Viridian's AI Story Experiments

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Viridian's AI Story Experiments

Postby Viridian » Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:25 am

If you've followed by thread on Drawings with experimenting with NovelAI to generate images, it's worth mentioning that NovelAI is primarily a text generator, using sophisticated storytelling AI. There's a LOT of customisation that allows the writer to set parameters for the story, including a "lorebook" that defines characters and locations and genre tags that the AI will reference as it creates the story.

The story isn't actually written for you. You need to provide the prompts, then the AI will use the context to generate the next chunk of the story - defaulting to 160 characters but can get set longer for bigger chunks. It does its best to interpret where you want to go, and different genres and modules will either stick to the story or deviate with more creativity.

Effectively, you and the AI are taking turns writing the story. It's like working with a partner.

This story is my first attempt. I am, of course, no stranger to the art of writing quicksand stories, though I haven't written a full story for a while. I was VERY impressed with the AI's ability to adapt my parameters, progress my story and introduce or recall story elements that I hadn't defined. The first test story is below. I'm curious if you can figure out which parts the AI wrote and where I had to steer it back.
Last edited by Viridian on Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viridian's AI Story Experiments

Postby Viridian » Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:25 am

Eve's Island

It been a long time since Eve had managed to go on a vacation. The Pacific island was the most ideal spot. Perfect weather, far away from civilisation. Being housed in a single bungalow on the beach felt like she had been left on a deserted island. Unknown to her, a nearby earthquake had shaken the island, causing landslides and tidal waves. Her tiny spot on the beach had been untouched, except for the liquefying sand that would later turn into quicksand.

It was on that beach that Eve decided to go on her evening walk. As she walked along the shore, the sun started to set, turning the sky into an orange glow. A gentle breeze blew against Eve's naked body as she moved closer towards the water. It felt so refreshing to be without clothes. She could hear the waves crashing on the shore. She thought about paddling out, but it was too late to get wet. She decided to turn back to the bungalow. As she crossed over the beach, she felt the soft, wet sand under her bare feet. It was the perfect evening for a swim. She could smell the salt of the ocean air. Eve knew she needed to find a pair of bathing suit before she went swimming. She turned around to head back to the bungalow when she tripped on a piece of driftwood. The next thing she knew she was sinking in the sand.

The sand was so fine and powdery, yet it kept holding her feet tightly. Eve tried to stand up but she slipped again, falling flat on her face. This time she sank deeper than ever. She got back onto her knees and saw that they were slipping into the sand, which was now turning into mush around her legs. She could feel herself sinking deeper. It was quicksand! She tried to scream but nothing came out. All she heard was the sound of her own breathing getting harder and faster. She knew she had to try to move, but how? She looked around desperately for something to grab onto, but there was nothing. She started to panic.

Eve sunk even further into the quicksand. Her body was now completely covered in mud and sand. She tried to move her arms and legs but they wouldn't budge. She felt her chest rising and falling more and more rapidly. She tried to push her body upwards, but it only sank further. It had only been a few minutes, but it felt like hours. She told herself to calm down. Struggling would only make her sink faster. The quicksand had crept up her thighs. Now it was above her waist. She couldn't see anything else but the darkening sky above her. She couldn't tell if it was night or day anymore. She closed her eyes and imagined herself floating in the sea. But just as she was starting to float higher, her arms and legs disappeared into the quicksand.

Eve was scared and exhausted. She felt herself growing weak. She opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. There was only a muffled noise. Underneath the quicksand, her bikini bottoms slipped down her legs, exposing her crotch to the hungry quicksand. Her panties were now soaked with sweat and sand. Eve's skin was becoming red from all the friction. Her breasts were rising and falling as she struggled.

Suddenly, her legs stopped sinking. Eve opened her eyes. She had reached the surface of the quicksand. Her feet touched the ground. She gasped for breath and sat down on her buttocks, still trying to catch her breath. Eve looked around for help but she was alone. She tried to stand up but her legs were shaking. Still stuck up to her knees in quicksand, she reached over to the driftwood. It was solid and held firm. Holding onto it, she managed to crawl out of the quicksand. Though she had survived, she was now naked apart from her bikini top. She had to make her back to the bungalow. As she stood up, she realised, to her horror, that the entire beach was now shimmering. She had to cross over the quicksand to get to safety. Taking a deep breath, she began to walk over the treacherous quicksand. The moment she took a step forward, she slipped and fell right back into the quicksand. She screamed in agony.

As she continued to struggle, she found herself sinking lower and lower. The quicksand seemed to be taking her further and further down. Her breasts and belly were covered in mud. She couldn't see where she was going. She lost her footing and fell back into the quicksand. She panicked, feeling that she was going to die. She fought with everything she had. Somehow, just somehow, she had flailed and crawled her way out of the quicksand. Now she was free, though she had lost every bit of clothing.

Eve lay on the beach, staring up at the sky. The sun had already set. The stars were now visible. The last light of the day was fading. Eve was exhausted, but she was safe. She was alive. Slowly, she rose to her feet and made her way to the bungalow. She was naked and dirty. She didn't care. She was alive.


Eve was sleeping in bed when she was woken up by the phone ringing. It was the island's emergency services. The order had come to evacuate, but Eve was isolated and had to make her own way to the port on the other side of the island, or else she would be left behind. Eve shivered at the thought of being stranded on an island full of quicksand. She hurriedly got dressed. She put on her sandals, a short skirt and a white tank top. She had not brought underwear and her bikini was lost in the quicksand. Hopefully she wouldn't lose any more clothing. Stepping out, she was struck with horror again. The entire beach around her was now quicksand! Eve quickly ran down to the beach and started to run. The quicksand was fast approaching her ankles. She had to run as fast as she could or she would be swallowed up by the sand. She looked down and saw the sand starting to rise up around her ankles. She stumbled and fell. She had been tricked by the quicksand once again. She struggled to get back up, but her feet slipped into the sand, up to her thighs.

She felt the quicksand slowly sucking her legs into its warm embrace. Her skin was covered in sand and mud. She couldn't breathe. Her heart was pounding in her ears. She felt the sand cover her breasts and belly. She was helpless. The sand was slowly covering her mouth and nose, smothering her. Her eyes were open wide, looking straight up at the sky. She tried to scream but there was no air. She felt the sand slowly bury her lips and her eyelids. Her lungs were burning. She felt the sand pull her down, down into the darkness.

Out of nowhere, she felt a hand around her armpits. She was being heaved up. The quicksand cleared her face and she was pulled back onto solid ground. She was covered in mud and sand. Her top was stained and see-through, and her skirt had been pulled off, leaving her naked from the waist down. She opened her eyes and looked up at her rescuer. It was a woman wearing a t-shirt and shorts. "Are you okay?" her rescuer asked. "My name is Laura."

"Thank you," Eve said. "I don't know what happened. I was walking on the beach when suddenly I sank into the quicksand. I thought it was solid but it wasn't. Thank God you found me."

"It's okay, but I think we should get you to the hospital to make sure you're okay," Laura said.

"You're very kind. Are you a doctor?"

"No, but my father owns a private medical centre. He's a doctor there."

Eve remembered the emergency call. "But how do we get there? We have to reach the port, but that means we have to avoid the quicksand. How did you get here?"

Laura pointed to a large boat moored a little further down the beach. "We can take my boat. Follow me."

Eve followed Laura to the boat. It was a big motorboat. "What do you have in this thing?" Eve asked.

"We have a lot of equipment in the boat. There are many things that can go wrong, but hopefully we'll be fine. Get in."

Eve climbed into the boat. It was very small and cramped. Fortunately, Laura had a spare pair of shorts, which she gave to Eve to put on. Laura started the engine. She drove the boat onto the calm water. Eve was amazed at how the waves were moving the sand.

"This is the best time of day to cross over the sand. It's low tide and the waves are just right. This will be the only time today we can cross over the sand without being sucked under. We can use the current to our advantage."

Eve looked around the boat. There was a small steering wheel in front of her and a large radio console. She could see some charts and maps on the wall. Suddenly, the boat lurched.

"We just hit something!" Laura shouted. "We're sinking! Get into the water and swim to shore!"

Eve cursed at her luck. Without further hesitation, she joined Laura in the water. When she reemerged, Laura pointed at the shore. "The current is taking us back to the beach. We need to swim free."

The two women swam through the water towards the shore. Eve looked back to see the boat sinking deeper into the water. "Damn it!" she cursed.
Eve and Laura reached the shore. They both walked up the beach. Eve was still naked. She looked back at Laura. "Can you help me find my clothes? I've lost everything except for my shoes. I'm sorry about your boat. It seems like you lost everything too."

"Don't worry about it. I've spent plenty of time sunbathing naked on the island."

"Yes," said Eve, "but this is a QUICKSAND island."

Laura laughed. She was a beautiful woman. Her tanned skin glowed in the sunlight. She was a head taller than Eve. She had long blonde hair that hung down to her shoulders. Her eyes were blue and her lips were pink. She was a very attractive woman.

Laura smiled. "Come with me. You can get changed at the medical centre."

Eve followed Laura to the building. It was a large concrete structure, with a red door. As they approached, Eve noticed the door was open. The building was empty.

"Everyone must have evacuated," said Eve. "That means we're stranded here. There has to be another way out. We need to reach the port. Can you find any clothes?"

"I don't know. I've never been inside before. Let's try it anyway."

They entered the building. Eve was surprised to see that the room was full of old medical equipment and supplies. The floor was littered with rusty metal tables and chairs. A few of the tables still had blood-stained cloths and bandages on them. In the corner, there was a heavy steel desk, with a computer and printer.

"This place looks like a museum."

"It's got everything but a wardrobe," said Eve, conscious that they were still naked. "There's no point wasting time here, let's head back out."

"Wait, look over there. That's the back door."

Eve turned and saw the back door. She opened the door and stepped outside. The door led to a narrow path between the medical centre and the next building. They walked along the path. Eve looked up and saw that the path went all the way to the edge of the island.

"This leads to the port, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it does. It also goes past the quicksand."

The two naked women followed the path. It did indeed lead to the edge of the island past the quicksand. At least, it did. The earthquake had caused a landslide, blocking the path. Their route to the port was cut off. The only way past was to climb down the rough landslide and onto the beach where the quicksand was. Eve knew she couldn't do it. She would be trapped in the quicksand again. She didn't want to think of the consequences. She was scared.

"What now?"

"We'll have to wait until the next low tide," said Laura. "Then we can walk across the sand and get to the port. But there's no way we can do it now. I'm afraid we're stranded on this island."

"That's not fair," Eve said. "Why did you save me?"

"I did what anyone would've done. Look, we may as well go back to my hotel. We'll get some clothes there and maybe find some help."

Eve followed Laura back to the beach. The sun was setting. The sea was a deep blue. The sky was filled with clouds.

"It's beautiful here," said Eve.

"I'm glad you like it," said Laura. "It's my favourite place."

"So, you're staying here, then?"

"Yes, I've been here a long time. My family owns the island. I inherited it from my father. I was supposed to come back to the mainland and sell it but I decided to stay."

They reached Laura's hotel. Like the rest of the island, it was empty, evacuated with no one left behind. Except for the two women. Laura realised that she had lost her keys to her room with the boat. She quickly grabbed a key and unlocked the door. She quickly grabbed some clothes and ran back out the door.

Eve took off her top and stepped into the shower. She was tired. She felt relieved to be away from the quicksand. She washed her body and felt the hot water relaxing her tense muscles. She felt so relaxed, she closed her eyes and slipped under the water. She felt herself being pulled down by the water. She tried to get out but her feet were stuck in the drain. Eve screamed. Laura ran and pulled Eve out of the shower.

"What's the matter?" said Laura.

"My feet were stuck!" Eve cried.

The two women looked at the shower. It was completely normal. Eve's mind had been playing tricks on her. Maybe the quicksand had traumatised her.
"Let's go to sleep," said Laura. "We'll get help in the morning."

The two women lay on the bed and fell asleep.


Eve awoke to a bright morning. She sat up in bed and stretched. She felt refreshed and invigorated. The quicksand was gone. She looked at the clock. It was already midday. She needed to get back to the port.

She walked to the bathroom and washed her body. She looked at her body in the mirror. Her breasts had been bruised during the quicksand incident. The bruises had faded, but she was sure her nipples had been pierced. She found Laura getting dressed in the bedroom. They had fresh clothes now. Laura put on a tank top and shorts, and she gave Eve her spare t-shirt and shorts.

"Sorry, no underwear," said Laura, herself braless and without panties.

"That's fine. I don't need any."

Laura walked to the kitchen and made coffee. "We should find some food. We haven't eaten since yesterday."

"Yes, I'm hungry too. I don't know how we survived the quicksand. I thought I was going to die."

"You weren't the first person to have a close call with the quicksand. There was a man who got caught in the quicksand and he was nearly sucked under."

"You mean I've been staying on an island filled with quicksand? And this is your island?" Eve was incredulous. Laura didn't reply. She left the room. She returned not long after with sandwiches from the kitchen.

"Eat up. I found keys and a car outside. We'll drive to the port after we've eaten."

Eve was surprised to find the keys to the car. "Where did you get this?"

"I stole it," said Laura. "I'm sorry. There was no other way to get here. It's the only car left on the island."

They got into the car. It felt strange for Eve to go joyriding, but Laura was right. It was their only way out. They drove off, following the only road out, weaving through the island's jungle interior. As they drove, Eve felt the ground shake.

"What's going on? Another earthquake?"

Laura's eyes widened. She could see the mountain coming down on top of them. "Landslide!" she yelled. There was no way to get out of the way. The mud swept the car up, with the women inside.

Eve closed her eyes. The car tumbled, turning over and over, spinning like a top, with the two women in the back. Eve opened her eyes and saw that they were upside down. She could see the entire island. The trees and vegetation were bent sideways, with the mountains toppled. The island had been shaken by a huge quake. Eve saw the port in front of them, where they had arrived by boat the day before. They were back where they started. They were shaken, but not seriously injured. Their clothes had a few rips. They crawled out of the car.

"Nearly there," said Laura. She held onto Eve's hand and they walked together over the sand towards the port.

As they walked, they saw people running along the beach. They saw the two women and began waving. "There's someone on the beach," said Eve.
"It's the earthquake victims," said Laura. "They must have been able to swim to shore."

"Yes, let's go and help them."

"I'm not sure we can," said Laura. She pointed at the quicksand. It was moving. It had formed a bridge between the beach and the port. "He'll be fine. We have a new problem though. The only way to get to the port is to cross the quicksand."

"We can't do it. It'll suck us under."

"I think we have no choice. If we can't go around, we'll have to go through."

Laura led Eve to the edge of the quicksand. She looked at the soft sand. The quicksand looked calm and peaceful. It didn't look dangerous at all.

"I can't do it," said Eve.

"It'll be alright," said Laura. She took Eve's hand and led her to the edge of the quicksand. "Just go slowly. We might sink, but if take our time, we won't get sucked in."

Laura helped Eve step into the quicksand. Eve wobbled and she almost fell forward. She recovered her balance and stepped to the other side.

"It's not so bad," said Eve. "It's actually quite nice."

That was just one part. They had to get through the rest of the quicksand. The next part was deeper. The quicksand was up to their knees and it was getting more difficult to walk.

"It's too deep," said Eve.

"We'll make it."

The next part was even deeper. They were waist deep. Eve's body was sinking. She was about to fall when she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist.
"I've got you," said Laura. "I'll pull you across. Don't worry. I'm stronger than I look."

Eve felt the strength in Laura's arms as she pulled her across the quicksand. Strangely, Laura was right. The quicksand did feel nice. The warm, soft sand surrounded her lower body, embracing her like Laura was. She pulled the both of them to the next solid island. Their crossing was exhausting, and they were wet and covered in sand. There was one more stretch to go to the far side of the quicksand, and finally to the port.

"That's too far," said Eve, shaking again.

"It's the only way," said Laura. She peeled off her clothes. "I'll go first."

"What if you get stuck?"

"I've got an idea." Laura peeled off her clothes and beckoned to Eve to do the same. She tied them together to form a rope, leaving them both naked again. "I'll cross the quicksand first. If I get stuck, you can pull me out."

"I don't know," said Eve. "It's too dangerous."

"You have to trust me. You don't have a choice. You're stuck."

Eve nodded and Laura stepped out into the quicksand. She went deeper and deeper until her hips were completely submerged. The quicksand felt warm and comfortable. She could see the port in the distance, and she felt the ground shake again. She pushed herself forward.

"I can't hold on," she called back. To Eve's alarm, Laura let go of the rope and pushed out ahead towards solid ground. She kept walking and then her body disappeared from view.

"Laura!" cried Eve. "Laura! Stop!"

The quicksand sucked Laura under. Eve pulled on the rope but it was too late. Laura had fallen into the quicksand and was lost to the depths.
Eve stood there, her heart pounding. She was alone now. She looked at the port and saw the others standing there watching her. They were too far away to help. She was going to die here, trapped in the quicksand.

Then Laura's head emerged, bursting through the thick quicksand. She crawled the rest of the way out, rolling onto solid ground, covered in sand.

"Phew, that was exciting!" she cried out victoriously. "Come on Eve, your turn."

"No way!" said Eve.

"Come on, what's the matter?" asked Laura. "You can't die here. We have to go."

"I can't do it," said Eve.

"Why not? It's only a little bit of quicksand. Come on, we have to go."

"I'm afraid of the quicksand."

"That's stupid. You can't be afraid of the quicksand. It's just sand. Look, I made it. Just walk over, and when you get stuck, throw the rope to me and I'll pull you out."

Eve begrudgingly stepped into the quicksand and began to walk towards Laura. As soon as she was in up to her knees, she stopped.

"You can do it," encouraged Laura. "Just keep going. Don't stop."

Eve tried to move forward but her body was sinking. She panicked and started flailing her arms. She was sucked under and the quicksand swallowed her up. She was being sucked down, down, and she was terrified. Her body was being squeezed by the quicksand, but she couldn't breathe. Her eyes were starting to close.

"The rope!" Laura yelled. "Throw the rope to me!"

Eve remembered the rope and followed Laura's instructions. Laura held onto her end and began to pull Eve out. Eve's face was white with fear. Her body was still sinking.

"I'm going to die," she whispered.

"Not if you don't give up," said Laura. "Keep moving. I'll pull you out. I promise. I'll pull you out."

Eve felt her legs break free of the quicksand and she was able to stand on solid ground. She collapsed onto the sand, sobbing. Laura knelt down and hugged Eve.

"Are you okay?"

Eve said nothing. She instead rolled over to Laura and gave her a deep kiss.

"That was fun," said Laura, kissing Eve back.

"That wasn't fun at all," said Eve. She stood up and started pulling Laura up. She held Laura tight, unwilling to let her go.

"I love you," said Eve.

"I love you too," said Laura.

They kissed again. They kissed for a long time. They didn't want to break the moment. Their passion was interrupted by a man's voice. It was the survivor who was stranded on the beach. He looked at the two naked women embracing each other.

"You two are really crazy!" he yelled.

"No we're not," said Laura, looking embarrassed.

"Yes you are," said Eve. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

"What are you talking about? I was just helping my friend."

"I'm not your friend. You're just trying to get us naked."

Laura blushed, remembering that the man was standing there. "Okay, that might have been true. We're safe now. We have our hero here to take us to the port."

The man blushed even more, realising that he was escorting two gorgeous sand-covered angels. What a story he would have to share.
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Re: Viridian's AI Story Experiments

Postby MadMax359 » Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:18 pm

you had me at "I'm not your friend. You're just trying to get us naked." :twisted:
The strong do what they want, the weak do what they must

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Re: Viridian's AI Story Experiments

Postby Viridian » Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:59 pm

MadMax359 wrote:you had me at "I'm not your friend. You're just trying to get us naked." :twisted:

That was the AI's line. I had to give it a clap for that.
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Re: Viridian's AI Story Experiments

Postby Omegavega35 » Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:58 pm

Hmm using Novelai for quicksand stories sounds fun. I'm gonna give a try. Are there any tips on using this and how to improve its usage?

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Re: Viridian's AI Story Experiments

Postby Viridian » Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:49 am

It's a surprisingly fun experience because it's kind of like roleplaying with someone who doesn't quite get you, but can surprise you. That said, there are some pretty big limitations, especially in narrowing down our specific interest.

The Euperte AI with Pro Writer style is probably the best one for writing in general. Genre helps a lot, depending on what you're looking for. If in doubt, Cross-Genre is good. Action Archaeology is well suited for a lot of our scenarios. These will develop the setting more thoroughly for you.

The Memory is essential. You want to stack this with meta tags. For example, this is what I used:
[ Genre: mystery, suspense, crime, thriller ]
[ Tags: mud, quicksand, peril, detective, reporter ]
[ Tone: dramatic, sensual]
[ Pace: slow ]
[ Style: verbose ]

This is the story it generated. I wrote about...50% of it.

Quyen Sanders arrived at the hotel. She had arrived late after a three-hour drive. She had managed to find evidence of the gang's activities and was ready to release the big story once she got back to the office. She entered through the doors and went inside. As soon as she stepped inside, she noticed a man standing by the door, smiling at her.
“Hello, Miss Sanders," he said. "I'm the manager here. Welcome to the hotel."
"Thank you," Sanders replied. "Are there any vacancies?"
"Yes, we do have rooms available, miss. They are currently being cleaned, so I'll let you know when they're ready."
Sanders waited patiently in the hotel lobby and looked around at the walls. There were pictures of mountains, forests, lakes and rivers. Some of them had quicksand in the background. A few of the paintings even included quicksand. Sanders smiled, wondering whether the artist had painted it in order to titillate potential guests.
She walked over to a window. She noticed that the window overlooked a lake and woods. She could see lots of trees and bushes, but nothing else.
"What's in the forest over there?" asked Sanders. "Does anyone go there?"
"No, miss. That is a privately owned piece of land. We don't allow anyone to go there. We have a lot of animals that live there and tend to get lost easily. Our policy is not to disturb their habitat. If you look closely, you might spot a few deer, foxes and other creatures."
Once the room was ready, the manager handed the key to Sanders. She entered the bedroom. It had a queen size bed, a TV set and a small table next to it. All of them were covered in white sheets. Sanders sat down on the bed and opened up her laptop.
She checked her email and saw a message from Victoria Clarke, her assistant. She had sent her a copy of an article she had written. It was about a local murder investigation. She was glad that Victoria was managing on her own. Victoria wanted to come with Sanders on this story, but it was too dangerous. Sanders knew that the gang would come after her, and Victoria was not ready to deal with the consequences.
She started researching the gang's history and its activities. She found a few articles where they had been mentioned. She read the first one, which described how the gang was caught smuggling drugs into the country.
It had a picture of a police officer taking away a bag filled with drugs. The headline read:
"Drug Smugglers Caught!”
She continued reading the rest of the article.
“Four members of the gang were arrested in connection with the case. Two of them were caught trying to smuggle a large shipment of cocaine into the country. The other two were caught selling drugs to teenagers. In exchange, the teens would perform sexual acts on the gang members."
"That's disgusting!" said Sanders. "How could they do such things? Who are these people?"
She pulled up another article. "Reporter missing. Suspected hitman involved." She read the text further.
The writer of the article had been investigating the gang for months. A few weeks ago, he had disappeared without a trace. His car had been found abandoned and his body was never recovered. It was suspected that a hitman had abducted him.
“Whoa..." said Sanders, feeling uneasy. She sat down on the bed again. She knew that something terrible had happened to the reporter, but she couldn't put her finger on what.
She closed the computer and stood up. She walked towards the bathroom. She took off her clothes and slipped into the shower.
The hitman smiled to himself. This was an easier job than he anticipated. The reporter totally bought his fake manager role. She was all his now. But how was he going to make the chase fun pleasurable?
He hadn't taken the job just to kill the reporter. He had planned on using her to his advantage. Now that she was here, he needed to have some fun with her. He thought about what would be the most entertaining way to keep her attention. He decided to give her a challenge.
He left the room and entered hers. He could hear the shower in the bathroom. It would've been too easy to just go in and overpower her. He wanted to give her a more subtle clue that she was being watched. He saw her laptop on the table, opened to her recent emails. Including the hitman story. He smiled again, pleased that she knew of his work. Inserted in the laptop was a flash drive with the photos and documents. He removed the drive and placed it into his pocket. He then spotted her belongings. She hadn't packed much for this road trip: just one white lace bra, matching lace panties, a black skirt and red blouse. He didn't want to spook her too much - he did, after all, want to her to head into the forest. Maybe he could just remove one item of clothing.
He picked up the bra. He could just imagine her large, round breasts filling it, but he had better ideas. He thought about taking the panties too, but that would have made it too obvious. He wanted to confuse her, to make it appear like it was own clumsy actions, not someone sneaking around. She would wake up the following morning, get dressed, and realise that she was braless. It was only the first step of his plan to humiliate the reporter.
Hearing the shower turn off, the hitman left the room, carrying the drive and bra with him. He couldn't wait until the morning.
Quyen Sanders woke up early in the morning. She was eager to continue working on her article, but she realised she had left the laptop on all night. It was drained of battery. She cursed at herself for being so forgetful. She didn't bring her charger, but she knew someone who could help. She picked up her phone and called her assistant.
"Sure thing, boss," said Victoria. "I'll bring over my laptop and a spare charger. Do you need anything else?"
"Not at the moment. See you in an hour," Sanders replied, hanging up.
Sanders looked outside. There was nothing to do, and she felt an urge to explore the forest before Victoria got here. She began to get dressed. She slipped on her panties and skirt. She picked up her blouse. Then she noticed that her bra was missing. She quickly searched everywhere for it, but it was nowhere to be seen. She panicked. She had forgotten to pack it in her luggage. She remembered that she had worn it last night. She must have left it in the hotel room. She searched everywhere. She checked under the bed, behind the curtains, and even inside the drawers. She ran to the bathroom and looked in the shower. She checked the floor and the toilet. She went back to her room and searched in the wardrobe. She even checked underneath the bed again, hoping that somehow it had fallen from the shelf. But it was no use. It felt silly to report a trivial missing item to the manager. Put on her blouse and examined herself in the mirror. She didn't look too bad. Her blouse concealed her breasts, but without a bra, they looked bigger, with a noticeable jiggle and the faint impression of her nipples through the fabric when pulled taut.
She left her purse behind and headed out of the hotel. She walked into the forest. It was beautiful. The trees were tall and lush green. The ground was muddy and soft. She walked slowly through the forest. There was a river nearby, which she could hear. It was quiet and peaceful. She was alone in the forest, which was a rare occurrence for her. She enjoyed being alone. It gave her time to think about things. It also allowed her to reflect on the events of the day before. She allowed herself to get lost in the forest atmosphere, enjoying the sound of the birds and the gentle breeze that now made her nipples hard.
She continued walking deeper into the forest. She stopped for a moment to admire the view. She could see the river flowing by, surrounded by trees. It was a beautiful scene. She turned around and saw something moving. She squinted to get a better look, and it appeared to be a person wearing black clothes. She thought that perhaps it was just a shadow. She was a bit more anxious to get back to the hotel now to meet with Victoria, but in her absent-minded trek, she hadn't remembered the way back.
She kept walking. She heard a rustling noise from behind her. She stopped and listened carefully. She could hear a slight shuffling sound coming from behind her. She tried to identify where it came from. It sounded like footsteps. She looked around her, but she couldn't find any footprints or marks in the mud. She decided to ignore it and keep walking. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. Her quickened her pace, walking briskly through the forest. She wasn't well dressed to do serious hiking, so she stuck to the more open areas. Unfortunately, the ground was wet and muddy, and her shoes sank deeper into the mud with each step. She came to a stop in the middle of a clearing about five metres wide. The ground was soft and marshy. Something felt off. She looked around and saw nothing unusual. She started walking again. As soon as she stepped forward, she sank to her calves in the smooth, thick mud. She gasped. It was quicksand!
Her first instinct was to back out, but the mud held her feet firm. She could barely move. She managed to get her feet out, but after taking another step, she sank even deeper, past her knees. She wasn't getting anywhere fast. She looked behind her and saw the entire clearing quake. The whole clearing was quicksand, and was trapped in the middle!
She tried to pull herself up, but the quicksand sucked her down again. She struggled against it, but it was no use. She felt a strange sensation in her stomach. She could feel it growing stronger and stronger. She looked down at her body. Her breasts were rising up, and her hips were thrusting forward. She could tell that she was becoming aroused. She could feel it building up inside her. She wanted to resist, but the quicksand was sucking her down, and there was no way out.
The quicksand pulled her down further, and she felt herself losing control. Her body tensed up, and she let out a loud moan. The quicksand continued pulling her down, and she felt a powerful orgasm build within her. She felt her vagina tightening, and she felt the pressure inside her grow. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she screamed. She arched her back and let out a long, loud scream. A torrent of fluid erupted from her pussy. She gasped for air. She couldn't believe what the quicksand had done to her. Her blouse was soaked with sweat and clung onto her ample breasts, her nipples hard as ever. She felt the cool mud ooze under her waist.
Her waist! She had sunk even deeper. She couldn't move at all. Even worse, she could feel the quicksand caress her thighs, pressing more intimately against her crotch. She felt the sensations again. It was happening again. She couldn't control herself. She needed relief. She reached down and touched herself. She rubbed her clitoris through her panties. She could feel it getting harder and harder. She moaned louder.
She could feel her climax building again. This time it would be even stronger than before. She could feel it coming closer and closer. She clenched her teeth and pushed her hips up, trying to force more of herself into her underwear, desperate for release. She closed her eyes, and she let go. She screamed once more, this time louder and longer. Her legs shook violently, and she felt the quicksand pull her down even deeper. She cried out, and she felt her pussy contract and spasm around her fingers.
Two orgasms. She was barely hanging on. Both her arms were buried in the quicksand by her sides, one hand still between her legs. The quicksand was just below her breasts, pulling the material of her blouse taut over her rock-hard nipples. She feared that if she continue to sink, she wouldn't be able to survive a third orgasm. She looked around desperately, but finding nothing in sight, she shouted for help.
There was no response. No one was coming to save her. She had to hold on until Victoria arrived. She tried to calm herself down. She took a few deep breaths, trying to relax. The quicksand was still pulling her down, but she was holding on. She looked down at herself. She could see her breasts rise up above the surface of the quicksand. She wasn't sinking as fast, as long as she could remain still. She looked up and saw the clearing quaking again. She could see the quicksand pulling her down again. She knew that if she fell into the quicksand again, she would lose control completely. She had to stay calm. She had to fight. She had to survive. She focused her mind and began to concentrate on keeping herself afloat.
She looked around and saw something moving in the distance. It was a figure wearing black clothing. It was a man. He was walking towards her, carrying a bag. She recognised him immediately. The hitman. She wondered how he had found her. Did he follow her? Had he been following her since the hotel? Was he responsible for everything that had happened so far?
"So you figured it out," said the hitman, formerly the manager. "And I see you've found my quicksand trap. I must say, you are quite the screamer."
Sanders blushed, humiliated from her sensual encounter with the quicksand. "What do you want?"
"Oh, I have everything I need," said the hitman. "Your laptop, the flash drive, even your bra." He flashed a creepy smile, observing Sanders' heaving breasts and hard nipples under her blouse. "The last thing on my checklist is to make sure you stay out of the picture. I think that's a done deal. This quicksand will finish you off."
"You're leaving me here?" said Sanders.
"I don't need to get dirty. Besides, you seem to be enjoying yourself. Remember, if you struggle, you'll sink faster. Don't move!"
With those words, the hitman left Sanders floating in the quicksand. Her arousal had been replaced with anger, but it was too late to escape the quicksand. She had to wait and hope that Victoria would find her before she went under. She waited for what seemed like hours, but finally, she heard a familiar voice.
"Hey, Quyen! Where are you?" called Victoria.
"Over here!" said Sanders.
"Are you okay?" asked Victoria.
"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. I got lost in quicksand." She didn't mention her intimate experience. "Can you help me out?"
"Sure. Let's get you out of there."
Victoria found a branch and waded through the shallow section of the bog. She reached out and pulled Sanders free. They collapsed on solid ground, covered in mud. Sanders could hardly breathe. She coughed and spat out dirt. She sat down and leaned against the tree. Victoria helped her stand up. She was still weak from her ordeal. She looked down at her breasts and noticed that they were still erect and swollen from her experience. She felt embarrassed and hoped that Victoria hadn't seen anything.
"What happened to the story you were researching? About the gang?" asked Victoria.
"That might be it for now," said Sanders. "The hotel was a front for the gang and a trap for me. The manager was the hitman. He took everything. My laptop, my flash drive, the evidence. Even my clothes."
"Well, we should probably get going," said Victoria. "We can't stay here for much longer."
"No, I can't leave yet," said Sanders. "I still have to interview the gang."
"It's not safe," said Victoria. "They'll kill us both if they catch us."
"Then you'd better come with me," said Sanders.
It was late afternoon. Sanders had gotten cleaned up and borrowed Victoria's spare clothing. Like her, Victoria packed light. Victoria was wearing a sleeveless blouse and tight jeans. She had a spare sweater in her car. Sanders put the sweater on. It was tight on her large chest and provided little support, but at least it was clean. Sanders was still wearing her muddy black skirt, though it had since dried.
The reporters were waiting at the beach. Sanders recalled from her investigation that this was where the gang complete its deals, meeting with drug runners by boat. The beach was isolated, far away from the hotel and forest, away from any curious eyes. Now, with Victoria's help, Sanders could catch them in the act.
"The gang has a boat docked at the end of the beach," said Sanders. "If we can get close to it, maybe we can find some clues about their operation."
"How do we get there?" asked Victoria.
"I know a way," said Sanders. "Follow me."
The reporters followed Sanders as she walked along the beach. The tide was low, revealing a wide expanse of sand. Sanders led the way towards the water. The sand was soft and slippery. Sanders slipped several times, but she kept her balance. The reporters were following behind her closely. They couldn't afford to fall into quicksand.
The beach ended at a rocky cliff. There was a narrow path leading down the cliff. It was steep and treacherous, but Sanders led the way. She stopped once she reached the bottom. The path was overgrown with bushes and vines, making it difficult to walk through. Sanders decided to go first, using her hands and feet to climb over the obstacles. She climbed up and down the rocks, carefully navigating around the plants. The path eventually opened up into a small clearing. In the middle stood a large wooden hut. It was built on stilts, so that it wouldn't flood when the tide came in. A small dock extended from the side of the hut, allowing boats to tie up.
"This is it," said Sanders. "Let's get inside."
The reporters followed Sanders into the hut. It was dark and smelled of fish. The floor was made of wood planks. Sanders lit a candle on the table. She took a seat and looked around the room. She could see a few fishing rods on the wall and a large cooler filled with fish. On the opposite wall hung a large map, with many pins stuck in it.
"Do you think we can find anything useful in here?" asked Victoria.
"Not without the right tools," said Sanders. "We need to get in touch with the police."
"But that won't happen unless you get your story published," said Victoria.
"I can't just give up," said Sanders. "I've been working on this story for months."
"Quyen, you don't understand," said Victoria. "The police aren't going to get involved. You're going to have to take matters into your own hands."
Sanders sighed. She knew Victoria was right. But she hated the idea of taking matters into her own hands. She wanted to do things by the book. She wanted to be a good reporter. At the same time, she did have some payback to give. The gang had to know that they couldn't intimidate her so easily.
"Someone's coming!" Victoria pointed towards the bay. A motor boat was approaching the dock. Sanders and Victoria got up and hid behind a corner. The boat tied up and two men disembarked. One was tall and lanky, while the other was shorter and stockier. Both were wearing black clothes and sunglasses. They looked like typical criminals.
"Hello," said the short man. "I'm Agent Donte."
Sanders had a better look at who Donte was talking to. It was the hitman. The hitman handed over the briefcase. Donte opened it up. Inside, he found the laptop, flash drive, and bra. Donte smiled as he touched the flash drive. He was particularly impressed by the bra. Sanders seethed with anger. Who was Agent Donte, and why was he securing her evidence?
"And the reporter?" Donte asked.
"Dealt with," said the hitman.
"Good. The rest of the payment will be wired through as promised." He turned to the other gang member. "Show me the routes. We'll make sure there aren't any police patrols in the area."
"They're coming right here," said Victoria.
"Out the back door, quickly," said Sanders.
The reporters left the hut and hid a short distance away behind a sand dune covered by short grass. They were out of sight, but close enough to hear the conversation in the hut. The men entered the hut soon after, with Donte asking questions about the map. The gang member showed him how to navigate the island. He traced the route with his finger. Sanders and Victoria peeked around the sand dune, watching the gang members. Sanders was surprised to see that Donte had a scar running down the side of his face. She wondered what happened to him. Was it something that happened during the war? Or was it something else entirely?
"There are three routes to choose from," the gang member explained. "One goes through the forest, another passes near the farm, and the last one stays on the coast."
"Where does the third pass?" asked Donte.
"Right here," said the gang member. "On the beach."
"Then I'll wait here. I'll make sure my men block the others. Only your shipment will get through, as agreed."
Donte nodded and left the hut. Sanders and Victoria waited until they heard the men leave before getting up from their hiding place. They walked over to the hut, wanting to confront the gang members. They saw that the hut was empty. There were no fishing rods or coolers, just a few pieces of paper. Sanders picked up a piece and read it. It appeared to be a list of names and addresses, with a few phone numbers. The gang must have used this hut to store all the information needed for the drug deals.
"I'd put that back if I were you."
Agent Donte stood in the doorway. He looked at the two reporters with disdain, but his eyes gazed over Sanders' chest. Sanders recalled his fixation on her bra. She crossed her hands over her chest, to his disappointment.
"What's the meaning of this?" said Sanders. "Those are criminals. Why are you protecting them?"
Donte shook his head. "You don't understand law enforcement. Let's be real: you can't stop everything. Stopping some crime is better than stopping none. So we have a deal with the gang. We let them have a monopoly over the drug trafficking business. We take out their competitors. Sure, we'll still have drugs on the streets, but not as much compared to trying to take on everything. We can't spread ourselves thin. This is the best way."
"And how much kickback are you getting?" Sanders asked. "Surely you're not doing this for purely altruistic reasons."
"No cop is above personal interest," said Donte. "You're naive for thinking there are good cops. At least I'm minimising the damage, not getting killed by the gang by being their enemy." He held the flash drive up. "You were this close to ruining it all. You should consider yourself lucky that my hitman didn't kill you outright."
"You hired the hitman?" Sanders asked, stunned.
Donte snarled. "I should kill you here right now. But I suppose there is a good cop in me. Get out of here before the gang sees you."
The reporters looked at each other. This was as close as they were going to get. The gang was one thing, but government agents were another. They had to comply. They walked past Donte and left the shack.
"Whoa, where are you going?" Donte shouted. "Don't go that way. The traffickers are coming in from that direction. You'll be caught by the gang." Donte indicated a narrow path through the dunes. "I don't even know how you got here without us finding you, but that is your best way out."
Sanders glanced at the path. It was steep, but it wasn't too long. They would reach the beach in a matter of minutes. Donte was right. If they took the path, they would be safe.
"We'll follow your advice," said Sanders.
"Good," said Donte. "Now leave."
The reporters ran across the beach, heading straight for the path. Sanders kept glancing back, hoping that the gang members hadn't seen them. Soon enough, they reached the other side of the beach. The gang was nowhere to be seen. Sanders breathed a sigh of relief.
"There's something strange about that agent," said Victoria. "Why is he helping us? Isn't he on the gang's side? What would giving us safe passage do for him?"
"You're right," said Sanders. "There's no reason to show us the safe path. Unless, this path isn't safe."
"What do you mean?" asked Victoria.
"Keep moving," said Sanders. "Don't stop, no matter what."
"Why?" asked Victoria.
"Because we're being watched," said Sanders. "By the gang."
The reporters walked along the beach, keeping their heads low. The further they went, the more worried Sanders became. She could feel that the gang members were following them, but she refused to turn around and check. Instead, she kept walking, hoping that the gang wouldn't catch up to them. They continued for a while, when suddenly, the gang members emerged from the bushes and blocked the path.
The gang members' faces were hidden behind masks and hoods. They had guns. The gang members pointed their weapons at Sanders and Victoria, ordering them to drop their bags and surrender. Sanders felt fear rise inside her. The gang members were dressed in black outfits. They were intimidating. She could see no trace of weakness. They were professionals. This was no amateur gang, but a group of hardened criminals. She had to play it smart. She had to think of a way to get out of this situation.
"This way," said Donte from behind the gang members. "Take them back to the shack. The site is compromised. We'll finish our operations tonight and then take everything with us."
The gang members stepped aside. A tall gang member led Donte into the bushes. Sanders and Victoria followed. They kept their heads down, hoping to avoid attention. While they walked, Sanders wondered if Donte would betray her. He seemed trustworthy, but he was working for the gang. She had to keep her guard up. They returned to the hut. The gang forced the reporters inside. Donte took the maps and documents. He instructed the gang leader. "They're clever girls. Make sure search them carefully in case they've taken any more evidence. Then tie the up and leave them here. The whole beach will turn into inescapable quicksand once the tide comes in. We'll be long gone."
"Yes, sir," said the gang leader. Once Donte left, he gathered two of his men. They looked hungrily at the two women. "Let's be double careful. We don't want them sneaking anything under their clothes, right?"
The two men grabbed both of the reporters by their arms and dragged them away from the hut. One man pulled off Sanders' shirt, revealing her breasts. His friend did the same to Victoria. Both of the men enjoyed looking at their young bodies.
"Hey!" shouted Sanders. "What are you doing?"
"Relax, lady," said one of the men. "It's not like you're going anywhere."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, look at those tits," said the other. "Wouldn't mind fucking them myself."
"Shut up," said the first man. "I'd rather fuck her instead."
He pulled off Sanders' top, exposing her breasts. The other man did the same with Victoria. The two men then laughed together. Sanders felt anger rising in her. She hated these men. Not because they were criminals, but because they were disgusting pigs who only cared about sex. She struggled, trying to free herself from their grasp. Her struggle was futile. They had bigger and stronger arms than her. Despite her struggles, however, she didn't give up. She knew that eventually she would get away from the men, even if she had to crawl over quicksand.
The men took turns fondling Sanders' breasts. They were so big that the two men couldn't even fit their entire hands around them. They squeezed them and rubbed her nipples between their fingers. Sanders felt hot and sweaty. She hated these men. She wished she could get them arrested and throw them in jail. Unfortunately, quicksand was a lot more dangerous than rapists.
Meanwhile, the gang leader and Donte discussed what to do with the two journalists. "We'll need to get rid of them somehow," said Donte.
"What about the quicksand?" suggested the gang leader. "It's risky. If they get out of it, we'll never find them again. The police might come for them."
"The quicksand is a risk," said Donte. "But so is letting them live. Especially after that last article you sent me. They might tell others about us. We need to dispose of them permanently."
"How?" asked the gang leader.
"I suggest making them suffer," said Donte. "We put them in quicksand. The quicksand gets deeper every time they move. We're not guilty of murder. They fell in." He laughed. "That's how the law works my friend."
Donte went back inside the hut and saw the damage. The men had certainly searched the reporters. Both Sanders and Victoria had their shirts ripped to pieces. The reporters still had their skirts, Victoria had her bra, but Sanders was completely topless. The gang had tied Sanders' wrists behind her back. The same with Victoria. Both reporters were humiliated.
"That's enough fun," said Donte. "I think they get the message."
"We don't have enough rope to their legs," said the gang leader. "What if they run off?"
"Half naked? I doubt they'll want to expose themselves like that. Besides, they won't get far with the quicksand. One wrong step and they'll be sucked under. And remember, it's not our fault. We're good law-abiding criminals."
The men laughed as they all left the hut, leaving the reporters shaken, humiliated and bound up.
"What do we do now?" asked Victoria. She tried to loosen the ropes around her wrists, but they were too tight. Sanders couldn't move her wrists either.
"We have to get out of here," said Sanders. "It's risky, but we have no choice. No one is going to find us here."
Victoria looked uncertain. With her hands tied behind her back, there was little she could do to free herself or helped Sanders if they got into trouble. "Okay, we'll follow your plan."
Sanders opened the door with her foot and led the way out. It was impossible to climb the cliff path in their current condition, so the only way was to head down the beach. The quicksand was shallow near the shore, so they could walk without getting bogged down. It would be hard, but they needed to reach higher ground. If they could just get to the trees, they would have a chance.
The two reporters walked slowly, hoping to get away from the quicksand. It wasn't easy.
"I'm not sure about this," said Victoria. "It's getting deeper."
They had sunk up to their knees down. Their progress forward was slowing down, which meant they were sinking deeper with each step. They still had around twenty metres to get to the high ground, but the beach was turning softer with every passing minute. "Keep moving," said Sanders. "If we stop, we're dead."
As the two girls sank deeper, the quicksand turned from wet sand to sticky mud. It was easier to move through, but it kept sucking them in. They had to fight against the pull of the quicksand in order to keep their balance. Every few steps, they lost their footing and fell. Each time they did, the quicksand sucked them in faster and deeper. They were wading through the sand, which was up to their thighs. Slipping over cost them dearly, as they had to struggle to get upright with their hands tied behind their back. Worse, Sanders was feeling light headed. The feeling of her wrists being bound, her breasts fully exposed, and the warm sand sucking at her thighs. She remembered her last exposure to the quicksand in the forest and how it made her orgasm. She hadn't told Victoria yet, and she hoped to keep it a secret. But with the quicksand getting deeper, Sanders a continually warmer sensation in her lower body. She was starting to feel aroused. She tried to ignore the sensations coursing through her, but it was impossible.
The quicksand was waist deep, and Victoria was struggling to stay on her feet. She was slipping over more frequently, and she couldn't help but notice how Sanders was growing wetter and wetter. Victoria knew that Sanders had a fetish for quicksand and had been aroused by it before. She, of course, heard Sanders screaming and moaning. In truth, she wanted to see Sanders pleasure herself in the quicksand, but she didn't want to embarrass her mentor. The thought of it was turning Victoria on too. The warm, sucking sand around her thighs didn't help. She started rubbing them, trying to relieve some of her tension. The quicksand continued to suck in both reporters, dragging them further and deeper.
"We're nearly there!" said Sanders. They were just five metres away from the solid high ground. But they were up to their waists now, and the quicksand oozed into her skirt. The two reporters started drifting back towards the quicksand. Sanders struggled to get upright. Finally, she managed to stand tall, her breasts hanging heavily over the quicksand. She felt the warm, gooey mud between her thighs and in her panties. "Hurry," said Sanders. "Before we sink any more."
Victoria did her best to keep up with Sanders, but the quicksand was pulling them in like a giant mouth. They were losing their battle to stay afloat. Sanders noticed it too. "Come on Victoria, we're close."
"I can't…" said Victoria.
"No time," said Sanders. "Just keep walking."
Sanders resisted the arousal and found solid ground beneath the quicksand. Each Victoria onward, the managed to awkwardly roll onto the solid ground. They quickly found a sharp branch and after some time, they cut the ropes binding their hands.
"That was close," said Victoria. "I thought we were going to get sucked under the quicksand."
"Not this time," Sanders said. She was thankful that she had not succumbed to the sand's arousal.
Their escape came at a cost. Both Sanders and Victoria lost their shoes and were now barefoot. Their skirts had been pulled off too. Now Victoria was left with her bra and panties, and Sanders only had her panties. They had to make it back to the car, and the only way was through the forest. Sanders then remembered that it was not going to be so easy. Half an hour into the forest, the ground suddenly disappeared, replaced with a wide pool of quaking mud.
"No!" said Victoria. "More quicksand!"
Sanders couldn't believe it. The quicksand was taking them further away from civilization. It was their only option, but it meant crossing the pit of quicksand. They wouldn't survive if they fell in.
"We have no choice," said Sanders. "Let's do this." She took a deep breath and began to cross the quicksand. The quicksand moved beneath her feet, and she fell into it. Sanders reached out with her arms, fighting to stay upright. A few seconds later, she was out of the quicksand. She crawled to the other side and helped Victoria across.
"It's hard to walk on," said Victoria. "This is harder than it looks."
But it was only one of many quicksand traps. The closer they got to the hotel, the more they slipped into more quicksand pockets. Their clothes were soaked with quicksand mud. Sanders could barely see through the mud in her glasses, making it even more difficult to see where she was stepping. Victoria was struggling to keep her balance, while Sanders was constantly slipping into the quicksand. Their struggles had exhausted them, and they were unable to fight free of the quicksand's strong grip. To their horror, they were both up to their thighs in the sucking mud. They were trapped.
"It's too strong," Victoria gasped. "I can't move."
"Neither can I," said Sanders. "Listen, this sounds like a bad idea. We have to rest and recover our energy."
"But we're standing quicksand!"
"Yes, and we'll sink. But if we remain perfectly still, we won't sink very fast. That should give us enough time to get free."
Remaining still was going to be more challenging than she imagined. Once the quicksand reached her crotch, she felt the arousal again. This time, with no immediate way out, Sanders felt her control loosening. She felt a warmth spreading between her legs. She knew what was happening. She was becoming sexually aroused by quicksand. She tried to fight it, but it was too strong. She felt herself start to cum, but she didn't stop it. She couldn't deny the quicksand. She let herself fall into the quicksand, sinking deeper. Her eyes closed and her head lolled back. The quicksand started to take her to its dark depths, and she welcomed it. The warm mud felt good around her thighs. She could feel it sliding up between her legs. She was floating, sinking deeper into the quicksand. She could sense Victoria's presence next to her.
Victoria's control was loosening too. She had been holding back, but seeing Sanders become aroused was having a similar effect on her. As they sank deeper, Victoria stopped resisting. She felt her body relax and surrender to the quicksand. She could feel it suck her in, until the quicksand pushed her down to her stomach. It's warm embrace held her tight, and she felt herself filling the mud.
A new sensation coursed through Victoria's body. It was warm and wet, like the quicksand. The quicksand was stimulating her body in places she never imagined. She could feel it inside her pussy and rectum. She could feel it in her breasts and between her thighs. It filled her, making her fill the quicksand. Slowly, she started to float up. She was still holding onto Sanders' hand. Then she became aware of the quicksand underneath her. The quicksand was taking her deeper and deeper. She wanted to resist, but it was too strong. She let herself fall into the quicksand, falling deeper and deeper.
She could hear Sanders' voice. "What are you doing?"
"The''s trying to fuck me," gasped Victoria.
"Hang on!" said Sanders. "We'll sink too deep if we let it take over us. Try to ignore it. Stay still."
"I can't," said Victoria. "It's too strong. I'm going to cum again."
"Don't! If you cum, we'll sink."
Victoria paused, hoping that the quicksand would not notice her. Her breathing quickened and she could feel herself getting aroused. The quicksand was forcing her body to do unnatural things. Her breasts felt heavy and full. She could feel the quicksand pushing against them. She pressed them together, and the quicksand started to enter the cleavage. The quicksand pushed into her breasts, as if it wanted to suck them into a hole.
Then she felt something else. It was a strange feeling, like a pressure in her lower abdomen. The quicksand was inside her. She could feel it moving around her pussy, penetrating her deeply. She could feel it inside her vagina, deep within her. There was nothing natural about it, but there was a part of her that liked it.
"Stop!" said Sanders. Victoria opened her eyes. "You're giving in. You don't have to do this."
"I know," said Victoria. "But I can't help myself."
"Maybe you can help yourself," said Sanders. "Keep your clothes on. Don't let the quicksand take over you."
"I can't," said Victoria. "The quicksand is everywhere. Inside my body. In my breasts. Even in my ass."
"It's just quicksand," said Sanders. "If you want to survive this, you need to be strong."
Victoria nodded. She understood that she was going to be overcome by the quicksand, but she wasn't ready to let go yet. She kept her fingers wrapped tightly around Sanders'. She would hold onto her for dear life. Suddenly the sand shifted. Victoria's hand grabbed onto Sanders' bare breast. Now Sanders was losing her control. The quicksand was moving around her, and Victoria was squeezing her breasts. It was too much. She felt her orgasm approaching. She had to find a way to stop it. She tried to fight the quicksand, but it was too powerful. Her body tensed, and she rode the quicksand to its climax. The quicksand sucked her in, swallowing her whole. With her eyes closed and her body trembling, Victoria finally gave in to the quicksand's control. It was taking her deeper and deeper. She felt her mind and body shutting down.
Victoria continued to struggle, but it was useless. She was sinking deeper and deeper. The quicksand sucked her in completely, until it pushed her into a dark abyss. Sanders and Victoria were gone forever. The quicksand swallowed them up, and they disappeared into the darkness.

The Memory box can be used to store a Summary, which the AI will draw upon. For example:
[ Summary: Lisa is a young college student who is taking a holiday to the Pacific. Lisa's plane crashes. Lisa is the sole survivor on a desert island. Lisa attempts to survive for the week. Lisa encounters many dangers on the island. She becomes trapped in quicksand.]

The AI is pretty good at using the information in the Memory box. You'll find that it will sometimes drop hints to you. If you mention things like "sand" or "danger", the AI may throw Lisa into the quicksand without your direction, which is pretty cool. You can stack this even further by filling out the Lorebook with characters. For example, you might have an entry for the island, where you specify the dangers (such as quicksand), and the AI will reference these entries. I find them to be unnecessary for short stories, and more important for long pieces with more complex worldbuilding.

For immediate use, the Memory box is sufficient. You can include specific, relevant info right there, such as [Lisa's outfit consists of tank top, bra, shorts, high heels] or [Lisa is terrified of quicksand] or even [Lisa is aroused by quicksand]. The AI tries its best to fill in the gaps, so often it will include things that you didn't specify (e.g. it assumes that Lisa is wearing panties, even though I didn't specify it - or rather, because I didn't specify]. You'll find some really amazing results that are immediately relevant if you trigger them.

You need to push the AI in the right direction.This can be through clues in the prompt, such as "As Lisa crossed over the sand, she noticed that her feet slipped into the soft, slurping sand. She immediately began to sink." The AI will pick up that it is quicksand and push the story forward. If not that, you can force the AI to go in that direction with a direct order ("Describe Lisa stepping into quicksand: "). If there's enough to work with, it will go down that path, but if not the AI spits out more questions.

In general, the AI doesn't really know what quicksand actually is, at least in the way that we picture it. The AI tends to treat it like a big hole or an underwater trip, so it will get the story missed up. Additionally, it tends to rush through the quicksand very quickly, unless you drag the narrative out or add the right tags and reminders in Memory.

Finally, and most importantly, the AI is very good at replicating writing style from modules. You can really get into the right tone if you use the [ Author: ] tag in Memory and name a specific author whose style you want to replicate. In my case, I trained my own module by uploading every story I've written, so it has a preference to describe quicksand the way I want it to, and sometimes it does surprise me by throwing my OC Quicky Sanders into quicksand for me.
Viridian @ deviantART:

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Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:03 am

Re: Viridian's AI Story Experiments

Postby Viridian » Fri Dec 16, 2022 12:46 pm

Here's a story that the AI and I put together in the last 10 minutes.

Irene's Jungle
Irene awoke to see the broken sunlight through the remains of the plane. She picked herself up. She was mostly unscathed, though the same could not be said about her clothing. The bottom her her buttoned shirt was torn off, and a large strap from her back, revealing that she did not have a bra on. Her skirt was also ripped, now barely covering her thighs. It was immodest, but not terrible. Irene slide out of the wreckage, careful not to damage the rest of her clothing or scratch herself. She rolled onto the ground and took in the first breath of humid, jungle air.

She instantly felt warm. Her nipples tingled, as did her pussy. She remembered why she was here: to investigate the mysterious fungus. Reportedly, the spores of this fungus filled the air, possessing aphrodisiac qualities when it interacted with sweat. Irene could already feel herself becoming light-headed. There was no way to cover her exposed arms and legs. It was uncomfortable knowing that she was wet and aroused, but it was bearable, for now. She had to find a way back to civilisation.

There were several paths leading away from the crash site. Some led deeper into the forest, others circled around, trying to lead her towards civilization. If there was any chance at all that she would get rescued, she needed to stay close to the road. So far, none of those trails looked promising. They seemed like they'd take days to walk even if she wasn't exhausted. As much as she wanted to explore every possibility, it simply wouldn't do. For one thing, her body demanded attention. And second…well, she didn't want to think about what might happen without proper protection.

The path ahead of her appeared inviting – a clear trail that wound its way down the hillside. A waterfall spilled over rocks below, creating an almost musical sound. She stepped forward, hoping to follow it further downhill. Before long, the ground beneath her feet began to change. Instead of being solid earth, the ground became soft sand. Then suddenly, she found herself sinking into quicksand. Irene tried to pull herself free, but her foot slipped again. Soon, her other leg was caught too. Panic rose inside her chest, making her heart race. She pulled harder, straining against the muck. But soon enough, her face met the ground, and she stopped moving entirely.

"Fuck," she groaned under her breath. "What am I going to do?"

Her mind raced as she struggled to remain calm. This situation was getting worse by the minute. First, she had been trapped in a crashed plane. Now, she was stuck in the middle of a swamp, unable to move. She couldn't imagine how many hours she'd spent just sitting there waiting for rescue. How could anyone possibly survive?

She remembered that quicksand was not as deadly as the movies made it. She calmly sat on her butt, allowing the sand to cup her cheeks. She lay flat on the wet soil and wriggled backwards until she managed to break the suction and squirm her way back to solid ground. That was a close call. There was no getting past the quicksand. She had to try another path.

Irene felt a warm shiver. She realised that her shirt had become more torn up during her backwards crawl. Only a few strips of fabric held her shirt in place from the back, and the sweaty material draped from her breasts in the front. Her nipples were firmly visible. She felt herself become more aroused. The extra exposure meant more spores were being spread over her skin. She let out a soft moan. It was getting more difficult to stay focused. She had to move on.

Ahead of her, the path turned sharply right, then left. It headed straight for the water. She followed along, stepping carefully between the trees. At least she hadn't sunk into the mud since coming this far. In fact, the ground beneath her shifted constantly. One moment, the ground was dry dirt, and the next, it was damp clay. It was disorientating, but Irene knew that it only added to her arousal.

Soon enough, the path ended abruptly at the edge of a small cliff. She peered over the side, seeing nothing but a drop of hundreds of metres below. Below, the river flowed, churning white froth from its depths. It stretched out for miles before disappearing into the distance.

Irene leaned over the precipice, feeling the cool breeze caress her bare skin. Her nipples hardened further, poking through the thin fabric of her blouse. She closed her eyes, savouring the sensation. With a deep breath, she pushed herself off the ledge.

For a brief instant, gravity tugged her downward, threatening to drag her into oblivion. But she fought back, using both hands to push herself upwards. She flew high above the surface, kicking hard. Finally, she broke the water's surface and gasped for air. She kicked once more, sending her flying higher. She soared over the top of the falls and landed with a splash in the shallow pool formed where the river poured over the rocks.

As she floated on her back, watching the sky, Irene thought about how lucky she was. Not so long ago, she had been lying helpless in the dark, cold cabin of a downed plane. Now, she was swimming naked through a tropical paradise. What luck!

But soon enough, her thoughts returned to the problem at hand. She still needed a way out of this jungle. Her clothing had started falling apart while she was exploring the cliffs. She slid out of the waters and dried herself off. Her skirt had been torn off by the rushing water, leaving her in her soaked panties and the shredded remains of her blouse. Now, with her legs bare, she felt an even greater arousal. Every inch of her skin was sensitive, begging for attention. Even her hair tickled her neck.

It was time to go. She waded across the pool and climbed up the rocky slope, heading downstream. The current carried her effortlessly, and she watched as the sun set behind the distant hills. Somewhere, beyond the horizon, was a city full of people who might help her. Or perhaps she should head eastwards instead, towards the ocean. Either way, she knew she couldn't spend forever wandering aimlessly.

Eventually, the river narrowed and the banks grew steeper. Trees crowded closer together. Leaves rustled in the wind. Birds chirped in the canopy overhead. Suddenly, something moved beside her. She turned to see a large snake slithering lazily along the bank, passing inches from her toes. Its scales glistened in the last rays of sunlight.

"Oh my God!" Irene shouted, jumping back. The snake kept crawling forwards. She backed away faster than she expected to reach safety. Behind her, the creature slithered onwards. Irene spun around and ran. She sprinted through the dense vegetation, the branches tearing off what was left her blouse, releasing her ample breasts. Once she was in the clear, she stopped for breath, but now realised how dire her situation was. All she had on were panties. Judging by how soaked they were, the spores had taken full effect of Irene's naked body. Ripples of arousal coursed through her body. It was impossible to keep running like this. She had to stop somewhere safe.

And yet, it was also unthinkable to expose herself any longer. Her breasts bounced freely beneath her lacy bra, and her thighs rubbed together as she ran. Her arousal grew steadily stronger, but the urge to hide herself never went away. She slowed down, panting heavily. Ahead, she saw a clearing. It looked like a perfect spot to rest. Maybe there would be some kind of shelter nearby.

She approached cautiously, keeping her eyes open for snakes. When she reached the edge, however, she found that the area was deserted. No sign of human habitation anywhere near the riverbank. She scanned around nervously, wondering if maybe someone else had seen her nude form and fled in panic. After all, she certainly deserved to die after exposing herself to such danger. But nobody came charging out of hiding to attack her. Relief flooded over Irene, giving her strength to continue on.

Once she arrived within sight of the clearing, Irene noticed something odd about it. Something familiar. Hadn't she passed through these woods before? Was it possible that she was actually lost? Surely, she must have crossed a different stream or fallen off the wrong trail somehow.
Then her feet began to sink. Again.

This time, she remained calm. She sank lower, letting herself fall into the soft soil. It cushioned the impact, but it was slow progress. Eventually, she hit rock, which proved to be firm rather than slippery. She continued downwards until she reached the base of a massive tree. The roots dug deeply into the earth, forming a wide stairway down to the floor.

At the bottom, Irene paused to catch her breath. She had avoided the quicksand for the second time. But she looked down to see that it had cost her dearly. Her panties had come off. She was completely naked. Her body was covered in sweat and oil. The fungus had eaten away at her clothing, turning it transparent. The patches of fabric remaining were frayed and loose, barely holding her in place. She felt embarrassed and vulnerable, but the heat was growing unbearable. Her mind was no longer her arm. She passed her hands over her hard, sensitive nipples, and squeezed. She moaned softly, imagining how good it would feel if someone touched them.

Someone did touch her, but not in the way she imagined. Another snake slithered onto the stairs. It coiled itself around one of her ankles. Irene jumped back, screaming in surprise. She kicked wildly at the creature, but it clung tight. Fearful of losing balance, she grabbed hold of the root wall. Then something wrapped around her wrists. The roots! They were alive, entrapping her arms. She looked down to see a set of vine-like tentacles appear from the muddy clearing, wrapping around her legs. Each strand was thick and strong, gripping her tightly. She struggled to pull herself free, but her limbs were pinned fast.

With a sudden jerk, the vines tightened their grip, pulling her deeper into the ground. She screamed louder. The entire forest seemed to turn silent as everyone waited for her fate to unfold. All this time, the sensations against her body pushed to the point of climax. And suddenly, she could take no more. A powerful orgasm swept through her body, flooding every nerve ending.

The sound of her screams echoed throughout the jungle. Then it was silent. Irene was gone, taken by the jungle.

My Memory contained this:
[ Genre: adventure, thriller; Tags: embarrassment, naked, stripping; Tone: sexy, sensual, focused on clothing; Style: detailed, descriptive ]

[Summary: Irene is a crash survivor. Irene is lost in the jungle. The jungle has a mysterious fungus that causes Irene to become more aroused if her skin is exposed. Irene's clothes are slowly destroyed, causing Irene to become fully aroused and out of control.]

AI: Euperte, Pro Writer, Cross-Genre.

This was purely intended to be a short "word porn" experience that I was saving for myself. I actually had no intention of writing a quicksand story. In my mind, it was just a stupid plot that involves the girl getting more turned out as she got more naked, and it was meant to be a slow, stripping, ENF style story. I didn't even bother with an exposition. I set up the first paragraph to give direction to the story, and the AI pretty much took over.

To my surprise, it literally threw my character into quicksand. This was NOT in my parameters, and my own QS module wasn't loaded. It just decided to include a quicksand scene and describe the entire struggle. So I ran with it, changed it so that it fit my storyline of losing clothing. Then it took over again, positioned the rest of paths.I had to redirect the story a few times. It introduced the snake. I added the branches stripping the clothes off. It added the clearing and the going in circles. I made her feet sink. It made her escape by grabbing the roots. I added the vines. It pulled her in. I added the final climax. The AI hit the orgasm, and I wrote the final line.

That was one heck of a writing session.
Viridian @ deviantART:

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