Cleaning up

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Cleaning up

Postby whyamiherelmao1 » Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:25 am

Im fairly new to sinking, ive had a quicksand fetish for years but never able to sink. Many months ago I found a nice mud pit near a local river, I had brought a towel and a change of clothes. I was planing on dipping in the river naked and washing the mud off after my sink, but the water was near freezing, which was suprising noting it was summer. I havent gone back since. Does anyone have ways they easily clean up without the need for a body of water? Much apreciated.

This is also my first post anywhere quicksand fetish related, so i thought as well post this to get more into the fandom aswell.

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Re: Cleaning up

Postby Mynock » Sat Mar 09, 2024 6:46 pm

If it's a warm day, what I usually do is squeegee off as much mud as possible and let myself air dry. The clay I like to sink in dries fairly quickly into a fine dust that can be shaken off like baby powder. Doesn't get me perfectly clean but it's usually good enough so I can put my clothes back on and drive/ride home comfortably.
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Re: Cleaning up

Postby whyamiherelmao1 » Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:01 pm

Mynock wrote:If it's a warm day, what I usually do is squeegee off as much mud as possible and let myself air dry. The clay I like to sink in dries fairly quickly into a fine dust that can be shaken off like baby powder. Doesn't get me perfectly clean but it's usually good enough so I can put my clothes back on and drive/ride home comfortably.

Hmm.. I've never thought of that actually. I guess I could try that, I've been thinking about just cleaning myself off with a towel as much as I can, and be a little dirty in my clothes as I go home. But I don't know how effective that would be considering how hard the mud is to get off with just a towel. Next time I go, I'll definitely try your idea.

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Re: Cleaning up

Postby Theo » Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:02 am

Welcome to QSF! Hopefully you'll sink right in :D I usually just toss a few bottles of water, a wet rag, and dry towel in my backpack along with a change of clothes and extra shoes (in case my boots have to be left behind). Like Mynock said, not enough to get clean, but close enough for a short hike home.
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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Re: Cleaning up

Postby Boggy Man » Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:54 am

When I used to visit my Harris Creek quicksilt slide area, the cleanup water in the creek tended to be rather frigid. So, if I was able to, I had dug a hole deep enough for me to clean up in, and transport water into it until it was full, and would warm up in the sun - my "cleanup basin"! 8-) Otherwise, if I couldn't make use of it, I still cleaned off in the icy creek, but would only be in the shallow water in the edge, and just splash water on me, rub, and then splash more water on me again. I had to use something to rub my back to loosen the mud there so it would wash off as well. It was a slow process, but it got the job done. 8-)
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Re: Cleaning up

Postby maria » Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:39 am

Wear waders, wetsuit or a latex catsuit - peel it all off after and put the muddy garments in a big plastic tub.

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Re: Cleaning up

Postby Duncan Edwards » Sat May 18, 2024 3:23 pm

Rarely is there anything worth sinking into without water nearby. If you're going to be out for a long time though it can become an issue just because it might kill the fun once you start turning blue. While in Canada, Dave concocted the idea of filling jerry cans with hot water and wrapping them in towels. The water stayed warm all day and was great for cleaning up the ladies.
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Re: Cleaning up

Postby abcde321 » Wed May 29, 2024 10:44 am

There are two ways for me:
1. Use light neoprene wetsuite to sink (may be only a jacket, it's frequently enough for me). It's much simplier to tolerate cold water (and cold mud) with it, and you will not have a lot of mud under wetsuite if it fits good. Even if you have to remove this cloth for cleanup - it's much simplier to warm up after clean in freezing water. It was a surprise for me how much so thin neoprene make your robust against cold water and mud (and cold winter and rain too).
2. Still make cleanup in this cold water and tolerate it. After some time your will adapt to it, and if it's sunny - you will warm up fast. So it's a part of adventure for me. I think the ability to tolerate cold stuff is wery useful for our hobby, mud itself may be rather cold (at least in my area). If you make things quick enough - it's absolutely harmless for you, don't be afraid.
Cleaning with bottles is very inconvinient and take a lot of efforts, and it's difficult to cleanup well so you will need to do a lot of work cleaning your bathroom then. So I think it's better to tolerate cold water for a couple minutes, at least for me.

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