Using the chat room

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Using the chat room

Postby Fred588 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:12 am

Most people know I spend a good deal of time in the chat room. While there I am seeing an increasing occurrence of people coming in, staying for five or ten minutes, but never saying anything. While there i certainly nothing wrong with visiting in this manner, it may be that some visitors are using a cell phone or some other small device to enter, only to be unable to say anything. This CAN be caused by an out of date javascript verion in the cell phone. I have met several people who were unable to participate in chat who then gained tha ability when they upgraded their javascript.

Also, the chat room has a feature whereby the client computer will make an audible signal when someone speaks. This can be quite useful for those multitask in a way that causes the chat window to be covered up, or who walk away from their console from time to time. However, the chat software has what I would describe as a bug, the result of which is it fails to make the audible sound until the second time someone speaks. To get around this, if you say something to someone who is in the room and they do not respond, speak a second time.
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Re: Using the chat room

Postby DangerGirl » Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:49 am

Just where is the chat room these days, anyway?

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Re: Using the chat room

Postby Fred588 » Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:33 pm

DangerGirl wrote:Just where is the chat room these days, anyway?

The one referenced here is part of this forum. The link is on the index page toward the upper right. It says "chat" and is followed by a number indicating how many people are there, if any.
Studio 588 currently offers more than 2200 different HD and QD quicksand videos and has supported production of well over 2400 video scenes and other projects by 13 different producers. Info may be found at:

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Re: Using the chat room

Postby DangerGirl » Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:00 am

Oh, look at that. Thanks.

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