The Cape

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The Cape

Postby Viridian » Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:23 pm

The Cape
By Viridian

Later that evening, the news would report all the facts. Seismographs recorded a small quake off the coast of Sealer’s Cape. The location was remote and no alerts were sent out. With no significant human settlement for miles and only a single ranger station covering the entirety of the coastal national park, the authorities did not predict the need to do any rescue or clean-up. They’d send in a national park team to investigate any environmental damage. Otherwise, it was one of the more fortunate incidents that would be passed over and forgotten with no long-term consequences.

That wasn’t to be the case for us.

* * *

It was meant to be a weekend escape by the beach. The three of us had been friends since pre-school, together in high school, and separated by college life. In fact, the last two years had been the furthest we had been apart. Katerina took a year off her course to travel the world – she visited the ruins of Chichen Itza, taught in schools in Rwanda, and spent time with her family in Greece. She was always a bright and optimistic person. In high school, she was the “hot” one, with a deep Mediterranean tan that made other girls jealous, and a body with curves in the right places and toned from years of dance classes. She kept her conservative upbringing close, never having a boyfriend in school, earning her an undeserved “tease” label.

Then there was Natasha. She was tall Croatian brunette, though she liked to dye her hair with reddish streaks. She was a born athlete. She competed at national level in track and was studying sports science to become a fitness instructor, though she still held onto her dreams of making it onto the world stage. She had every reason to be comfortable with her body, and she even made it onto an advertisement. Unfortunately, the boys kept pamphlets featuring Natasha in a crouched position, ready to take off at the sound of the gun. It was a typical athletic promo, but the slight amount of cleavage and her smooth, toned legs were too much for the teenaged boys. They hopelessly obsessed, and she became sick of seeing herself everywhere.

Then there was me – Alicia – probably the least accomplished of our group, but the other two never made me feel that way. I was the most introverted, and had the least ambition. An office job seemed to be my fate, maybe an accountant or a banker. Just to mess things up, I managed to get engaged to a man, who would later dump me months later. I suppose the frequent trips to Hong Kong were dead giveaways, but I was naïve. My parents knew all along. Asian parents always knew.

The first day was mostly spent hiking to the campsite. We parked the car by the ranger station and walked the rest of the way, carrying our tents and packs. It took several hours, including numerous rest breaks and sightseeing distractions. We were so disorderly in our trek that we crossed Sealer’s Cove at high tide rather than low tide. We had to strip off and wade across the cove in our underwear, and we couldn’t dry off properly because Katerina accidentally dropped the pack containing our towels into the water. We ended up spending half an hour splashing around, turning our belated crossing into a skinny dipping session. We finally arrived at our campsite, an inlet a few miles from the headland. We pitched our tent just as it was getting dark, ate a late dinner and spent the rest of the night drinking and talking.

“Talking” was a bit of euphemism. We were the group of friends who shared everything together. In high school it was about hot dates and first kisses. Now that we were older, it was about sex. Whether it was family or work, we had our reasons for being sexually repressed, and since I had recently broken up with my fiancé, there was no reason to have inhibitions. We stayed up all night playing strip Uno, and while we sat naked in the tent, Katerina and Natasha made me spill the beans on my sex life. As much as my fiancé was a two-timing bastard, he was a great lover, and they got to hear every moment of it. It’s weird how the first thing you miss after a breakup is the sex. Talking about it made me really horny. We eventually fell asleep, but with a certain tension in the air. I’m pretty sure I could hear Natasha or Katerina – or both – easing their urges as I drifted off.

The tremors happened sometime early in the morning. We were too hungover to notice. It was by chance that Natasha was outside for a bathroom break when she noticed the incoming wave. I have never seen Natasha so hysterical. She screamed, kicked at us, and pulled us out of the tent by our hair. This was probably what saved our lives. I was still half-asleep and barely out of the tent. I never saw the wave. I only remembered being hit by a wall of water. I must’ve blacked out, because the last thing I remembered was waking up on a completely different beach. Or rather, it was the same beach. I had been swept a few hundred metres away, and miraculously was not carried out to sea. That was a small relief, as I had been dumped into…deeper trouble.

As I would later piece together from what I had studied in school, seismic activity had several effects on landforms. One of which was a phenomenon called liquefaction - the disturbance of water particles in sediment - causing sinkholes to appear and, more immediately concerning for me, quicksand. I wasn’t sure how long I had been unconscious on the beach. I was lying on my back, but I couldn’t move my lower body. I knew in the back of my mind what I was in. I could feel the sand move beneath me. My legs had already been pulled under, and I was slowly slipping deeper. I didn’t move. I thought that perhaps if I lay still, and kept my weight spread out, I could keep myself from sinking. And it seemed to work, but for how long? I remember when I was younger, I was terrified of water. In our school swimming lessons, I used to cling onto a board and float on my back, hoping for someone to help me back up. That’s what it felt like now, except I wasn’t sure if Katerina and Natasha had escaped the wave. That fear sent chills through my body, as the sand slowly claimed more of me.

It probably only took around fifteen minutes to half an hour, but when you’re waiting to die, things feel REALLY long. When I heard Natasha and Katerina shouting, I was first relieved that they had made it, and then the hope of my survival kicked in. I lifted myself up…and immediately sank to my waist. I hadn’t realised how agitated the sand was. Had I moved any sooner, I would’ve been stranded in a thick, gloopy mire and gone under much sooner. Though my descent momentarily paused, the shift in my position meant that I was now being driven straight down and there was little that was stopping me from sinking further. Natasha reached me first, but the sand gave way before she could get within a few feet of me. Her legs slid into the quaking sand. We both cried out in alarm. Natasha might have been stranded with me too, had it not been for Katerina’s quick thinking in pulling Natasha free.

I was already up to my breasts. Without a second thought, we pulled all our clothes off to form a makeshift rope. Katerina anchored herself to solid ground while Natasha stepped back into the thick quicksand. It was an apprehensive minute. I was up to my shoulders, and watched Natasha move in slow motion, being pulled into the moving mire, edging forward only inches each time until she was finally able to reach my arms. Our escape was even slower. Despite the looming threat of being pulled under, we had to move carefully and purposefully, shifting our weight and working our way onto the unstable surface. Katerina held on patiently until, finally, we were both free – and not a moment too soon. When Katerina stepped back from the edge, her leg was immediately swallowed by a patch of quicksand that had just formed behind her. We yanked her free and got off the beach as quick as we could.

I gave both my friends a sloppy hug and kiss – something that was made more awkward by the fact that we were all naked. Our clothes had either been pulled off by the quicksand, or had been used to for our lifeline, now torn up and abandoned on the beach, where we didn’t dare venture again. Katerina, having lost the strip Uno match the night before, wasn’t wearing anything to begin with. We’d been in some serious problems before – the worst was when we had our luggage stolen during a trip to Europe – but never had we felt so vulnerable and helpless. But, we survived a natural disaster. With that thought looming in our heads, we smiled at each other, high-fived and looked forward to getting out and getting home. What a story we had to share with our families, and if only the boys could see us now.

If only things ended there.

* * *

Have you ever had that dream where you’re walking around in circles, and things keep repeating themselves, and you can never seem to get out of the cycle? That’s what it felt like. We had been walking for an hour, and now we stood at the same signpost we had passed before. The problem was that we couldn’t recognise the landscape now that it had been devastated by the wave. Trees were ripped up, slopes had collapsed, and we had to be extra careful about where we trod – more than once, the loose soil felt like it might become quicksand at any moment.

We had recovered well from our ordeal in the morning. We lost nearly everything, but we managed to scavenge a few items that had been swept up and dumped further inland. The biggest gain was Katerina’s backpack, which had food and water, and the keys to her car, which was parked at the ranger station. The pack also contained some spare items of clothing, which we distributed amongst each other. Katerina had a preference for tight clothing, and we could feel it. I received a plain white t-shirt, which was stretched so tightly across my chest that the material was practically see-through, leaving my nipples plainly visible. Katerina got a hoodie, which fit snugly over her breasts, but given the warm weather, she opted to leave it unzipped. Natasha received a pair of small black shorts. That meant that she remained topless, while Katerina and I were naked from the waist down. We had a giggle, and a bite to eat, before resuming our confusing journey. We were hoping to come across someone else, but at the same time we weren’t too sure given how exposed we were. Even Natasha, who was usually fine with being open, wasn’t sure how we were going to handle things from here.

None of us had a map, though it didn’t matter with the altered terrain. We were soon able to find our way back onto the main hiking trail, where we came across our next obstacle. Normally, a wooden boardwalk crossed over a small stream that crossed the trail. Nothing was left of it, exposing the rough banks where the footbridge was previous built on. The stream was gone too, the water having been sucked away, leaving behind a bed of flat, featureless sediment. We all had a feeling what this was. Natasha picked up a stone and flung it down. It landed with a sharp plop, settling into the sandy mud by a few inches. It wasn’t heavy enough to sink, but the ripples were an ominous and obvious sign.

“How about a depth test?” Katerina suggested.

Natasha grabbed a fallen branch that was as tall as she was and plunged it into the sand. She found the bottom, but with only a few inches of the branch sticking out.

“I guess we’re not wading through that,” I said. “We’ll get stuck for sure.”

Katerina pouted. Her breasts glistened with sweat. The day was heating up and we had plenty of water, but walking for hours barefoot was very draining. None of us were keen on backtracking to find another way across.

“We could jump across,” Natasha suggested. The gap was around five metres.

“Hey, we’re not all Olympic athletes,” Katerina protested. But even she felt that this was the preferred option.

Natasha volunteered to go first. Though long jump wasn’t her forte, she made the leap with grace and confidence. I watched her sail through the air, mildly distracted by the flexing of her toned buttocks as she took off and landed. Her success was inspiring. Even Katerina felt like she could make it. First, she threw her pack across. Unfortunately, her lack of sporting talent was evident. It was the worst throw I had ever seen. The pack fell short, not even reaching the far bank. It plonked onto the quicksand, where it began to sink. Natasha gave her a “What the heck?” look. It was no loss for us – we had consumed most of the food and we all had the drink bottles out, so we tossed those across easily and prepared to make the jump.

“Believe!” I said to Katerina, who was psyching herself up. She began her run-up, breasts bouncing freely. Her take-off was good, and for a moment it looked like she was going to make it. Then she dropped like a lead ball and plummeted into the quicksand, sinking to her thighs.

“Whoa, shit!” she swore, unbalanced by her first encounter with quicksand. She windmilled her arms and fell forward, planting her arms into the sand. Her forward momentum made her front-heavy, sending her bare chest into the sand as well. “Ugh!” she grunted as the quicksand caressed her breasts and kissed her crotch.

Natasha retrieved another branch and reached down from the higher ground. There wasn’t much leverage for her to help Katerina, who had to wriggle free on her own. She slid into a horizontal position, but getting up onto the bank was an awkward process. The surface was not solid enough to support her weight, so her torso kept on sinking each time she tried to push up. It took around fifteen minutes for Katerina to pull herself free. She rolled onto the bank, covered from head to toe in gritty mud. Even Natasha was exhausted from holding on.

Then it was my turn.

Despite Katerina’s struggle, I didn’t feel afraid. This was really a mind thing. It was the inherent feeling that you had to stop at the edge of a cliff that got you into trouble. As long as I kept my stride, I could clear it like Natasha.

And I would’ve, except that just as I was about to take off, the entire bank broke off. I stumbled and managed half a hop before I landed right in the middle of the quicksand.

I didn’t have Katerina’s grace period. Her escape had churned up the sand and turned it into a sea of mud, and it was greedily lapping around my legs. My crotch was swallowed moments later, and my hips disappeared too. My momentum was pushing me straight down.


Katerina was in no shape to help. Natasha, as she did on the beach, came to my rescue. She fearlessly leapt back across. She landed short, perhaps intentionally, sinking up to her waist as well. She didn’t have a plan in mind. She grabbed hold of me and began pulling me back towards the bank. I didn’t realise what was going on, only that my survival instinct had kicked in and the proximity of solid ground made me claw back up, pushing off whatever solid footing I could. Natasha was right behind me, pushing herself deeper into the quicksand as she tried to get me free. I realised, too late, that she had committed to getting me out without regard to her own safety. As I heaved my torso back up the bank, Katerina screamed out to me. I turn back to see Natasha’s head disappeared into the hungry quicksand. I shrieked as well. I shimmied back down and jutted my foot towards her flailing hands. She grabbed hold, and nearly pulled me back into the mire. I dug deep into the sandy bank. It was not going to be a passive escape. She was being dragged under by the quicksand, and if I didn’t fight back, I would be stuck too.

Summoning energy I didn’t know I had, I climbed back up the bank. The seconds were painfully long. The quicksand bubbled, then burped. Natasha’s head re-emerged, coughing and spluttering. I turned around, hooking my legs beneath her armpits to stop her from sinking back down. I strained my thighs, using them as leverage for her to wriggle free while I held onto the remains of the sand bank. Her movements were slow and groggy, no longer the graceful athlete. Her wet body slid up mine, her face gliding past my exposed pussy. Her breasts popped over my thighs. One hand clamped onto my breast, the other onto my shoulder. She squeezed hard, desperate to escape. I stifled the sharp pain, not wanting to freak her out. She slipped, her fingers catching hold of my collar and ripping my shirt in two as she slid back into the sand, but I caught her again with my legs. My shoulders felt like they were about to pop, but I hung on. Natasha was beginning to regain her senses. Realising that she was dragging both of us back into the sucking sand, she lurched forward, using her body weight to push me into the soft sand bank. I was pinned, but she was now working her way free. She lifted her legs free of the sand – which had claimed her shorts – and she stepped over me. I caught a brief glimpse of her pussy, before my vision was suddenly blocked by the oozing sand. The bank was disintegrating and I was being pushed into it by Natasha. I didn’t have time to catch my breath. I kept my mouth closed, petrified that the sand would fill me. Thoughts of drowning flooded my head. My chest was being squeezed. I began to cramp. Then I felt something behind my head. Fingers. Lifting me. A surge of light and a release of pressure. I gasped. My eyes were sealed shut by the dense mud. I was being pulled backwards, an inch at a time. Then the movement stopped. Natasha wiped the sand off my face and I could see again.

Natasha was cradling my head. She looked like she was crying. I was crying too. We had both gone under…and survived. Katerina was also on the edge of tears. She was the last link between us and death, having stripped off her jacket to pull Natasha up, and with Natasha losing her shorts to the sucking sand, we were again naked.

But we were alive.

* * *

The next obstacle was the cove. The previous day, we had been skinny dipping there. Now, we were again naked, but desperate to escape the disaster zone. We were weary from our two narrow escapes, and the cove looked like a glimpse of paradise. Unlike our campsite, Sealer’s Cove was sheltered from the wave. Now that it was low tide, we were able to appreciate the fine, smooth sand and the perfectly flat surface.

We really should have known better.

The quake had also caused the sand in Sealer’s Cove to go “quick”, and we were halfway across when the sand gave way. We hadn’t paid attention to the ripples that were forming, or the fact that our footprints were filling in. Next thing we knew, we were up to our knees. We struggled on for several steps before we were all trapped in the thick, grabbing sand, and that was when we realised that all three of us were now in danger. The quicksand here was not the same as what we had previously encountered. It felt more like wet cement that solidified around our legs, keeping us stuck rather than pulling us down, but we were feeling the sand give way every few moments. We stood like awkward statues, trying to prevent our panicky movements from disturbing the sand, but even so, we inched deeper. There was nothing on the beach that could help us.

“What are we going to do?” Katerina asked. While her voice was shaky, she was surprisingly calm. None of us felt a sense of urgency, despite us gradually sinking deeper. A few tugs of our legs and it was clear that we weren’t getting out by ourselves.

“We could wait for help,” I suggested.

“No, we could be stuck here for hours,” Natasha replied. “And I don’t think anyone knows we’re here.”

“What about the ranger?” Katerina asked. “Our car is at the station. He’ll know.”

“But we can’t expect him to randomly turn up here.”

The quicksand crept up to mid-thigh as we argued. We weren’t getting anywhere in our discussion and our plight.

“How about we push one of us out?” I suggested. “We could crawl across the sand so that we don’t sink.”

Natasha looked at me thoughtfully. “But that would mean that the other two will be even more stuck.”

“But then we could get help,” Katerina added. The three of us nodded. “But then, who should go?”

We looked at each other. Natasha spoke first. “I’m the strongest, and Alicia and I can get Katerina out more easily.”

“Alicia is the smallest and lightest,” Katerina objected.

In the end, we went with my suggestion: since Natasha was the most athletic, she could cover the distance to the ranger station more quickly and find help. Katerina and I wriggled over to Natasha and began to work on getting her legs free. Natasha leaned forward to spread her weight out.

“Careful where you’re touching,” she warned as we pushed at her toned backside.

It was messy work and we weren’t very good at working her free of the quicksand, but eventually her legs came out. She couldn’t stop to turn and thank us. She immediately began crawling, proceeding slowly, and her breasts dragging through the sand while her ass bobbed up and down with her movements.

“Looking great from here,” Katerina cheered.

“Shut up.”

It took her a full ten minutes to get to the edge of the quicksand. Finding solid ground, she pulled herself up. We were far out of reach, and the only option was for her to find help for us.

“Don’t go anywhere,” she shouted out before running off.

Katerina and I laughed. If there was anyone who could get us out of this, it was Natasha. We settled into an awkward silence while also settling deeper into the quicksand. Our desperate attempts to dig Natasha free had churned up the sand, and we could feel it becoming more slippery and soft. We were helpless, our legs encapsulated by the warm, wet sand. Not wanting to be separated, we slid towards each other, holding onto each other’s waist. Our naked bodies were intimately close; our breasts pushing together as the quicksand held us in place.

Then, if things weren’t electrifying enough, the quicksand reached our pussies. I let out a moan. The sand was gentle, oozing into the right places, its silky texture punctuated by the occasional bit of grit that sent shivers through me as it licked at my labia. The jolts of pleasure made me lift myself up to reduce the intensity. Katerina was doing the same thing. It felt like a bizarre erotic torture. Each movement made us sink deeper, but it was turning us on. I could feel Katerina’s nipples harden.

“Mm,” Katerina moaned softly. “This is actually…quite nice.”

“Kat, you’re not…”

“We’re going to be here a while. We may as well get to know each other...a bit better.”

We weren’t lesbians, though we had both experimented with other people before. I’m not sure what came over me in that moment. The danger, perhaps, or how close our bodies were, or the feeling that we were going to spend our last moments together. If there was one person I would turn bi for, it was Katerina. She was everyone’s crush, boys and girls. Her soft, round breasts rubbed against mine. Her hands drifted towards my buttocks, caressing slowly and patiently with an experienced finger, tracing circles in the small of my back.

I wasn’t sure what to do with Katerina’s body. My hands were clumsily groping her buttocks and brushing against her boobs. I was trembling both from the excitement and the fear.

“Kat, we’ve got to keep still,” I moaned. “We’ll sink faster.”

“There’s no point in resisting,” Katerina replied. “We’re going to sink no matter what we do, and Natasha could be gone for hours.”

Sensing my hesitation, Katerina guided my head onto her chest. Then, she forced me to suck on her nipple. And I really mean forced. She pressed me tightly, and I struggled to breathe with my face pressed against her ample bosom. She began grinding against me. I tried pushing her away, but she had the leverage. She moaned and grunted. How many boys wished to be in this position? I gasped for air when I could, trying to shout out to Katerina, but she wasn’t listening. I was too busy trying to wriggle free that I didn’t notice Katerina’s hand reaching into the sand. Her fingers pushed into my vagina, already wet from the quicksand’s playful tickling. She didn’t need to go in deep – the squeezing of her fingers combined with the pressure of the sand against my clitoris erased the last of my inhibitions. My hands finally found their place. I returned the favour to Katerina, thrusting my fingers into her pussy. This had only been something I had done to myself, but it wasn’t too hard to adapt. We have the same bits, after all. I continued to suck on her nipples while I squeezed her other breast.

Our exchange didn’t last long. We were cramping up faster than we were reaching our peak. Katerina felt a soft orgasm, while I was on the edge, but I was too weary to really feel it. She finally let go of my head, rubbing her sore nipple while giving me a sly grin. Our make-out session had disturbed the sand slightly – we were up to our waists, and still steadily sinking.

“I’m sorry,” Katerina said. “Just one thing off my bucket list. I should’ve asked first. Do you know how many times I’ve had someone finger me like this?”

“How many?”

“None.” It was hard to believe – that the model Katerina never had an experience like this, but she had no reason to lie. She shivered in excitement. “You can stop fingering me now.”

I realised my fingers were still inside her pussy. I tried to slip them out, but the sand was keeping a firm hold. “I…I can’t…” Then the orgasm hit me. Katerina’s fingers were still in me, being forced to continue to pleasure me. This sudden spasm caused the sand to ripple and shift, and we sank an inch deeper.

“Ugh,” Katerina groaned. “Alicia, I was just…ugh…kidding before…we’ve got to…oh…stop moving now…”

I didn’t know what was going on. We had made a big mistake in plunging our hands into the quicksand. Now, it held our arms. We both had one free arm, but our other hands were still clamped between our legs, stroking involuntarily.

I hit another orgasm. Then Katerina. Then we both orgasmed at the same time. It just kept on going. I was feeling so light-headed, like I was floating a cloud, while my feet were weighed down by the quicksand. Then, with a loud plop, my submerged hand slipped free. Katerina had used both her hands to wriggle my hand out, working herself deeper in doing so. Now, I was up to my ribs with both hands in the air, while the quicksand was half-way up Katerina’s chest and both her arms were now stuck. She cooed as the sand oozed between her breasts. I tried to reach under the sand to keep her up, but she stopped me.

“It’s no good, my arms are stuck. You’d better keep yours up so you can get out.”

We waited in silence. The minutes, if not hours, ticked by. I watched as the quicksand slowly completed its consumption of Katerina’s breasts, and soon her shoulders also disappeared. My breasts were soon swallowed too, the quicksand fondling its prizes, perhaps hoping to tempt me into another spasm of ecstasy. My arms felt tired, but I kept them up. It was the one thing that kept our hopes alive, even Katerina’s.

Then it was just mine.

Katerina accepted her fate. There were no tears, no begging. She tilted her head up as the sand reached over her face, and then she was gone.

I felt hollow. I wasn’t sure whether to cry, or to feel angry, or to accelerate my own descent and join her. I had lost a friend, someone I shared my intimate secrets and feelings with – and in our last moments, our bodies and urges. But that was gone.

The quicksand enjoyed toying with me. It kept me up longer, wanting me to wallow in misery and hopelessness, even teasing me by flowing between my legs, brushing over my nipples. But I had become desensitised. I kept my arms raised until the last moments as my shoulders, then my head were pulled under. I closed my eyes and waited.

* * *

When I awoke, I was on a bed. My eyes were sore and my throat was dry. A fan spun lazily overhead, causing the afternoon light to flicker. At the foot of the bed was Natasha. Her face was sullen and her energy was gone. I tried to speak to her.

“Natasha, I…Katerina…”

“I know” was all she could say. She pulled me up and hugged me. She too was stricken by Katerina’s loss, but there was something else I couldn’t lay my finger on.

Natasha had been successful in her search for rescue. The park ranger, David, had arrived at the cove in time to find nothing but my hands sticking out. It was as close as I could be to dying. We were now at the ranger station. Though our car was in the parking lot, we lost the keys long ago, and David offered to drive us into town. He lent us a t-shirt and sweater so that we weren’t completely naked, though he evidently did not keep much clothing on site. Once again, Natasha and I were bottomless, but this time we did not see the sexiness in it. We got into David’s 4WD and began the journey out of Sealer’s Cape.

We sat awkwardly and silently. I was in the back with my hands covering my exposed crotch. My nipples were clearly poking through the sweater, but given that David had rescued me, I felt obligated not to be too prude. Natasha sat in the front seat. There was something unusual in the air. Normally, even after a disaster and death, there would be some talk or banter. David was a strong, quiet guy, and he didn’t want to share what happened. Neither did Natasha. Not even the radio was on. I would’ve thought that he would have wanted to keep in touch with news and updates. Every now and then he would glance at my nipples in the rear-view mirror, or check out Natasha. Natasha looked out the window with glazed eyes. This was how the entire journey was going to go. Still in shock from my ordeal, I allowed myself to drift to sleep.

I was awoken by the only words I had heard David say.

“Oh, FUCK!”

The vehicle felt like it left the ground. We floated for a few long moments. I soon realised what was happening. We had been driving at the base of a slope, and it was coming down on us. The car was swept up in the mudslide and carried down the hill like a toy. We screamed as we were turned, then flipped upright, then turned again. The driver’s side smashed into a tree. We came to a sudden stop as the earth piled all around us. My head cracked against something, and I blacked out.

I regained consciousness soon after. My ears were ringing. The vehicle was tilted over, and the glass was shattered. Dark, slimy mud filled half the interior, and I was up to my chest. I could see David slumped over the wheel. Blood was dripping down his head. I couldn’t see Natasha at first. She wasn’t in her seat. I could hear her. When my vision and hearing cleared, I could see that she had already climbed out the passenger window and was calling out to me. She was telling me to get out. And fast. The car was sinking.

I extricated my arms from the mud and pulled myself up using the headrests, but I buckled over. Right, the seat belt. I fumbled for the belt, losing precious seconds as I detached it. I squeezed over the seats into the front. I then had to step on top of David’s body to get through the passenger window.

David, as it turned out, was not dead. His hands grabbed my ankle like a talon and pulled me back down. I fell on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me. He immediately began groping my breast and reached for my pussy. I tried to scream, but nothing came out.

“I’m going down, and I’m taking you with me,” he whispered. He spat out blood. “And I want to have one final fucking reward for saving your ass. Your friend was a bore. I’m hoping you can give me the time of my life.”

I tried to break free, but I was too weak for him. He hungrily tore at my sweater, exposing my tit. He attacked my breast with savage lust, bent on inflicting pain more than pleasure. His fingers tried to invade my vagina, but I was barely able to keep him out with my legs. He starting slapping my legs. I caught his hand and tried to stop him, but he dug his fingers into my breasts. I screamed.

“We have a fighter!” David hissed. “Much more exciting than the other girl. She just lay down and took it. Said she’d do anything if I risked my life to save you. Almost wasn’t worth it. I was hoping for a two-for-one deal – apparently the Kat chick had a good rack. I was pissed that she didn’t make it. You’re not too bad yourself, you know?”

He had me around the neck. He was fondling me as he was choking me.

“It’s been a shitty job, you know. Being out here by yourself. Watching trees grow. Every now and then some hot girls in skimpy outfits come out for a trip. Man, you know how much I wanted to fuck each and every one of them? It’s a buzz, you know, sneaking around, taking photos of them skinny dipping, and not getting caught. It’s the uniform, you know? If anything goes wrong, I’m there to help. I even got you on camera. That’s how I know, you see? Lovely tits and asses. All on my phone. All mine.”

I felt something wet against my back. He was pulling me into the mud. I couldn’t break free. He was mad, spouting gibberish as the blood dripped from his head. How much of this was a result of his injury, and how much was his already twisted mind, I didn’t know. I was struggling to breathe. His grip would slip once or twice, giving me half a breath before he put pressure over my throat again. I wasn’t even paying attention to his other hand. I was too fixated on trying to stay alive.

There was a bump. Then a flurry of hands. David let go, and I immediately swatted him away. I pulled myself out of the mud and clambered for the passenger window. I turned back to see what had happened. Natasha had leapt onto the hood of the car. She was clutching a rock and was smashing it against David’s head. She didn’t have a solid foothold, however, and she slipped, causing her to fall into the mud, her body caught halfway inside the shattered windscreen. She continued to batter at David until he grabbed of the back of her head, clamping down and preventing her from moving.

“Fuck you, bitch!” David screamed in blood-curdling rage. “Back for fucking more? You’re a fucking shit piece of ass. Look what you fucking got me into!” David reached for my foot, but Natasha bit into his finger. He pushed at her face until she let go, and she spat into his eyes.

“Alicia, get out!” she yelled.

“Nat, I…”

“Leave me!” she screamed, filled with a rage I had never seen before. “This fucker wouldn’t save you until he raped me. He’s the reason Katerina died. I’m not letting him have you too.”

“Fuck you!” was David’s response. The car was rapidly filling up with mud and only their heads were left.

“I’m taking him down with me,” Natasha bellowed. “Now go!”

Those were her last words. David and Natasha roared in pure rage as they grabbed at each other. Natasha had her hands wrapped around David’s throat while he had his hands locked behind her neck. It was a test to see who would submit first, but neither of them won. The mud swallowed them both, along with the rest of the vehicle.

I had leapt clear, and didn’t get to see Natasha’s last moments. The landslide had turned the slope into a thick, slurry mire, and I was sinking into it. I stripped off the torn sweater, shedding as much of the dead weight as I could. The weight of the loss of two of my friends was a heavier burden. Seeing my hips disappear into the mud, I was on the verge of giving up. But I could see their faces. Katerina, Natasha. Friends since school. Both of them gone. Victims of nature…no, we survived nature. It was a sick man, left alone to prey on his victims. How many had he abused before us? How many had we saved from his perverted, psychopathic ways?

I was filled with a surge of energy. The anger that I kept inside from Katerina’s and Natasha’s deaths was unleashed. Sealer’s Cape would not claim another life. Not today. I trudged through the muck, and when it got too deep I crawled through it. When it got too soft, I swam through it. I didn’t care. I was going to survive. I felt solid ground and pushed myself up onto my feet. Naked and covered from head to toe in sandy mud, I emerged and ascended.

* * *

A travelling family found me walking by the highway, covered in so much mud that they didn’t realise I was naked. They took me to the nearest house, where phone calls were made to the nearest emergency services. I was washed, clothed and fed. From what I would later learn, I was delirious from trauma and exhaustion, and spoke nothing but gibberish. I faintly remembered the TV being tuned onto the news, and the words were etched into my memory. The reporter summarised the timeline of events and that there were no immediate dangers to nearby residents. It was a fortunate incident with no long-term consequences.

This was not the case for me.
Viridian @ deviantART:

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Re: The Cape

Postby PM2K » Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:34 pm

Fantastic! :D Always great to read your stories, Viridian!

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Re: The Cape

Postby Stephymink » Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:18 am

I agree with Purple. Always great to read another of your stories Viridian!

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Re: The Cape

Postby quagmire_uk » Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:50 pm

Wow! Really enjoyed the first two thirds of the story, especially the sexy climax between Alisha and Katerina. The idea of their arms and hands being stuck so they couldn't actually stop pleasuring each other was brilliant.

Katerina's demise, and then the final ending for Natasha, was very powerful and dramatic.I'm a softie who isn't so much into the grim endings, so I didn't enjoy that aspect of the story so much... But it was really well done.

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Re: The Cape

Postby Drgb988 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:37 am

I could have over looked a line, but i cant see anything mentioning their hair color. Anyhow, excellent story!

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