Quicky Sanders AI Collection

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:19 pm

Vicky Marsh Point of View.png

In a sea of green and earthy brown, Vicky Marsh darted through the thick woodland. Dappled sunlight splashed across her blue blouse as she weaved through the trees, her short grey skirt fluttering with her hurried stride. The suspect—a cunning trickster connected to a high-profile embezzlement case—had disappeared into this natural labyrinth minutes earlier. Vicky, an intrepid reporter always on the hunt for her next big story, felt the surge of adrenaline that comes from knowing you're inches away from cracking something wide open.

She had the suspect’s face committed to memory: the chilling smirk, the dismissive eyes that seemed to mock the world. "This story could make my career," she thought, pushing aside a branch that threatened to snag her blouse. She caught a glimpse of movement—a flash of a dark coat among the greens and browns—about thirty yards ahead. A thumping pulse drummed in her ears, drowning out the ambient sounds of the forest.

Minutes seemed to stretch into small eternities. The woods were not a maze; they were an organism, living and breathing, its roots and branches seeming to conspire to obscure her path. But Vicky was resolute, letting the thrill of the chase flood her veins with an elixing cocktail of fierce determination and frenetic energy.

Suddenly, her rapid footsteps met not with the solid ground she had come to expect but an unsettling squish. In an instant, the forest floor beneath her seemed to betray her, pulling her downwards. Looking down in disbelief, Vicky found her thighs were ensnared in quicksand. Her muscles tensed as she attempted to lift one leg, but it was futile; the muck held on with the ferocity of an implacable predator.

With an exasperated sigh, she rolled up her skirt, tucking the fabric into her waistband. Her hands reached out to grasp at nearby tree branches, but they seemed just inches too far. Time became palpable, almost tactile, in its slow crawl. The quicksand continued its greedy ascent, its pace incongruent with the rapid hammering of her heart.

For a second, her thoughts swerved to aesthetic trivialities—the certain ruin of her clothes, the spectacle she'd be presenting. But such vanities shattered quickly under the weight of her escalating predicament. She realized that fabric and appearances were inconsequential players in this unfolding drama.

At this moment, she heard footsteps. Her eyes widened as they fell upon the man she had been chasing. He stood at a safe distance, watching her struggle. His expression was one of calculating amusement, as if he had orchestrated this perilous trap for her and was now reveling in its success.

"Nature has its own kind of justice, doesn't it, Miss Marsh?" he quipped, his voice holding a saccharine sweetness that seemed to mock her desperation.

"Help me!" she gasped, her voice breaking through the thick air. "You could walk away now, and I wouldn’t be able to chase you. You'd get away."

"Ah, but where would the fun be in that? It's so much more entertaining to watch the quicksand take its course," he retorted, his smile stretching wider. With that, he turned, leaving her to her creeping, inexorable fate.

A silence settled around Vicky, broken only by the thick gurgle of the quicksand as it continued its relentless pull. She felt it inching up past her waist, each granule contributing to her immobilization and impending doom. There were no more branches within reach, no more footsteps, no more words. There was only the swallowing maw of the earth beneath her and the sinking feeling that came with it.
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Viridian @ deviantART: http://viridianqs.deviantart.com/

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:54 am

Graveyard Shift
Graveyard Shift.png

Quyen Sanders adjusted the straps of her leather satchel and stepped over the rusty gates of the abandoned cemetery. The sky was a dim tapestry of blues and grays, the last echoes of daylight having faded away. The air was thick with the musk of damp earth and decaying leaves, and the old gravestones loomed like silent witnesses to untold secrets.

According to her source, a tombstone etched with a raven would mark the spot where critical evidence was hidden. After a few minutes of searching, she found it—a weathered stone, barely recognizable due to years of exposure to the elements. Close to the tombstone, a patch of earth looked recently disturbed. With her heart pounding, Quyen felt like she was about to break the story wide open.

She pulled a compact folding shovel from her satchel and began to dig. The soil was unusually wet and muddy, unlike the rest of the ground in the cemetery. She barely had time to register the oddity before she felt the ground give way beneath her. A pull at her ankles escalated into a sinking sensation. The realization struck like lightning—quicksand.

She floundered, but her efforts only hastened her descent into the mire. Quyen reached for her phone, intending to make a desperate emergency call. Her fingers grazed the device before it slipped from her grasp, submerging into the quicksand below.

Panic washed over her as she sank deeper, up to her knees, then her waist. Her eyes darted around the dimly lit cemetery, searching for anything she might use to pull herself out, but there was nothing. A cold dread settled over her.

By now she was sinking faster, the earth pulling her down to her chest. With her arms partially submerged and immobile, Quyen felt a wave of terror unlike anything she had ever experienced. The sinking sensation was relentless, inching ever closer to her heart, as if the earth itself sought to swallow both her and the secrets she was perilously close to unearthing.
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Viridian @ deviantART: http://viridianqs.deviantart.com/

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:04 pm

Left Open
Left Open.png

Trapped in a twisted scheme, Quyen and Vicky had been disarmed of their devices and dignity, left in a barren quarry with tattered blouses and heightened vulnerabilities. The wind, acting as if in league with their captors, flicked at the torn fabric, making their attempts to conceal their chests all the more futile.

"You know," Quyen said softly, teeth gritted as she clutched at the frayed cloth. "I think they underestimated us. Mistake number one in the handbook of crime."

"Or they overestimated the efficacy of their threats," Vicky retorted, eyes squinting in thought as she tugged her blouse shut. "I won't let intimidation win, not today."

Their strides carried an air of defiant grace as they navigated through the quarry, each step upon the rugged terrain a minuscule victory. But the quarry was a cunning adversary, silent and still yet teeming with hidden dangers. As if responding to their defiance, the ground beneath Quyen's feet suddenly gave way. A soft, treacherous underbelly swallowed her step, anchoring her to the spot.

The sinking sensation was immediate, a cold grasp that pulled relentlessly at her legs. Quyen's breath caught in her throat as her eyes met Vicky's. In that moment, all words became trivial—there was only the sinking, a slow yet unyielding descent into the bowels of the earth.

Vicky, too, was ensnared, the sand pulling her down as though eager to claim her. She stared at Quyen, the atmosphere between them electric, each woman understanding the chilling gravity of their plight.

"Quyen, we're... we're sinking. And we don't have a way to call for help. What the hell do we do?" Vicky's voice quivered, laced with a subtle terror that permeated the very air they breathed.

"Don't panic. Panicking will only accelerate our descent," Quyen instructed, but the quiver in her voice betrayed the fact that she too was skirting the edges of dread. "We need to try and distribute our weight. Move slowly."

They attempted to angle their bodies, to widen their stances in a fight against the inevitable, but the quicksand was unyielding. A thick, suffocating material that mocked their struggles by clinging more tightly with every movement.

Their gaze met again, now with an intimacy born of shared peril. Both were fighters, warriors of truth in a world teeming with deceptions, but now they were facing an enemy that couldn't be exposed by a headline or defeated by persistence. Each struggled with their own thoughts, but a mutual understanding floated silently between them—acknowledging the precarious balance between sensuality and impending doom given their exposed state.

"We're sinking faster, Quyen," Vicky finally muttered, a trace of resignation creeping into her voice. "It's up to our waists."

"I know, I know," Quyen responded, her eyes widening as the sensation of being pulled intensified. "We can't stop it. We're still sinking."

Their shared struggle against the quicksand became an agonizingly slow spectacle, where each inch of descent was a chapter in a nightmarish tale. And as the quicksand reached their breasts, encapsulating them in a cold, dispassionate embrace, the weight of their reality set in—trapped, sinking, and utterly helpless.
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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:26 pm


Vicky moved cautiously through the forest, her senses alert to every rustle of leaves, every whispered secret carried on the wind. Her investigative instincts had led her to this isolated stretch of wilderness, miles from the nearest trail or roadway. The light filtering through the canopy of leaves cast an ethereal glow on the foliage, painting the scene with a sense of impending doom that she couldn't shake.

She reached a clearing, her eyes catching on something partially buried in the mud ahead—a glint of metal or perhaps glass. Could this be the clue she had ventured so far to find?

With each step towards the muddy clearing, she felt a sense of apprehension tighten around her, though she tried to shake it off as mere paranoia. The investigative reporter in her chided her caution; she had been in far worse situations, after all.

As she reached the edge of the mud, her boot sunk slightly, encased in a cold, wet grip. Ignoring the uneasy sensation, she took another step. The earth swallowed her foot more eagerly this time, pulling her deeper than she had anticipated. But her eyes remained locked onto the buried object, just within arm's reach now. She stretched her hand toward it, her fingers grazing the object's surface, feeling the very edges of what she'd come for.

Then, suddenly, it was gone. The earth seemed to breathe in, swallowing the object whole, dragging it downward into an abyss of mud and mire.

A chill raced down Vicky's spine. It wasn't just the object that had sunk—she realized she too was descending, her legs now ensnared up to her knees. A surge of adrenaline shot through her system as the awful truth settled in: she had stepped into a quicksand trap.

She tried to lift one leg, then the other, but the effort was futile. The more she struggled, the faster she sank. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing her growing desperation. She reached for a nearby branch, but it was just inches away, a cruel tease of potential salvation.

"Come on, Vicky, think," she whispered to herself, her voice tinged with fear she couldn't mask. "You've gotten out of worse than this."

But had she? The mud was now at her waist, a slow-moving predator consuming its prey. She twisted, she pulled, but every movement drew her deeper into the trap. As the muddy mixture reached her chest, engulfing her in a chilling, suffocating embrace, her thoughts splintered into shards of raw fear and disbelief.

There, in the heart of the forest, Vicky was sinking. She was alone, unable to call for help, her body descending into a trap that offered no mercy, no reprieve. And as the earth pulled her closer to its cold, unyielding heart, she realized that her struggle was far from over—it might very well be just beginning.
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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Jinn » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:53 pm

Awesome content. Incredible images, fun stories. I really like the untitled one with the rear shot of Vicky and her hiked up skirt. These are really cool.

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby MDLambert » Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:18 pm


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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby PA Jack » Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:25 am

Yeah, I agree - some pretty good stuff here.
Formerly jack c, years ago.

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:59 pm

Hallowed Ground
Hallowed Ground.jpg

Quyen Sanders had always been brave. As a seasoned crime reporter, she had ventured into the darkest corners of the city, unveiling tales that made even the hardiest soul shiver. But this Halloween, she found herself facing an altogether different challenge.

The forest was dense, and the wind whispered secrets to the trees, with only a few rays of the late afternoon sun piercing the thick canopy. The dark clouds above threatened rain, adding to the spooky atmosphere.

Following an anonymous tip regarding some nefarious activity deep within the woods, Quyen trudged onward. Lost in thought, she failed to notice the ground beneath her becoming soft and pliant. By the time she realized her predicament, her feet had already begun their descent into the viscous trap.

A cold dread settled in as the quicksand consumed her to her waist. She attempted to backtrack, but her motions only seemed to hasten her descent. The chilling, wet grip of the earth intensified, each grain of sand seemingly alive as it caressed her.

The world around her started to blur as the quicksand continued its relentless progression, now enveloping her chest. Each minute movement, every breath she took, caused the sand to pull her further into its grasp. The sensation was overwhelming, making her gasp as it reached her breasts. The weight of the earth pressed against her, the cool, damp texture contrasting starkly against her warm skin.

As she sank deeper, the dark forest around her seemed to close in. The wind whispered louder, and the scant rays of light dimmed...
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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Jinn » Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:13 pm

Great image and story. Love how the quicksand looks in this one; cold and clutching.

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby sixgunzloaded » Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:57 pm

Indeed, it does look cold there. Like, the deeper she sinks, the more the chill saps her strength and her ability to struggle. Nicely done!
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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