QSF Board Emails

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QSF Board Emails

Postby dlodoski » Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:27 pm

Hi Folks,

As some of you have noticed, the board email system is not functioning. This will be looked at soon (as it's most likely something I can handle on my own).

About a year ago, GoDaddy, in all their wisdom, decided to force domain holders to pay $65 a year or so for email accounts. Even better, they tied those accounts to Office 365 - which I was already paying for. It never worked properly. And in early September, it stopped working entirely. So I have to call GoDaddy and see if I can get an account going that plays nice with my existing Office 365 (Outlook).

Meanwhile, I have changed the board registration confirmation to Admin control instead of email. So if you're reading this and tried to register recently, re-submit your request. Thanks.
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