Truth is Stranger than Fiction Part Two..

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Truth is Stranger than Fiction Part Two..

Postby Sparky81 » Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:11 pm

I was driving to a quiet part of the beach to think things out. My phone was blowing up with missed calls and texts. Ding...Ding…Ding. They were coming in so fast one right after another. You know what…..this wasn’t going to solve anything. I pulled over into a McDonald’s parking lot and parked. I text Mrs. C...

“Be over in 15 minutes.”

Sure, I admitted I wanted Kayla Wagner to go under in the quicksand at the quarry. I can’t take that back and besides, it was true. This whole mess was my fault. I wanted my quicksand fantasy to come true. Now it involved Mrs. C and Kayla Wager who wound up drowning in quicksand. If not for some quick action and a ton of luck, she would be dead. I had to confront Mrs. C and settle this.

I parked the beater in my driveway. Walking toward her back door I felt queasy. This wasn’t going to be easy. When Mrs. C opened the door she looked awful. Her eyes were red and puffy. She was clutching a tissue as we walked in to Herb’s man cave again. Before I could sit down on the couch Mrs. C. spoke.

“I have so much to tell you. Some of this I haven’t told anyone before.”
I don’t ever think I’ve seen her so shaken. She sat slowly down in the large chair angled toward the arm of the couch and exhaled one long breath. There was a small glass with ice and what looked like vodka on the end table between us.

“As you know I grew up in the Midwest, plenty of farm land and not much else. When I graduated college I wanted to get away. Far enough to be away but not too far to come back home when I wanted. I wound up at Nebraska University. In my junior year I was dating a real jerk. He was a big jock type, so full of himself. One weekend right after school stared in August; he was invited to a friend’s parent’s lake house for the day. He dragged me along just to show me off to his buddies. Of course when we got there Craig couldn’t wait to hit the lake. He knew dam well I couldn’t swim and yet……there we were at the lake house.”

She paused to take a long sip of her drink.

“The idiot blew up one of those plastic tubes.”

She held her hands apart to show me the size of the tube.

“You know those cheap tubes you play with in water. We waded in the lake next to a large dock. The water was about up to my chest; he shoves the tube in front of me. “Listen Babe just hang on you’ll be ok.” He pushed off and swam away from me towards a group of kids. I’m clinging to this small flimsy tube now floating out past the end of the dock. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what comes next.”

We both chuckled a bit.

“I panicked and let go of the tube. Whoops.....Under I go. I’m trying to call for help and stay up but forget it…..glub….glub..glub… All I kept doing was going under and splashing. Luckily a guy on the dock saw me go under and not surface. He jumped and saved my life. Never met him before that day but if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here talking to you. Later that day when I calmed down, I found him. We had the most intense, incredible sex. I let him do whatever he wanted. It surprised me how many times he made me organism. Again…and again… I screamed as I exploded thinking of him watching me go under. Trevor and I have been good friends ever since.”

“Judy I don’t understand, what does this have to do with anything?”

“Let me finish. Instead of being horrified by nearly drowning, I found it erotic. The idea of a handsome man saving me was sexually stimulating. The more I played it over in my head
, the more sexually exciting I found it. Of course I dumped Craig right after that weekend and three months later I met Herb. He was working on his Masters in Computer Science. Quite the opposite of the “jock type” Herb was a total nerd.”

She paused to refill her glass.

“We hit off right away and I knew he was the one. We married right when I graduated college. The twins were born in ‘ 90 and Ronnie in ‘ 92. We moved here in 1997. In all that time I never stopped thinking about my fantasy. So much so I was the one that begged him to put that pool in.”
“You wanted the pool? I don’t get it.”

“Yes, don’t you see? I wanted Herb to make my fantasy real. That pool doesn’t have a large deep end by accident. Do you know how many times I thought of Herb saving me while he fucked me?”

She laughed and slapped her thighs.

“That man had no idea that my multiple orgasms were more about my fantasy than his dick.” They were so hard he would put his hand over my mouth so I would wake the kids!”

Now she was laughing so hard she was crying.

“He…he…actually believed it was him!

It took her a couple minutes to compose herself.

“When I decided to tell him about my fantasy it was the biggest mistake I ever made. He called me “sick and disgusting.” He made it clear he would never indulge me whatsoever. Our relationship slowly crumbled along with our marriage. We drifted so far apart.”

“In 2007 George and I began a relationship. His marriage had crumbled with Kayla being power hungry and driven while ignoring him. I knew George for several years before our relationship though social and business functions. He was always kind and a perfect gentlemen. For two years I was happy and in love until George’s death in early 2010.”
Judy wiped a tear as it ran down her cheek.

“I wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. I didn’t tell George anything about my fantasy. But something interesting happened right after George’s death. A few months later Ronnie comes home one day and said “Ethan signed for a summer job.” What is it I ask? “He’s going to be a life guard for the county.” A life guard! Of all the God Dam summer jobs! You had to be a life guard!”

Judy stood and paced in front of me very animated.

“So what the hell do you think I thought of!? You were 17 and filling out. Each time I saw you I swear you grew taller and more muscular. Yes, I started to see you sexually. It was wrong, very wrong, but I couldn’t help it myself. My fantasy…you saving me…it was so…”

She shook her head as she sat down again. Looking me in the eye she continued
“I knew you watched me from your bedroom window. It turned me on. I was flattered you found me attractive enough to spy. I wasn’t out there by accident right after you would come home.”

She took a long deep breath and sat down again crossing her leg over the other. She smiled a bit.

“I would dress purposely to make you look. Things like flimsy tops and short shorts. Did you remember me carrying a towel quite a bit?”

“Ya…come to think of it, you had a towel with you a lot.”

“I did, guess what I had under the towel?”

I shrugged “I have no idea?”

“A huge dildo that vibrated, are you shocked?

“I…I’m not sure what to say…”

“That’s why eventually I went to the back end of the pool, the deep end where the glass table and chairs are. The shade trees block the view from your house. I would lie back in my sun chair and imagine you saving me.”

I think I see where this is going and wow…if I’m right.

When I was out there I can’t tell you how many organisms I had. Multiple organisms one right after another…so intense…so incredible…. That dildo was huge it penetrated me so deep. I swear I never squirted in my life but I started squirting cum everywhere.”


“My thoughts about you went on and off for years. I couldn’t stand it. I wanted it so bad. My idea was to pretend to want swimming lessons and ask you to teach me. At one of the lessons I would fall in the deep end. I chickened out and got scared. Rather than go through with it, I decided to tell you just what I’m telling you now. The last lesson, with my courage up, I was going to tell you. Guess who shows up right before you come to our last lesson…Kayla Wagner!’
Shaking her head Judy stood and went behind the bar to refill her glass.

“Kayla shows up and sees the food and plates I had set up and asks “Am I interrupting something?” I told her you were giving me swimming lessons and hoped she would leave before you arrived. No such luck. My plans were ruined. I couldn’t tell you the truth about things.”

She sat down again.

“But then…then…you get mixed up with Kayla. Suddenly you are here telling me about Kayla, quicksand, your fantasies. I thought I was dreaming at first. You had been fantasizing about the very thing I was except with quicksand. I never thought of quicksand…it’s perfect. Slow enough to struggle and call for help while sinking.”
She smiled again and shifted in her chair.

“When we went to the quarry I didn’t know what to expect. When I saw Kayla I knew she was going to sink for you. The way she dressed, the way she first looked at you, she wanted you to watch her. Then when she saw me it all changed. We argued and I pushed her in. It was so…exciting, but her confession complicated things. Yes, yes I admit I wanted justice and revenge for George. She all but admitted murdering him. As far as I was concerned, going down in quicksand was what she deserved.”

“Is it up to us what should happen to her?”

“No, but in that moment I was caught up in so many thoughts. Revenge, anger, excitement, it was jumbled up. As she sank deeper and struggled, I wanted more.....deeper….”
She paused for a few seconds.

“She reached and slapped the mud, her voice shaking calling for help. It was pulling her down…as much as I was frightened, I was excited. The mud was creeping up her body.”
Judy was staring at the floor thinking.

“I was trying to imagine being her, what she felt, her panic, desperation, the hopelessness, knowing she would soon go under. It was so…..I don’t know how to describe it. I couldn’t wait until she went under. When the mud puckered with her bubbles…”

Judy got up from her chair and came over to the couch. She put her hands on my shoulders and slowly sat on my lap. Her hands moved up her body tracing the curves. When she reached the neck line of her top, she worked her fingers inside the opening and pulled it down exposing her large breasts popping out of her bra. Her nipple entered my mouth slowly as she leaned forward. My face was covered in her breasts. As I sucked and licked I could her quiet moaning. I was rock hard under her wide spread legs. She squeezed down and rode me back and forth, rubbing her pussy over my shaft.

“I’m sinking Ethan…help me” she moaned breathlessly.


A loud noise came from behind the couch. Judy quickly pulled back and stared over the couch without saying a word. Her face went blank. I couldn’t see. My body had sunk deep into the couch and my head was lower against the high back.

“You look busy...”

I didn’t have to see to know that voice…it was Herb…

Next Chapter:"Where the bodies are buried"

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Re: Truth is Stranger than Fiction Part Two..

Postby PM2K » Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:14 pm

I really like your approach with this. Can't wait to see where it ends up. Good work! :D

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Re: Truth is Stranger than Fiction Part Two..

Postby Sparky81 » Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:15 am

Thank you. I look forward to your thoughts on my stories, good or bad. You have been very encouraging.

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Re: Truth is Stranger than Fiction Part Two..

Postby Sparky81 » Tue Apr 03, 2018 3:25 pm

For those of you still interested the "Tarzan" series, the next installment will be forthcoming within the next week.

Thank you for your interest.

Rusty Shackleford
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Re: Truth is Stranger than Fiction Part Two..

Postby Rusty Shackleford » Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:13 am

Sparky81 wrote:For those of you still interested the "Tarzan" series, the next installment will be forthcoming within the next week.

Thank you for your interest.

Yes! Definitely looking forward to it! The series has been very nice so far.

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Re: Truth is Stranger than Fiction Part Two..

Postby Sparky81 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:34 pm

Thank you Rusty. I hope you enjoy the next chapter!

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