Clicking "Go Under" keeps sending sending me back........

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Re: Clicking "Go Under" keeps sending sending me back.......

Postby bbjohn » Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:59 am

I use an old iMac with OS 10.3.9 and Firefox, and I have no trouble getting in. I do have trouble on some other websites, however.

Nessie wrote:[

For six years I worked for a place that would never upgrade computer software or hardware until the roof practically caved in.

Sounds like the company I work for, Nessie. It wasn't until 2005 that we got high-speed Internet. Before that, we had dial-up (couldn't use the fax machine while we were on the Internet) and Netscape Navigator 3.0. The boss wouldn't upgrade us from Mac OS 9 to OS X until our other software started giving out and he found it couldn't be replaced. He tried to persuade me the problems we were having with a 16-year-old Power Mac were due to a browser problem (yes, that nasty browser will make that screen turn off just to be mean!).

We did get newer software, but most of it's a pain in the @$$. We think our boss buys software at garage sales.

Don't get me started about our fax machine.

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Re: Clicking "Go Under" keeps sending sending me back.......

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:12 am

I have never had any problems getting in (only one click to "Go Under") with my system - an Intel iMac with Firefox, with originally OS X Leopard at first, and since then upgraded to OS X Snow Leopard.
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Re: Clicking "Go Under" keeps sending sending me back.......

Postby Nessie » Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:50 am

bbjohn wrote:He tried to persuade me the problems we were having with a 16-year-old Power Mac were due to a browser problem

Sixteen YEARS?!


Hey, at least your boss knows how to shop a garage sale.

My ex-boss thought that since the technology exists to copy things onto CDs...that other people who worked in the same field that he did oughta copy their latest software and give it to him free.

They didn't.

Back to on-topic...I think...there's a guy out there who wrote to me because he can't get into here at all. It sounds like he's got a worse case of something like this.

I've passed the message on to our technical administrator, and not long ago either, so I haven't been waiting too long or anything...but...

I suppose it won't do any good to ask if anyone else here has that problem, would it?


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Re: Clicking "Go Under" keeps sending sending me back.......

Postby MudFox » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:50 pm

I noticed this too sometimes - one thing to try, if you're normally going to:
Try going to:

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