to help the large Dinosaur protect their child.

As the Raptors jumped all over the parent Brontosaurus, its feat gave way and it was about to crush the baby under its massive weight. But from out of nowhere, the Cave Girl courageously slid under the belly of the large dinosaur and she picked up the baby dinosaur and carried it away before its parent landed where it was standing.
Once when the Cave Girl hid the terrified infant dinosaur under some fallen plants where it would be safe from the Raptors, she got out her fighting stick and went to save the parent from the Raptors.

It was a perilous fight as the Cave Girl faced the pack of Raptors head on as they tried to kill the parent Brontosaurus.
She hit the Raptors on the head hard with her fighting stick, it was because of that the Raptors got scared because of an intruder that they thought was coming to take their meal. They would have fought back but the Cave Girl knew a thing or to about the element of surprise by striking down the Raptors one by one without being noticed by the whole pack at the same time. The Cave Girl hit the Raptors one by one and each of them was so shell-shocked that they were all running until the leader of the Raptors realised that it was the only one left. By that time it ran away with its tail between its legs.

The Cave Girl looked down on the parent Brontosaurus that was injured but luckily it had not been inflicted any major damage caused by the gang of Raptors.
The large Brontosaurus had hard skin that could not be cut by the sharp claws of the Raptors but the skin under its belly were soft that if the Raptors were able to dig into that for a while after it fell on its side, it could have been much worse.
“Oh…here little Dinosaur, your mummy is ok now.” Softly whispered the Cave Girl as she eased her trust to the little child Brontosaurus who was traumatised by the Raptor’s attack.
As the Baby Brontosaurus started to walk to its parent, it realised that its mummy was going to be ok.
“Here baby, have some fruit.” said the Cave Girl who encouraged the little Brontosaurus to eat the fruit that she had got from the tall prehistoric trees.
As the little Brontosaurus chewed on the fruit that the Cave girl had kindly given it, the bigger and larger parent Brontosaurus began ti sit up.
The large plant eating dinosaur looked into the Cave Girl’s eyes and the sweet 18 year old Cave Girl stared back at the massive dinosaur. It’s long neck bended down to have a closer look at her beautiful face. To the Brontosaurus, the Cave Girl was like an guardian angel to it and it’s baby and even though they did not speak the same tongue, the Cave Girl knew that the Brontosaurus had promised to return the kindness back to the Cave Girl someday.

After making sure that the parent Brontosaurus was ok, the Cave Girl set out on her journey to her village, She did not have as much fruit to bring home as she was hoping but to help the Brontosaurus and its child and having enough fruit to feed everyone in her village was good enough to have enough to look after herself in return.
As she walked past the fallen trees, the Cave Girl wondered if it was either an earthshaking that caused all the trees in the Jurassic jungle to fall? Or was it the stamping of the Brontosaurus’s feet when the gang of Raptors attacked it?
Lucky for the Cave Girl that she had good abilities to swing from trees like her ape ancestors or else she would have been flattened.
Just as the Cave Girl was walking past the trees, a pack of red eyes were watching her every movement.

Half way home, the Cave Girl felt like she was being watched.
“Mmmm…something strange is going on…I can’t see it…but my survival intuitions tell me to watch my back.” The Cave Girl whispered to herself.
The Cave Girl then heard some rustling in the bushes. She turned around and peaked into the bushes. All of a sudden a pair of Red eyes glared at her.
The Cave Girl gasped and she took off running.
Behind her, Raptors jumped out of the bushes knowing that their prey just found their hiding places and the pack of Raptors dashed after the young Cave Girl.
“Oh…must…not…allow…Raptors…know…where…my…village…is…” The Cave Girl panted as she was running for her life.
She knew that the Raptors were smart so she had to think one steep ahead of herself while she was running for her life.
The Cave Girl knew that she would be killed if she tried to take on the Raptors by herself, before when they were attacking the Brontosaurus and its child the Cave Girls was able to startle them. Now she was the target for the gang of Raptors.

The Cave Girl took another path to lead the raptors away from her village and near a mountain that was known for its black stones. She called it Black Stone Mountain.
As the Raptors were catching up on her trail, the Cave Girl ran into a clearing with black stones everywhere along the path. As she turned her head, the Cave Girl realised that the Raptors had suddenly stopped chasing her. The gang of Raptors just stared at her for a few minutes and then took off running away from her.
The Cave Girl looked in confusion but she was grateful to finally being rid of the Raptors with her life still intact.
Suddenly there was a huge explosion.
The Cave Girl looked up at the mountain in shock as she saw the top of the mountain explode in fumes of smoke and dust. Then she saw some red fluid coming down the mountain and then the Cave Girl realised what it was.
“Oh…No…Black Stone Mountain is really an active Volcano.” gasped the Cave Girl.
Suddenly the earth shook all around her, the Cave Girl could hardly keep her feet straight as she kneeled down for the shaking to stop.

After the shaking stopped, the Cave Girl stood up and saw the molten lava slide down the Volcanic Mountain towards her.
“I’ve got to get out of here.” Cave Girl said to herself.
As she started to run, the Cave Girl realised that she could not move her feet. She looked down and found herself knee deep in what seemed to be sticky black liquid.
“OH NO…I’m stuck in a TAR PIT.” screamed the Cave Girl.
She realised that as the ground shook below her, it opened up a crack in the earth’s surface that made a pit of tar rise where she was standing, now she was stuck in it.
“Got…to…get…out…” the Cave Girl said to herself as she felt her heart beet faster and faster and she pumped her feat in fear.
But all the feat moving did was loosening up the tar making it stickier and very soft against the black stones on the surface.
The Cave Girl then felt something between her thighs and she looked down in shock, the tar was up to her leather skirt and it was starting to fan out in the sticky black tar. Then the Cave Girl started to have that sinking feeling.
“No…I’m Sinking!!!!” screamed the Cave Girl. “Somebody…Help…I’m Sinking in a TAR PIT.”
She turned her head to the volcano that was erupting violently in front of her. The molten lava was making its way down to where the young Cave Girl was stuck. If she did not make it out before the lava covers over the tar, she would be done for.
The Cave Girl franticly looked around for anything that could help her out of this mess, at that moment she found a long vine near the edge of the tar pit.
“Got…to…get…close to that vine.” The Cave Girl whispered as she struggled to move in the tar around her.
But no matter how much she tried to pump her legs, she was not moving at all.
She tried to reach out her arms and tried to stretch her hands over the tar to try and grab the vine but she realised that she was too far out to get it.
“No…I’ve got to get…that vine…It’s the only way I can escape.”
Then when the Cave girl felt the Tar rise over her bare navel, she then thought about her fighting stick.
“My stick…I just have to use my fighting stick to grab that vine with.”
With that plan in action, the Cave Girl desperately tried to use her fighting stick to grab the vine.
“Yes…that’s it…” she said as her stick touched the vine.
The Cave Girl carefully used the stick to move the vine around it.
As the tar sucked the Cave Girl deeper up to the leather that concealed her breasts, the Cave Girl realised that she did not have much time because it was not only that tar she had to worry about, she also had the lava flowing down in her direction that was more of her worry at the moment.
Just as she had the vine wrapped to her fighting stick, the Cave Girl began to pull with all her might.
“Ugh…come on girl…ugh…no…can’t move... (SNAP)…OH NO!!!!”
The Cave Girl screamed as she saw her fighting stick nap in front of her eyes and disappear into the tar pit.
“NNNOOOOO!” screamed the Cave Girl as she realised that her only chance to escape just disappeared in front of her eyes.
With the tar up the her shoulders, the Cave Girl desperately tried to push her hands down onto the harder parts of the tar pit where there was lots of black stones for her hands from slipping into the sticky tar.
“Got…to…get…out…” the Cave Girl struggled as she began to press her hands down onto the stony surface of the tar pit.
As she pushed down, the Cave Girl’s eyes lighted up with hope as she pushed her body up and her leather top that concealed her breasts now emerged out of the sticky tar.
“Yes…keep…going…” the Cave Girl said to her self as she tried to make her way out of the sticky black tar.
The Volcano blasted more lava out of its top, making the lava flow faster down to where the Cave Girl was stuck. The blanket cloud of smoke spread across they sky making everything dark. The only light that the Cave Girl saw was the lava quickly flowing down to her.
The Cave Girl gasped as she saw the lava flow faster down to her, it was just 10 meters in front of the edge of the tar pit she was stuck in.
“NOOO…must get out now.” she told herself, suddenly the Cave Girl’s hands suddenly slipped under the black ooze.
“Ugh…NO!!!!” cried out the Cave Girl.
As her hands slipped under, the Cave Girl struggled to pull them out. But no matter how hard she tried the tar glued her hands and now her arms under the surface.
The Cave Girl’s arms were now pinned at the sides of her body and she was also going down fast.
The Cave Girl’s eyes were open wide with terror as she hopelessly watched her bare belly, ribs and breasts that were concealed by her leather top now swallowed by the hungry black sticky tar.
She looked up at the lava that was now starting to seep into the tar with her. The Cave Girl was now feeling the hot pressure of the tar on her skin caused by the overwhelming heating of the lava. Bubbles emerged in the tar all around her as the tar pit grew hotter and hotter around the hopelessly trapped Cave Girl.
“No…NO…OH NO…I’m GONNA DIE…UUUGGGGHHH!” cried the Cave Girl as she felt her whole body burn within the boiling hot tar that was slowly cooking her alive.
Just then as her shoulders disappeared under the tar, the Cave Girl felt something wrap around her burning body.
“No…what can it be now…” the Cave Girl whispered as she looked down.
She felt what felt like a tentacle wrap around her legs, up her belly and around her chest, squishing her breasts into her ribs.
“Ugh…no…please not a… TAR MONSTER!!!” the Cave Girl screamed franticly.
As if the Tar was holding her body and the lava pouring towards her, now she realised that a Tar monster was now wrapping one of it’s tentacles around her making it difficult for her to breathe and now she had lost all movement of her body as the tentacle constricted her body tighter and tighter.
The Cave Girl burst out crying, tears staining her face as she realised that she was going to die.
The Cave Girl felt the tentacle wrap around her neck, choking the air out of her lungs.
“Ugh…” she whispered as the Cave girl could not scream as the tentacle tighten around her delicate neck.
Her eyes widen as the lava was just inches from touching her beautiful face that was now slipping under the tar. The Cave Girl could now feel the hot lava burning her eyes.
“Ugh…ugh…MMMMMPPPPHHHHH!!!” the Cave Girl hopelessly cried as the tentacle wrapped itself around her mouth muting her choking screams.
Just as the she closed her eyes bracing herself for one of the many awful deaths that was facing her, the Cave Girl was then dragged under the tar away from the lava that could have burned her face to death.
Darkness was all around her, she could not breathe as the tentacle began to crush her under the tar pit where she would now die. The last thoughts on her mind were her friends from her village she was never going to see again. The Cave Girl tried to wiggle her way out of the tentacles grip but just as her lungs were about to explode from the lack of air, she then surrendered the last of her breath.
The Cave Girl finally realised that she was now dead.

As the Cave Girl felt her soul lift from her body and she felt cool wind on her face, she then felt a strong wet lick across her face.
“Ugh!” she breathed.
The Cave Girl’s eyes fluttered open to see a small dinosaur licking its tongue across her sweet 18-year-old face.
“Wow…I’m alive???”
The Cave Girl rubbed her eye and she found tar all over her body with the baby Brontosaurus licking the tar off her.
She then looked at the baby dinosaur and realised that it was the same Brontosaurus that she had save from the Raptors earlier today.
The Cave Girl looked up and found the sky back to being blue again, she found out that she was in front of a lake and she felt a heavy heart beat behind her.
The Cave Girl jumped in surprise but then settled as she realised that the parent Brontosaurus was behind her.
“Oh…thanks for saving my life from the tar and lava back there.” Said the Cave Girl as she saw the tar all over the tail of the large Brontosaurus.
The Cave Girl rested her back against the large body of the gigantic dinosaur. She was thankful that it was its tail that grabbed her instead of a tar monster she first thought of when she was sinking in the tar before.
She felt something tickle her across her navel so the Cave Girl looked down and realised that the baby Brontosaurus was licking her bare belly button, licking the sticky tar off every part of her belly.
Just as the baby Brontosaurus started to lick the Cave Girl’s chest, she softly hold her hand in front of the baby dinosaur to tell it that she will take care of herself from there.
The Cave Girl did not want the baby dinosaur lick that part in case if it licked too hard and caused her leather top to fall off. Or even worse, licking in other areas that the Cave Girl would have been embarrassed for the baby to lick the tar off her.

She stood up and walked to the lake, the Cave Girl looked up at the Brontosaurus’s head to ask it if the water was safe to bathe in, the Brontosaurus nodded to say it was ok and safe to bathe in and then it stretched its neck over to a tall tree and brought back two large leaves for the Cave Girl to conceal her more private parts of her body that she did not want the baby Brontosaurus to see.
As she wrapped the leaves around her, the Cave Girl walked into the lake and cleaned the sticky tar off her skin as the Brontosaurus kept watch for any predators that could attack the young Cave Girl or its baby the parent Brontosaurus was entertaining with it’s tail.

After the Cave Girl cleaned herself and her leather clothes in the lake and dried herself off along with her leather clothes, the Cave Girl could not hold back her tears for the generosity that the parent and baby dinosaur had showed her today. She then realised that the dinosaurs had saved her life just like she had saved theirs earlier today.
“Goodbye…thanks for everything. I hope we meet again in peaceful circumstances next time we cross paths” the Cave Girl cried.
Tears were coming from the baby dinosaur’s eyes as it had trouble trying to say goodbye to its new human friend.
The parent Brontosaurus then gave the Cave Girl a large basket of fruit in one giant leaf.
“Wow…thanks. I will make sure my people will be thankful for it.” Replied the Cave Girl as she turned to say goodbye to the parent and child dinosaur.

As the large Brontosaurus and its child looked on as the Cave Girl walked pack to her village, the parent dinosaur thought that in this time of age where it’s a dinosaur eats dinosaur world, it was nice for them to see a cave human show kindness to them as they had showed such kindness back to her in return.
The End
Last edited by TBoneTony on Sat Oct 24, 2009 4:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Cave Girl

Postby MadMax359 » Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:52 pm

as a sinking story, kudos! very dramatic to have the lava there intensifying her peril

but now my teacher-mode takes over... why have her confront dinosaurs when there is 60 million reasons (one for each year) that Cave Girl could never have dealt with dinosaurs???
why not use a wooly mammoth and sabre tooth tigers? the mammoth's trunk would be ideal for saving her :twisted:
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Re: Cave Girl

Postby TBoneTony » Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:47 pm

MadMax359 wrote:as a sinking story, kudos! very dramatic to have the lava there intensifying her peril

but now my teacher-mode takes over... why have her confront dinosaurs when there is 60 million reasons (one for each year) that Cave Girl could never have dealt with dinosaurs???
why not use a wooly mammoth and sabre tooth tigers? the mammoth's trunk would be ideal for saving her :twisted:

Thank you for liking the lava idea that added more to the peril other than just the sinking aspect to it, and also the reason why I had dinosaurs in the story was because I was always into dinosaurs when I was a kid.

Also when I write stories, I never cared about making things realistic, just making a story fun and exciting was good enough for me back then and it is still the same today even though my life is more complicated and I had been struggling to write new stories lately since the last few years for various reasons.

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Re: Cave Girl

Postby quagmire_uk » Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:04 pm

Yeah I assumed the setting was a fantasy prehistoric setting like the film 50,000 years BC where cavemen and women coexisted with dinosaurs. Alternatively it could be a "The Lost World" type scenario.

In any case... that was an enjoyable story! When she was seemingly grabbed by a "TAR MONSTER!" all of a sudden that was a surprising twist, though I did suspect it would turn out to be something else instead. ;)

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Re: Cave Girl

Postby PM2K » Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:19 pm

I liked it! :D Big fan of cave girl stuff... and as for mixing ladies with dinosaurs, it doidn't bother me in When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth... ;) as I know it's all in fun.

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