Caught by parents - really embarrassed

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby maria » Fri Aug 16, 2019 10:28 pm

bogbud wrote:
maria wrote:
And then there's the more recent one when I was hovered over by a helicopter ... there was only me and the quickmud I'd accidentally fallen victim to ... but that's another story!

I hope we get to hear that story too some time in the future... :D

Myself: Have never been caught so far. Sometimes i did notice hikers or dogwalkers or some farmer and the like walking along the path at the edge of my mud-bog but there is a fence and a very muddy ditch to be crossed before they could reach the area, so no problems so far. I'm more concerned of being caught by wild-boars :lol: :oops:

The thrill of it all!

I'd found a very dangerous area of masses of quivering quickmud and super difficult to get of if not prepared. But the area had to started to dry up and I thought there would be nowhere else to sink, but I thought I would give it one more try in my waders.

I was playing around managed to sink knee deep :( and thought about abandoning the day. I tried to get out and too my surprise I was really quite stuck. I started to wiggle one boot out and of course the other wiggled its way deeper, and deeper, and deeper and deeper!! I ended up waist deep and completely bogged down and stuck.

After half an hour I couldn't get out at all. The camera had stopped filming at 30 minutes and had overheated! I started to dig myself out, for another half an hour getting more and more exhausted. Then I heard a helicopter coming in my direction. Fine I thought, if I just stay perfectly still it will fly right over - I was smack bang in the middle of an old quarry.

That damn helicopter didn't fly over it started hovering about 100 metres above me. I struggled and tugged and pulled and eventually I could feel my boots coming out. But they didn't and locked in again. I was really panicking all in the space of less than two minutes. I started to think about some guy been lowered down to rescue me it was super embarrassing!

I continued heaving and struggling only to feel my waders being pulled off. It was the only way to get out and I climbed out of the waders and watched their soft rubbery shafts flop over in the quickmud. I hightailed it out to the nearest trees about another 100 metres away in full view of the helicopter. It tracked me to the trees until took cover and just hid for another 5 minutes under some thick bushes until it flew away.

My adrenaline must have been pumping because it all the straining I nearly dislocated my hip trying to pull my stuck boot out. I still feel the pain a year later!

I avoided becoming the local news though, which was a huge relief :D

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby bogbud » Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:32 am

Great story again Maria!
Those pilots did obviously see you but were unsure what to do. Had you waved your hands they would have probably called the emergency services or would have tried to rescue you by themselves. But running away is also not a really good alternative as that causes suspicion and may lead to calling the police.
The tidal mudflats i used to visit are also in plain view. Exactly these possible detections are the reason i only visit them during the late evening, even when this severly restricts possible sinking-time to a handful of days during the year.
I'm already chindeep in this mudbog and every desperate attempt to move my stuck legs only drives me deeper in. The thick mud slowly swamps my waders and my arms have nothing to hold onto.
I'm feeling home.

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby enerj29 » Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:51 pm

It sounds like your parents handled it pretty well, all things considered. And give yourself time. I can see how this would be somewhat traumatic, eventually these feelings will fade. It will also be easier when you’re living off on your own. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I didn’t really get into this until after I moved out. But still, I was always happy when my roommates weren’t home when I got back from playing in the mud.

Also, I got a pair of water proof hiking sandals. Best purchase. And so easy to clean. Or, you could just leave your shoes at the side of the mud and do the rest barefoot, which feels so much better anyway.

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby philiposgood » Sun Jan 21, 2024 3:45 am

[quote="mud_dreamer"]I have often wondered if my parents knew that I was playing in the mud after dark.

oh buddy i got story to tell you this was when i was 17 i had just got a pair of brand new hunter boots in gloss black still got them :lol: i snuck out wearing a crop top midriff type of thing and skinthight tights and pencil skirt as that what i threw together for sinking went outside went abut 10 miles down to creek compeatly forgeting about my nighebors dogs 2 huskys was carrying flashlight was well over half mile away the dogs stared barking didnt think anything of it at time mid sink i didnt see the sheriff pickup roll by on gravel road but herd it they didnt see me i was at the top of boots at this point very well bogged more then i thought i was deiced to step out of my boots pulled them free flash light was on durring this turned it off as i herd the sheriff pull in then thurned it abck on thinking coust was clear but then it wasnt a sheriff light me up with his spot light as she was about to get in her car to make matter worse it was female a famliy friend she demanded to know waht i was doing after i walked up to where she was at top of the hill from the creek that was on (public land ) i said i was out for strol and she said 12pm at night then she was like tell me truth i well partly i said i want to test my new boots pointing to my compeatly muddied hunter boots she deceid to take me home and see how my parents thogut that got me grounded for about 3 years god i was so dum then but i never did lose the mud fetish and boot fetish i ahve :twisted:

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby ReconIsUseless » Sun Feb 04, 2024 6:38 am

swampy42 wrote:Hello! Been lurking here for a while and this is my first post - I hope its in the right section.

I'm from the UK, I'm 19 and a student who is living with parents over the summer holidays. I've had a mud / quicksand fetish since 2011 and there is woodland near our home where I sometimes play. In 2013 I got caught by my parents the day after playing (muddy shoes gave it away). I told them what I did, but didn't mention the fact it was a fetish or anything like that. They just thought I was being silly and told me not to do it again.

Over the next 4 years I feel my life has changed rapidly, from being at secondary school in 2013 to now living away from home for most of the year. I still have my fetish and watched videos online ( + browsed this excellent forum!) but never actually went out to play in the mud... until about a week ago, when my parents were out for the day, the urges became too much and I gave in and went out to play.

I got caught...again, by my shoes. This time I told my parents all about my fetish and completely opened up to them. They were both extremely nice about it, and comforted me, saying that having a secret fetish is more common among people than I might think.

Despite my parents being lovely and accommodating, the embarrassment over the past week of my fetish being found out has been overwhelming. I can't look at my family the same way. I've taken to hiding in my room most of the day, something I never did before. I haven't left the house much at all, and any motivation to work or exercise has been completely killed off. I'm usually a drama queen, getting worked up over the most basic of things, but it has never been as bad as this. I'm also embarrassed that I gave into my fetish after 4 years, and being caught makes it all so much worse.

I'm not even sure if this post is appropriate for this forum. I just wanted a place to let it all out, and to see if there's anyone else with this fetish who has been caught. If you've been caught, how did you handle it? Hearing what other people think would comfort me so much.

Thanks for reading all of this!

I'm gonna be honest when my parents figured out about my fetish my mother was semi accepting but my father looked at me in a different light from that point going on. As much as it's embarrassing I would say you have amazing parents just for tolerating the idea of it.

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