Input needed on new video project!

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Input needed on new video project!

Postby qsboots » Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:09 am

I'm planning on starting my own quicksand fetish website... Let me know what you think of my first little clip.

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Re: Input needed on new video project!

Postby qsboots » Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:27 pm

Yes it is, and thank you!!! Still trying to get accustomed to all this wonderful computer technology... What do you think?

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Re: Input needed on new video project!

Postby Aiko » Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:33 pm

Looks like a promising start. :)

I'm not sure what you are aiming for though. Is this a just-for-fun project or do you intend to sell clips on your upcoming website?
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Re: Input needed on new video project!

Postby Fred588 » Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:10 pm

I wish you luck with your ideas.

I will, however, attempt a constructive suggestion or two. I hope these are received as they are intended, which is to help the project toward success.

From your own statement, and assuming your goal is to sell clips, it would appear that you may be trying to progress too rapidly. You do need to have all the pieces in place before a project of any sort can be done with much chance of completion. In my opinion, and in my experience, the best way to get these pieces in place is to work with someone else who can, and will, show you or teach you how to do each piece. By "pieces" I mean things such as camera work, loighting, editing, creating and operating a web site, finding on-camera talent, advertising, business record-keeping, banking, and so on. Many college curricula, for example, provide this sort of knowledge (or much of it) through internships. You can probably do the same by arranging your own internships.

Before I built Studio 588, I got most of the relevant "pieces" by creating and running earlier business - most of which, incidentally, ultimately failed.

In the time I have run Studio 588, I have been approached in one way or another by at least a half dozen and probably closer to ten, different individuals who expressed interest in producing quicksand video. None of them took the advice to learn by working with another producer - they all wanted to start as executive producers. And NONE of them has ever produced a single scene so far. One of them, I am told by a third party who was the model, actually went so far as to tentatively book a model for a shoot and then tried to ask the model if she would bring the camera since he didn't have one.

Those of us who have actually produced quicksand videos, all of us currently and recently active, learned what we do by assisting those who preceeded us.
Studio 588 currently offers more than 2200 different HD and QD quicksand videos and has supported production of well over 2400 video scenes and other projects by 13 different producers. Info may be found at:

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Re: Input needed on new video project!

Postby Chimerix » Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:04 am

qsboots wrote:I'm planning on starting my own quicksand fetish website... Let me know what you think of my first little clip.

You don't give us very much to think about. So, from the nine seconds available, let me say what I can:

Attractive model,
nice outfit,
promising location

shaky camera work,
aggressive Dutch tilt (which may be an artistic choice, I have no way to know)

Keep it up! I'd love to see you moving forward (or downward) with this!
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Re: Input needed on new video project!

Postby Beast260 » Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:01 am

Fred588 wrote:I wish you luck with your ideas.

I will, however, attempt a constructive suggestion or two. I hope these are received as they are intended, which is to help the project toward success.

From your own statement, and assuming your goal is to sell clips, it would appear that you may be trying to progress too rapidly. You do need to have all the pieces in place before a project of any sort can be done with much chance of completion. In my opinion, and in my experience, the best way to get these pieces in place is to work with someone else who can, and will, show you or teach you how to do each piece. By "pieces" I mean things such as camera work, loighting, editing, creating and operating a web site, finding on-camera talent, advertising, business record-keeping, banking, and so on. Many college curricula, for example, provide this sort of knowledge (or much of it) through internships. You can probably do the same by arranging your own internships.

Before I built Studio 588, I got most of the relevant "pieces" by creating and running earlier business - most of which, incidentally, ultimately failed.

In the time I have run Studio 588, I have been approached in one way or another by at least a half dozen and probably closer to ten, different individuals who expressed interest in producing quicksand video. None of them took the advice to learn by working with another producer - they all wanted to start as executive producers. And NONE of them has ever produced a single scene so far. One of them, I am told by a third party who was the model, actually went so far as to tentatively book a model for a shoot and then tried to ask the model if she would bring the camera since he didn't have one.

Those of us who have actually produced quicksand videos, all of us currently and recently active, learned what we do by assisting those who preceeded us.

This is some very good info. i have thought about doing my own vids as i will be acquiring some acreage hopefully this year. thankfully i have experience with editing and have a lot of camera equipment, just not of the finding on screen talant part as i am not sure where to go for that here in Australia.

from the Op's clip that was posted, it does look promising but do need a bit more then 9 seconds to make a good judgement. shaky camera work and not being pointed in the right direction is a big killer of any vid but amazingly, Arch enemys pulled it off for a long time.

i do look forward to seeing what u do produce :)

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Re: Input needed on new video project!

Postby wysvp » Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:22 pm


I will echo must of the earlier posts - intriguing video so far, with a pretty model in a sexy outfit and some good looking (for the short duration) mud.

I will also echo Fred's comments: it takes a lot of work to be a producer, not to mention the cost (unless you happen to have a wife/girlfriend who will do it for "free"). There are the productions issues, the items related to hiring good talent, the post-production work (e.g. editing), and all the promotion/publicity work.

Speaking of talent: Model Mayhem is a good place to find that. For Australian models, too (I just did a quick look and there are a number of fetish models active in Australia). Plus, some U.S. and European fetish models also travel to Australia (e.g. Sara Liz, one of my favs, was recently there).

I encourage anyone to "get into the business" - just be aware of the hurdles/steps needed to make this business work.


Beast260 wrote:
Fred588 wrote:I wish you luck with your ideas.

I will, however, attempt a constructive suggestion or two. I hope these are received as they are intended, which is to help the project toward success.

From your own statement, and assuming your goal is to sell clips, it would appear that you may be trying to progress too rapidly. You do need to have all the pieces in place before a project of any sort can be done with much chance of completion. In my opinion, and in my experience, the best way to get these pieces in place is to work with someone else who can, and will, show you or teach you how to do each piece. By "pieces" I mean things such as camera work, loighting, editing, creating and operating a web site, finding on-camera talent, advertising, business record-keeping, banking, and so on. Many college curricula, for example, provide this sort of knowledge (or much of it) through internships. You can probably do the same by arranging your own internships.

Before I built Studio 588, I got most of the relevant "pieces" by creating and running earlier business - most of which, incidentally, ultimately failed.

In the time I have run Studio 588, I have been approached in one way or another by at least a half dozen and probably closer to ten, different individuals who expressed interest in producing quicksand video. None of them took the advice to learn by working with another producer - they all wanted to start as executive producers. And NONE of them has ever produced a single scene so far. One of them, I am told by a third party who was the model, actually went so far as to tentatively book a model for a shoot and then tried to ask the model if she would bring the camera since he didn't have one.

Those of us who have actually produced quicksand videos, all of us currently and recently active, learned what we do by assisting those who preceeded us.

This is some very good info. i have thought about doing my own vids as i will be acquiring some acreage hopefully this year. thankfully i have experience with editing and have a lot of camera equipment, just not of the finding on screen talant part as i am not sure where to go for that here in Australia.

from the Op's clip that was posted, it does look promising but do need a bit more then 9 seconds to make a good judgement. shaky camera work and not being pointed in the right direction is a big killer of any vid but amazingly, Arch enemys pulled it off for a long time.

i do look forward to seeing what u do produce :)
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Re: Input needed on new video project!

Postby qsboots » Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:55 pm

Thanks for all the input! I plan on going full speed this summer with all this. I will be out of the country till then, but would still very much like to keep gathering info, sinking spots, and finding people who would like to be part of this! I will say this, my site will be focused on boots in quicksand, and the damsel in distress aspect. I really like first timers, and the fear in their eyes as they go in. Let's make 2014 the best ever!

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Re: Input needed on new video project!

Postby rgadt » Sun Mar 09, 2014 12:10 am

Hi qsboots:
Being one who frequently searches Youtube for clips of lovely young ladies wearing boots and stepping into deep mud or quicksand, I was very excited to see your clip; however since it was only 9 seconds long it was very difficult to gauge much about the maker, the model, or the intent. Since Youtube's comment feature seems to be intractably screwed up now I am happy to have this opportunity to comment on the clip, and the prospect of more like it in the future is really pleasing! You can search for my username and find my own booted muddy clips as well, if you're curious, and would be happy to chat sometime if you'd like to PM me here :).

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Re: Input needed on new video project!

Postby mudxdresser » Sat Mar 29, 2014 3:32 pm

You're off to a good start, just start filming and see where things go. You will either develop camera technique and the ability to get a good performance out of a model because that was something you were born to do, or you will not. Either way, have fun filming and keep in mind there are really very few film school graduates on the mud network. And, if you get successful enough, you can always hire folks who can do the technical angle if you don't turn out to be able to develop it.

Instead, study the videos that you find erotic or that you think look well filmed, lighted, and framed. Then go out and see if you can reproduce a little of that in your videos. Don't worry too much about editing at first, but when you starting getting good on the other aspects, the place to begin studying editing is Hitchcock's shower scene in Psycho and the opening segment of Stone's Natural Born Killers.

Make sure that you develop a sense of what your videos are going to be about. That means coming to terms with what a fetish is and why no fetish scene ever quite meets the expections of another person's personal fetish. If you are going to do this as a business, you will need to learn to never ask for advice as you will only be redirected into trying to reproduce someone else's perfect fetish scene or validate their self image as an almost ready for Hollywood producer.

Make your videos distinctive in some way. There is a tremendous amount of repetition in the fetish movie busines and all you can do is compete for a tiny piece of a fixed size pie if you are simply making pie. To grow the pie, you will need to be doing something unique and to be better at doing it than those that will inevitably seek to copy your work if you are successful.

I take your nine seconds of video as being more advertisement than anything else. If this is not so, then I suggest asking for specifics such as what do you think of the framing. Did I cut the model or action off? How did I do in lighting a model in black rubber since black is notoriously hard to film? Do the model's facial expressions indicate she is doing a good job of acting turned on or happy or is she just looking kinda freaked by the whole thing? What'da'ya think of the camera angle, would it have been better for me to have been out in front of her in the mud intead of behind her on solid ground?

Good luck on your venture!
Last edited by mudxdresser on Sat May 17, 2014 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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