Where No Tourist Has Gone Before - Part 5

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What should Rhonda say?

Poll ended at Sat Sep 25, 2010 8:10 pm

"Please, help me!"
No votes
"Fuck you, Diego!"
No votes
"Jenkins is still alive."
"You are going to hell for this!"
No votes
"Please! I'll do anything for you."
"I'll pay you. My parents are rich." (they are indeed fairly wealthy, though not exactly millionaires)
No votes
"I can take you to your goods."
Say nothing. Take a deep breath instead.
Total votes: 17

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Where No Tourist Has Gone Before - Part 5

Postby Aiko » Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:10 pm

"I already told you who I am. And if your goods were in those crates in the cargohold, then they are of course were the plane is - buried deep under the morass out there in this goddamn swamp" she explained and pointed towards the center of the swampland. The bog was starting to claim her ribs and though she should know better from past experience, she instinctively pushed down against its surface with both hands. "Will you get me out now? Please?" she continued, but Diego waited a little longer before he replied "No, not good enough. Your story is not very convincing. You don't strike me as the type who would be stupid enough to travel this country as a tourist... alone." As if it was not enough that she was threatend with death, now Rhonda was being called stupid as well. She freed both hands from the muck's grip. "But it's the truth! I have nothing to do with this damn war of yours, or with Jenkins' business. I just want to get home!" she yelled at him. The mud held her tightly in its embrace, still taking her deeper as they talked. Her breasts came to rest on the muddy surface, when she had an idea. "My backpack! Where's my..?" - "You mean this?" Diego held it up. "When did you... nevermind. There's a camera in there with pictures of all the places I've been to. That should be enough proof that I'm really just a tourist." The mud was embracing her chest and it became a little harder to breathe and talk. Diego calmly examined the camera and the pictures she had taken. "I only looked at those pictures of Jenkins' plane before, let's see what else you have photographed. Oh, I've always wanted to go and see that. My, you've been to a lot of beautiful places." he commented. "Now do you believe me?" Rhonda asked. "Yes, you really are just a tourist. And that means you are completely useless to us." was his answer.

That was not exactly what Rhonda had wanted to hear. The mire had swallowed her chest completely and was about to continue with her shoulders. Her arms were spread out on the surface in hopes of at least slowing her descent. "But, it would not hurt you to help me and let me go. Come on! Please!" she pleaded for her life again. Diego considered this for a moment. He also glanced over to his comrades. "No, I think you've seen and heard more than you should have. Besides, we really have more important tasks than playing tourist guides. There's a war that needs to be won." he said without sounding too convinced of his own words. Rhonda tried struggling against the quicksand's embrace once more, but it was as futile as was to be expected. Neck-deep in the muck she attempted to reason with Diego "But, I won't tell anything to anyone. I really just want to go home. I don't care who wins this war. Please, Diego! Just get me out of here. You don't need to give me a ride or anything after that, but don't let me drown here!" Diego just stood there and listened to her words, while she was getting deeper each second. Rhonda's whole slender body from her chin down was hugged tightly by the morass. She needed to tilt her head back to keep talking without swallowing mud. Eventually Diego responded "I'm sorry. I can't help you unless you are of some use." Rhonda could not believe this person was really so cold-hearted. Maybe he was just testing her to see whether she was hiding anything from him, and would rescue her if he was convinced that she knew nothing. Time was running out for Rhonda. She was already looking up straight at the sky, and from the corner of her eyes she could see the dark mass that would soon spread over her face and cover her completely. She had kept one hand at the surface in order to catch the rope Diego would throw to her at the very last moment. At least that was what she hoped. "Don't let me die here! Diego!" she cried. She was angry at him and afraid at the same time. The other men were turning around and walking back to the Jeep, only Diego still stood there without looking directly at her. Rhonda felt the mud rolling over her cheeks and knew she had time for just a few last words before the mire would drag her under completely.
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Re: Where No Tourist Has Gone Before - Part 5

Postby Mwam » Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:47 pm

Well it could be good to bluff something the goods to Diego. :D

I like this story, and hope continue soon!

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Re: Where No Tourist Has Gone Before - Part 5

Postby Aiko » Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:25 am

Visit me at the Great Swamp, but watch your step on the way there!

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