Lum in the forest

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Lum in the forest

Postby DJlurker » Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:53 am

I've always had ideas for stories jumbling around in my head, but was never motivated enough to put pen to paper, so to speak.... until I saw this: ... -488963609

Even if it's only a pencil sketch, it still kicked my muse into over drive... so enjoy this story inspired by the drawing!

"Darling no baka…"
Lum Invader pushed her way though some brush as she powerwalked through the forest- only to cry out as her long green hair got stuck on yet another branch. She growled as she untangled it before moving on.
"Why did I even listen to Sakura-sensei's suggestion, anyway? 'Go for a walk in the woods,' she said… 'or you'll do something you'll regret,' she said…"
It was Sakura, the nurse-slash-miko, who had told her of this area, a remote area of the Mizunokoji estate where Asuka (and sometimes Tobimaro) lived.
"But isn't that trepassing-tcha?" Lum had questioned at the time.
"I wouldn't worry, Lum," Sakura replied. "From what I've heard, no-one goes out there anyway…"
However, Sakura could not have realized that there was a very good reason that the Mizunokoji clan had purchased that piece of property, and then left it untouched…

"I can't believe him…" Lum muttered as she continued to angrily march through the dense foliage and trees… "Why can't he see that I'm the only girl willing to love him back-tcha? Even after all we've been through togeth- Aggh!"
Lum let loose with an expletive more befitting of her biker friend Benten, as she pulled her hair off ANOTHER branch.
"And I HATE this forest!! If it doesn't open up soon-tcha, I'm going to…"
She never got the time to complete that thought, as the foliage abruptly parted into a field of cattails. Lum breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally…" Continuing to walk onward, at a slightly less brisk pace, she couldn't help but wince as the rough reeds scraped against her bare skin… but they didn't pull her hair, at least. She also noted that the ground was a bit wetter here, and it was causing the soles of her go-go boots to get dirty.
Oh yes… she was going to have a word with Sakura when she got back. But later.

The cattails got more sparse as she walked on, but the ground was becoming more and more moist…and then it happened. Lum nearly fell over as her foot was caught in an inch of mud, her other foot sinking in as well when she put it forward for balance…
"Just great-tcha…now my boots are ruined… Could this get any worse?" Pulling her foot loose, she decided she might as well keep going. "My legs could use the exercise anyway-tcha…"
After all, it was important for someone like her, who had the natural ability to levitate, to not let her leg muscles atrophy by simply flying everywhere… So on she trudged, through the ankle-deep mud, distracting herself by focusing on the slurping sounds the ground made as she pulled one foot up and out, took a step, then pulled up her other foot… But then, suddenly…
*shploop!* Her left leg abruptly sank in to the knee, accompanied by a burst of bubbles from below the surface… Lum cried out in surprise as she reflexively put down her other leg, causing it to get stuck as well…
"W-what the-? What's going on-tcha?!" she yelled, as she began to sink deeper, her knees quickly consumed, feeling the mud on her bare skin now… She attempted to pull up her leg again, only to feel a strong suction holding it in place, accelerating her sinking…
Wait… sinking… sucking… bubbling… could this be…
"Da'tcha!" cried Lum as realization dawned. "Is this.. what the people of this planet call…

She had seen it before, in a movie on the TV. A pretty damsel fleeing danger, only for the ground to melt beneath her, causing her to utterly panic and scream for help… Of course, the hero had come and rescued her in the end.
Lum had scoffed at it at the time. Ground that swallowed you up? Really? And she had said as much to her Darling, Ataru Moroboshi, who had been watching the movie with her.
"I mean, seriously-tcha? Nothing exists like that on my home planet… and why is it called 'quick-sand'? That didn't even look sandy! Why not 'quick-mud', or just 'sinking-mud'?"
"Beats me," Ataru shrugged. "They've been calling it that since long before I was born…"

Of course, Lum was feeling quite foolish now, since she was now sinking past her bikini bottoms in the real deal… the quicksand continuing to release bubbles all around her… She couldn't help but note that she wasn't being *sucked* down, per se, but it only sucked on her legs when she tried to pull *up*… Still, it was easy to see where that misconception came from.
"If only I'd noticed sooner… I could've just flew away-tcha…" But it was far too late for that now. Instead, she slowly twisted from side to side, trying to loosen the mud's grip… to no avail. She wasn't exactly scared, even as her belly button vanished into the goo, but more along the lines of… fascinated.
"How deep is this quick-sand, anyway? Is it really… bottomless?" She pushed on the surface with her hands, in an attempt to push herself up… it seemed to work, for a few seconds… But then her arms plunged into the mud, and when she tried to pull them out, she felt the same suction she'd felt on her legs…
Lum was panting a bit now, as her bust began to settle into the mud,wondering if she would go all the way down… But just as she was thinking that, she felt her descent slow, and then stop completely. Her feet didn't feel any solid ground, but she wasn't sinking any further, either. She looked down at her breasts, watching as bubbles continued to pop in the mud in front of her, albeit much more slowly then before.
Now that she was no longer sinking, Lum was able to think a little more clearly. Of course she wouldn't sink all the way under, it was simple physics. After all, you floated in water, and this mud was obviously much thicker than water, so…
"Now I feel really stupid… I should've known better-tcha…" She craned her head to look behind her, seeing her footprints in the shallower mud… "If I hadn't gotten my arms stuck, I could've reached behind me and pulled myself out-tcha…" Still, she wasn't too worried.
She continued to shift her body around in the quicksand, feeling the sliminess of it caressing her bare skin… slurping on her bikini top and breasts… her previous anger all but forgotten… Lum sighed in contentment. It was actually quite peaceful out here…
"Help, help…" she said softly. "I'm sinking in quick-sand… someone save me, please…" Lum abruptly dissolved into giggles at how ridiculous she sounded. A movie actor, she wasn't.
(Still, I wonder,) she thought to herself, (What would Darling do if he found me stuck like this? Go and run for help? Try to rescue me himself? Or… maybe just watch…?)
A light blush tinged Lum's cheeks at this last thought…

Eventually, Lum figured out a way to move her arms out of the quicksand, and back-stroked her way back to the shallower mud. From there, it was a simple matter to levitate herself clear, and begin wiping the mud from her body.
(There's no way I can get *all* the mud off here, especially since it's in my hair,) she thought. (Good thing I've got a shower in my flying saucer…) So once she had gotten off as much as she could, she called for her saucer, which arrived promptly. As she flew up towards it, she had two things on her mind…
First, she was going to return sometime, and hopefully convince her Darling Ataru to come with her…
Second… she was going to have a word with Sakura when she got back. And thank her profusely.
Last edited by DJlurker on Sun Oct 19, 2014 1:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Lum in the forest

Postby PM2K » Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:03 am

Gawd! I loved this! :D Always imagined Lum in this situation. Thanks for putting it into prose. :D

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Re: Lum in the forest

Postby DJlurker » Sun Oct 19, 2014 1:15 pm

Thanks, PM2K. I thought you'd like it. :)
As you can likely see, I borrowed from your writing style a bit... Hope you don't mind. ;)

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Re: Lum in the forest

Postby PM2K » Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:37 am

DJlurker wrote:Thanks, PM2K. I thought you'd like it. :)
As you can likely see, I borrowed from your writing style a bit... Hope you don't mind. ;)

Not at all. :D

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Re: Lum in the forest

Postby TBoneTony » Thu Apr 30, 2015 2:42 pm

I wonder if Lum was ever trapped in quicksand in the original series?

Like she does have that tiger skin bikini look of her, she would have been perfect for the role.

Either way, if I was ever doing animation someday one of my goals is always to have an anime girl in quicksand.

Recent series like Leviathan Last Defence episode 2 gives me hope that animators from Japan have not forgotten about the quicksand genre.

But each year it is harder and harder to find those rare gems, much less finding anything that gets released onto DVD.

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Re: Lum in the forest

Postby PM2K » Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:46 pm

TBoneTony wrote:I wonder if Lum was ever trapped in quicksand in the original series?

Like she does have that tiger skin bikini look of her, she would have been perfect for the role.

Either way, if I was ever doing animation someday one of my goals is always to have an anime girl in quicksand.

Recent series like Leviathan Last Defence episode 2 gives me hope that animators from Japan have not forgotten about the quicksand genre.

But each year it is harder and harder to find those rare gems, much less finding anything that gets released onto DVD.

Alas, no... :(

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