BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 11/5/'23!

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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Feb 24'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:01 am

My Wednesday, October 10'th pix, continued:

Shot at 2:55 PM:
2012 11K Crescent.JPG

This photo contained such a nice sized area of bare muddy ground, that I decided to upload it in its full size, 4320 x 3240 instead of the 1600 x 1200 size I had shrunk all the other pictures down to. That way, if you want to use it for backgrounds, you have the option to crop smaller parts out for different sub-backgrounds, which will still be a good size. Shot at 2:56 PM:
2012 11L Crescent.JPG

Now that things were nice and quiet and I hadn't heard any shots in some time, I felt almost ready to do my video. But first, just to make sure the coast was clear, I jumped on my bike, and headed down the trail in the direction of Crescent Road to make certain whoever was target practicing was gone, but only close enough to the road to feel things were safe. But, just as I was heading southward in that direction, a truck came towards me from behind! :shock: Two guys in the truck had driven up the trail while I was walking around the pond, and were on their way back when I saw them! :shock: I turned around, we waved at each other, and they left. The key word is LEFT! :mrgreen: I now had the area to myself finally! :D I could get started with my sinking video! :D Here are the pix!

My patch of thick, treacherous, bottomless quagmire before I was ready to shoot my sink! You can see how the freezing and thawing has created an interesting surface texture. Shot at 3:15 PM:
2012 11M Crescent.JPG

My patch of thick treacherous, bottomless quagmire after I shot my sink, had an off-camera sink, and had mushed it up all over. I tried my best to mush up the delicate mat of surrounding vegetation on some of the edges to expand it, but intense leg cramps limited my ability to really break up some of the submerged mat on the south portion of the east side. I enhanced the image to lighten the shadow a bit, and to reduce the glare of the sunlit background. Shot at 4:45 PM:
2012 11N Crescent.JPG

After I called it a day and was leaving, when I reached the entrance to my Crescent Road pond trail, I was shocked to see that it was all littered with pieces of broken plastic, glass, shotgun shells, and some strange blue powder. :x What was once a beautiful grassy rocky entrance when I first arrived there in the morning was now all littered with junk when I had left! :evil: I picked a weekday in the middle of the week, away from the weekends (although the recent Monday was Thanksgiving), in hopes that things would be quiet in the woods, but that just had to be very day that some people chose to do target practice right at my trail entrance! :x Given all the trails over such a vast area, they had to choose my trail that very day! :x I hate hunting season! :evil: But, at least I have a lot of new season this year to enjoy before hunting season begins again. :)
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Aug 17'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:48 am

On Friday, July 19'th, I finally had my first outing of the season, and my first sinks of the season (including one on a video) along a boggy stream that ran through a series of beaver ponds and dams in a meadow full of grass and willows. The water level was still high from the wet June, but had been visibly dropping, given the dry July. But, the pond which used to be my mud lake pond off to the west was still flooded. In fact, the raised meadow surrounding the pond was in water, as were the willows surrounding the meadow! :( But, at least the boggy stream in a large meadow east of that had mud exposed in the same stretch as last year. :) I took 24 pictures of patches of mud around the area. Enjoy! 8-)

Pix 1-5:

The first 2 are of a patch of mud in the main beaver pond, which is actually not attached to the bottom. If you were to jump out onto it, you would immediately plunge into the water beneath the floating mat of peat!

2013 07 19 1A Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1B Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

Here are a bunch of pix from the stream just to the north (downstream) of the main pond, with some orange algae on the mud/water:

2013 07 19 1C Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1D Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1E Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Aug 17'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:48 am

Pix 6-10:

Two views of my sinking area to be videoed, from slightly different angles, from across the stream:

2013 07 19 1F Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1G Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

Some more photos from along the stream:

2013 07 19 1H Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1I Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1J Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Aug 17'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:49 am

Pix 11-15:

From beside the stream:

2013 07 19 1K Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

Here are a few from around the main pond south of the stretch of stream I am interested in:

2013 07 19 1L Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1M Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1N Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1O Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Aug 17'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:49 am

Pix 16-20:

Back to the part of the stream north of the pond again:

A view of my sinking area before my sinking video:

2013 07 19 1P Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

More muddy areas along the stream:

2013 07 19 1Q Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1R Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1S Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

A view of my sinking spot after the video:

2013 07 19 1T Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Aug 17'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:49 am

Pix 21-24, the last from Friday, July 19'th:

Another view of more of my churned-up sinking spot after some off-camera sinking as well:

2013 07 19 1U Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

Here are a few pix of a muddy area that was a temporary pond when the water was higher, east of the stream and further to the north:

2013 07 19 1V Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1W Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG

2013 07 19 1X Grizzly Hill Meadow.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Aug 25'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:13 am

On Friday, July 26'th, I had my second outing of the season, where I finally visited my Crescent Road pond for the first time this season. The wet June had obviously flooded things earlier on, but the water levels had dropped low enough to expose my bog, allowing me to shoot my sinking and exiting video, which was then divided into 2 parts! :D However, while it was flooded, the mud became loosened to the point that mats of vegetation I had pushed under along the edges last fall had floated back up to the surface, and was scattered over top of the bog, making it look rather interesting, which I then worked into my video. After doing my video, I pushed all the floating clods under the vegetation at the edges of the bog or tore them up, to make my entire bog open again. However, because the newer parts of the bog were thinner and watery, especially on the east (pondward) side, some of the thicker mud moved into it during my movements through the mud, lowering the bog's level down to a point where the surrounding water, still relatively high (with surrounding vegetation floating) around part of the outside of the bog, spilled over the surface, flooding it over again. :( So, the only sinking I did after that was to loosen thicker stuff deeper down, mixing it with the softer mud higher up. :( However, the mud was exposed again the next time I returned, but that is another posting. :) Here are 15 pictures I took that day:

Pictures 1-5:

A look of my sinking spot from various angles. Looks like something that you could cross by hopping from sod clod to sod clod:

2013 07 26 2A Crescent.JPG

2013 07 26 2B Crescent.JPG

2013 07 26 2C Crescent.JPG

2013 07 26 2D Crescent.JPG

A look at the bog after shooting a video of me attempting just that:

2013 07 26 2E Crescent.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Aug 25'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:13 am

Pictures 6-10:

After pushing the clods of sod under the floating carpet of vegetation bordering the bog, and breaking others up, this is what the bog looked like. When I was in the mud, i could make some of it exposed around me, but once I exited, it all became submerged again. Notice that it has taken on a heart shape:

2013 07 26 2F Crescent.JPG

Here is a muddy area on the northern part of the western edge of a smaller pond south of the main Crescent Road pond. It is shallow, with thick clay mixed in away from the pond:

2013 07 26 2G Crescent.JPG

2013 07 26 2H Crescent.JPG

Some more peaty mud closer to that smaller pond, adjacent to the stuff that was mixed with clay:

2013 07 26 2I Crescent.JPG

Here is the peat/clay mixture after I had some fun wallowing in it:

2013 07 26 2J Crescent.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Aug 25'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:13 am

Pictures 11-15 (the last of the day):

Some more views of that shallow peat/clay that I had disturbed:

2013 07 26 2K Crescent.JPG

2013 07 26 2L Crescent.JPG

After this, I re-entered my flooded main bottomless sinking spot, churned up thicker mud from below to mix with looser stuff, with some of the mire becoming partially exposed around me. But, upon exiting, it flooded again. :( Here is a more direct view of my heart-shaped bog after that:

2013 07 26 2M Crescent.JPG

A couple of close-up views of parts of the flooded bog:

2013 07 26 2N Crescent.JPG

2013 07 26 2O Crescent.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Sept 6'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:50 am

On Friday, August 9'th, I had my third outing of the season, where I returned to my Crescent Road pond for the second time this season. Just as I had hoped, the two week wait resulted in a definite drop in the water levels, with my sinking spot, which got submerged after disturbing it back on July 26'th, being exposed again! :D There was still some water on the east side, and a lot of the mud was still quite soggy on top, but it was way better than I had last saw it! :) I had a nice dramatic sink and escape there in front of the camera, and then afterwards, off-camera, spent a while submerged with swim goggles and a breathing hose, then just brief submergences without the hose, then lingering with my mouth exposed, then my face exposed, and then crawling over the entire area. This time, unlike last time, all surface water disappeared with the activity, leaving the entire bog with hardly any water on top, quite a difference from how I had left the bog last time! :D Here are 25 pictures of interesting looking spots around the area, including my main sinking spot, shot that day:

Pictures 1-5:

A mucky area amongst the grass:

2013 08 09 3A Crescent.JPG

A look at my sinking spot, re-exposed again, with only a little bit of water left. Something small went through it, leaving a trail through the mud on the east side (side closest to the pond):

2013 08 09 3B Crescent.JPG

A close-up view of the muddy area. Does it look like a treacherous patch of bottomless sucking quagmire? Try jumping in, and you would find out! :twisted:

2013 08 09 3C Crescent.JPG

Another view of the "innocent-looking" :twisted: patch of wet muddy ground, with the tiny animal trail clearly visible:

2013 08 09 3D Crescent.JPG

The patch of "innocent-looking" :twisted: patch of wet muddy ground after I jumped out onto it, got sucked under, and escaped, on video!

2013 08 09 3E Crescent.JPG
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