Story treasure trove

It can't hurt to ask for stuff - nicely, that is...

Story treasure trove

Postby Parzival2600 » Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:15 am

It was brought to my attention a few weeks back that the yahoo! group, QLSO, has a treasure trove of stories in it's yahoo group. Unfortunately I've been told the moderator lost his account long ago so he cannot make anyone a member. Only those already a member can access it. The moderator has no problem having the stories moved. What I'm requesting is that someone work with me to do this. I need a list of stories and authors there so I can go about getting permission to post them here. these stories are old and forgotten works, prehapes works many are looking for. It's like finding the Dead Sea Seriosuly though, it's a shame for them to sit there and nobody see them. Anybody interested in helping?

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