trouble viewing previews

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Re: trouble viewing previews

Postby Fred588 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:36 pm

Which previews are you referring to. If you refer to the clip I posted yesterday, I have tested the download and it does work on VLC and Media Player. The of video is a high definition clip with a bitrate of about 3000, so you might need to consider if your system is up to it. Another possibility is a corrupted file resulting from an interrupted download.

sydneycarton03 wrote:I am having trouble viewing preview clips on the board in MP4 formats. It will not work with my VLC 1.05 player (which i believe is the latest available), Real Player SP, Widows Media Player, or Quicktime. I just wanted to see if anyone could advise me on what to use in order to properly view these videos? Thanks in advance.
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Re: trouble viewing previews

Postby rickyj » Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:22 am

You should be able to see them with VLC. I am using an old version of it, like 8 or something, and even that old version plays them. I think Dave had a few issues with people d/l'ing his preview clips here for awhile so if it was those clips you tried to download I dont think the problem was on your end. If you can't see any clips at all from anywhere first check to see if you actually downloaded the file correctly(sounds dumb, but sometimes your may think it downloaded when it really didn't--if you dont see the file where you saved it try downloading it by right-clicking on the link and choosing to save file that way). If it still doesn't work then you might have too low a graphics card. For example I can't see any mp4's with VLC on my old Pentium 3 that only has 11 MB of video memory. If you've got an older computer that's the problem.
Maybe you could tell exactly what happens when you try to watch it. Like do you get an error message and what does it say. Like does it even play at all and start and stop or is something just garbled?

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Re: trouble viewing previews

Postby newtothis2 » Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:00 pm

I had a similar issue with the MP4's, first downloaded Quicktime and it was sporadic at best, then re-installed another "version" not sure if it was newer or what but it's worked just fine since then.

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Re: trouble viewing previews

Postby Kookus » Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:27 am

I am generally very, very anti-codec-pack... but, if you ever find yourself having trouble playing anything, and you simply can't figure out why, try the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack. I've been using it for years now with absolutely no negative side-effects -- it's the real deal.
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Re: trouble viewing previews

Postby quicksanimator » Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:09 pm

In my experience so far, most media players won't play MP4 files if these files are the least bit incomplete. As many already know, one of the problems that Quicksand Fans has been having lately is early cut-offs of downloads. You click to download a 10MB video file, and then a few minutes later after the download stops, you find that only 8 MB have downloaded, and you have to start the download all over again. I myself have experienced the cut-off of a 10.8MB MP4 download at 10.5 MB, and none of my media players, not even VLC, would play the MP4 file. Due to restrictions on the Quicksand Fans web site, I couldn't initiate a "resume" of the download and so had to download the whole MP4 file again before VLC would play it.

This download cut-off problem is most likely related to the other connection issues with Quicksand Fans. Until the connection issues are fixed, these download problems will probably continue.

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