Boggy Video: Shallow Puddle Conceals Something Sinister!

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Boggy Man
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Boggy Video: Shallow Puddle Conceals Something Sinister!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue May 05, 2009 7:45 am

Saturday, May 2'nd, at a slide area near Harris Creek:

Here is a picture of an "innocent"-looking :twisted: puddle that seems to be only an inch deep or less:


Here is that same puddle, viewed from a lower angle:


It looks sooooo harmless! :roll: I feel like cooling my feet in this small puddle of water, since the bare ground is so hot on my bare feet in some of the drier sun-baked spots! :)

EDIT: I removed the 3-part video from here to make room for other material, but uploaded the whole 49 MB file to Megaupload. Click here for the shallow puddle video! 8-)
Last edited by Boggy Man on Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Boggy Video: Shallow Puddle Conceals Something Sinister!

Postby Northerner » Thu May 07, 2009 4:50 am

You're right, it does look innocent, it looks like it took some effort to get out though! Amazing!
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Re: Boggy Video: Shallow Puddle Conceals Something Sinister!

Postby Beast260 » Thu May 07, 2009 3:36 pm

WOW thats a great little innocent puddle.. would love to have something like that near me. u should trick a hot chick into cooling her feet off in that puddl :twisted:

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Re: Boggy Video: Shallow Puddle Conceals Something Sinister!

Postby Nessie » Sun May 17, 2009 3:05 am

Innocent little puddle, eh? So you were just gonna cool your feet off?


Got a little deep on ya there, didn't it?

That is a grand little mudpit. It looks so smooth and quicksandy and has such a nice texture. I did notice that instead of reaching for solid ground you were holding chunks of it, but how can one is irresistible.

Two, you put on a great struggle and I can certainly see that you are in good shape physically as a result of all your mudding. But it wasn't really THAT hard to get your legs out...I hope? (Just don't wanna ever see you truly stuck, that's all. If you're faking that stuck appearance, it's a good act. It really does look like the bottom could be made of glue.)

Two...I noted the date on this -- May 2nd?


You're not wearing anything but an itty bitty pair of shorts. I've been out, and I've had some satisfying sessions too, but I'm still in neoprene stockingfoot waders although I am down to only one layer underneath.

NO, I can't take that temperature on bare skin yet. YOU can handle that?


I bow before your superior...coldquicksandsinkability. You truly are The Boggy Man!


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Duncan Edwards
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Re: Boggy Video: Shallow Puddle Conceals Something Sinister!

Postby Duncan Edwards » Sun May 17, 2009 6:59 am

Nessie wrote:
Two...I noted the date on this -- May 2nd?


You're not wearing anything but an itty bitty pair of shorts. I've been out, and I've had some satisfying sessions too, but I'm still in neoprene stockingfoot waders although I am down to only one layer underneath.

NO, I can't take that temperature on bare skin yet. YOU can handle that?


I bow before your superior...coldquicksandsinkability. You truly are The Boggy Man!


I'm convinced that our bretheren north of the border have some kind of anti-freeze in their blood and it ain't Moosehead or Becks. I've often marveled at how you do what you do way up there in the frozen climes. I prefer to sidestep the temperature thing and live in a place so muggy that I spent today bleaching pond scum off the siding of my house.

On the subject of the video I have to say that it's impressive how much Boggy can make out of how little. It's a testimony to his hyper-developed quicksand sensing abilities that he even noticed it. Boggy Man and Kristine would certainly make an interesting couple. 8-)
It's a dirty job but I got to do it for over 20 years. Thank you.

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Boggy Man
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Re: Boggy Video: Shallow Puddle Conceals Something Sinister!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue May 19, 2009 8:37 am

Nessie wrote:Innocent little puddle, eh? So you were just gonna cool your feet off?


Got a little deep on ya there, didn't it?

That is a grand little mudpit. It looks so smooth and quicksandy and has such a nice texture. I did notice that instead of reaching for solid ground you were holding chunks of it, but how can one is irresistible.

Two, you put on a great struggle and I can certainly see that you are in good shape physically as a result of all your mudding. But it wasn't really THAT hard to get your legs out...I hope? (Just don't wanna ever see you truly stuck, that's all. If you're faking that stuck appearance, it's a good act. It really does look like the bottom could be made of glue.)

When I first entered, the water got in between my legs and the mud I was sinking in, which did make it such that it would have been very easy to get out right away. But where would be the fun in that? :twisted: Once the water was gone, and it was all nice and gooey, it held on nicely, especially when I was escaping. In that stuff, you can't just pull your legs straight out. When you pull your leg up, the mire gives a bit before it locks up, and you have to lower your leg until it relaxes its grip, before lifting your leg up again, each time with your leg getting higher and higher, some of the mud pulling up with your leg, before the muck locks solid again. It is really fun stuff! :twisted:

Two...I noted the date on this -- May 2nd?


You're not wearing anything but an itty bitty pair of shorts. I've been out, and I've had some satisfying sessions too, but I'm still in neoprene stockingfoot waders although I am down to only one layer underneath.

NO, I can't take that temperature on bare skin yet. YOU can handle that?


I bow before your superior...coldquicksandsinkability. You truly are The Boggy Man!


That day, it got up to 24˚C, or 75˚F in Vernon, while it was likely slightly cooler in the general area where I was, but still quite nice. The slide area is on a south-facing slope, which catches the sun more directly, making for a relatively warmer microclimate. My early season sinks are mostly in thick mud, since the part contacting me warms up nicely from my body heat, although it does start off a bit on the cold side initially. When it warms up around me, it really becomes enjoyable! 8-)

This year, I had a late start due to a late beginning to spring weather. :( Normally, I had my first sinks in early to mid April, and even in March on the rare occasion, with March 10'th being my earliest (temps got above 20˚C, or 68˚F that day, much warmer than normal) several years ago.
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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