Magical Queen Bellelba's Slave

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Magical Queen Bellelba's Slave

Postby DJlurker » Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:34 am

Here's a new story from me... written from the perspective of *you*, the reader! Enjoy! :twisted:

Magical Queen Bellelba's Slave
A Pokemon QS Fan-Fiction
by DJlurker

(Awaken, slave.)

Your eyes open, before slowly rising out of your bed, as if in a trance. "Mistress... is it time?"

(It is indeed. Dress yourself and come to me...)

"Yes, Mistress..." you intone as you robotically swing your legs over the side of the bed, dressed in nothing but boxer shorts... You soon rectify that by putting on a t-shirt, jeans, and socks. As you walk out of your bedroom, you don't even stop to collect the pokeballs on your dresser.

You will not need them.

After donning your sneakers, you lock the door before getting on your bicycle and riding off into the night... The full moon sits high in the night sky, illuminating the landscape, making a flashlight unnecessary...

Soon, you reach your destination, a swampy forest at the edge of town... parking your bike in the bike rack, you dismount and march like an obedient soldier into the woods... following the trail precisely, to where you know your mistress is waiting...

After a few minutes, you detour off the trail into the brush, pushing twigs and branches aside... despite it being nighttime, you know exactly where you're going... Soon enough, you emerge into a clearing, where your mistress waits... ... -664255216

You stop and stand still as you take in the details... an hourglass figure enveloped in a tight gray-green dress, with a light purple frill that surrounds her bosom and continues around her left shoulder... white gloved hands, one of which hold a black, red-tipped feather fan... dark, cobalt blue hair that curls up at shoulder length, with a simple black tiara sitting on top...

And those eyes... those ruby red eyes that hypnotize you without any further ado...

"I am here, Mistress," you intone as you slowly walk forward, your jaw slack, your eyes unfocused, your head slightly askew. "I do as you will..."

The corners of her mouth turn up in a small smirk. "Cut that out... I know you aren't hypnotized."

You immediately straighten up and grin. "But it's more fun that way, Sabrina... or should I say, Magical Queen Bellelba."

Sabrina, Gym Leader of Saffron City, simply smiles in response. "So you like my costume?"

"It's even better than I imagined," you nod, trying your best not to drool at the sexy sight before you. "I wouldn't mind submitting myself to a sexy witch like this..."

"You do realize that Bellelba is 108 years old," the psychic points out.

"And yet you don't look a day over 50." You get smacked slightly in the head by Sabrina's fan for your retort.

"Sarcasm does not become you, slave," Sabrina's voice drops a few octaves as she reassumes her role. "Now, come with me..." With that, 'Bellelba' turns and walks away, deliberately swaying her hips...

"Yes, Mistress..." You grin as you follow at a distance...

A few minutes later, the two of you make your way into another clearing... This field is a lot wetter, the grass thinning out and vanishing about a third of the way across... the way the moonlight reflects the surface of the bare dirt makes it clear that the ground is saturated with moisture, to the point it can no longer support a human's weight...

In other words, it was quicksand.

'Bellelba' walks up to about where the grass starts breaking up, before stopping and turning towards you... You stop as well, standing at attention, awaiting a command.

"Hold this for me," she holds out her fan to you. You silently take it, wondering what she's going to do... though you can probably hazard a guess at this point.

Sure enough, she begins to levitate herself, slowly floating backwards, out over the surface of the quicksand... "Stay there, slave. And don't you dare take your eyes off me."

"I couldn't even if I wanted to," you sigh, shaking a little with anticipation.

'Belleba' smiles at that, as she slowly extends a foot down towards the shiny wetness... her toe briefly dipping in, before withdrawing it. "It's a little cold..."

"You're not gonna let that stop you, are you?" you mutter. Clearly she's teasing you...

"Silence, slave," she orders, before letting her feet rest on the surface, appearing as if she is standing on the mud... but you know better. Soon enough, the mud begins to take her in, her feet and then the hem of her dress vanishing...

Your mouth suddenly goes dry, as your eyes take in the sight of your mistress slowly sinking into the silty sand... Ever since the two of you had become a couple, your mind had all but been an open book to her- though she insisted that you were simply projecting intense psychic waves whenever you fantasized about her... You recall how freaked out you'd been when SHE asked YOU about your quicksand fetish... Though you'd babbled and tried to rationalize it, Sabrina simply smiled and said it sounded interesting... After all, it wasn't like vore or torture fetishes, where the lady's life was in danger of painful death...

And now, as 'Bellelba' wiggled her hips as they slowly vanished beneath the earth, you have to pinch yourself in order to convince yourself you aren't dreaming...Seeing her slowly and smoothly sink in, you wonder if she is using telekinesis to part the mud, or if she is letting natural gravity run its course...

"A little of both," she suddenly speaks, causing you to jerk and shake your head. Obviously, you'd been 'projecting' again...

"Well then, Mistress, what else am I thinking right now?" you ask facetiously.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Sabrina responds, as she sinks past her waist, her remark causing both of you to blush...

"N-not really..." you mutter, as your face heats up... you start using the fan you're holding to try and cool off a bit. But then, said fan is yanked out of your hands and thrown somewhere behind you...

"Hey!" you cry out, trying to turn... but you can't. Your entire body is frozen in place!

"Focus on me, slave," 'Bellelba' growls, her eyes faintly glowing in the darkness. You obediently re-focus your gaze on her, just in time to see her bosom come to rest upon the surface of the quicksand, the mud pushing it up slightly. Her forearms rest on the surface, but as you lock eyes with her, she pushes her left arm into the muck, before smiling as her eyes glow more brightly...

You gasp as you suddenly feel your jeans become undone, before they are pulled down, though your boxers remain where they are. Then your arms are forced up, as your T-shirt is pulled up and off, before dropping to the ground at your side.

(This gives new meaning to the phrase 'undressing someone with your eyes',) you think to yourself, before hearing a chuckle, seeing Sabrina smirking knowingly at you. (Crap, she picked up that thought, didn't she?) You really needed to learn how to stop projecting like that... The glow then fades from the psychic's eyes, as she raises her free arm and slowly beckons to you. "Come to me, slave," she whispers...

You walk forward, not propelled by telekinesis, but of your own will... Your still-sock-clad feet start to sink into the mud, but you manage to get into position about 7-8 inches away from your mistress, before your legs become hopelessly stuck... you then begin to slowly pump your legs, feeling your knees being consumed as you fix your gaze on 'Bellelba'... She doesn't return your gaze directly, but seems to be looking down at something... At once, it dawns on you just *what* she's staring at, your face heating up once more...

You shiver a bit as your crotch slowly disappears into the mire, reaching out and clasping your mistress' white-gloved hand in your own, letting your other arm dip into the mud... You shift from side to side, hastening your descent, until you finally settle to the same depth as Sabrina, taking in deep, even breaths to try and remain calm...

It's hard for you to believe this is happening... You and this incredibly sexy psychic, both sunk deep in quicksand, and enjoying every moment of it... "I must be dreaming," you whisper to yourself.

"This is no dream, slave," 'Bellelba' intones. "This is reality." With that, she pulls your hand down and into the mud, the surface soon smoothing out, giving the impression that both you and she are hopelessly mired in this thick, sucking quicksand...

"Now, slave..." she leans forward slightly, pressing her bosom deeper into the muck... "Kiss me." The brunette closes her red eyes and puckers her ruby red lips... Unable to refuse, you shut your own eyes as you close the distance...

You can taste her lipstick as your lips meet, moaning slightly into her mouth, Sabrina responding in kind... Though this is far from the first time you've kissed, doing it under these circumstances makes it really special, in your mind... You start to push your tongue in, only for Sabrina to abruptly break off and pull back... You open your eyes, seeing a slightly angry expression on her face...

Before you can speak, she asks, "What do you think you're doing, slave? I said kiss me, not french me..."

"Uh..." It takes a moment for your brain to get back into gear. "I thought it was OK..." you respond lamely.

'Bellelba's' frown deepens, indicating that was the wrong answer. "Insubordinate... you can't even follow simple orders. You need to be punished, slave..." Her eyes begin to glow once more, and you feel the mud start shifting around your body, causing you to sink deeper...

"No..." you gasp in mock horror, as you feel the quicksand flowing into your armpits... "Please, Mistress, don't do this... I'm sorry...!"

"'Sorry' isn't good enough," 'Bellelba' growls as the thick muck sucks in your shoulders. "You need to learn your place!"

"No, please..." you cry as you sink to your chin, forcing you to tilt your head back slightly, though you can still look your 'queen' in the eye... "I'm begging you, Mistress... I'll do anything...!"

"Then you can smother in the mire for me!" 'Bellelba' declares, as she watches your face sink into a depression in the quicksand... (Remember, inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose,) she thought-casts to you...

"Right," you grunt, closing your eyes as the mud covers them, then your nose... soon, only your mouth is left exposed, Sabrina's psychic powers keeping an airway open in the mud, even as you sink deeper and deeper... Remembering her advice, you suck in precious oxygen through your mouth, while exhaling carbon dioxide out your nose, hearing a distinct *phlup, phlup, phlup* as air bubbles exit your nostrils on the way to the surface...

This felt incredible, to be completely immersed, to feel your head surrounded by thick mud, though the fact that you can still breathe dampens the experience somewhat... (I wonder what Sabrina sees above the surface,) you can't help but ponder...

(Well, if you want to know that badly,) the gym leader unexpectedly answers, (I can show you...) Suddenly, you are looking through your girlfriend's eyes, seeing a small, round hole in the mud in front of her, with bubbles popping behind said hole every two or three seconds... Sabrina then looks down, at her bosom floating on the surface of the quicksand... it dawns on you that the purple frill lining the hem of her dress is now touching the mud...

(Does it feel good on your breasts?) You can't help but ask.

(It doesn't feel too bad,) she replies, shrugging, sending a ripple over the surface. (But you'd probably like to see this...) With that, Sabrina begins to sink again, watching as the quicksand consumes the frilly hem before flowing into her cleavage, causing her to shiver... (Now *that* feels nice...) she sighs... You can feel it as well, even though you obviously don't have breasts of your own...

(Talk about a full-body experience...) you think to yourself.

(It's not over yet...) You see and feel Sabrina start to shift around in the mud, which takes her in deeper in response, what's left of her bosom swiftly vanishing... you then feel the cool mud close over her shoulders, as she quivers in delight... then rising up her neck, until her chin is resting on the surface... She remains at that depth for the moment, though you can still feel her slowly undulating in the mire's grip...

(Getting hard to breathe?) You ask.

(A little,) she replies. (I'll be honest with you, I'm a little nervous...)

(You don't have to go under if you don't want to,) You try to reassure her. (This is already beyond my wildest dreams, you know...)

You feel her lips curl up in a smile. (I never said I wasn't joining you down there... I just need a moment to steel myself...)

(Take all the time you need,) you reply. (I'm not going anywhere... obviously.)

Sabrina chuckles at that. (Indeed...) She tilts her head back, until her face is framed by the quicksand, staring up into the night sky... (The stars are certainly beautiful tonight, aren't they...)

(I wouldn't know, my eyes are blinded by quicksand,) you snark back at her.

You feel her smile widen in spite of herself. (Did I not say earlier that sarcasm doesn't become you?)

(Again, I wouldn't know,) you tease. (I'm just focused on surviving right now...) You gasp in another breath of air through the hole in the mud, before exhaling it through your nose...

(You should focus on me instead, slave,) Sabrina retorts, as she draws in a deep breath, before inducing the mud to take her the rest of the way in... Your sight is once again blinded as the quicksand spills into Sabrina's eyes, though you can feel the thick muck pushing her tiara off her head as it sinks under... Soon enough, you feel your girlfriend's arms wrapping around you as her bosom presses into your chest, your chins gently colliding as her mouth emerges into the airway, both of you now inhaling through your mouths and exhaling through your noses... (You were right... this does feel incredible...)

(Oh yeah...) you agree. (But my mouth's starting to get dry...)

The psychic responds, (Well, we can't have that, now can we?) You feel your head tilt forward slightly, as does hers, your lips meeting as a result, your air supply cut off as the airway collapses and fills with mud...

It takes a moment for your mind to register what is happening... Passionately hugging and kissing Sabrina, completely submerged in quicksand, unable to see, unable to hear, unable to feel anything except the mud and her nubile body pressed against yours... unable to taste anything except her lips, and wet dirt... And then she slides her tongue in, moaning into your mouth as she slowly french-kisses you...

(Oh sure, *now* I get to french you,) you think as you respond in kind with your own tongue, a little mud slipping into your mouth as a result, but it only adds to the overall experience...

(That's right, slave,) 'Bellelba' thought-casts back, (only *I* get to decide when you can use your tongue... remember that.)

(Yes, Mistress,) you reply obediently, hugging the sexy queen a little tighter, as you continue to smooch with her...

But alas, all good things must come to an end, as you feel your lungs start to burn with oxygen deprivation... (Uh, Sabrina? I think we're gonna need to come up for air soon, in more ways than one...)

The gym leader moans into your mouth in disappointment. (Just as I was getting into it... all right, hold on a second...) You abruptly feel your surroundings shift, as gravity suddenly asserts itself on the mud encasing you and Sabrina...

You finally pull away, gasping and coughing as your starving lungs take in precious air... (She must have teleported us out,) you figure, before the mud begins to be forcefully stripped from your face...

Your eyes open, blinking as they adjust to the moonlight before focusing on your mud-covered girlfriend, as said mud seems to unnaturally peel off her face and skin, flowing downward... It dawns on you that she must be using telekinesis to clean off both you and herself, though the mud stops peeling off at the frilly hem of her dress... You however, feel the mud come off your body almost completely, save for your boxer shorts, which are most likely unsalvageable at this point.

"So..." Sabrina finally speaks. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"You seriously have to ask that?" you raise an eyebrow. "It was heaven on earth... or maybe I should say 'heaven *in* earth'..."

She chuckles lightly at that. Even without the black tiara, she still looks incredibly sexy... Your eyes then go wide as Sabrina reaches up and begins to pull her dress *down*...

"Now then, slave," she purrs, "I believe it is time you serviced your queen properly..."

Your face is split by a grin wider than any that have come before it tonight. "I hear and obey, Mistress!" you cry enthusiastically, as your hands go for the hem of your boxers...


I'm sure your imagination can take over from here, right? :twisted: Don't forget to leave a comment when you're done... ;)
Last edited by DJlurker on Thu Jun 15, 2017 2:12 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Magical Queen Bellelba's Slave

Postby stevensh12 » Mon Feb 27, 2017 8:15 pm

wow sabrina has changed since i rember seeing her
i love the story we don't see any povs anymore which is a shame
keep up the good work
i'm just an idiot with a box and a screwdriver

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Re: Magical Queen Bellelba's Slave

Postby DJlurker » Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:23 pm

Thanks for the comment, and yes, they changed up her design for HeartGold/SoulSilver. Look it up on Google.
Some like it, some hate it and prefer her original design. Me, I'm fine with either depiction.

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Re: Magical Queen Bellelba's Slave

Postby stevensh12 » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:29 pm

Question will this be a series by any chance if so I hope Cynthia is next :D
i'm just an idiot with a box and a screwdriver

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Re: Magical Queen Bellelba's Slave

Postby PM2K » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:39 pm

I really liked that... :D

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Re: Magical Queen Bellelba's Slave

Postby DJlurker » Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:16 am

stevensh12 wrote:Question will this be a series by any chance if so I hope Cynthia is next :D

I wasn't really planning on it, but I'll think about your suggestion...

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Re: Magical Queen Bellelba's Slave

Postby stevensh12 » Tue Feb 28, 2017 2:06 am

DJlurker wrote:
stevensh12 wrote:Question will this be a series by any chance if so I hope Cynthia is next :D

I wasn't really planning on it, but I'll think about your suggestion...

Okay not a problem
i'm just an idiot with a box and a screwdriver

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