A Star is Sunk

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A Star is Sunk

Postby fonejackman » Mon Jan 31, 2022 12:20 am

“So we still cool to meet on Sunday then?” Erica asked her boyfriend down the phone.

“Sure babes” the suave male voice on the other end responded.

“Aww look forward to it, I can’t wait to see you again” she exclaimed.

“I can’t either”

“Love you”

“Love you too baby” were the last words Erica heard before she pressed the red phone icon on her mobile, thus ending the lovers’ exchange. It had been almost 3 months since their last proper encounter. The lockdown imposed by the government meant that face-to-face contact was pretty much out of the question. Now that everything was re-opening and society was getting to back to a semblance of normality, the time was ripe to resume their relationship.

Conveniently enough, that Sunday just so happened to be her boyfriend’s 26th birthday and Erica had organized dinner for the two of them at a rather swanky restaurant.

Phone call finished, Erica placed her mobile phone onto the bedside table and stood up, making her way over to the bathroom. Flicking the switch, she examined herself in the mirror. The young woman boasted long brunette hair with a light complexion. Her figure was lithe and had just the right proportion of curves. She was clad in a plain white T-shirt with salmon pink panties.

After twenty seconds, she grabbed her toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste both placed alongside the sink. Erica applied the milky white substance which flowed gently onto the bristles of the brush. Brushing her teeth, Erica thought more about her prospective date and how excited she was to see her boyfriend again. She missed him, she missed the warmth that he provided being in his arms, she missed every kiss and all that she wished for was that he was here right this very minute.

“Soon.” She sighed gently to herself. “Patience is a virtue after all”.

Her teeth brushed and clean, Erica went over to the table where her phone was. She wanted to see what time it was; it felt she had been talking to her partner for ages.

The clock displayed 2305.

“Damn, it’s late, I really should be going to bed right now.” Erica yawned. Yet for some reason, she didn’t feel ready to hit the sack.

“Maybe I’ll watch some TV” Erica told herself as she picked up the remote control next to her bedside lamp. Throwing herself onto the bed, the young woman pressed the on button and was met with the gleaming lights and booming sounds of the news channel.

“News? No way”

Curling her lip, Erica began hopping from various channels showing everything from cookery to home shopping and dull soap operas, none of which particularly captivated her.

Erica was about to throw in the towel and call it a night when she came across a shot of a woman hip-deep in what presumably was quicksand. She was pleading for help from some unseen, dashing hero; almost like the kind of cheesy B-movie from the 50s and 60s.

“Ah, screw it” Erica said, seeing as there was nothing else remotely of interest, she thought might as well. B-movies weren’t exactly Erica’s cup of tea but she did have a bit of a soft spot for them.

Yet it was at that moment, that an observation hit her. She didn’t get anything for her boyfriend’s birthday. It simply didn’t occur to her or must have slipped her mind.

“Oh crap, what am I gonna get him?” she pondered. “Not another bottle of wine” She would always purchase a bottle of wine or something similar for his birthday but this time, she wanted to spice things up a bit.

Erica tried to think up some ideas but was too distracted by what was playing out on the TV screen; the film was at a pivotal moment, the hero had just emerged and was trying to fight off the jungle savages whilst simultaneously, the damsel was sinking fast; the quicksand now having travelled up to just below her breasts.

She didn’t know why but for some reason, Erica felt a bizarre sensation inside of her. She let her fingers fall into her panties and began rubbing them gently over her womanhood. The hero had just finished dealing with the baddies and was now attempting to rescue the maiden from the sand trap causing Erica to rub her fingers even more vigorously, her moans becoming even more pronounced. She was fantasizing, she imagined herself as the damsel in distress with her boyfriend was the knight in shining armour, clad in just a loincloth; The Tarzan to her Jane.

She reached her climax just as the hero had saved the girl from the deadly mire and swept her up in his arms. Erica lay on her bed for several seconds before the activity became too overwhelming for her and she began to drift off.


At least an hour had passed before Erica arose from her slumber. She slowly lifted her body up from the bed and leant her back on one of the pillows, exhaling and inhaling deeply. Shifting her face toward the TV, she could see that the movie had long since finished and had reverted back to the usual trite programming she was trying to avoid watching earlier.

“Was I really asleep for that long?” Erica asked herself as she looked at the clock displayed on her phone. It was showing 0010.
Erica looked down at her panties which were soaking wet as a result of her sexual stimulations. Swaying her fingers across the garment, she grimaced slightly at the damp sensation.

“I need to put these panties in the laundry” she declared. “And take a shower”.

Once Erica went downstairs and put her panties in the washing machine, she revisited the bathroom before stripping out of her t-shirt and stepping inside the shower cubicle. Turning the dial, she sighed contentedly at the hot water drenching her body.
Whilst in the shower, she kept thinking about her boyfriend’s birthday and what present he would really like. She also thought about the movie she briefly watched and the fantasy that came with it.

Erica put two and two together and a brilliant idea entered her mind (albeit a wacky one).

From a young age, Erica had an ambition to become a Hollywood actress and one day make it big. She loved to be the centre of attention in that aspect. Her parents used to take her to drama school but was forced to remove her when the monthly fees became too costly. That dream to be a movie star however never fully went away.

Her idea was to recreate the quicksand scene where she would play the hapless damsel except that there would be no man to save her and instead she would just sink into the sand. Drama filled with a hint of eroticism. What could be more perfect?

She suddenly had an urge to touch herself again. And then she pictured her boyfriend in the shower, the two of them passionately making out under the steamy running water. Erica was on the verge of losing her mind.

In truth, she had only been in the shower for 15 minutes, but to the young woman, it felt like an eternity. Believing she was fully clean, she turned the shower handle and stepped out, picking up a bright pink towel lying on the wooden floor. Wrapping it around her, she groaned pleasantly at the feeling of the material touching her wet naked body.

Once fully dried, Erica put on her favourite pair of comfortable pyjamas, turned off her bedside lamp and hopped into bed.


Erica couldn’t get a wink of sleep that night; tossing and turning throughout. In her dream, she was to her chest in what looked like mud. Stuck and unable to free herself, she was going nowhere but deeper down.

She softly whimpered, her impending doom growing ever closer. She outstretched her arms in the hope that someone will come to her rescue.

Luckily for her, the sweetest relief came in the shape of her boyfriend.

“Hold out Erica, I’m here!” he asserted.

“Johnny? Oh Johnny, get me out of here!” Erica cried out.

“Give me your hand!”

Erica needn’t have been told twice. She extended her right arm, which met with Johnny’s hand. He then heaved with all his might; it was tough but Johnny was strong and muscular and his strength soon began to pay off as the mire loosened its grip on the hapless girl until at long last, Erica was freed.

“Are you alright?” he inquired. Erica didn’t say anything, instead choosing to tackle her beau to the ground.

“Oh, Johnny, you saved me, you’re my hero, I love you!” the young woman boomed enthusiastically.

“No need to thank me, babes” he replied.

“Oh but I do” she smiled. Johnny’s heroics were not to go unrewarded as Erica locked her lips on his; the two sharing a long and amorous kiss.

“Let’s get you cleaned up” he said softly. Getting up to his feet, he picked Erica up and carried her off into the wilderness, the sun gently setting on the horizon, birds chirping melodically.


Erica woke up, greeted by the sound of birds chirping outside.

“Mmm…” she softly stirred, rubbing her hazel eyes and peering out towards the rising sun. After the bizarre dream she had, Erica felt more determined to make this a reality.

“At least it’s beautiful outside…”

Without hesitation, Erica leapt from her bed and went over to her laptop immediately looking for a nice sinking spot where she could recreate the sinking scene she witnessed the night before.

But just as she did, an audible gurgle erupted from her stomach.

“Hmm, maybe I should get something to eat first”. Motioning herself to the kitchen, she grabbed a glass bowl filled it with a large helping of Corn Flakes, along with some milk and a spoon. Sitting down at the kitchen table, Erica ate her cereal with much gusto; she didn’t consider herself to have a big appetite or maybe it was the thought of what she was planning to do but for some reason she felt hungrier than normal.

In no time at all, breakfast was done and Erica knuckled down to the business of finding a sinking spot.

At first the search was proving to be unsuccessful, Erica did find some spots but they were either too far or well-protected. It seemed with each search finding no results, the more desperate Erica was becoming. She was ready to throw in the towel when suddenly, a breakthrough took place.

Erica came across what looked like the ideal place. The mire boasted sands that were thick and of a pale silver-ish colour. It was surrounded by tall trees, perfectly secluded and best of all was only 20 minutes from where she lived.

“Wow!” she gushed trying hard to contain her excitement. “This looks perfect!”

Now that she had settled on a location, the next thing on her priority list was costume.

Erica initially thought of donning her blue bikini and there was no reason why she couldn’t but she felt that if she really wanted to act like a damsel in distress, she had to dress the part.

It was then she remembered that she possessed a jungle girl outfit she wore to a fancy dress party some years ago.

Rummaging through her wardrobe, she managed to locate the costume lying on top of a pile of messily arranged clothing.

Erica picked up the outfit and examined it. It consisted simply of a tiger-skinned bikini top and matching loincloth. Although the costume looked great, it had been a few years since she last wore it and she was worried that it might not fit on her anymore.

Deciding that it would be best to try it on, Erica stripped off her pyjamas and started with the loincloth first. It felt a bit tight around her waist, she was slightly shocked at how much weight she had put on recently.

“Damn, I really need to lay off the chocolate” she commented. Nevertheless, it just about managed to fit. She didn’t have any trouble putting the top on however.

Looking at her reflection in a nearby mirror, Erica turned her body several times, sighing softly as she inspected her front as well as her shapely rear. Not long afterwards, Erica performed a couple of sexy poses.

With her costume out of the way, the last priority on her agenda was filming. Luckily Erica had a camcorder to film the scene, the only thing missing was a tripod stand but it didn’t bother her that much, it’s not that it cost a great deal of money anyway.

“I’ll get one later today” she declared.

Erica began skimming through various pages including the quicksand site she stumbled upon earlier as well as the restaurant she had reserved for Sunday. It was only then she realized that she was still clad in the jungle-patterned bikini.

“I should take this off” she said to herself. “Save it for tomorrow”.

She immediately stripped out of the bikini and put back on the pyjamas and went back the business of surfing Internet webpages. This she did for around an hour before deciding she had enough and go into town to get that tripod stand.

After showering and finding something casual to wear; her favourite pair of denim jeans and pink hoodie underneath which a plain white T-shirt, she grabbed her belongings and shut the door to the apartment behind her.


Driving through the remote forests, Erica couldn’t have been anymore upbeat. The big day was finally here.

She managed to procure one of the cheapest tripod stands around but it still cost quite a bit.

Not that it mattered, the young woman was convinced it would be a worthwhile investment.

Even so, Erica still had a tiny reservation in the back of her mind that what she was about to do was risky and had the potential for things to go disastrously wrong yet her better judgment was lost in the exhilaration of it all.

In no time at all she had reached the spot where her quicksand fantasies were about to become reality, albeit in the general vicinity. She had parked herself in a small clearing where directly in front of her a narrow path led through the darkness of the forests.
Slamming the car door, Erica stared at the trail with a mix of delight and curiosity for a minute or so. Taking in a deep breath, she went to the trunk of her car and retrieved the tripod, camera and bikini outfit as well as some towels which would come in handy later.

“This is it” she quietly whispered.

Walking through the dense undergrowth, Erica noticed that the terrain became steeper and slippery; at one point nearly losing her balance and tripping over herself.

“Damn, that was close, I need to be more careful”. She murmured.

Nevertheless, the walk took her to a large, circular mire filled with thick mud. On the side of the pool where Erica was standing a small grassy bank, a perfect place to position her camera. Directly adjacent was a signpost depicting a silhouetted figure stuck in the sand, the arms outstretched. Erica didn’t notice it however; it was well out of her sights and even if she could see it, it was mostly obscured by tree branches.

Dumping her equipment and costume, Erica scanned the area to see if nobody else had followed her; it was a Saturday and she was convinced there wouldn’t be many people around. Still, she wasn’t taking any chances. Once satisfied, the young woman proceeded to change out of her tank-top, denim hot pants and sandals, followed by her bra and panties. The young woman now stood fully naked for a while, allowing the cool air to gently blow on her bare skin. She was almost tempted to ditch the outfit and just plunge into the mire like this but then it would be pointless to have brought the outfit with her.

A few moments passed before Erica reached for her costume and donned it. Only one more thing remained, setting up the camera.

It wasn’t the easiest of tasks however. Preparing everything wasn’t the problem, it was how to operate it. Erica wasn’t a technology boffin and she was growing quite flustered with which buttons to press.

“Oh which button do I press?” she cursed under her breath.

After much fiddling, Erica finally managed to find the switch which would enable her to start the recording.

“Is this thing on?” she asked. “Here we are!”

Now that she was ready, she positioned herself in a small section of undergrowth, several inches away from the device and took a deep breath.
She charged towards the camera, conveying a fearful expression; her breaths labouring and heavy. As she approached the mire, she turned her head round as if being chased by an imaginary predator, deliberately not focusing on the mud ahead. Although she was portraying herself to be frightened out of her wits, Erica could feel a thrill of anticipation run through her.

In an instant, Erica leapt into the pool with a loud shriek.

Moving closer to the centre of the mire, Erica groaned at the sensation of the cool, muddy substance coming into contact with her body. She was taken aback by how deep it was; her ankles were already swallowed up.

“Oh my god…” she exclaimed. “What is this?!”

With each step she took, Erica found the mire becoming ever more deeper, now the mud had reached to just below her knees.

“Hello? Anyone? Please help!” she was now playing up to the damsel in distress role.

“I need help, someone…” Erica was cut off when she looked at the sky and could see the clouds slowly losing their bright blue colour and turn slightly grey. Simultaneously, the air grew more chilly and goosebumps had started to form on her skin.

“Damn it’s getting cold, maybe I should try again when it’s a bit warmer” she thought to herself. Deciding to enjoy one more moment of sinking pleasure before deciding to wrap things up for now. She could always try again.

But for some reason, she couldn’t move her legs.

“What the hell?” she remarked. It was as if someone had tethered her legs together; Erica tried in vain to twist her body but it was fruitless. By now, she had sunk to her hips.

“Why can’t I move?” Erica was growing more frustrated with this; although she couldn’t move herself, she was still continuing to sink lower into the clutches of the mire.

It was only then that Erica observed the noticeboard she passed on her way to the quicksand. One look at the outstretched figure was enough to flood her mind with panic. She was now all too aware of the horrendous fate awaiting her. She was foolish and now she was going to pay a heavy price for her ignorance.

Like the wannabe damsel she was playing earlier, Erica now began to cry out, only this time her voice became more audible and erratic.

“HELP ME! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!” she screamed, hoping for someone to overhear her cries; to no avail. Her breathing became laboured once again as she tried to reassure herself that help would come.

“OK Erica, calm down girl”. She tried to take her mind off what was happening by thinking of some more pleasant memories of her and her partner like when they were dining at her favourite restaurant or that warm summer day when they visited a local fairground; being bumped about on the dodgems and trying their luck with the coconut shy.

The young woman started to sob; as it brought back a ton of happy memories knowing deep down that moments like these may never happen again; if her continuous descent into the mire’s clutches was anything to go by, her demise was becoming a reality. By now, Erica had sunk to just below her breasts.

“HELP!” she continued to shriek. In the back of her mind, she clung to the faint hope that help would come her way and that some saviour would be there to rescue her but that hope seemed very far off.

With the quicksand hitting her bosom and the sand sinking into her nipples, the young woman began to whimper in a mix of fear and pleasure.

“Ah, ah, ah, oh God…ah…please someone save me…” the volume of her screams became less intense as her groans quickly took over.

In no time at all, Erica’s chest was swallowed up by the mire and the end was drawing ever closer. She simply couldn’t believe that her life was coming to a tragic and ignominious end. She was only 23, there was still so much she wanted to do, so much she wanted to see, things she had desired, things she had to accomplish all fading before her very eyes.

And then she thought about her boyfriend, how much she loved him and how he would react to her loss; he would be too overcome with grief and misery. Tears were now cascading down Erica’s face, her sobs even more pronounced.

“OH SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! I’M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!” was all that she could now muster. In her mind, she was cursing herself for letting her think this was a good idea, she should have known better. At this point, crying for help was proving to be useless. Nobody was nearby.

The raven-haired woman tilted her head back towards the sky, taking one last look at the bright blue skies before firmly shutting her eyes and wait for the inevitable. Curiously, Erica could feel a wave of relaxation flood her conscience. Silence had filled the air save for the sound of the trees swaying with the breeze.

“Damn, I’m going to miss Game of Thrones, huh?” she uttered. She never lost her sense of humour even with the impending doom awaiting her; it always helped her cope with challenging circumstances. And this was no exception.

“I’m coming…Johnny…I’m coming” were the last words she emitted before the mire finally took hold of her and dragged her under. Several bubbles erupted on the surface, a sign that Erica was trying one last effort to call for help even as her lungs were quickly being filled with sand.

And then there was nothing.

The only traces of the doomed woman were her clothing and her camera still recording.

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Re: A Star is Sunk

Postby Solrex » Tue Feb 01, 2022 11:23 pm

This is a really strong, well-done story. I enjoyed it. Keep writing more.

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Re: A Star is Sunk

Postby fonejackman » Thu Feb 03, 2022 11:13 am

Solrex wrote:This is a really strong, well-done story. I enjoyed it. Keep writing more.

Thank you for the kind words.

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Re: A Star is Sunk

Postby Theo » Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:14 am

Another excellent work fonejackman! You touched on some of my favorite themes I enjoy writing myself. If I had to nitpick, maybe a little longer sinking scene at the end. But one could also say it was, “short and sweet,” or better yet, “short and sexy!” :P (I may have just coined and new twist on an old idiom :idea: ).

Thanks for sharing!
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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Re: A Star is Sunk

Postby fonejackman » Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:22 pm

Theo wrote:Another excellent work fonejackman! You touched on some of my favorite themes I enjoy writing myself. If I had to nitpick, maybe a little longer sinking scene at the end. But one could also say it was, “short and sweet,” or better yet, “short and sexy!” :P (I may have just coined and new twist on an old idiom :idea: ).

Thanks for sharing!

I’d say so. Thanks for the comments and the constructive criticism as well!

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