BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 11/5/'23!

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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:11 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, PART 1:

Since this was the first time in a long time that I had been to the area, I took numerous photos, so this report had to be broken up into multiple parts, since I am limited to only 5 photos per posting.

Over the past while, due to numerous injuries, my adventures have been rather scarce, with 11 in 2012, 6 in 2013 (golfer's elbow, knee pain), 3 in 2014 (tennis elbow, knee pain, shoulder pain), and 0 (ZERO) in 2015 (knee pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, some tennis elbow)! :( I passed up on having any outings in 2015 due to a combination of fear that my knee/hip pain would get worse, and because I was so involved with my extensive work on a very ambitious water garden project (I will tell/show all about it in an off-topic thread this fall or winter). I still had to be careful now due to knee pain, although I had gone sinking in 2013 and 2014 when my knee injuries were fresher.

This year, trying to get started with my adventures has been an adventure in itself! :shock: I had been going on periodic "rehabilitation" bikerides around the hillside neighborhood to get into shape, and I tried to set a target date of the beginning of July. But, in June, pain returned to the middle of my left knee, below the knee cap, which forced me to back off the length of the "rehabilitation" bikerides and the amount of hill climbing, forcing me to gradually build up the length of the bikerides again, waiting for them to become long enough again, causing me to miss my first target. :( Then, I set a target date for the end of July, since I was biking more and climbing hills more. But, my hip pain exploded, which forced me to postpone things again. :( July had been rather unsettled for the most part, interrupted with brief breaks of hot weather before another cold low moved in with more thunderstorms and unsettled weather. So, there weren't that many weather breaks for my adventures, anyways. :? I set another target date for early August, but my dad's truck was unavailable for taking me up because my brother needed it for produce deliveries. :( I had my bike fixed up at the bike shop, so it was all in great shape. My dad didn't want to take me up into the mountains until I proved that I could bike from home to down into the valley and back home. So, I proved that by going to and from Swan Lake Nurseryland, where I checked out their extensive selection of plants. So, my dad was satisfied. :) I set another target for mid August, when we finally had a decent heatwave! :D But, my brother chose that time to take his family camping and he needed my dad's truck, so there was no truck to give me a lift into the mountains again (something that is essential since my knees have been giving me problems)! :x But finally, the following week, things all came together, and on Friday, August 19'th, 2016, I finally had my FIRST outing since September 16'th, 2014! :D My dad and his truck were handy to take me up into the mountains, past all the big climbs! :D So this day officially began my summer! :D

I finally had the opportunity to find out whether Crescent Road had been rerouted to pass within sight of the hidden liquid mud and sticks pond, which was where I had shot part of my "Forbidden Shorelines" video a few years ago! I also finally had the opportunity to find out if the upgrading of the sideroad going past my Crescent Road pond for logging has made the entrance more conspicuous from Crescent Road, to find out how much the road had changed, and whether the alders between the road and the east pond had been removed, which would effectively increase the visibility of my sinking spot from the sideroad! I also finally had the opportunity to see if the logging operation had been finished, meaning that the road would have been reverted back to being the quiet sideroad that it had been for years! And, last but not least, I finally had the opportunity to see what my sinking spot was like - whether it had turned into a solid weed patch that would be a lot of work to restore, or if there were patches of exposed mud among the invading weeds to sink into, and whether the mud would be above or below the water level! If there were any mud patches exposed in among the weeds, then I had a good idea for my first video! :D For a very long time, I had been in an uneasy state of suspense due to all the images in my head about what things might be like, and whether I would be able to have my first submergence right away! Now, all those unknowns gnawing away at me for so long would finally become... known!!! :D :D :D

To make certain that my dad could be back downtown in time for an appointment at the hospital (something just found out at the last minute), the drop-off had to be timed to around 9:05 am. Because my knees weren't completely 100% and didn't know how they would react to my activities that day, I didn't want to have to climb any big hills to get to my area. Luckily, when the drop-off time came, we had made it up the Crescent Road hill, and he dropped me off right beside the entrance to the hidden liquid mud and sticks pond! :D I was really happy to see that Crescent Road was the same as it was before, with no sign of any re-routing that I had been so concerned about! :D That hidden pond is still hidden! :D So, that was one worry off my mind (although it could still happen in the future)! :D

When we stopped and I got out of the truck with my things, and I was finally :D , actually :D , in the region that I had longed/strived to reach for so long :D , I guess that all the anxiety over everything that worried/excited me about my areas, that were all being, or going to be, revealed this day, got to me, because I suddenly had a most shocking dizzy spell! :shock: I struggled to keep my balance, and some of my fingers on my hands were tingling like crazy!!! :shock: I was worried that I might have to cancel if I got any worse! :shock: But, after my dad left and I was on my own (he left me his I-Phone for contacting when I was ready to come home), I started to feel better! 8-) I packed my stuff into my saddlebags, and was ready to begin! :D

First, I dropped my bike off down the grassy part of the trail leading into the woods to the east, out of the sight of the road, and then headed further down the trail and then northward to the hidden liquid mud and sticks pond there. I was so glad it was still hidden! :D The water was still rather high, with only a little bit of mud exposed among sticks, with fingers of low muddy ground extending slightly into the woods. After deleting all my previous photos/videos from 2014 from my SDHC card (they were all saved to my computer), I took some pix of the mucky areas around the south end of the liquid mud and sticks pond for backgrounds:

2016 08 19 1A Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

2016 08 19 1B Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

2016 08 19 1C Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

2016 08 19 1D Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

2016 08 19 1E Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

To Be Continued...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:15 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, Continued, PART 2 (Click Here For Part 1 With More Pix):

2016 08 19 1F Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

I returned to my bike and headed to my Crescent Road pond. When I reached the entrance to the sideroad, I was happy to see that the entrance looked almost the same as before, except for a plastic culvert installed there! :D The road looked just as green as before, with a slight bend in the road that wasn't there. However, even through it was green, the road entrance was now a bit more defined than it was back in 2014. I wished I hadn't deleted the older photos from my camera's SDHC card, since I had wanted to see the "before" photos for reference to know where to take the "after" photos. :x So, angles were different, and some comparisons were best guesses:

2016 08 19 1G Sideroad Entrance 2014 2016.JPG

Just as I thought, the low parts where there were pools of water in the middle of the road which I always had to walk my bike around was now raised road, with deeper pools on the sides, and also a culvert installed. But it still looked like it wasn't used much recently. :)

2016 08 19 1H Sideroad Pools 2014 2016.JPG

I was concerned about the alders lining the road disappearing, making my part of the pond more visible from the road, and I noticed that the ones closest to the road were gone, but the alders further back, lining the east pond beside the road, were still there, hiding things for a bit, although the gap in the trees was a bit larger.

2016 08 19 1I Sideroad Alders 2014 2016.JPG

2016 08 19 1J Sideroad Alders Gap.JPG

To Be Continued...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:07 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:16 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, Continued, PART 3 (Click Here For Part 1 With More Pix):

I reached the side trail leading to the area on the north side of my pond, walked my bike to my usual drop-off point, and eagerly headed off to check out my sinking spot! :) When I got there, I was disappointed, but not surprised, to find that my sinking spot was totally carpeted with weeds, and under water! :x But then, the water was rather high, extending a ways further into the shoreline past my sinking spot, something that I would expect in early July or in October, when things become wetter. I blamed it on the wet July. :x In the photos of my sinking spot, there are white twigs stuck into the ground on the west, northwest, and southwest sides as a means to block cattle from falling in, since free-range cattle frequent the area in the late summer and early fall (some are there through the summer as well).

2016 08 19 1K Crescent.JPG

I checked out the patch of shallow clay/peat mud on the southwest end of the meadow, braving some stinging nettle plants to get into position to take some photos (you can see some of them in the first three photos), before heading back to my bike with itchy legs, taking a photo of another mucky spot, and another one of my weedy sinking spot along the way to my bike. So much for shooting a submergence sink among the weeds (in the video I wanted to try pulling myself out by pulling on the surrounding weeds, only to have them pull out by the roots). :(

2016 08 19 1L Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1M Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1N Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1O Crescent.JPG

To Be Continued...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:16 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, Continued, PART 4 (Click Here For Part 1 With More Pix):

2016 08 19 1P Crescent.JPG

It was still too cool to get in to mush up the weeds (while walking through the water in the grassy sedges, I found it to be frigid), so I headed to the road again, walked to the entrance, and took pix of the changes to the road as I headed up it (some which I shown earlier). Further up the road, I was disappointed to see that the water plantain that was growing in the middle of the road were gone. :( When I reached the south side of another boggy pond to the north, I noticed that the road was fixed up there, with a new culvert, and a pool that was between the beaver dam on the south side of the pond and the road was much lower than it used to be! I felt that it was worthy to investigate the boggy pond! :D

2016 08 19 1Q Sideroad Pond North Of Crescent 2014 2016.JPG

2016 08 19 1R Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

So, I headed further up the road, and down to the pond, which contains a sphagnum bog in a ring around a center pond, with an uneven ring of water surrounding it. I noticed that there was a larger sphagnum moss and other things "land bridge" between the west side and it, making it easy to access the center bog, which was generally solid peat with softer live moss on top, along with vegetation. I walked around, taking pix. I also shot a couple of quick videos of a couple of tiny patches of peaty mud as I made it bounce with my foot (posted here). There was a frog on one, which rode on top of the undulating quagmire. I also probed the mud, finding it to be mostly shallow (less than knee deep, up to waist deep), although one spot (where I shot one quaking video) was around shoulder deep, but was likely floating on water.

2016 08 19 1S Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1T Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

I can picture the frog staring at the head of a damsel sinking to her doom! :twisted:

To Be Continued...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:17 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, Continued, PART 5 (Click Here For Part 1 With More Pix):

More photos of the exposed patches of mud around the pond north of my Crescent pond:

2016 08 19 1U Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1V Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1W Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1X Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1Y Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

To Be Continued...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:17 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, Continued, PART 6 (Click Here For Part 1 With More Pix):

One more pic from the pond north of my Crescent Road pond:

2016 08 19 1Z Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

I returned to the road, and continued to follow it, taking pictures along the way, reaching the clearcut! :D I was glad to see that the logging was long finished, and perhaps this road would remain quiet from now on! :D I took some pix of the clearcut, and also probed some mud along the road, which was clay which quaked when I agitated it with my feet, but it was all choked with rocks and wood, and was only around a foot deep at most. There were lots of deep cattle tracks in the road, made when the road itself was softer.

2016 08 19 1ZA Clearcut NE Of Crescent 2014 2016.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZB Clearcut NE Of Crescent.JPG

I then returned back to my bike at my pond, had lunch and a bathroom break, and was finally ready to begin playing in the mud for the first time in two years! :D I took a photo of the view of the road from my sinking spot. You can make out glimpses of the embankment behind the road in the distance.

2016 08 19 1ZC Crescent.JPG

After stripping among some alders west of my sinking spot, I first decided to head to the shallow clay/peat patch on the southwest end of the meadow, and had a stimulating ;) wallow there, before cleaning up my upper front of my body in the tinier pond there and heading back to my main sinking spot, happy that I didn't hurt myself. So far, so good! :) Then, I got down to business! Taking a closer look at the vegetation that had taken over my sinking spot, I was happy to see that it was a plant called Bur Reed, a plant that always seemed to like colonizing soft, muddy areas, and was rather soft and easy to eliminate, without creating heavy matted roots. It did have some spherical prickly seedheads on it, but they were no problem. The water was cold, but I did get used to it. The bur reeds were quite easy to mush up, and I managed to get around 2/3'rds of my sinking spot reclaimed before painful leg cramps forced me to quit. :x And, painful they were! :o :shock: I found it painful to walk, so I laid down, and my legs were still in pain! :o I found more comfort laying on my side, and eventually I sat up, and watched my left calf pulsating, as it something was inside of it, and was trying to break out! :shock: It took some time, but the pain eased and I began to feel better. I attempted to try and do some more, but had to stop right away. So, I cleaned up, air-dried myself, got dressed, and returned to my bike.

2016 08 19 1ZD Crescent.JPG

To Be Continued...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:17 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, Continued, PART 7 (Click Here For Part 1 With More Pix):

I put on a hoodie for extra warmth, and then walked back up the road to the pond to the north, where I walked along its eastern and northern shoreline this time, taking pictures of the patches of mud there and probing them with sticks to check their depth, which ranged from a few inches to around waist deep, or perhaps deeper. There was some nice deep mud below the beaver dam in the pool of water that had lowered from the fixed-up road and new culvert, but it was close to the road, in full view (actually much of the pond further back is in view of the road). :( There were some interesting areas of exposed mud on the north end, and I wanted to test it out in the future, since I couldn't reach some areas further out with my stick. Once I finished going around the north end, I headed back to the road, and returned to my bike and pond, feeling all warmed up and sweaty. I had really went all out with the photos, because there were so many muddy patches that looked interesting:

2016 08 19 1ZE Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZF Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZG Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZH Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZI Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

To Be Continued...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:18 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, Continued, PART 8 (Click Here For Part 1 With More Pix):

Even more pix from the pond north of my Crescent Road pond:

2016 08 19 1ZJ Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZK Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZL Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZM Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZN Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

To Be Continued...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:19 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, Continued, PART 9 (Click Here For Part 1 With More Pix):

Yet more photos from the pond north of my Crescent Road pond:

2016 08 19 1ZO Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZP Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZQ Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZR Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZS Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

To Be Continued...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:19 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, Continued, PART 10 (Click Here For Part 1 With More Pix):

2016 08 19 1ZT Pond North Of Crescent.JPG

All nice and warm again, I returned to the sinking spot, and got back in to finish the last 1/3'rd of it on the east side, taking a moment to adjust to the cool mud/water. After I got the weeds mushed, I went over the entire area again, to try pushing them down deeper. I noticed that while doing the work, there was lots of swamp gas bubbling up, but it was a shame that it was bubbling up through the one or two inches of water instead of farting out of pure mud. However, during my second round, there were some small patches of mud rising to the surface around the center as I worked there. It seemed that I displaced just enough mud to allow some of it to just barely expand to the surface. :) I paused in the center, with a little bit of mud on the surface in front of me, feeling it slowly give way beneath my feet, feeling myself sink ever so slowly. I moved my feet slightly, and could feel the hungry mire slowly sucking me down deeper, making me feel a bit stimulated, but only slightly, since I was still surrounded by water, and didn't feel like getting my shoulders and upper back muddy at this time. I did have the problem that due to the looseness of the mud from the water on the surface, some weeds would float back up again when the mud was disturbed. I did my best to try and keep as much of them down as I could. I also tried to catch a frog that was in the water, for fear that it might get accidentally mushed into the ground with the weeds. But, it got away. I did as much as I felt I needed to, got out, cleaned up, dried off and got dressed. I also had to detach some leeches that were making a meal of my blood. I was also happy to see that I had no leg cramps this time. :)

Two more photos of my sinking spot reclaimed from the invading weeds:

2016 08 19 1ZU Crescent.JPG

2016 08 19 1ZV Crescent.JPG

So, my sinking spot has been restored to a watery mucky patch, with still a few fragments of weeds poking up. I was glad that the majority of it was soft bur reed, with only a tiny bit of tougher grassy sedges, which were a bit more work to mush up, since they had tough runners that I had to snap. I returned to my bike, and headed out, periodically checking the I-Phone for service, snacking on some nut bars, and finally getting phone service partways down the hill, my dad picking me up in the valley.

Overall, this was a very productive and revealing outing, even though I never had any submergence sinks or actual sinking videos. But, at least I re-opened up my sinking spot, and also had the experience of standing, suspended around chest deep in bottomless quagmire, even though it did have some water on top of it! :D All the wondering and worrying about the area have been put to rest, and I feel like a gigantic weight has been lifted off of me! :D Aside from the soreness from my leg cramps, my other injuries were never really a problem! :D But, my shoulders did feel a bit more sore, as well as my abdomen (playing in deep mud always does that), and my hands and arms felt a bit sensitive (just typing this report out two days later, Sunday night, was making my left wrist and forearm very sore until I stopped typing, when it felt better again). But, after my sorenesses settled down, I was getting a bit concerned about some pain in my lower abdominal muscles, especially on my lower right! :shock: I hoped that I didn't strain something doing my weed mushing in my sinking spot (I hadn't done that in almost two years, and previously the weeds were nowhere near as bad)! :? I hoped that it would not be an issue for any future adventures! :?

However, in addition to juggling various sensitivities in various parts of my body, as well as my cataracts making things more blurry, and some patches and spots in my eyes that my optometrist and retinal specialist can't figure out, I have a new problem to worry about! :x I had a small rough area on the back of my neck for years, which very slowly got larger, and would swell up and then dry up over and over again. Several years ago, my previous family doctor thought it was nothing. But, he retired, and recently, my newer family doctor took a biopsy of that and of a red patch on my right forearm. The day before my adventure, I saw my doctor, who told me that the red patch on my arm was nothing to worry about, but the area on the back of my neck, was SKIN CANCER!!!!!! :o :shock: It is a common form of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma, and generally doesn't spread. So, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, my mom has to apply Imiquimod cream to the area before I go to bed (I can't apply it myself, since it is on the back of my neck), which calls my body's defenses to that area to fight the cancer (immunotherapy). I have to get that treatment until winter, and hopefully, the cancer will be gone by Christmas! :) But, because my mom has to look at the back of my neck, I was concerned about any submergences I might do in future adventures (if I get the chance to do it at all), which might leave mud residue that I might miss, but my mom might discover! :oops: So, I don't know if I would do any submerging, even if the opportunity comes up, although using a swim cap could keep my hair clean. :?

Next, I needed to do a follow-up outing, and hoped that the water level would drop, and/or the mud would rise, so that I could push the weeds down deeper, without having them try to float back up to the top. I was concerned about some rain in the forecast, which could cause a setback in terms of dropping water levels. But, at least I finally ended my extended "drought" in terms of my adventures, and hoped that I could finally start going with some regularity :) , weather permitting, of course. :?
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:48 am, edited 5 times in total.
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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