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Need help findng an old QS Story

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:58 am
by civicracerman
Hey Everyone,

A while back, there used to be a few sites out there that had Quicksand Stories, and some of them were pretty good. Out of the blue the other day I thought of one in particular that I had saved many years ago. I don't remember many of the details about it, but miraculously I remember the name. It was called "My time in the mud". It was about a girl that accidentally got stuck in some deep mud, and then went back later to sink again. I searched a bit online, however I didn't have any luck finding it as of yet. I am wondering if anyone here may be able to use their excellent searching skills to find it, or if anyone has a copy of it that they may wish to share. This story was a first hand account and was posted on a public site, so I do not think that there are any copyrights to worry about. Also if I remember correctly the writer wished to remain anonymous. Unfortunately the computer I had with this story and other stories saved was destroyed when lightning hit my home several years ago, and even being on a surge protector it was still fried. I know that Florida is the lightning capital of the World but that was still unexpected.

I know many of you are a lot better at finding things online than I am. so if you have some time to spend searching for it, it would really help.

I would like to Thank All of You in advance for your time and assistance, it is greatly appreciated.

Have a wonderful day.