Trouble staying logged in?

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Trouble staying logged in?

Postby Fred588 » Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:13 pm

I have had one report on my own site of a member having difficulty staying logged in, and I think i remember something like that here a while back as well. The report I received occurred on Monday and, after some reflection, the date suggested what the cause might be. And that points directly at a solution. I post it here because I think I remember the issue occuring here a while back.

A bulletin board system uses cookies to pass information that says the member is logged in whenever the member goes from one page to another. Those cookies expire after some period of time, which is unique to the system. Last Sunday morning was the beginning of daylight savings time in most places and that means an adjustment to computer clocks. If that adjustment does not occur correctly, or if the system clock gets out of adjustment in some other way (such as a battery problem) so that the system clock is off by enough, I am told that the result can be that cookies get discarded as out of date. The sympton will be a loss of login status whenever the user goes from one page to another.

So, if these symptoms occur, a likely solution is to correct your system clock.
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