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Re: Game Bog

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:01 pm
by flarestriker
quagmire_uk wrote:
flarestriker wrote:

Here. I uploaded the scene on Youtube, because QSFans doesn't support WMVs, or that's that it told me.


Does it normally have any sound effects? (For me the video was silent.)

Your guess is as good as mine. The video I have is silent and I don't have the actual game.

Re: Game Bog

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:49 pm
by seprater
No. That one doesn't. I made that one a long time ago. I'm pretty sure because I expanded the scene and the screen capture I had back then didn't record sound. I'm glad to see that someone still has it.

Here is a fresh screen recording done yesterday with sound.

Re: Game Bog

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:30 am
The desert level of Valis III has quicksand pits, which in fact could be better without transparency. Also, the Genesis version of said game has a slime pit located in the industrial level, which deals damage upon entry.

Re: Game Bog

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:39 am
by water_bug_62208
seprater wrote:No. That one doesn't. I made that one a long time ago. I'm pretty sure because I expanded the scene and the screen capture I had back then didn't record sound. I'm glad to see that someone still has it.

Here is a fresh screen recording done yesterday with sound.

Very nice version! The background sounds add a lot.

Thanks for sharing!

Re: Game Bog

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:22 am
Here's video documentation of the quicksand areas from Valkyrie no Bouken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu. Also note that there is quicksnow, which I have recently discovered when attempting to record the video, prior to compilation. It has the same behavior as the quicksand area I've mentioned in a previous post.

Re: Game Bog

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:16 am
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition has quicksand swamps in the Native Jungle, Mouth of Inti, Renegade Fort, and the Abandoned Caverns, where one of them leads to a secret area. As for shallow mud pools, most of which house crocodiles, they're scattered across many areas within the game. I have compiled a montage of these scenes for you guys to be able to enjoy them as much as possible. One weird yet hilarious thing regarding the game is that even if you play as Nicole, Harry's voice/responses still remain intact.

In addition to the many instant-death tar/quicksand pits in Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure, Tikal Ruins has a sinking pool that you can wade through. Also, said pool can be escaped from by simply mashing the jump button.

Re: Game Bog

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:13 am
Tobari and the Night of the Curious Moon, an indie PC platformer game, has Silverburn Desert, which has a couple of quicksand pits that are reminiscent to Super Mario Bros. 2, which can also hide some passages from the player.

Re: Game Bog

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:07 am
The fourth level of the SNES game Kishin Douji Zenki: Denei Raibu has underwater quicksand pits which prevents the player from moving left or right upon sinking and causes damage when the player has been sunken to the bottom. The password for the level is 804649, or as displayed by the game, 八〇四六四九.

Re: Game Bog

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:16 am
Gilligan's Island for the NES has a fair share of mud and quicksand pits, where submergence can be averted by tapping the A button rapidly.

Re: Game Bog

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:03 pm
by quagmire_uk
elefseus wrote:Pitfall: The Lost Expedition has quicksand swamps in the Native Jungle, Mouth of Inti, Renegade Fort, and the Abandoned Caverns, where one of them leads to a secret area. As for shallow mud pools, most of which house crocodiles, they're scattered across many areas within the game. I have compiled a montage of these scenes for you guys to be able to enjoy them as much as possible. One weird yet hilarious thing regarding the game is that even if you play as Nicole, Harry's voice/responses still remain intact.

In addition to the many instant-death tar/quicksand pits in Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure, Tikal Ruins has a sinking pool that you can wade through. Also, said pool can be escaped from by simply mashing the jump button.

Those Pitfall: The Lost Expedition clips are nice, the bog liquid is great. It's a shame about the voice thing... did a bit of googling, and I guess it's because playing as Nicole is only a cheat code, so they didn't bother to go to effort of recording lines for playing as her.

Of course you'd expect the story/dialogue sections of the game to not make sense so there's no point recordind lines for those, but you'd think they'd at the very least get her to do her own groans for getting injured or killed.